• Published 24th Dec 2022
  • 623 Views, 18 Comments

Sunset Overdrive - Vis-a-Viscera

An inspector unicorn and an insurgent queen return to Canterlot. And combustive conspiracies return with them.

  • ...

Barrack to Basics

“Sunset, calm down-”

“--Should've known that Blueblood would have something like this up his sleeve—”

“Sunset, you’re still recovering let those stitches rest—”

“--And how am I supposed to fight videotape and find out who bombed us at the same tim—”

With a snap of sorcerous light, Sunset was frozen in place, her sheets a tangling cocoon around her lower half. Sighing heavily, Twilight eased the struggling unicorn back into her cot. “I know this, Sunset. We all do. Which is why you need to calm down.”

Slowly, Sunset’s acquiesced. “So, full situation. Somehow the trial’s about Shining now instead of Blueblood, we still have no clue who tried to assassinate our Vice-Director, and—”

“I’m sl-sl-sl-VOICE RECALIBRATION COMPLETE-thinking we were the targets, my dear.”

“Wait… what makes you so sure, Chrysalis?” Twilight was the first to ask.

“Black box.”

“Come again?”

“Thought you already did,” quipped Chrysalis. Then the pillow vaulted into her face crumpled in a cloud of feathers, thanks to her still-sharp horn. “Classy. What I meant is that I have a recorder in me that snaps pictures whenever my mass sharply drops. Like, say… from an explosion?”

“Brilliant—I assume that’s something every cyberling has?” Sunset asked. “Maybe if we could get the box of that cyberling on the scene with Shining—”

“That requires access to the Hive, and considering my st-st-st-HIBERNATION MODE RECOMMENDED-HIBERNATION MODE BLOCKED.” Refusing to speak another word, Chrysalis simply jabbed her horn at the series of boxes containing her shattered form.

Twilight’s ears drooped. “Right.” She made for the door. “Alright, I’ll see if we have any cameras in that area—and bring over Photo Finish; the cameras were made from her model.”

“Right now, what I need here is Director Cadance.” Sunset gasped. “Even if she isn’t desperately in need of her niece’s support with her husband being raked over the coals…”

“...She’s either in our sight or in front of a word-twisting camera’s lens,” Twilight said. “Don’t worry, Inspector, I know how to handle the media. Be back in a flash—”

A volcanic glint flashed in Sunset’s narrowed eyes.

“Right. Sorry. Bad word choice.”

Sunset chuckled, watching the flick of Twilight’s tail as it vanished past the swinging door.

Then several more seconds.

Then the Inspector was out of that bed again in a flurry of sheets, stopping only to wince and draw the bandages wound around her barrel tighter. “Chrysalis, how long will it take for you to get those wings ready?”

“Oh, Inspector, are you disregarding your Director and your doctors to solve a case?” The click of Chrysalis's tongue was both assuring and annoying to Sunset. Perhaps it had always been. “Here I thought you’d lost your touch.”

“Funny coming from the cyberling with her limbs in a box.” Sunset folded her forehooves. “Also, do you not want to know who reduced you to this?”

“For what end?”

Sunset stopped abruptly, holding one of Chrysalis' wings in her mouth. “Y’sherioush?” she got out.

“You are not wholly aware of what position I am in regardless of how the trial goes, are you?” Several seconds ticked by before Chrysalis rolled her one uncracked eye in disdain. “Fact: Blueblood is on point for a conspiracy my cyberlings and I executed. Fact: The case now involves one of the Vice Director’s family leaving one of my former subjects to enact his cruelty on an innocent. Fact: The number of ponies that would dare to bomb a place I am moving through could fill Canterlot’s citadel.”

Sunset spat the ruined wing onto Chrysalis's bedside, then poked her head in the box of scrap metal below her again. “Your point?”

“You are the only one that cares about my condition.” Chrysalis finished. “Present company included.”

Now even Sunset could feel the weight of the last few days creaking heavily on her shoulders. Unproductive as Chrysalis’s new sense of—shame? Nihilism? Both?—was to this, she did have a solid point. The suspect list for this heinous act was longer than Sunset’s leg, and the case she was supposed to bring to a close was becoming as shattered as the cyberlings body.

