• Published 18th Nov 2022
  • 1,236 Views, 48 Comments

The Murder at Mane Melody - Lulamoon-Crystal

A body was found in Pipp’s salon, Mane Melody. It’s time for Zipp to get on the case

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The Questioning

Zipp allowed about ten minutes to pass before the questioning. It would be better if everyone had calmed down a bit more... Everyone had agreed to not let anyone in or out of the salon until the interrogating was done. But she needed a room to do it in. Best to do one at a time. So no one interrupted or spoke over anyone else.

There was a room to use instead the storage room. It was next to the back of the stage, where ponies got ready to be onstage, she assumed. But right now this was going to be the interrogating room. After setting up a desk in the room with a chair on either side of it, she called up her first suspect.

First up was Rocky. He gulped nervously as he entered, he felt a bit nervous about the whole thing. The room was dark as he nervously sat on the other side of the desk. Zipp’s drone was creating a light above them both. Making it seem more ominous.

“Rocky Riff...” Zipp said bluntly, “I call you in to interrogate you about the murder of Jazz Hooves... so I want you to answer each question honestly. Every bit of detail with no lies.” Zipp pointed at him as she held a pencil. A notebook was open in front of her as she wore a serious face.

“Got it,” Rocky nodded, a bit nervous. He ruffled his wings slightly as he prepares for the question.

“What were you doing in the afternoon and on the night of Jazz’s demise?” Zipp asked as she glared at him.

“W-welll...” Rocky nervously responded, “I was snacking on some berries while I was waiting for a customer. They were berries only we pegasi can digest, I’m sure you know what ones they are. Anyway, It was a slow day and my cousin brought me some those berries from Zephyr Heights when she came to visit, they are only available there and I like them. I placed the berries into the room where we prepare snacks and drinks, knowing that Pipp wouldn’t give them to a non-pegasus. Anyway... Well... I had a hoof-full that I snacked on that afternoon. But while I was in that room, putting the remaining berries in my hoof back in the jar, the lights shut off for a moment.” He paused for a break, watching Zipp write things down.

“Anything else? What happened after the lights were shut off?” She asked, ignoring the feeling that she was missing an important question.

Rocky nodded before answering, “Well... they came back on quickly. But I did get a text. From my cousin... Rain Cloud... So I had to leave a bit early,” He then gained a very confused expression, “Apparently she locked herself in my bathroom? Not sure how she managed that... but the doorknob was really stuck tight! Took a few hours to get it open, oh, and apparently she managed to get her hoof stuck in the bath drain...” He shrugged, “That was one of the weirdest ways I’ve seen a pony get stuck... like really stuck! It was almost like she superglued her hoof there!”

“Weird...” Zipp agreed with him as she wrote stuff down.

“So, who was in the salon before you left?”

Rocky took a moment to think, “Posey... Pipp, Jazz and Dr. G...” He muttered before recalling something. That Dr was the same one who hung up on him. Did something happen at Mane Melody? Because he seemed pretty upset about it earlier.

“Mmhmmm...” Zipp noted, “Thank you for your time, Rocky, but I may call you back... just tell Pipp to come here okay?”

Rocky sighed as he nodded, “Alright...”

Pipp was sitting on the other side of the desk. She wasn’t crying anymore, but she had blood-shot eyes as she stared at Zipp. She sighed softly as she looked at her, “Princess Pipp Petals...” She said softly, “I’ll need you to answer these questions honestly,”

Pipp nodded, “Anything to get that murderer what they deserve...”

It hurt her to see Pipp like this. All glum, lacking her energy and enthusiasm. “Pipp... in the afternoon and night of Jazz’s demise... what were you doing?” She was going to be patient with her. Because this must be so hard for her.

“I...” Pipp sighed. “I was styling Dr. G’s mane... he wanted silver glitter in his mane, so I went to get some from the storage room. The lights shut off. Of course, I waited for the lights to come back on! Well anyway... I grabbed the glitter and returned to him to see he was out of his seat! Turns out he changed his mind on the glitter as he was called back to work-“ Pipp looked down. Sniffling a bit as Zipp wrote the information.

“A-anything else you want to share?” She asked, wanting some more information.

“Well...” Pipp sniffled, “Jazz was still painting Posey’s hooves when I was done styling that guy’s mane...” She muttered a bit, her stomach hurt as she thought of her. Never did she think that would have been the last time she saw her... if only she could have done something. Maybe it would have saved her life.

Zip nodded slightly, wanting answers but not wanting to push her sister at such a time. “It’s okay Pipp, take your time...”

“Shortly after Rocky left, Dahlia entered to get her hooves painted. Meanwhile, I was in the other room preparing the drink... I showed her the recipe. and she was excited to try it...” She then looked around, “Of course I waited till the customers were all gone, and we closed up. I prepared the drinks. Well... she seemed... interested?”

Pipp took a pause as she pictured her last moments with her. She seemed happy... something she’d never see again. “That was the last time I saw her... she took a few sips as I drank mine happily... since you had texted me that dinner was getting cold, and it was my turn to do the dishes, I decided it was time to head home...” Pipp glanced at Zipp who had a moment of guilt. “She agreed to clean up before she left, so... that’s it...”

“Pipp...” Zipp finished writing. “That’s a lot of information... thank you...” She felt bad for Pipp. Something cheerful and happy. Not knowing she was going to have a fright the next morning and never seeing her friend again. “But I have two more questions...”


“What did you put in the drink?” She questioned, “Anything she was allergic to?”

“No...” Sighed Pipp, “I would never put her allergies anywhere near her...” She looked down, “It was blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, sugar and some alcohol blended up... along with a bit of lime juice” She put on a slight smile, “We both thought it smelt a bit weird, but no one got hurt from it...”

Zipp nodded, “Thank you... but I’ll need to talk to Dahlia and Posey later... and I suggest you have the day off... same with Rocky...”

Pipp nodded.

After finding and questioning Dahlia and Posey, Zipp made her way to the Brighthouse. Posey and Dahlia didn’t have much to say, as they didn’t spend such time at the salon. But she felt she had enough information to work with. Hopefully, the hospital would allow her to investigate the body again if she needed.

Also, she wasn’t able to question Dr. G. That was because he was busy with stuff. Meaning she needed to remember to see him later. But it can’t have been him who killed Jazz. He’s a friend to so many ponies, including foals!

She slowly made her way to the bedroom, she was going to do her research at her desk. After opening the door, she saw Pipp huddled up on her bed, watching videos and looking at images of her and Jazz. Zipp didn’t want to disturb her, so she went to her desk and put everything down, ready to work on the mystery further.

She looked at her notes, “Pipp, can you send me the camera footage from your salon? Just from yesterday afternoon and night...”

“Sure...” Pipp softly responded.

Hours went past. She was still on the case. Of course she wasn’t going to spend all day on it, however. She, of course, had other plans. Like taking Cloudpuff to his vet visit late in the afternoon. Also, it was a bit of a flight between Maretine Bay and Zephyr Heights. Earlier she did help Sunny with the smoothie deliveries like she promised the other day.

But now it was to settle down and get this mystery solved! Doesn’t matter how long it will take!

She worked on it for a while...

she was able to identify the toxic levels in the mouth foam. It was surprisingly low, and she couldn’t figure where it came from.

Unfortunatley, since she needed to get Cloudpuff to his vet visit on time. She had to start flying, on her way to Zephyr Heights right about now. After an annoyed groan, she left the town, flying quickly. Ready to take Cloudpuff to his vet visit.