• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 11,368 Views, 1,435 Comments

An Alternative Ending - ultrapoknee

When you discard something, it's easy to forget the wrongs you committed. But, more times than not, the past always comes back to remind you of your fallibility.

  • ...

The Element of Loyalty

Author's Note:

Added the "May the Best Pet Win" Episode to this.

[Cantelot - Judical hall.]

"We weren't friends?" Rainbow gasps. "How could you say that? I was the only one to talk to you!"

"Oh, you came by and said hello to me. We hung out. Everything was excellent for a while despite nopony else wanting everything to do with a griffin. For about a month. Then what happened after that? First, you ditched me for little Miss Wallflower over there. You stuck to her like glue. You kept the bullies off her back while leaving me to fiend for myself. Blowing me off for her. You never even bothered to introduce us!" Gilda points to Fluttershy, who squeaks. "Then, when you did your Sonic Rainbow, you were the talk of camp. Miss popular. Your fans always surrounded you, and you never seemed to notice me. The only time you ever bothered to help me was when I was fighting with three pegasi. And that was so that you could look good!"

"What? You got that all wrong!" Rainbow counters. "Maybe, if you did not start pushing ponies away and acting like a jerk twenty-four-seven, then ponies would want to hang out with you. You had to know that ponies were sensitive about that stuff!"

"What a load of manure! I only did that so those bullies would back off! In Griffinstone, you're either in front of the flock or behind it!"

"Order! I will not have this court delve into petty arguments. Miss Bonzetalon. Show us these alleged events for the sake of clarity,"

"Sure," Glida goes up to the Gjallarhorn and shows the memory. It was the same as the flashback in the Griffin Bushoff episode. Little Gilda was looking around the room with a nervous expression. All the other foals were playing and taking amongst themselves as Gilda was the only griffin. Jason noted that Gilda was a lot like Fluttershy in that she was timid and painfully shy. Suddenly, a Rainbow blur lands before her, causing Gilda to shield herself with her wings and tail.

"Hey, you're different," Little Rainbow said bluntly. "What are you?"

"I-I'm a griffin. My name is G-Gilda...."

"Hey, Gilda. I'm Rainbow Dash—the fastest flyer in flight camp. Since I'm awesome and you're different, we should be best buds,"

Little Gilda seems to beam and smile as the two shooke hoofs and claw. "It was all fine at the beginning. We laughed and played together. But when the pranks started, you flanked me more than once. And it didn't help that the teachers all had out for me. I was blamed for tricks I didn't even do!"

Another memory played with Rainbow Dash putting tacks on the teacher's seat. When she came and sat down, she shot into the air with a loud yelp. The students all laughed, but the teacher's eyes fell on Gilda. "Miss Bronzestalon! I suppose you think disrupting the class with pranks is funny!"

"But I didn't do it!"

"Whom else is there? You are becoming quite a nuisance. A month of detention should straighten you out! You can start sitting in the corner with the dunce cap on for the rest of the day!"

Gilda looks to Rainbow, only to receive a pleading look from the filly. With a sigh, she gets up. "Yes, teacher..."

Another memory shows Gilda and Rainbow walking by the building. They came across some students with paintbrushes defacing the side of the building. When they saw the teacher coming, they tossed the paint can and brush to Gilda and Rainbow. Rainbow took offense and flew after them. Thus, leaving Gilda alone as the teacher catches her with the incriminating evidence. Gilda smiles sheepishly while the teacher glares down at her.

"So, up to your tricks again?"


"Enough! Detention for two months. You'll be cleaning every wall three times a day, starting with this one!"

The next memory shows a crowd of foals around Rainbow and Fluttershy. Rainbow was drinking in their praise and cheers after performing Sonic Rainboom. However, as Gilda went to approach, three coats blocked her path. "And where do you think you're going, chicken head?"

"E-Excuse me. I'm trying to get by, please..." Gilda timidly said.