Was the Inspector’s time really needed trying to handle this?

But for Sunset, the answer was evident when the pop of one of Chrysalis's wing sockets being reunited with her body brought her back to reality. She hadn’t even remembered working on that. And yet, it had come to her even while she was deep in thought.

“You’re right, Chrysalis. I do care about your condition.” Twilight finally got out. “Because no matter what you’ve done, or what you are, you are already serving your sentence. And taking the law into our own hooves for our own benefit means… Just because Blueblood might skip out on a mistrial doesn’t mean I’m letting it happen without a fight.”

The voice that drifted back to Sunset’s ears as she fixed Chrysalis's other wing almost tore at the unicorn’s heart. “Sunset… does prosecuting Blueblood mean this much to you?”

Sunset lashed out with her hind legs several times, hammering the wings at Chrysalis's side into shape with every couple of words she spat. “He. Does not. Get. To win! Not in our courts, our minds, and my friends’ expense!

Chrysalis stared at her crudely-fixed wings, the silence causing her processors to clock in hot. Such passion and determination from Sunset! It seemed like a glitch when it had shone in the unicorn’s eyes, during their fight in the tunnels so many weeks ago. But again and again, it seemed that Sunset’s aura seemed to beat away the sterile nonchalance and conformity that had driven Chrysalis to hate ponykind so.

“Actually, Inspector—I can sense a large gathering of cyberlings—especially my lieutenant Thorax.” Chrysalis sniffed haughtily. "If it’s answers you seek, their radio signals show them at the Vice-Director’s tower.”

Apparently, one good glitch deserved another.

“Perfect. Should be able to get there and back.” Saddling Chrysalis onto her back—and giggling a little at the cyberling’s yelps—Sunset turned to the door. “Why Twilight’s place, though? If she knew she’d have told me—”

“Perhaps Shining is not the only pony in her family with skeletons to hide.”

Resolving not to trouble her mind with the possibilities of that sentence, Sunset wound the covers on Chrysalis's bed around them. “Just grab the gift Jet and Crust gave us and let’s go.”

“Ugh, that's likely a bribe.” But Chrysalis complied anyway. Her eyes flickered as her jaw closed around the wrapped box. “It even tastes as fishy as it seems.”

“Time’s ticking, Queen.”

“You flatter me, Inspector.”

Sunset only hoped Chrysalis could hear the smirk in her voice like she could Chrysalis's, as they bounded out of the open window. Turning back, Chrysalis attempted to spit the box still in her maw back into the room. Unfortunately, Sunset’s heavy bank to the left made the shot package miss its mark and tumble into the alley.

Chrysalis resolved to resettle whatever glitch made her teeth clench in embarrassment at that.

Silently, of course.

The first new thing Sunset realized when she settled down outside the window leading into Twilight's observatory was the smell. Even before their fallout, Twilight was known for her neat-freak tendencies, down to scrubbing the rugs every other day even when Sunset was busy trying not to pass out from the chloric fumes. Today, the unmistakable scent of castor-oi greeted Sunset, though no sound accompanied it.

Of course, that could be from the half of a cyberling strapped to me, and the room could be really empty, Sunset thought morosely. With no other options, she stepped into the darkened room.

And several dozen green lamplights painted her from head to hoof, confirming Sunset’s fears.

“Temporary office of the Cyberlings, Thorax speaking,” came the tinny drawl from the center of the cyberling swarm. “State your business, and also how you managed to sneak in here.”

After several tense seconds, Sunset pointed a hoof to the open window.

“Oh, flock! Really, Pharynx? Did you leave that window open, with half the town already out for our necks?Thorax howled at a red-highlighted cyberling next to him. “Every time with this, man!”

All the cyberling shot back was a scowl.

“Ignore Pharynx, my little throne-warmer,” growled Chrysalis, finally peering her head out. “Finding whoever put me in the position I’m in is your new priority.”

Thorax shot a withering look at her. “As you wish, my Queen.” he dryly said. “At least our success is assured on that front.”

Sunset’s horn ignited, ready to defend Chrysalis from any of the cyberlings that were. Her fears were unfounded though, as Thorax had decided to focus his attention on Sunset instead.

