• Published 10th Apr 2023
  • 10,464 Views, 576 Comments

High Score! - DanishDash

Princess Luna transport her human online gaming friend to Equestria. Turns out it can really mess with ones biology if you are sucked through a gaming console, and through a magical connection. He is a pony for one, and for some reason he is Lv 1?!

  • ...

Chapter 7: Tweinstein

Felix yawned.

It had been four hours since Celestia had introduced Twilight Sparkle – level 17 – and the first hour had been pretty fun. Twinkle Sprinkle – he'd resorted to nicknaming her whatever he could come up with to pass the time – had an avalanche of questions about the human world, and it was always nice for a history nerd to have an attentive audience to lecture to. He'd left out the gruesome details, but filled in with general knowledge like how society worked.

Unfortunately, after that things got more technical as he got bombarded with questions about how he felt and what he'd experienced. Twiggly Wiggly and Celestia had alternated questioning him and casting some sort of scanning magic, and past that second hour he was totally lost as they delved into pure discussion of magic theory between themselves and Luna.

Magic theory was not a field Felix was very conversant with, on account of it not even being a field back home, so where did that leave him?

Heh, Twirly Spurry.

+1 XP!

At one point, Felix had been so bored stiff he'd taken a moment to consult the interface – or perhaps it was The Interface (tm) now – to see if there was any possible productive thing he could be doing.

As if hearing his desperate cries for a quest, he'd been given an optional grind-objective of coming up with nicknames for Tim Tam, and each one that he genuinely found funny gave him one point of experience.

It was utterly silly, but it was technically a productive task, right?

That's right, Twilligan Spriggan (+1 XP!), you tell Celestia about how the magic weave is too frayed for proper analysis, whatever the hell that means. From what Felix had gathered, Luna had used her computer to reach out into the cosmos for any dimension with more computer games she could play, and that was how she'd found his home dimension.

It sounded very fancy. Glyphs, dimensions, matrices, there was even a reference to differential equations in there. And, apparently, all too tangled up and exploded and faded and whatever for them to figure out what the hell she'd done or how to reverse or recreate it.


Still, apparently Twitchy Squiggle (+1 XP!) was the best mage in the world, or something, so he figured she'd probably sort it out sooner or later. Felix had seen this sort of thing once or twice – when someone is very competent at something, they tend to ramble about how something is impossible at great lengths, and in doing so identify each and every specific way it can't be done – and of course laying it all out like that, they inevitably find some weakness in that armor and, boom, solve the problem.

He very much got that vibe off of... off of...

Twilight Sparklebutt, of the east-coast Sparklebutts, renowned archmage and student of Celestia herself. Lady Sparklebutt to you, peasant!

+1 XP!

He snickered and rolled his eyes, only to jump slightly as a voice jolted him from nearby.

"That bored, huh?"

Felix looked over and saw a small purple lizard-person standing next to the couch, smirking at him. Oh yeah, Twerper-derp (+1 XP!) had introduced them briefly, earlier – apparently, this was a dragon, here? Celestia's smirk when she told him so made him suspect they had the bigger sort, too, so she was just messing with him. This one must be young.

What was his name, again?

"Spiky, right?" Felix asked, a little unsure.

The little dragon chuckled, shaking his head. "Close, but no." He held out his claws with a friendly smile. "I'm Spike. Nice to meet you, Felix."

Spike: Lv 5.

Felix smiled back and reached out to awkwardly shake the claw with his hoof.. "Nice to meet you too, little dude. So you came with Twiggles?"

Spike blinked at the name, then let out a small laugh, trying not to be too loud so as not to disturb the others. "Oh yeah, we arrived a few hours ago," Spike answered, climbing onto the couch and sitting down beside Felix. "I'm guessing you have no idea what they're talking about?"

Felix's smile turned sheepish. "Is it that obvious?"

Spike grinned. "Don't feel too bad, I have a hard time following along half the time too, and I live with Twilight."

For a moment, Felix wondered what sort of relationship the two had. Pet? No, he could speak, don't be dense. Just because they're different species doesn't mean they can't be family. Adopted brother, maybe? Or maybe they're just roommates?

"Live together, huh? You two family? I don't really know how that sort of thing works, here."

When in doubt, always reinforce that you have no fucking clue what you're doing! People might forget, otherwise, and then they'd judge you! Oh, the horror.

But seriously, best to remind people, or they might be confused at the lack of basic knowledge. Spike seemed a little thrown by it for just a second, hesitating and chewing his lip over. Uh-oh, was this something complicated?

