• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,219 Views, 112 Comments

Nicholas & The Crystal Star - DanishDash

It is but a few days until hearth's warming eve, and lately Nicholas has been feeling restless. Haunted by dreams about a Crystal Star, Nicholas and Applejack travels north to find answers. It is time for Nicholas to find out who he is meant to be.

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Chapter 2: Visitors

It was late afternoon as Applejack made her way through the Everfree forest. Something that she would have once done with trepidation, but now did with the same calm as if she was heading out into the apple orchard. The place was still strange, and had a wild and chaotic energy to it, but she had grown used to it over the years.

Nicholas never had a fear of the Everfree, and ever since moving into the forest, he had learned quite a lot about it. It was knowledge he gladly shared, although many ponies still kept well away from it. Applejack on the other hoof, she had grown more accustomed to it, and was now frequently making trips through the forest to visit her old childhood friend.

Applejack and Nicholas had always stuck together as kids. He had been there on their first day of school, and he had been there when she lost her parents. Applejack had been there when Nicholas started his gift giving project, and helped him prepare for it. On that very first night, she had waited for him outside on the porch of her farm, ready with a hot cup of coco. That had become a yearly tradition now, year after year, when he had finished delivering the last gift, she would wait for him at the porch, always ready with a hot cup of coco.

Of course their lives had changed quite a bit since they were kids. She had grown up to look after the family farm, alongside her two siblings, and her grandma. Nicholas had moved into the Everfree, which was something Applejack could understand on one hoof, but then again couldn't. She could understand he valued some privacy, being the only human in the world, it had to be hard to get a reminder of that each day. Then again, he had never been ridiculed, feared, or disliked for not being a pony. Everypony in Ponyville accepted him as who he was, that was the whole reason for Nicholas to make presents for them each year.

Still, Nicholas preferred to live as he did, so who was she to fault him for it? Smiling to herself, she made her way down the path, over the little river, and arrived safely at Nicholas's house. Already she could see the smokestack sticking out of the hill, and the round windows. He had really made his home cozy over the years.

She was just about to trot up to the door and knock, when she heard footsteps walking across the snow. Applejack turned towards the sound, and noticed her good friend coming her way. Nicholas wore a thick woolen coat that kept him warm, even from here she could see his breath steaming the air.

"Well howdy there, Nicholas!" She greeted cheerfully.

Nicholas stopped and looked up. When he was who it was, his whole face lit up, and he smiled brightly. "Applejack!" He laughed, making his way towards her. "How good to see you again, how's Ponyville?"

Applejack chuckled. "You would know if you showed up more often." She teased, nudging him with her hoof. "This kind of hermit life seems so lonely."

Nicholas waved the comment off. "I know, but I'm not alone, I have the elves, and my family is only a short trip away, and let us not forget that you have a habit of visiting me."

"Well you're lucky I even made this trip, mister."

"It's because you love me." Nicholas teased, and Applejack laughed. "You want some tea?"

Applejack smiled, "I would love some."

Smiling back, Nicholas took Applejack to the front door of his home. Like the windows, it was round, but just a lot bigger. Applejack had been here many times before, but somehow she was always in awe of Nicholas's home. It had been built into a hill, the tunnels that made the home's hallways were lined with wooden floors, walls, and ceilings.

The rooms were a mix between big and small, but there was always a sort of mess to it. Not that the home was dirty in any way, the elves kept the place really clean, but there were always drawings laying around, or half-finished models, or toys. Had Nicholas been a pony his cutie mark would likely have been one about making toys, or being quite the clutterhead.

Still, even the little piles of tools, drawings, and toys kind of had a charm to them. His home felt like her own, it was a home, it had personality, and it felt like the whole place was giving you a warm hug as you entered. Smirking, Applejack looked over her shoulder at him.

"Still as messy as ever, hm?"

Nicholas blushed, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I've been busy." He said as he took off his large overcoat, and hung it by the door.