Lighting up his horn, the golden lamplights of the observatory swelled to life.

This time, what got Sunset’s attention immediately was the contrasting styles of the cyberlings. Despite how clustered they were, almost seeming to cower behind the imposing Thorax, their eyes were all still laser-focused on Sunset. Despite how tangled the wires charging them were, blue snakes curled into terrifyingly tight knots over the rugs, the central port that they all led to was almost flawlessly buffed and guarded, looking like one of Canterlot Citadel’s many towers.

“As you can see…” Thorax started, motioning to his fellow drones. “We are all in a twist trying to keep our kin safe.”

Sunset nodded. “I hope I can help along.”

“Now why do I not believe this?” Pharynx snapped, circling the Inspector like he was an incensed lion. “Could it be because our leader, our queen, is strapped to you like an ornament? The way you've chosen to sneak into our one sole refuge from your oil-thirsty kin? Or—”

“Pharynx, stand down!” Despite what looked like a furious clacking of mandibles, the cyberling compiled. “My apologies. Pharynx has been in charge of scouting and security; the number of pony attacks on cyberling has doubled since that accursed tape came down.“

“A tape that both your ‘ornament’ and Inspector Shimmer believe to be doctored.” Chrysalis's head craned around to stare holes into the withering Pharynx. “And until we find such a way to crack that, you will not crack first, understood?”

“...Yes, my Queen,” Pharynx grunted, though with less bite in his voice than he’d delivered to Sunset.

“Speaking of, Thorax,” Sunset said. “It does seem like a cyberling was on the scene from what little of the tape we saw. If you still have them….”

“I do. But decrypting it is the problem. Our Queen has the strongest processors, but inner recorders work best with the cyberling who recorded it. And since time is of the essence…” Thorax’s head bowed. “The cyberling that oversaw it is currently in hiding.”

“And you do not know where?” Chrysalis said. “Because she is clearly not within the inner limits of this Citadel.”

“I… will need more power than I currently have to do so.” Thorax shamefully admitted. “And therein lies my dilem-em-em—SWITCHING TO SAFE MODE, EMERGENCY POWER ONLY.

Seeing Thorax, so staunch and imposing among the cyberlings, collapse in on himself so suddenly almost tore at Sunset’s heart. Thankfully, he managed to get back onto his metal hooves, albeit struggling, and his eye-lamps now blinking a bright cherry red.

Sunset was not alone in her concern, though. “Thorax… you should have informed me of your status,” Chrysalis whispered. “I would have seen to your refueling—to your health!”

“It is… no issue, my Queen.” Thorax panted, to Sunset’s shock. Cyberlings feel exhaustion? “All of my power is being devoted toward making sure this tower is full—so any injured cyberlings we find can be kept alive.” Thorax grimaced. “But I could devote a minute to providing part of the file, the visual part at least… if I resorted to the old-fashioned way of revitalization.”

Pharynx’s eyes widened. Chrysalis sucked in a breath she didn’t need. Sunset’s mind, however, was drawing blanks.

“Old-fashioned?” she asked.

Chrysalis shook her head disapprovingly. “Forgive my stand-in, Thorax. He has it in his head that just because electricity can charge us, our primary way of feeding is obsolete.”

“...Is it obsolete?”

“Oh, it works perfectly,” drawled Pharynx. “If you don’t mind your inner battery draining like a split ship within the day.”

“It also means we don’t need to stalk ponies to…” Thorax furiously shook his head, one of his eyes sputtering madly for a second. “Nevermind. I have no other volunteers to siphon what I need.”

“Will it keep the person from walking and talking?”

Now it was time for Thorax’s jaw to drop. “N-no, it will only increase irritability and anger, but—you cannot be volunteering yourself for this. Not even the Vice-Director offered!”

“I’m not the Vice-Director.” Sunset cocked her head, exposing her neck. “And right now, anger’s feeling like just the aphrodisiac I need. Feed away, and let's crack that file.”

It was a testament to the tenseness of the moment that even Chrysalis was too stunned to crack a dirty joke.

Finally, Thorax nodded. “I… alright then. First, turn to face me, Sunset; I fear you've been misled as to how we extract love from another pony.”

Sunset could have dropped dead of shame at that point.