"Uh... sort of. I've lived with Twilight ever since she hatched me."

"Uhm, what?" Images of Tryhard Sparkplug (+1 XP!) sitting on an egg came to mind, but were swiftly interrupted by the growl of his stomach – which seemed to be making a good effort at roaring rather than just growling. Yowza.

Now both princesses, Triforce Speedrunner (+1 XP!), and Spike were all staring at him, prompting an uneasy grin from Felix. "S-sorry, I guess I've gotten pretty hungry? I didn't even really notice." Given he hadn't eaten since breakfast, it was to be expected, really.

Luna stifled a giggle while Celestia smiled warmly and said,. "It would seem we have missed lunch. No matter! Spike, could you be so kind as to show Felix to the kitchen?"

Spike jumped off the couch with an enthusiastic energy. "Sure thing! Come on, Felix, follow me!"

Felix followed the little dragon out into the hallway, glancing back at Celestia briefly, but she was just all encouraging smiles and apparent obliviousness to the fact this made him a bit uncomfortable.

It almost felt like the children had been sent to get some snacks from the fridge while the adults finished their conversation. Celestia wouldn't see it that way, he figured, and he knew he had nothing to contribute, but still.

The past hour he had just kind of switched off, so maybe this was a good excuse for him to get some air. They could return after a late lunch, and he could resume coming up with funny names for Twiggle Pigs (+1 XP!).

"Hey, Spike?"


"What did you mean when you said she hatched you?"

"Oh, that?" Spike smirked. "Twilight had to hatch me from my egg as an entrance exam for Celestia's school."

"Are you serious?" Felix asked in disbelief. "Uhm, okay, so that's a thing. That's not how we do it in my dimension. I can't imagine going to an entrance exam back in my world, and then suddenly they bring in a screaming pregnant woman, telling me to deliver the baby as my test."

Spike snickered, then looked at Felix with curiosity. "So you really are from another dimension?"


"What's it like in your world?"

"Hmmm. Well, it's kinda hard to describe. I guess you can say we share similarities, but humans don't have magic at all. In my world, the sun isn't moved by anybody. We don't have all these fantastical creatures you have here, only in fantasy books."

"So there's no dragons either?" Spike asked.

"No, but we do have ponies, although they are nothing like ponies in this world."

Spike tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"Most of them are bigger, bulkier, no wings or horns, and they're not sapient. Nothing in my world is, except humans.." Felix thought how to best describe them. "In fact, other than the general shape, there really aren't many similarities between ponies from your world, and ponies in mine."

"Wow, so humans are the only sapient species in your world?"

Felix nodded. "Yeah. Probably for the best, we have, ah... plenty of trouble getting along with each-other as it is. How about you, Spike?"

"Me?" Spike actually seemed a little surprised.

"Yeah, what's your story? Do you have a family?"

Spike thought about it. "Twilight's like my big sister – I've been with her my whole life. Plus, I am her number one assistant!"

"Really, then who is number two?"

Spike flinched. "Uhm, actually, I'm her only assistant..." He replied sheepishly.

Felix chuckled. "Then I guess you must be doing a good job, or a lot of work."

"You have no idea..." Spike said, letting out a long breath, but still smiled. "Twilight is great, but she can be a bit much when she goes all obsessive mode." He quickly looked at Felix. "Don't get me wrong, I love her a lot."

Felix grinned at the little dragon. "Don't worry, Spike. I didn't think you didn't. I have siblings too, I know how it is. You love them, but you still get tired of their habits or quirks."

Spike relaxed. "What siblings do you have?"

"I have three siblings – an older sister and a younger brother and sister. We have the same mother, but... well, it's a little complicated, but we all love each other."

Probably better not to dive into too much detail, Felix figured. Spike didn't seem put off or anything, instead perking up, eyes wide.

"Wow, so you have three siblings? That must be a lot to handle, I've just got Twilight and Shining Armor."

Who was Shining Armor? Eh, Felix figured he'd find out soon enough, and nodded. "That's nothing really, my mom has eight sisters." He laughed. "Pretty awesome when you get to have eight doting aunties who love to spoil their nephew with treats and toys whenever you visit." Felix continued to laugh, memories flooding through him of his large and close family.

But the more he remembered, the more he thought, the more guilt crept into him. His laughter slowly died out, same with his smile. He became quiet, his trotting the only sound around him as him and Spike walked. "I should have made a bigger effort to spend more time with them..." Felix finally said, although had not meant to voice it out loud.