"What's that? I can't understand you with that stupid beak face,"

"I bet she does nothing but bird craws anyway. Nothing important from a dumb parakeet,"

"I don't craw. Rainbow..." Gilda peers past the three bullies circling her to see Rainbow still laughing with the crowd. Suddenly, one of the colts pushes her. "H-Hey!"

"It's funny you think Rainbow cares about you. She only hangs out with you because you're a freak!"

The colt pushes Gilda again as she stumbles before the pony behind her pushes her again. "...Stop it!"

"Oh, yeah? What are you going to do, Chickenhead?"

Another push. This time Gilda stops herself and lets out a low growl. "Stop. It!!"

"Aw, that catbird is purring. It's so cute--"

Gilda shoots up and pushes the colt to the ground. She quickly bucks the second colt with her hind legs before tackling the third. The two tumble for a bit before Gilda rolls onto the top of the colt. She glares down at him while the pony looks up in fear. "I. Said. STOP!!!!"

Gilda's roar got the other students' attention. Many of them were afraid of Gilda's vicious scowl. Unfortunately, Fluttershy curls up to Rainbow's side. All the foals start leaving as the bullies start crying and running for the teacher. Gilda's anger fades to one of worry as Rainbow glares at her. "Not cool, Gilda,"

"You can guess what happened after that. The teacher came, I got in trouble, and my supposed friend ditched!" Gilda said as the memory ended.

"How was any of that my fault? We were foals, G. Foals! I can't stop other ponies from being jerks!" Rainbow said.

"You did it for her!" Gilda points to Fluttershy. "You needed a crowbar to separate you two while I was fiending for myself. After that, I quickly stopped being a chicken and became an eagle!"

"Right, because becoming a bully helped you make so many friends," Rainbow said flippantly.

"Our Dashie is right. You all were foals. Should those foals have bullied you? No. But that's the parent's fault for raising them poorly," Windy said.

"Yeah, and becoming a delinquent was never a good idea," Bow added.

"I can blame her for ditching me. I can blame her for not standing by me the same as she would for her pony friends!" Gilda counters.

"It was never like I didn't like you. But after you started acting like a bully, nopony wanted nothing to do with you anymore," Rainbow said.

"I did that because I had no choice! I wouldn't be a doormat for the entire flight camp!"

"...I'm sorry..." Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy, what are you apologizing for?"

"Because I noticed Gilda would try and talk with us back when we were foals. But, I always felt uncomfortable around anypony new. And I was scared of you back then. I took Dashie's attention because I was too afraid. Even when we saw each other again at Ponyville, I haven't changed..."

"That's horse feathers. We were kids. We didn't even know we were going to be the element bearers. Even Applejack said she used to lie. Now, you're trying to blame us for things that happened years ago? What about you, G? You're not innocent in anything. Or did you forget you stole an apple, nearly gave Granny Smith a heart attack, and flipped out on all of us at your welcome party!"

"Order!" Luna bangs her gavel. "Unless we have misheard, you stole produce and assaulted the elderly?"

"Tsk," Gilda sucks her teeth before going to the horn.

The episode of the Griffin brush-off plays off from Gilda's perspective. The court saw how Pinkie kept trying to interject herself with Gilda and Rainbow Dash. However, Gilda started making excuses to leave her behind, such as races and flying higher. But Pinkie was persistent. Finally, Gilda resorted to physical means by popping her balloons and breaking her helicopter. Rainbow frowns at the words Gilda says about her friends. Then, the scene from the market plays. Gilda used her tail to scare Granny Smith away from the stand so she could swipe an apple. Afterward, Fluttershy bumps into Gilda, causing the griffin to unload and roar at her. Finally, at the party, Gilda loses her cool again after setting off all of Pinkie's pranks. Rainbow scolds her and effectively ends their friendship. Gilda storms off in a huff. However, the memory ends with Gilda wiping away her tears.

"It would seem that loyalty may have a point in her claims about you, Gilda. Your actions that day were far from acceptable," Luna said with a frown.