"Busy?" Applejack repeated. "Thought you had everything ready for hearth's warming eve?" She asked, and followed him into the living room.

The living room was probably the biggest room in his home, not counting the secret workshop of course. It had a small couch and armchair near the fireplace, which was crackling and casting the room in an orange glow. To the far side there was an opening in the wall, leading into the small kitchen. Already Applejack could smell freshly baked cookies, and the smell of cocoa and chocolate.

"I am," replied Nicholas as he gestured to her usual seat on the couch. "But I have had a lot on my mind." He vanished through the entrance to the kitchen, and she could hear him move around, and get the kettle and the cups.

Applejack in the meantime sat down on the couch, and held out her hooves towards the fireplace, enjoying the wave of warmth that washed over her. Then suddenly, a white elf jumped up beside her, Applejack recognized her immediately. "Hello there, Mina." She greeted with a friendly smile.

"Applejack, cé chomh deas tú a fheiceáil!" The elf greeted.

The mare chuckled. "It's nice to see you too." Applejack had gotten much better at understanding the little elves over the years, although she wasn't as fluent as Nicholas, but he also lived with them, so he had a lot more practice time. Still, she could understand most of what they were saying without too much trouble.

Glancing towards the kitchen, she saw her friend move around, preparing a tray with tea and snacks. Leaning closer to Mina, Applejack spoke softly. "Is Nicholas okay? He seems a little distant." She wasn't sure if distant was the right word to use, but she had always been good at reading Nicholas whenever something was bothering him.

Apparently she had been right on the money, because Mina seemed to share her worries. "Tá na brionglóidí seo aige le déanaí. Tá mé beagáinín buartha..."

Applejack frowned. "Dreams? What kind of dreams?"

"What are you two whispering about?" Nicholas's voice suddenly sounded behind them. Sitting up quickly, Applejack watched as Nicholas made his way over, and placed the tray on the wooden coffee table in front of the couch. Looking at his old friend, Nicholas let out a small defeated chuckle. "Guess I should have expected it..." He said as he let himself sit down on the soft armchair.

Applejack blushed a little. "Well, I've known you long enough to know when something is on your mind, Nicholas." She said, smiling sheepishly.

Mina looked down, trying to look more innocent. Nicholas just smiled at her. "It's okay, Mina, she was bound to figure it out anyway." He held out a hand, and Mina instantly hurried over the back of the couch, and leaped into his hand. Chuckling, Nicholas held her close, and scratched her behind the ears, earning him a satisfied purr from the little elf.

"Mina says you've been having dreams?"

Nicholas let out a small sigh, nodding a little. "Yeah, the same one each night for the entire month." He held his hand to the floor, and Mina jumped down. He looked at Applejack, shrugging a little. "The thing is, it doesn't feel like a dream. I swear I can wake up in the morning, and I can still feel the wind on my skin."

"Tell me about it."

And so Nicholas did. He told Applejack everything he could remember, from him walking through the desert of snow, to falling, the unknown Alicorn, and of course the crystal star he kept seeing. Applejack was no stranger to odd dreams, they even had a princess who had the ability of entering dreams, if anypony could help, it would be princess Luna.

When Nicholas finished explaining, she aired this idea. "We could go visit Twilight tomorrow, she can write a letter to princess Luna and ask for advice." Then Applejack grinned. "Twilight has also been dying to meet ya."

Nicholas smiled a little. He had never actually met Twilight Sparkle, although he had seen her around quite a few times. "You think she would be willing to help?"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Of course she will, sugarcube. Just try and stop her." Nicholas let out a laugh, Twilight had quite the reputation, just like the other mares she had befriended. They were quite the celebrities now, and their adventures always amused Nicholas greatly. "Don't you fret, we can go see her tomorrow if you like?"

"That would be great, if you are sure I won't be a bother."

Again Applejack rolled her eyes. "I promise, you won't be a bother. Twilight will be excited to meet you, she only recently found out you actually existed."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Applejack nodded. "She was very excited to meet you, and the others missed you a lot as well."