For Inspector Sunset, even the air rushing through her felt like it stopped just short of lifting her spirits. So many delays and dead ends were appearing in this case, her body still ached from the explosion, and now they had to look for a cyberling who might very well have been killed herself! Right now, the only thing keeping her from grinding her teeth into powder was...

“Was lasering that anti-cyberling poster truly necessary, Sunset?”

Sunset snapped back to reality, horn smoking in the blaring winds, and stared back at Chrysalis. “Are you complaining?”

“That you didn’t wait for the other pony defouling it to finish before you started firing?” A shrug came from the wing-spread bundle upon Sunset’s back. “Maybe.” Then a ding erupted from Chrysalis's mouth, much like a microwave’s, and Sunset had to slap a hoof over her mouth to keep from laughing. “Alas, I’ve finished up our mystery cyberling’s recording.”

“Great. Shoot.”

“Seems our mystery drone's name is Urtica; quite the intrepid worker of mine, I should admit.” Chrysalis hummed.

Sunset dipped in the air as she finally located the hospital. “Chrysalis. Focus on what she did the day of the incident.”

“Killjoy. Urtica was at the incident, but this is what bothers me; she was the one recording it.”

Sunset almost spasmed out of Chrysalis's grip at that. “Wait, what?!”

“I tell no lies, Inspector. Her camera was on that scene as it occurred—and what’s more, it was opposite to that the court tape’s perspective.” Chrysalis’s eyes narrowed. “Give me a minute in our recovery ward and I can project the image. Perhaps we can identify the original reco—”


The alley next to the Canterlot Citadel Hospital exploded in a flurry of bolts and light. Soon, Sunset and Chrysalis were careening to the ground, with Sunset only pulling up at the last second to land them in the dumpster of a restaurant across the street.

Spitting out banana peel bits—and what she desperately hoped were rotted coffee grounds—Sunset pulled herself and Chrysalis out of the dumpster. Slowly, her inquisitive eyes peered into the scarred walls and devastation a street away, almost certain this was not a coincidence.

“Holy flock! I knew we should have come here faster, Cadance—Sunset?!”

Now it was Sunset’s turn to feel her jaw tunnel a path to Tartarus, seeing Cadance, Shining, and Twilight pop up behind her. Goodness, was everything in the Citadel out to stop her heart today?

“Right, we’ll start with your account today, Inspector.”

Sunset had almost felt like she was gliding in jello from Twilight's emergency teleport—but right now, she wasn’t complaining, even if her breakfast-starved stomach was. Right now, it was the barrel-like walls and corridors of the Canterlot Guard barracks that loomed around her.

And despite how many golden-armored ponies were in it, it almost looked like a funeral.

Even here, Sunset could hear the snap of paparazzi cameras outside. Thankfully, the most inquisitive of them all was both inside and respectful, as Photo Finish was simply interviewing Twilight. The musk of sweat hung heavy around the room, and most of it was from the Guards: half of whom were acting like the chair Shining was slumped in was empty (and shooting Chrysalis dirty looks) while the other half were flocking around him and Cadance like honeybees.

And Sunset…

Well, Sunset was busy staring at the image Chrysalis had isolated from the recordings she had acquired. Indeed, it was a mirror to the image during the court feeds that had so shocked and scandalized the Canterlot Citadel. There was the snap of another helmet-fed camera, separated by a street choked with rubble and fire. There was a cyberling advancing on a slight unicorn, seemingly hungry for more than just that pony’s love—those slitted eyes called for blood.

Most chillingly, there was Shining Armor—caught between helping the pony or handling the bout of flames billowing from an off-scene building, A choice which, if the court tape’s feed was accurate about, Shining had made poorly. Given that his credibility was needed to keep the Blueblood arrest from being thrown into question, proving that Shining was in the right to leave this poor unicorn there was all that would keep Blueblood in a cell—and the Citadel fire-free.

If the Inspector didn’t find a break in the case soon, all of Canterlot might be as divided as the house she was currently in.

“Sunset, are you sure you can’t identify that other pony in the picture?” came the pleading call of Cadance. Despite the food heaped up around her in golden plates, her frame stayed as thin as it had when Sunset had met her.