"While Gilda's actions were not ideal, much of it came to be attributed to how ponies have treated her. During her days at flight camp, she received bias and bigoted scrutiny. Exposure to that kind of treatment at a young age will harden anyone. It's why she became the bully, so she would not become a target of continued abuse. But, as for the party and the aftermath, a lot of it could've been avoided if Rainbow Dash was not so quick to abandon Gilda again," Jason said.

"Abandon her again? Gilda lied about treating my friends like dirt and losing her cool when she set off all my pranks! She could've stayed and apologized. But she chose to leave!" Rainbow said.

"And knowing Gilda for as long as you did, you should've seen her getting more irritable from those pranks. No one likes being humiliated like that. And you were quick to throw your friendship out the window,"

"Even so, I cannot condone all of Gilda's actions leading up to her outburst. There are better ways to conduct oneself. Gilda failed to do so," Luna said.

"Now, you want a minute, missy. I will let you know if there's more to what happened that day. I was the one that gave Gilda the bits to go to Equestria in the first place. Life isn't easy and fun-filled in Griffinstone. We griffins have to scratch and claw over scraps. We can't be soft and talk our problems away with friendship and harmony. And trust doesn't come without a price. Gilda went to Ponyvile so some loan shark wouldn't come clipping her wings. But she only had enough to get to Ponyville. What's one little apple compared to going weeks without food? You lot don't know how good you got it!" Grandpa Gruff said as he sighed. "It wasn't always like this. Our kingdom was bright and vibrant back when we had the idle of Boreas,"

Many members of the gallery had mixed reactions to Grandpa's Gruff explanation. "There's something that I believe is relevant to this case and the current state of affairs at Griffinstone. That attack from the Arimaspi wasn't an isolated incident," Jason said.

"Why do you say that?"

Jason hands another paper to Grandpa Gruff as he continues. "Arimaspi was paid off by a pony noble to steal the idol of Boreas. That letter would promise a hefty sum if Arimaspi were successful. He did not like King Guco, apparently,"

Grandpa Gruff bristled and shook with anger as he read aloud. "I, Shady Trot, promise the sum of one hundred thousand in the treasury to you, Arimaspi, to bring me the Idol of Boreas. Such a treasure does not deserve to be sullied by griffin claws!" Grandpa Gruff turns to Luna in anger. "What is the meaning of this?! I know this pony is talking about the royal treasury! Where else would he get that kind of bit?!"

"We know of the noble clan that Shady hails. Rest assured that the Equestrian crown has nothing to do with this plot. I swear on my word as a princess and the Gjallarhorn before us. We will be correcting this offense!" Luna said. Since the Gjallarhorn did not react, Grandpa Gruff sat back down.

"But, is this not par for the course for Equestrians by now? Who knows how many more dealings like this have gone on? How many other kingdoms have been undermined? I assure the court members that it does not stop there," More murmurs of agreement went off from the CFE side of the room. Jason pulls out another set of documents. "Now, back to you, Rainbow Dash. Isn't it true that you are a weather pony manager?"

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Yes, our Dashie is the best weather pony manager this side of Equestria," Windy said.

Jason nods. "That means you have the most knowledge in weather control. Enough to say operate the factory in Cloudsdale?"

"Yeah, it's not a problem for pros like me," Rainbow said.

"Nopony does a better job than her!" Bow said.

"Interesting statement. Especially considering she was responsible for Cloudsdale malfunctioning, leading to several thousand bits in equipment replacement and several ponies injured when the giant snowball hit Ponyville," Jason concludes, leaving Rainbow Dash to stiffen up.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Princess Celestia asks.

"I have here the hospital reports and the letter of request to you, Princess, for a stipend to replace the damaged machinery. However, it was not a freak accident or corroded appliances that led to the weather factories shut down for three additional months. It was sabotage from Rainbow Dash,"

"That's a lie!!!" Windy, Bow, and Scootloo said. None of them notice Rainbow Dash suddenly looking nervous.