Before, time seemed to be on his side. There had always been time for a phone call or a visit, which was why it was never urgent. Now though, he wished he had called every week, visited more, made more of an effort. Now though, he didn't even know if he would ever see them again.

Life really does come at you fast. You never know when the end will come, for you or your loved ones, and Felix was just starting to really grasp that. He hadn't lost anyone in his family to sudden tragedy, but he'd heard that same bit about how you always wish you'd spent more time when you had the chance from those who had.

Damn, so that was him, now, huh? If he never made it back...

"Don't worry," Spike said suddenly, gaining Felix's attention once more. "If anypony can help you, it's Twilight and the princesses. They will find a way. Trust me!"

Felix looked at the little dragon, his smile and utter confidence in Twilight and the princesses were rather encouraging, and Felix couldn't help but smile a little once more.

"Thanks, Spike..."

The dragon grinned. "No problem! Now let's get something to eat! I can almost taste the gems!" He licked his lips, and the two resumed their walk.

"You eat gems?

One visit to the royal kitchen and sandwich later, the two of them returned to find Twilight talking at what seemed like a million words per minute to the princesses, only to stop abruptly when she spotted Felix.

"Felix!" She exclaimed happily.

"Uhm, hi, Twil—EEP!" Before he knew it, he was snatched by Twilight's magic, and pulled closer to her and the princesses.

"Gotta buff my magic resistance, clearly," he mumbled.

"I have good news!" Twilight grinned, puffing out her chest in pride. "I think I have found a way to send you home!"

Felix's eyes lit up. "Really?!"

Twilight nodded energetically. "Yup! it shouldn't take more than a year, give or take."

"A year? Oh, well, that's still really good news!" Felix smiled, a little bummed out that it would perhaps take a year to send him home, but at least he would be going home!

"Twilight," Celestia's voice was calm, and both she and Luna seemed more reserved, Felix noted. "Perhaps it would be best if we fill him in before we start celebrating?"

Twilight giggled sheepishly and took a moment to calm down. Felix sat down to listen intently – it was clear she was winding up to something.

"Okay, so we discussed your situation, and we have come up with a lot of theories on how to send you home safely to your own dimension." Twilight explained, taking on that unmistakable teacher-voice. "Basically, we are facing three main problems. 1: We need to find your dimension. 2: We have to build a connection between our dimensions, and 3: we have to make sure it is safe for you to use."

Felix nodded, glad Twilight explained this in simple terms. "Now, from what princess Luna explained about her spell, I would say her computer worked much like a radio, with her magic working through it as a sort of transmitter. If we pretend that all the other dimensions are radio frequencies, then—"

"Then you need to find my dimension's frequency again?"

Twilight nodded. "Exactly, and that can be a bit tricky. Still, I think it will be much simpler once we get Princess Luna's computer repaired. Then if we assume your computer may not be broken, then perhaps we can reestablish the link as it was, and if that is the case, it would solve our two other problems in one easy swoop!"

Felix nodded. "So, if we can find my computer, then we have a dimension, and a safe destination for me?"

"Exactly!" Twilight smiled.

Felix smiled, getting more hopeful by the second. "That's amazing, Twilight!"

Celestia cleared her throat – in that oh-so-polite hey-look-at-me sort of way. The more serious expression she wore told Felix she did not share in the same hopes as Twilight.

"Felix, what my student has told you so far is true," Celestia admitted. "That being said, this is very complex magic, and things may not go so easily as we hope. If we can tag your dimension again using Luna's computer, then, yes, things will be greatly simplified, but... I don't want you to be devastated if things don't work out that way."

Felix nodded with a shrug. "Sure, I figured as much. But having a chance to get this done easily and quickly is still a major step-up from where we were this morning. If it doesn't work out?" He gave another shrug. "Then we're just back to where we were before. This is still good news on balance. Every spin of the wheel is a chance to win, right?"

Twilight cocked her head in confusion, but Celestia nodded. Luna did as well, and put in, "Perhaps we shall be lucky, and have you home within a year."

The sad look in her eyes told Felix she didn't have much confidence in that really happening. Felix let out a sigh, and put on a small smile. "Okay, okay, I get it. This is going to be hard, and we are hoping for a Hail Mary. However, we have a plan, and it is more possible than we thought before to send me home, yes?" Celestia and Luna both nodded. "Then that is good enough for me, knowing there is a chance, and we have a plan."