“Nothing concrete.” Sunset finally sighed. “I can tell the robes of the victim here were from Fleur’s Mission of Mercy service. And the flash reveals the sides of the other recorder’s helmet—which looks too elaborate to be a policepony’s. But I can’t tell the identity of anypony there.”

Sunset bit her lip.

“Besides your husband’s.”

Cadance gave a little accepting nod, then pushed away several of the cakes in front of her. Sunset envied her strength in how she battled her hunger. Then, she scolded herself over the horrible case she’d found herself in; no wonder Cadance didn’t have an appetite!

“Which means we need Urtica herself—and the original feed—to poke holes in this case,” Chrysalis said. ‘Swell. I’m going to be piggybacking again.”

Sunset’s ears perked toward the recalling of Shining’s testimony coming from Twilight’s lips. Naturally, these were the ones she’d disregard—she’d already taken Shining’s testimony, and so had the court on the stand. But perhaps something from the Vice-Director’s ever-analyzing mind might give Sunset some new routes to plumb in proving Shining’s innocence.

“So, what is your opinion on how strong the case looks?” asked Photo. “Not in the implications it has for Blueblood’s case—non!—but the case that is building against your brother?”

Twilight swallowed, offered a sheepish smile to the recording camera, and responded. “For starters, there was the issue of how the tape was acquired. I can understand fear for one’s life, but the last pony anyone in the Citadel should be scared of is Shining. Especially since he’s taken second-degree burns to keep our capital from burning to the ground.”

“Indeed—but it seems that Shining is more observant of the buildings than the ponies suffering right outside of them.” Photo Finish craned forward in her seat, her lips pursed. “Do you have any words for those that feel their faith in Canterlot’s top brass is not worth salvaging?”

“I do,” Twilight said, finally drawing to full height. This was the Vice-Director talking now, not Shining’s timid sister. “Look at Fleur and Upper Crust, flooding the streets with their volunteers to help repair Canterlot’s scars. Look at Minuette and the Directors, helping those so wrongly maligned and manipulated become a part of this shining city. Look at Moondancer and… the pony before me, so determined to make sure that Blueblood's victims are heard.”

Twilight’s eyes locked right onto Sunset and Chrysalis at that point, the intensity burning in her violet eyes stunning them to the spot.

“And then ask yourself, between us Directors and Blueblood, who’s really failed this city.”

Just like that, the spell was over—well, physically. “Alright, Chrysalis,” Sunset breathed, “Bring up that photo again—and look up the roster of volunteers for Fleur and Crust. Work like that is one they’d keep hours on, to make sure the volunteering goes to the right places.”

“Hmph. And if they’re patrolling riot-wracked areas…” Chrysalis’s processors whirred deafeningly in shock. “One might have some fresh eyes on that scene your Shining was in!”

“And one of them may be the cyberling we’re looking for. Start your search.”

Chrysalis’s eyes switched off from the image of Shining—and back to the blast that had engulfed the hospital.

Chrysalis, you took pictures of the scene that nearly blinded us?!” growled Sunset.

The cyberling queen’s eyes narrowed. “I cannot help it—our black boxes work in times of imminent threat to our systems functioning.”

“Well right now, it’s taking up space in your mind that we’ll need if we find….” Then something flashed in Sunset’s mind. “Define exactly what triggers your black box cameras here, Chrysalis.”

“Electrical, processing or data overload.” Chrysalis’s snout creaked in confusion. “What for?”

“And those could be identified as they’re happening, right?”

“We light up like your Hearth’s Warming trees when we have low battery power, Sunset.” Chrysalis drawled. “I think those types of overloads would be hard to miss, yes…?”

But Sunset was off to the races, her mind pouring over countless scenarios. “I’m just thinking... if I were recording this to spring Blueblood, it seems that all’s I’d have to do to make the story unassailable is make sure none of them are around to tell any other story.”

A growl shuddered from Chrysalis. “Utchid is in danger?”

“Not just her,” Sunset’s eyes narrowed. “And I don’t think that Shining is the only Guard being set up here, either. We need to find—”

Suddenly, the furor outside intensified in volume, and not just because the door inside the barracks had been opened. Following behind the stride of Vice Director Luna—clad head to toe in billowing midnight-blue robes—was the head-bowed presence of Flash Sentry.