Jason merely smirks as he touches the Gjallarhorn. Season 5, episode 5 of My Little Pony, plays for the court. It features Rainbow lamenting that Tank is going to hibernate for the winter. Rainbow does every conceivable method to prevent this. Her actions involved sabotaging her fellow weather ponies by redirecting snowfall back to the clouds, steering a flock of geese North instead of South, and busting clouds to reveal the sun. But, her most grievous offense was her going to Cloudsdale and sabotaging the equipment, resulting in the giant snowball crashing into Ponyville.

"As we can see from this memory. In supreme recklessness and selfish motives, Rainbow Dash set Clouddale back several months and brought harm to her fellow ponies," Jason said.

"B-But, I--"

"All to keep her pet tortoise awake from performing his natural biological functions. The element of loyalty chose to go against her fellow ponies' safety - To go against the natural order of the seasons - for a pet. I am sure the more knowledgeable ponies here know what happens if the seasons are not properly aligned," Now, there were many openly glaring at Rainbow Dash. "You endangered not just yourself but everyone in this very courtroom. All because you didn't want to be without a pet for a few months. A pet she, ironically, almost killed not once, not twice, but three times!"

"What? I would never hurt Tank!" Rainbow vehemently denies it.

"But you could've, Rainbow," Fluttershy said with venom. "Not just Tank, but every animal that hibernates. Sleeping during winter is essential to their lives because food is so scarce! Others need to sleep, or their bodies will shut down! Please tell me that was not the reason for all that craziness that winter,"

"Where was this energy when Rainbow Dash hosted a pet tetrathlon to see which pet was remarkable enough to be her pet? You even actively encouraged and handpicked animals to 'compete.'" Jason asks.

Jason touches the Gjallarhorn again to show Rainbow Dash standing before a group of avians. She had a coach cap and whistled as she gave the various flying creatures the rundown of what's expected for them to be a pet of Rainbow Dash. Applejack and Twilight question Rainbow's methods and if she knows that pets require care and affection. At the same time, Fluttershy moves Tank to the lineup. Fluttershy was adamant about letting Tank participate, while Rainbow was highly dismissive—the challenges initially seemed tame. However, many of the gallery members were off-put regarding the guts challenge. As Opal was highly aggressive would've no doubt injured any of the animals without a protective shell like Tanks'. The worse offense came when Rainbow held a race through the ghastly gorge. While Rainbow initially had no difficulty navigating the course, the animals were scratched, tangled, and almost eaten by the eels. Rainbow's hubris nearly results in her downfall as she crashes against the wall while praising herself and causes an avalanche. Thus, resulting in her wing getting trapped.

"No, wait, don't leave me! I'm supposed to win! I don't want to be stuck here forever! Somepony! Anypony! HELP ME!!!!!"

The memory ends with Tank and Rainbow leaving the gorge and Tank becoming Rainbow's new pet. "As you can see, not only did Rainbow Dash endanger the animals. She risked herself by making such an insane course. It's even worse when you consider that not one of the elements told her idea was ashine. Hell, you cheered and enabled her! I know your current laws practically degrade non-ponies to nearly the same status as animals, but how is this not a clear-cut animal abuse case?"

All the elements visibly wince at the memory and the truth of Jason's words. "I am inclined to agree," Cadance said with a deep frown. "What were you thinking, Rainbow Dash? Pets are not athletes. They are not meant to go through a path as deadly as the ghastly gorge! And why didn't you girls stop her? Especially you, Fluttershy!"

"...We had no idea it was that bad. If I had known beforehand--"

Fluttershy tries to explain, but Judge Novo cuts her off. "With a name like Ghastly Gorge, how can you think differently about the risk?"

"It seems even household animals are not safe around you, mares," Judge Squak said.

"But, everything worked out--"

"That is no excuse!" Celestia cuts in, glaring down at the pegasus. "As egregious as this new development is - and I am not underselling my vast disappointment in you girls - three extra months of winter delayed the crops of several farmlands. That put undue strain on their finances and food supply. Ponies would've starved if not for the bailout the crown provided, But that resulted in higher taxes for that year!" Nobles in the room were in an uproar as they had to pay some of those taxes.

"Order. Order in the court!" Luna said.