Nicholas chuckled a little, leaning over towards the coffee table, and started to serve the tea. "Well it has been some time since I last saw any of them. How are they doing?" He asked, pouring some tea for Applejack, who gratefully took the cup as he offered it to her.

"They are doing great. Fluttershy has some time to relax, as most of her animals are hibernating. Rainbow Dash is still practicing some of her new stunts. You know her, crazier than a rattlesnake in a rolling barrel." The two shared a chuckle. "As for Rarity, she is out looking for a tree this year."

"I thought she only got those plastic ones?"

Applejack shrugged, taking a sip of her warm tea before continuing. "I think Sweetie Belle managed to convince her. Oh, speaking of which." Applejack put down the cup, and reached up under her hat, pulling out three envelopes. "From the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Nicholas let out a jolly laugh, and reached over to take it. "Another one? Must be the fourth one this month alone. What did they do this time?"

"Long story." Applejack grinned, and waved her hoof. "Let's just say they learned their lesson."

"Well, you can tell them I overlook whatever they are begging for forgiveness for this time." Nicholas chuckled, and put the letter down for late reading.

"Pinkie is, well, Pinkie. She is busy baking all sorts of treats for this year." She continued, smirking a bit as she noted the expression on Nicholas's face when she eluded to pastries. "You're as bad as Pinkie Pie."

"Sorry..." He sheepishly took another sip from his cup.

"It's alright, hon." She put the cup down. "Now, how about you? Other than your dreams, how are you doing?"

The two started talking about this and that. Nicholas told her about finishing all the presents for hearth's warming, and how many foals had been writing to him this year compared to the year before. He also told her about the new toys he had made, and his future ideas. Applejack in turn told him about how things were going at home, how Granny was doing, and how Big Mac was getting on. She didn't need to talk much about Apple Bloom, Nicholas was well informed thanks to his elves, but he liked to hear it from Applejack's point of view.

The two talked for a long while, enjoying the tea, taking a walk around the workshop, and later making dinner together. Nicholas always felt time flew whenever he was with Applejack. After dinner, and after they had done the dishes, the two found themselves on the couch, sitting beside one another, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace.

Applejack found herself leaning against Nicholas, while his arm was around her, almost protectively. The two didn't speak much, just enjoying the moment, both full well knowing Nicholas would have to escort her back home. Not that either of them minded, they had always enjoyed their walks back to the farm, especially on a night like this. Quiet, a night sky filled with stars, a moon bathing the glittering snow in its gentle light.

Applejack scooted a little closer, letting out a relaxed sigh. She bit her lip, glancing up at Nicholas. She considered for a moment, then looked at the fireplace that was still crackling, with its flames dancing around. "Nicholas?" She said softly.


"I was just thinking, if you didn't have other plans, I would love to spend hear-"

"Wait." Nicholas interrupted, sitting up a little. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Applejack asked, sitting up as well. Her ears stood up straight, and for the first few seconds, she couldn't hear anything, but then. "Wait... Is that...?"


Nicholas finished, looking back at her with confusion. The two listened for a minute, hearing the sound was coming closer and closer, until there was a loud thump on the roof, and the sound of something sliding down the side of his house. The sound of the bells had stopped, but Nicholas could hear movement outside his house.

Before he could even look out a window, there was a soft knock on his front door. Nicholas stood up, glancing at Applejack who looked back at him. "Did you expect company?"

Nicholas shook his head. "No..." He started to walk out, with Applejack following right behind them. There was another knock, this time just a little louder. The two stopped, and Nicholas reached out, took the door handle, and slowly slid the door open.

What he saw surprised him, it was certainly not what he had expected to see. Eight reindeers stood outside his front door, all looking at him expectantly. "Good evening." A male that stood in the front said. "You must be Nicholas Claus?"

"Uhm, yes?"

"Sorry for bumping in, but could we come inside for a quick moment. We need to talk."

Author's Note: