• Published 2nd Dec 2022
  • 454 Views, 5 Comments

Snow Day Tales - bookhorse125

When Sunny and her friends wake up to find the Crystal Brighthouse buried in drifts of an unexpected snow, they gather around the fireplace and tell tales of their Wishday, Wishentine, or Wishiehoof traditions.

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It Never Snows in Maretime Bay


Sunny groaned and, without opening her eyes, grabbed her pillow and slammed it on top of her head in an attempt to block out the sound, but Izzy was, as usual, relentless.


“Izzy…” Zipp moaned, the only one of them to lift her head and look blearily at the unicorn who was currently bouncing around the room. “It’s, like, six in the morning.” She looked over at the clock for confirmation, and was startled to see it reading 4:37. “Izzy, it’s four thirty in the morning. Whatever it is, I’m sure it can wait.” She flopped back onto her bed and tried her best to get back to sleep. Needless to say, she failed.

“But it’s snowing!” Izzy announced, leaping over to the windows and pulling them open. None of her friends moved. The unicorn sighed and ran over to Sunny. “It’s snowing! Come on, Sunny, you’ve got to see this!”

“Not right now, Izzy,” Sunny mumbled from underneath her pillow. She waved one of her hooves in the general direction she was hearing Izzy’s voice coming from. “Not right now…”

“But you said that it never snows in Maretime Bay!” Izzy reminded her, grabbing Sunny’s pillow with both hooves and yanking it off of her friend’s head. Sunny shot up in bed, looking around wildly until she saw Izzy holding the pillow above her head, a triumphant look on her face. Sunny tried in vain to snatch it back, but Izzy kept moving it out of her reach. “Come on, Sunny, just come look!” Izzy dropped the pillow and ran back over to the window. “It’s so beautiful!”

“Ugh, what time is it?” Pipp mumbled as she finally sat up in bed, pushing her face mask up so that she could see what was going on.

“Four thirty-nine,” Zipp mumbled, staring at the clock, her eyes half closed in exhaustion.

“And it’s snowing!” Izzy squealed, bouncing on the tips of her hooves and dancing around the room again.

“Yippee,” Zipp said unenthusiastically, pulling her blanket over her head.

“No, you ponies aren’t getting it,” Izzy continued to say, dashing over to her corner of the room and grabbing her hat and scarves and hoof warmers. “There’s snow outside! And the snow won’t wait for the sun, and neither will I! Come on, ponies, let’s go play!”

Izzy zoomed out of the room, leaving the doors open, and down one of the ramps, skidding to a halt just outside the front doors. The enthusiastic unicorn flung the doors open, and had barely a moment to register the fact that all she saw was white before a wall of snow collapsed on top of her. She poked her head out of the pile of snow and shook it off of her head as her friends came down the stairs. Now that they were awake, there was no chance of them possibly getting back to sleep.

“Looks like a lot of snow,” Sunny said wryly, walking up beside Izzy in the mound of flakes and shutting the door before any more snow could fall on them.

Zipp flew up to one of the windows and peeked out. “Hey, I can see out here!” she called down. “Only… it looks like it’s at ground level.” And, indeed, when she looked out, she could see an expanse of snow

“The snow buried us alive!” Pipp shrieked, flapping her wings in a panic. She started taking huge, ‘calming’ breaths, and Zipp flew beside her and started patting her sister on the back comfortingly.

“It’s okay, ponies!” Izzy said cheerfully, hopping out of the pile of snow and lighting up her horn as she grinned at her friends. “I’ll get rid of this snow in no time!”

“Izzy, NO!” Sunny cried as Izzy opened the doors again. A wave of snow started to tumble down on them, and Sunny pushed Izzy out of the way. Her cutie mark began to glow as Sunny grew wings and a golden horn, and she created a golden force field that pushed the snow out the door where it wouldn’t get them. Zipp slammed the doors shut and landed beside Sunny as she changed back into an earth pony.

“New rule,” Sunny panted. “Don’t open the door.”

“But what are we going to do, Sunny?” Pipp panicked, pulling out her phone and frantically tapping as the small hoof held device made beeping sounds. “All of this snow is blocking my signal, and there’s no way to get out - or to get help! We’re trapped… FOREVER!”

“Oh, pony baloney, I’m sure somepony will get us out of here in no time,” Sunny said cheerfully, walking over to her pegasus friend and putting her arm around her shoulders. “In the meantime, I officially declare today a snow day! Come on, ponies, let’s tell stories around the fire! I’ll make us some cocoa and cookies, and we’ll have some fun inside.”

“Come to think of it, how did we get this much snow in Maretime Bay in the first place?” Zipp asked to nopony in particular, rubbing her chin as she thought about it. “You said that you never got this much snow before, Sunny.”

Izzy swallowed and smiled nervously. She wasn’t completely sure, but she remembered having a dream about Wishiehoof in Bridlewood, and about the Wishing Tree. She didn’t remember the specifics of the dream, but she did remember going around to every single unicorn in Bridlewood and telling them “Frosty Shivers”, the standard unicorn greeting for the holiday. Only this past Wishiehoof, Izzy and her friends had discovered that it wasn’t just a greeting, but a really old weather spell that was causing the blizzard that day.

But, surely, that was just a coincidence…

Ten minutes later, there was a fire roaring in the fireplace, a fresh batch of cookies was sitting on a plate, and each of the four ponies had steaming cups of hot chocolate in front of them. Izzy had set up a massive blanket fort, and Sunny turned off all the lights and took out the flashlight.

“Who wants to tell the first story?” she asked, looking around.

“Ooo, I think I might have one,” Pipp said slowly, a sly grin spreading across her face. “It’s the first Wishentine that I can remember, and that year, Zipp got-”

“Nope!” Her older sister put her hooves over her ears. “La la la, can’t hear you, Pipp! There is no way I am letting you tell that story.”

Pipp grabbed the flashlight from Sunny and turned it on, holding it underneath her chin so that it illuminated her face from under. “It all started on a snowy day, a lot like this one, in fact,” she began. “Every year…”

Author's Note:

Happy holidays! It is time to get into that holiday spirit, so if you aren't already, get into it. I will be writing a more slice-of-life holiday story this month of short, sweet, silly tales inspired by each of the three pony holidays. If you have any ideas for how these stories will go, let me know!

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!