"I, well--" Rainbow stutters, unable to find the right words.

"What was the second time?" Fluttershy asks.

"T-There wasn't! Fluttershy, you know I wouldn't--"

This time, Jason interrupts. "It was when you avoided telling Pinkie Pie you did not like pie. So, you threw away every pie she made. One disposal method was feeding Tank a pie," Jason pulls out a medical file with Tank's picture and displays it for the court. "I am sure what several weeks of sugar overlord can do to animals,"

Fluttershy reads the reports with a look of horror. "...Rainbow. Animals are not like us! They can't eat large quantities of sugar! Especially tortoises. Their organs are too thin. Tanks' digestive tract can't handle something that complex! Why would you do that? To avoid telling Pinkie you don't like something!?"

"You know how Pinkie gets! She would never stop whining about it. Besides, I told Pinkie I did not like pies, and Tank is fine now--"

Fluttershy slams her hoof on the defense bench. "It's not okay! You can't keep messing up this bad and expecting things to be okay!"

"Fluttershy," Scootaloo said. She's been unsure of what to say as some of her friends from school were hurt by that giant snowball hitting Ponyville.

"I can't believe you're buying into this, Fluttershy," Windy said in a firm tone. "After all the times Rainbow stuck up for you!" Fluttershy flinches at this a little but remains strong.

"I can believe it. It's exactly how Dash rolls," Gilda said.

"And we should listen to you? Somepony quick to turn into a thug and try to besmirch our Dashie because you were too proud to say I'm sorry," Bow said, earning a snarl from Gilda.

"..." Scootaloo bows her head, choosing to stay silent.

Jason, at the words of Rainbow's parents, throws his head back and starts laughing. "What's so funny?" Rainbow asks.

"Oh, everything you said. Everything your parents said. I knew out of all your friends that you would be the most stubborn and delusional. You would deny every accusation - Every fact - to protect that ego and reputation. But, in a way, you should thank me for this,"

"I should thank you for trying to ruin our lives? You're crazy!"

Jason shrugs. "Maybe. I came close to it halfway through year two at Ponyville. But, no, I am afraid I am entirely sane. I would've loved to drift off. Go somewhere else. Wake up from the living nightmare. But, I was denied that release in more ways than one," Jason sends a pointed glare at Applejack as he says this. "But, I couldn't. You made sure of that, Dashie. But, as I said, you should thank me for all this. After all, all the attention is on you now,"

Jason puts his hand on the Gjallarhorn, and everyone tenses up. Rainbow put on a brave face. However, she feels a growing put of nervousness in her stomach. Jaason saved her last for a reason. The memory plays out like any other day in Ponyville. And again, Jason was sitting in an alley behind, sleeping against the wall. There was a calmness to the scene for a moment until a looming shadow appeared above Jason. Jason looks up to see a storm cloud and sees Rainbow Dash grinning down at him. Jason looked confused until a lightning bolt struck the space between his legs. Jason immediately scrambles to his feet in fright. The bright flash was disorientating. But he shakes it off and looks back up at Rainbow Dash.

"What are you doing?!"

"Dealing with a pest problem!"

Rainbow jumps on the cloud again to send another bolt of lightning. Jason barely managed to run out of the alley to avoid the strike. However, Rainbow Dash chased after him while continuously sending strikes at his feet. As Jason ran, ponies began blocking his path. Soon, several inhabitants of Ponyville were surrounding him in a circle. Jason frantically tried to look for a way out. Before he could speak, another clap of thunder rang out. White hot pain and a burning sensation spread throughout his entire body. The strike was only a few seconds, but it felt like an entity before Jason collapsed on the ground. The memory became fuzzy as Jason's vision was half black and uneven. The only sound the court members could hear was ringing and cheering.

"Good work, Rainbow!"

"You got that monster good!"

"You're a hero!"

"I know. I know. I told you my plan would be awesome. You should've seen how he danced when the lightning hit his hooves. Haha, priceless!" The ponies shared in Rainbow's laughter before the prismatic mare said sound something truly disgusting. "Alright, let's dump this thing in the Everfree where it belongs,"

"I don't want to touch it,"

"Yeah, it stinks!"