The effect in the room was immediate.

Shining was a blur of limbs as he lunged for Flash, only getting out a “SENTRY, YOU STUPID TRA—” before a flash from Luna’s horn flung half of the assembled Guards onto him in a purple-shimmering pile.

Cadance, on the other hand, almost seemed to curl into a ball in the face of the pony that had put her husband in the spotlight, causing Twilight to nearly bowl over Photo Finish in an attempt to comfort her.

Flash, looking up at the chaos he had wrought, looked ready to melt into a puddle himself, his heartbroken look to Twilight almost palpable in Sunset’s mind. She knew that the emotion pouring from Flash was genuine—that raw sense of disappointment and shame. It was something she’d felt from a different Director before her first exile to the Canterlot City beyond the mirror.

Before the Blueblood conspiracy.

Before Chrysalis.

“You—I—why did you bring Flash here, Luna?” wailed Twilight. “After what just happened?!”

“Do we detect a note of accusation in your voice, Twilight?” Luna’s Royal Canterlot Voice was as strong as ever, even making the Guards take cautious steps back. “He is linked to a material witness—one that we insisted tell his story when we realized the seriousness of its implication.”

“You… told him to reveal that tape?” Twilight looked like she’d been hit with a cannonball. “But… I mean, it can’t be true, right? I had to be vetted, reviewed!”

“And so it shall—by the tribunal we will be calling by the time this Blueblood trial is over.”

Sunset herself felt ice water chug through her veins at Luna’s pronouncement. A Director had approved this. That made things so much worse in terms of solving it.

Yet again it was Twilight that spoke up before she could. “But Luna—all this will do is strain the Canterlot elite’s resources and credibility. We’ll look like we're more obsessed with looking self-accountable than being so!”

“And one of our junior Directors flashing all over the city instead of containing the witnesses—as I had to do now—will relieve it?” Twilight was almost blown over by Luna’s words. “Or hast thou forgot that a batpony—wearing my Guard’s sigil—was the victim in the center of this?”

Sunset’s eyes bugged out in surprise at the new evidence. “Director! My apologies for interrupting, Director Luna, but how did you know?”

Luna honorably nodded to the inspector pony. “Ah yes—I assume you are on the case to see the truth behind this tape?”

“Y-yes, Director.”

“Then the last frame of the tape you saw on the television should have shown the crest all Night Guard wear.” Luna proudly puffed her chest, revealing the symbol attached to the fasteners of her brooch—a shape of purple wings over an upward-facing sword. “My Guard all have one in the same position. “And one of my Guards is already making the funeral arrangements for the batpony.”

“She’s… dead?”

Sunset had almost forgotten Shining was within ear-sight, buried as he was under his own Guardsponies.

“Yes, Captain Shining. She is.” Luna said, cutting off the Inspector’s observation. “And sadly, we still have no lead on her slayer. None of my Guard will talk.”

Sunset was incredulous. “Director, I appreciate your effort, but don’t let naivety cloud your jud—”

“--I assure you it is not, Inspector.” Luna cocked an eyebrow. “In fact, following how deeply Blueblood’s corruption lay, I now offer double the money anypony would bribe my Guard with to bring forward information on their bribes.”

Sunset “That’s… actually a smart option, Luna.”

“A pity it only works on those who care for money,” came Chrysalis's curt reply. “Which those using bombs on their targets usually don’t often intersect with.”

“Regardless.” Luna motioned to the still crestfallen Flash. “If you wish to know more about Flash’s witness, he is here for you to depose. But your current one—Chrysalis—stays with me.”

“What?” Sunset cried. “I need her to help decipher the tape, and find our witnesses—one of which might be in danger!”

“And she shall—under the direct protection of Director Luna.” Luna stared morosely at the wary Chrysalis. “Who will also be overseeing her recovery.”

Just then, Minuette burst into the room with two unicorn ponies, decked in scrub-like shirts with fleur-de-lis pinned on their breast. “Sorry, Director, I grabbed everything on cyberling tech I could find, but I don’t think it’s enough for—Chrysalis!”

“It’s okay, Doctor,” Luna said, bringing the stunned Minuette back to life. “Simply find a workbench in the armory to work in peace.”