He let out a long, relieved sigh. "There is a chance, and we have a plan. I'm lucky we have that much."

Twilight trotted over, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Felix. I promise I will help in any way I can." Then her smile widened. "In the meantime, you should take your time and see Equestria! There is so much to see and learn!"

Felix grinned. Tweinstein (+1 XP!) had a point. Equestria was a whole new world, and there was so much to see, so much he could learn. A year was a long time away from his family, but he couldn't do anything about it, and it would help no one if he just sat and waited in his room. He might as well spend the year getting to know Equestria!

"Why don't we go to explore Canterlot tomorrow?" Twilight asked. "Spike and I can take the afternoon train back to Ponyville, then there will be plenty of time for us to go around and see the city."

"Oh, that sounds like a great idea!" Felix responded, actually feeling kind of excited. He hadn't really gotten a good look at the city, other than from an occasional window view.

"Then I believe we have a plan," Celestia said with a smile. "We will begin preparations, and work on getting you home Felix. In the meantime, you can stay here at the palace, and suggest that you make good use of your time here." She smiled, seeming to beam at the idea of him exploring her and Luna's kingdom. "I'm sure Luna would love to accompany you from time to time as well."

Luna glanced at her sister, then at Felix before she returned to shuffling a little in place. Felix grinned, trotting up to Luna. "We are going on our very own adventure, Lulu! Isn't that great! Imagine all the XP we can harvest on the way!" He paused. "Oh, yeah, uh... I forgot to mention something..."

Felix shuffled sheepishly as all three mares stared at him. "Uhm, Luna, is it normal for ponies to have a real HUD perspective?"

Luna looked confused. "Excuse me?"

"Like, is the normal to see names and levels floating above other ponies heads, or get experience points and level up?" Felix almost mumbled as he was starting to admit what he had seen. He didn't really want to pack it in, and so just admitted it right then and there. "Because, I have those things. That's a thing. A thing that is happening to me."

Twilight looked completely lost, while Celestia had a mix of confusion and concern on her face.

Luna seemed baffled as well at first, but then her face lit up with recognition.

"I felt something strange at the training yard – was that related?" Luna asked, trotting closer to Felix, her eyes looking him up and down as she examined him.

"Yeah, I think so..."

Felix started to explain everything he had seen, felt, and experienced. He told them in great detail about when he entered a sort of real dream, how he had attributes, and could apparently level up, and manipulate his talents. It was only Luna who understood what he described, but as he expected, she was perplexed how any of this was possible.

While Celestia and Twilight may not understand the game mechanics aspects, they did understand how unusual and significant this was. Luna did her best to help explain it to them, which helped a lot, but even then it was hard to tell how much they understood of it.

"So, if I understand you right, you can manipulate your strengths after gaining enough experience through doing certain tasks?" Twilight asked, almost shaking from excitement.

"Yes, exactly. In the training yard, I leveled up and pumped my agility."

Luna nodded. "That's why I felt that strange shift in you, and why you did much better at the obstacle course."

He looked at her, a little unsure. "I don't know about the first, but definitely yes to the second." Felix looked down at his hoof, scraping a little at the carpet below him. "Sorry for not mentioning it before, I wasn't really sure how to bring it up before I knew if it was real or not."

Celestia trotted over to him, and he looked up. She smiled kindly. "It is alright, Felix. I understand there is so much happening around you, I'm sure you had a lot on your mind."

"No kidding..." Felix admitted, smiling back.

"I think we should stop for today, and discuss this in more detail on a later point." Celestia said, looking at them all. "Later we can all eat dinner together, but for now I think it would be best if we relax. I'm afraid I have to return to my duties, perhaps you would like to join me Luna?"

Luna looked at her sister, hesitating for maybe a second or two, but then nodded. "I would like that," she said with a small smile. Celestia looked very happy, but in a more calm and controlled way.

Twilight clapped her hooves together. "I will go to the library! Spike, I will need your help!" She declared, and the little dragon nodded without much enthusiasm.

"I think I will go take a bath or something, maybe take a nap..." Felix yawned a little, his mind and body were both spent. "See you ladies later." And with that, the group parted.

Felix was glad to have told Celestia and Luna the truth. He was equally glad that they didn't make a big deal out of it, as in, screaming thousands of questions at him. No doubt they wanted to know more in time, and Felix was happy to provide them any answers he could give.

For now though, he was just happy to get a chance to rest...

Author's Note:

A massive thank you to SoloBrony for editing this chapter!