"What if poison my magic?"

"Fine, I'll do it," Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes. The memory ends with Rain carrying a barely conscious Jason by his leg in the air and unceremoniously dumping him slightly above the treeline.

The silence in the court was far more palpable than in any other instance since the trial began. Nearly everyone had their mouths gaping from the imagery. Rainbow's parents looked ready to faint; their seemingly unlimited support of Rainbow was momentarily gone. Applejack manages to wake up from whatever trance she is in to gasp at the sight. Jason also notices that the Pie family returned with the Apple siblings. Pinkie Pie broke down in silent sobs at the scene. Even Cozy Glow could not hide her shock. Jason's eyes never left Rainbow Dash. He scans Rainbow's surprise. The way her ears pinned themselves against her skull was terrific. She was looking even more diminutive than Scootaloo right now. Her number one fan was in a daze, unable to deal with the actions of her idol. It was time to twist the knife further.

"I woke to find that the vision in my eye was gone. Have any of you ever been electrocuted before?"

"..." No one responded.

"I thought not. It's like every cell in your body is on fire. It scrambles the nerve impulses the brain sends out to move your body. Oh, here's a fun fact. The survival rate is only ten percent for humans when struck by lightning. Let that sink in for a bit. An element of harmony - the hero of Equestria - made several lethal attempts at my life,"

"...I-I," Rainbow squeaks out.

"Oh, and that was just the first time. You shot lightning at me at least half a dozen times. That's multiple counts of attempted murder number one, complete with motive, opportunity, and premeditation. You can also add the citizens as accomplices as well. You even went the extra mile to toss my body in the Everfree for any creature looking for a quick meal," Jason said as another memory began to play.

This time, Jason was by a creek. His blind eye scanned the fish flowing into his crudely made fishing net. A small smile adorns his face as he pulls the net out of the water. That's when another crack of thunder and lightning strikes him. Jason lets out a wordless scream before he collapses on the ground again. Rainbow lands beside him, laughing as Jason wheezes.

"Ah haha. You thought you could pull a fast one on me? Nothing gets past Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt extraordinaire!" All the Wonderbolts winced at the association. Rainbow then proceeds to empty the net of Jason's catch. "There you go, little fishy—safe and sound from the big bad monster. When you return to doing whatever it is fish do, tell the story of Rainbow Dash. The most awesome, loyal hero around,"

Rainbow Dash flies away as Jason slowly gets to his feet. He stumbles forward, trying to catch his breath, only to stop when a low growl goes off behind him. Jason hobbles to the water simultaneously as a manticore bursts from the bushes. The stream carries Jason into a muddy patch before he spots a cave. The sound of wings flapping gave him enough motivation to quicken his pace. Jason enters the cave and dives behind a stalagmite. The manticore following him was only a scout. Three of them entered the cave and started sniffing the area. There were numerous times when the beasts came close to finding Jason. It was only by the grace of Faust that they finally gave up and left the cave. The memory ends with Jason quickly sobbing after his brush with death.

"And, you claim me to be evil..." Chrysalis said with a shudder.

"It's funny how that works. I was under the impression that fish was acceptable for carnivores to eat. But, no, nothing was redeemable in Rainbow's eyes. There was no such thing as a compromise with you! You self-serving cunt! I was out of the way. I was already driven to live in that damn cave you saw. And that wasn't the only time my Everfree neighbors came for a bite to eat! But, anytime I came close to the village, Rainbow Dash was there with a trusty fucking torture device. Let's all wave and cheer how she bravely zaps a person that can't even fly!"

"Wait!" Rainbow said. "I-It's a lie. I never would do--" The Gjallarhorn glows brightly at Rainbow's words. It was brighter than any of the times it broke magic off the defenses. Rainbow even clutches her ears as Spitfire did from the loud hum. Rainbow jumps back from the stand when the magic bursts from her and crawls away from Jason as her parents comfort her. With a shaking hoof, Rainbow points to Jason in horror. "It's you! The monster!"