“Righty-o, then, Director.” And Minuette’s horn brought Chrysalis off of Sunset’s back, Sunset feeling like her heart was leaving with the fractured cyberling. “Come along now, Chrysalis.”

Flash let out a venomous snort at seeing Chrysalis leave. “Good riddance.”

Sunset, even knowing that the ache in her head was from Thorax’s feeding, couldn't help but want to buck Flash’s face in. But Cadance—Cadance, of all ponies—moving to comfort Flash with a hug stopped her cold. It also did Twilight, certain that she was hallucinating. “What is this, big sister?”

“It is compassion. And it comes in too short a supply in this Citadel as of late.” Cadance said. “Relax now, Flash—You are among allies now—even the cyberling.”

Flash’s hardened expression melted back into the sorrowful hurt he had before. His wet eyes remained firmly locked on Twilight, though, who couldn’t help but offer a shy wave.

Mentally winded, Sunset turned back to Luna. “I… may still need another pony to accompany me to the crime scene. B-before I talk to Flash.”

“That shall be Twilight’s job.” Luna nodded. “One she will devote her full attention to this time.”

Twilight guiltily hung her head, while Shining struggled in his Luna’-anchored float in the sky. “Director, at least let me interrogate Sentry first! I-I know I didn’t leave that pony to die—in fact, there was no pony there when I left!”

“And as for you, Shining.” Luna’s tone turned icy as she rounded on him. “The pony you claim is non-existent is currently in a casket in the lounge. You may pay your respects to her at any time. But until she is in the ground, you will do her memory the honor of keeping that casket and your mouth shut.”

Shining, a retort still burning in his breast, let it collapse into a defeated sigh. “Yes, Director,” he squeaked.

Luna let him drop unceremoniously to the cobbled floor, then turned to the rest of the assorted Guard. “That goes double for thee. The camera shutters are flapping outside; be sure your mouths aren’t. No talking to the press, no taking matters into your own hooves, and no disrespect to the dead. We shall be upstairs if needed.” She was out in a flash of robes, Shining still being levitated in the air behind her.

One slam of the door later, and Sunset was again alone with Twilight. It wasn’t the first time, but it felt like it was missing something to Sunset it wasn’t before.

“So, Sunset…” Twilight offered, bringing out a forehoof. “Ready to brave the ravenous crowds?”

Daring aren’t we, Vice-Director?” chirruped a voice from Sunset’s mane. Both unicorns jumped at the sound.

“Chrysalis?” Sunset yelped, feeling in her mane for the source of the tinny voice. Sure enough, she found it.—a stray lock of red that felt metallic to the touch. “Is… that you?”

“Surprised? I am a cyberling, after all. Changing to blend in is in every fiber of my being.”

“...You snuck this into my mane when we moved here, didn’t you?” grumbled Sunset.

“Yes—it turns out all the time I spent being your eyes and wings helped me in particular.” Chrysalis chuckled a little. “Now, if you’re kind enough to warn me if I’m in range of Director Moonbutt, I can help shed light on anything your crime scene provides.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “And Minuette’s okay with this too?”

“Very much so, my little pony,” “And if Minuette is not such, then I can easily let everypony know she’s too busy trying to find what constitutes a caboose of mine to attach limbs to be discret-”

“Okay okay Chrysalis I’ll keep mum now please stop talking about that!”

Then the feed cut off, Sunset having to bite back a giggle as she and Twilight teleported away.

Comments ( 5 )

saw title, my mind immediately went to mutant/zombie apocalypse and energy drinks.

Well don't worry, this story will have as many twists and turns as one of those!

New convenient Chryspack! With bonus endless sarcasm!

Welp, and the conspiracy is getting conspiracier.

We can rebuild her. We have the technology.

Now we'll never know how their feeding works.

'castor-oi' - castor-oil

'‘Swell. I’m going to be piggybacking again.”' - “Swell. I’m going to be piggybacking again.”

'to our systems functioning' - to our systems' functioning

'Utchid is in danger?' - I think you meant Urtica

Well, things just got more complicated, now didn't they.

they should've killed blueblood first and came up with excuses later. it's find as long as majority of population want him dead.

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