"Monster? No, no, no, Dashie. The only monster here is you! A more enormous monster than Nightmare Moon. That's you. A bigger villain than Chrysalis, that's what you are! Please don't run from it. Embrace it! It's not like you will be punished for your sadism. That's because you're in good company. I tell you what, I'd take Gilda and Lightning as friends instead of breathing the same air as you! Take a good look, Scootaloo. There is your bully! There is your monster! There is your hero!"

Scootaloo looks down with tears streaming down her face as Rainbow responds. "But, those clouds weren't big enough to k-kill any creature. They-they were like hoof buzzer,"

"Our Dashie isn't a killer!" Windy said.

"You have to be exaggerating those scars. I know I can take a few bolts now and again," Bow said.

"...I can't believe how dumb you are, dweebs," Gilda said in a low tone. "Non-ponies like us don't have the magic to soften the blow of electricity as ponies do. That was something they did teach in flight camp. Oh, right, I forgot. You flunked out of flight camp!"

"Gilda...." Rainbow cries weakly.

"NO! You don't get to justify anything! This is sick! Losing you as a friend was probably the best decision I ever made! I hope all your new friends were worth it!" Gilda walks past her and joins Lightning Dust.

"Rainbow Dash!" Spitfire calls out as she approaches her with venom in her eyes. "In all my years as a Wonderbolt, I never saw anything so heinous. Your actions spit in the face of everything we stand for and more. So, effective immediately, you are disbarred in disgrace from the Wonderbolts. All your accomplishments are null and void. And I suspect Cloudsdale will have some words with you. I wish you luck, but I won't waste my breath!" Spitfire turns away from the stunned mare. Walking out, Spitfire faces Lightning Dust. "If you still want another chance, my doors are open,"

Lightning scoffs at the offer, however, while pointing to Rainbow Dash. "If that's what passes for a Wonderbolt, I'll wear my Washout uniform with pride,"

"W-Wait...!" Rainbow says pitifully. Spitfire only glares at her and leaves without another word as Soarin and Fleetfoot follow behind. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash starts to hyperventilate. Everything she has ever wanted since foal hood is now gone. Looking around the room, everyone was now glaring at her. All except Scootaloo, who turns away in shame of her. Her dream. Her reputation. Her achievements. Her sister. Her friends. She is losing every aspect of her life. And, in her eyes, there was one creature to blame. "...It's all your fault...!" Before anyone could react, Rainbow shoots up into the sky and bucks a nearby cloud. There was a thunderclap as lightning left the clouds and down at Jason. Jason had enough time to spread his arms as the bolt hit its target. Once again, Rainbow was too fast for anyone ready to stop her. However, her anger blinded her to a crucial detail as her body started to convulse in pain and agony. The same bolt that hit Jaosn envelops her. It was a pain Rainbow was unfamiliar with and wanted nothing more than never to feel again. She returns to the courtroom and lands in a broken heap before Jason.

"RAINBOW!!!" Her parents call out, rushing to her side. However, they both gasp as they examine Rainbow's form. Fractal scarring adorns her body in the same pattern as Jason's. But, the scarred tissue went to the base of her wings, resulting in them hanging limply to her sides. Her left magenta eye was now dull and blind, matching Jason's. Finally, like Fluttershy and Jetset before her, Rainbow's cutie mark is gone.

Jason's experience was much different. He shakes off the slight tingling sensation. The lightning strike did as little as a joy buzzer this time. He moves slightly closer. Seeing the scarring on Rainbow's body brought a certain level of satisfaction. Although, he also sucks his teeth when Rainbow Dash starts to stir and get up. At least now, he could look down at her as she did him. "It doesn't feel too good, does it?" The only answer Rainbow gives is harsh wheezing.

"What have you done to our baby?!!" Bow Hothoof paws at the ground.

"Guards! Restrain him now!" Luna orders as the guards swarm Rainbow's father.

"H-Hey! Get off of me!"

"No, why are you doing this? He's the one that hurt our foal!" Windy shrieks.

"Restrain her as well. I said there shall be no more outbursts!" Luna said as the guards converged. "And her, as well!" Rainbow cringes in pain as the guard pulls her aside with her parents. With one good eye, she looks at Scootaloo again, who is getting a hug from Sweetie Belle before Big Mac and Applebloom guide her away from the scene.

"No! Stop this! Give Rainbow her cutie mark! You are a bucking monster!!!" Windy wails.

"For what!? This is the result of your piss poor parenting. I don't remember you setting boundaries. It bothers me that you didn't tell her no. You gave her the impression that Rainbow was above reproach. So, when faced with her actions, she responds with the same reckless abandon she always does. Take a good look because this is the mare you raised,"

Jason shakes his head in disgust. "Throughout this whole trial, my reasons were questioned. Constant jeering and attempts were made to get me to throw my grievances out. Why? Because your lives are ruined? Because the elements are fucking saints? No! Because I deserve justice! No, I demand it! Just like any other living being! But look at what I had to do to get this far! I aligned myself with one of the biggest villains Equestria has ever known! I had to pray to the gods to have my voice heard because no other avenue was available. But you continue to call me a monster for wanting to go through proper channels. Believe me when I tell you it would've been easy to be the villain you tried to make me! In another place and time, I would've been out for blood! Well, too fucking bad because I wasn't going to give you that satisfaction because that is not who I am! But now we all know who your so-called heroes are!"

Jason points to Rainbow Dash. "Sadist!" He points to Applejack next. "Abuser!" Then, to Fluttershy. "Coward!" Rarity is next. "Selfish!" Then, he points to Celestia, "Neglectful!" And finally, at Twilight. Pinkie choked back another sob at Jason, who ignored her again. "Betrayer! All of you perfectly encapsulate the opposite of what you constantly try and preach. And, you dare say you want to open a school for other creatures? Why? So can they be abused? So that they can be your next target? It would've been a glorified veterinarian building anyway with your laws!"

Jason's face is contemptuous while glaring at the defendants and everypony present. "An now, here we are at the end. I said I would expose all of you. Now comes your punishment. But I only have one question left. Why me?"

"...W-What?" Twilight asks.

"Why me! I didn't come seeking to disrupt your lives. I didn't threaten to bring eternal night. I didn't invade you or replace you," Jason's voice starts to crack. "I didn't come to enslave you. I didn't come to steal your magic away. I didn't steal your crown. I didn't create alternate timelines to ruin your friendships," Tears start swelling in his eyes as he trembles. "I just wanted to know you. I just wanted to be friends. You gave all your villains a chance at redemption. Some of them are in this courtroom as better ponies!" He gestures to Luna and Starlight, who shy away from him. "Why was I denied that courtesy? What was wrong with me that I was beaten down? That I was hurt so bad when others have done so much worse! Was it honestly because I was different? Do you truly hate something distinct from yourself? What did I do that was so vile to deserve all that? Why me? Why did you do this to me...?"

In the face of Jason's tears, Twilight did not have an answer. None of her friends, Celestia, the judges, or the gallery members could respond. The only sound now was Jason's cries as Chrysalis comforted him. Twilight felt tears leave her eyes as the total weight of her actions now hit her. She also looks at her friends to see the tears in their eyes. "...I don't know..." She said in a small and pitiful voice. "Everything you showed us. All our actions against you. It all seems surreal, but it's not. I keep denying it even though I remember it all so clearly. I-I wish I had an answer for you. But none of it makes sense. I'm the Princess of friendship, and I failed you..." Twilight shudders at the mere thought of her being synonymous with failure. However, her ego had no place for her now. "I know this doesn't fix anything, but I am sorry for everything,"

Jason wipes his face as he composes himself. His expression goes from sorrowful to bitter resentment. "You're right. It doesn't! The prosecution rests,"

"Hey, don't you think a recess would be appropriate?" Chrysalis asks.

"Yes, we shall reconvene tomorrow," Luna orders with a swing of her gavel.