• Published 12th Feb 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 4 - BronySonicFan

While fighting against Dr. Eggman, Sonic accidentally tears the wall between dimensions, accessing to several universes that might feel familiar and new at the same time.

  • ...

9. Across the Multiverse

Once again, Sonic had to explain himself, although he did it with concern this time around.

During the entire story, Chip only navigated the ship they were over across the multiverse, but not entering to a single one of them, he just navigated above, below and around the white lines and curves. He was also hearing Sonic during the entire time, and he felt really bad that he had to go through all that stuff.

He was mad with Sonic at first since he traveled through the multiverse, but now that he understood why and how he ended up here, he felt really bad that he even thought Sonic had bad intentions in the first place, when everything he wanted to do was go back home.

Once Sonic finished, he sighed concerned and sat over one of the passengers couches in the ship. "...And after that, a portal with the shape of an X suddenly opened below my feet, and I ended up here."

"Yeah, that last thing's my fault," Chip said with a sheepish smile, before he decided to stop moving the ship, as it stood still in the middle of several universes, while the creature frowned with worry and approached Sonic. "So, you were tricked by Eggman, and you ended up traveling through all those universes just to go home... Man... I judged you really bad, Sonic. I wish I knew earlier so I could take you home, but... with my current power, I have no idea which is your universe. I mean, I only detected that someone was jumping between universes and decided to investigate, and eventually, I got to you and brought you here."

"Eh, is fine" Sonic said with a sad smile. "Is not like I can go back home right now, anyways... And I doubt that keep jumping between worlds is a good idea, either..."

"No, it isn't wise," Chip agree with a nod.

Sonic sighed again and rubbed his face with a hand, as he tried to come up with something that could help him go back home without messing up with the multiverse a whole lot more.

"I just want to go home and... stop Eggman before he messes things up even more..." Sonic said with concern. "That is, if he didn't already..."

"Hmm... You know? Ever since existence itself started, I've been guarding up the entire multiverse," Chip explained. "Yet, in all my years, centuries, millenniums watching over every reality, I never saw a situation like the one from your world and Equestria."

"Huh?" Sonic exclaimed confused. "What do you mean?"

"You see: The multiverse is unpredictable," Chip started to explain again. "I may be it's guardian, but there are things that even escape my current powers, like the Nexus events."

"Nexus events?" Sonic asked confused, although with a smirk. "You better explain yourself, Chip. I'm still new to this whole multiversal travel thing, you know?"

"Yeah, right, sorry," Chip apologized with a sheepish smile. "You see: Nexus events are basically, and ironically, events were two universes collide for reasons that, again, are beyond my current powers. There's three possible options for said event to come to an end: Either the two universes combine to form a single universe; they both separate and return to their original state; or they both stop existing forever, but new universes with the same habitants and similar rules born in their places."

"...So they basically are what makes the multiverse what it is, huh?" Sonic asked, and Chip nodded. "Then, what does that makes my situation?"

"That's the thing: What you just told me about both Mobius and Equestria is something that never happened before!" Chip revealed with a surprised smile. "Sonic, I never in a million years thought that what happened to your world and the pony one was even possible! We're probably witnessing the birth of a new kind of Nexus Event!"

"How?" Sonic asked. "Both my dimension and Equestria's one have been interacting for the past two years, and we never dealt with any kind of 'universe collapse' or something. And is not like Mobius as a whole is in Equestria, y'know? Is just me and my friends living in another universe."

"The only logical explanation I can find... is that your worlds aren't actually colliding," Chip said, as he rubbed his chin.

"But my friends, Eggman and I've been there for 2 whole years! Heck, maybe even more at this point!" Sonic pointed out again. "How's that our worlds aren't colliding in that case?"

"Better show you than just tell!" Chip stated with a smile, before moving over to the wheel that controls the ship and move it, as the vehicle started to move across the multiverse once again.

Chip navigated all across the multiverse, and this time, Sonic approached a border of the boat to take a better look at all the white lines and curves that formed th infinite multiverse he's been traveling through for the past few days. That is, if it's been days, of course.

No matter how many times he entered to this plane of existence, he couldn't help but smile at how beautiful everything looked around.

"Is hard to believe that I've been living in one of those worlds, despite knowing the existence of other universes my whole life..." Sonic said with a little sigh and a smile.

"That's how the multiverse works!" Chip pointed out with a smile. "So, besides variants of Equestria and your own world, what kind of other wacky worlds have you seen?"

"All kinds of wacky stuff: One full of mushrooms with a plumber guy; a kingdom with a magic sword and elves; a world with a guy that goes 'Wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka!' all the time as he eats some weird spheres that allow him to eat ghosts; a world with the shape of a star... literally; a world where nothing seems to be connected or even the same way every time I got back to it..." Sonic listed. "And whatever is that realm where the Smash Brothers' Tournaments happen every now and then."

"Huh... That sounds more like 'dimensional travel' rather than 'multiversal', but you do you!" Chip said with a smile, before suddenly stopping the ship right above a white curve. "Alright, here we are!"

Sonic approached the edge of the boat again and saw the white curve below, before turning to Chip and raise an eyebrow. "Uh... what are we doing here, exactly?"

"Before answering that, let me make you a question that might seem useless considering everything you lived the past few days, but still..." Chip replied. "What do you know about the Multiverse? And be honest with me!"

"...Yeah, it is kinda useless..." Sonic replied with a bored expression. "Well, I know pretty much the basics! Stuff like different worlds that might seem similar to ours, and very different at the same time; that every world has its own rules; that some worlds might have variants of myself, and in some others I don't even exist... You know, what I think everyone knows about the multiverse in general. Why do you ask?"

"Because there's things that you might not understand yet," Chip pointed out, now pointing as well at the white curve.

Suddenly, a line that was right above that universe started to move towards it. Soon enough, both universes crashed, and they slowly but surely started to combine until they formed a single universe.

"Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed after those two worlds combined.

"Impressive, right?" Chip asked with a smile. "That, my friend, is what I call a Nexus event. Two universes collided, and now, they have united forever, forming part of one same universe," He explained, before moving to the other side of the boat. "Get over here, Sonic!"

Sonic immediately moved along Chip and saw him pointing at two lines/universes, that slowly started to curve as they rosed each other, before they separated and become independent again.

"Huh... that's something you don't see everyday..." Sonic said, still smiling a bit.

"Maybe for you, but Nexus events are a very common thing around here," Chip pointed out.

Then, Chip moved towards the back of the ship, and Sonic followed, but he gasped in shock when he saw two lines of different universes slowly erasing, and after some minutes, none of the two universes existed anymore.

Sonic's ears fell flat, and now, he was feeling very sad after watching that happening, something that Chip noticed, as he approached him and patted his back. "I know how you feel, Sonic... I have to watch some universe die like this everyday, unfortunately. Not every universe manages to survive the Nexus, so... they collapse, and then they die."

"...Why does this Nexus events happen?" Sonic decided to ask. "And why does some of them involve destroying the universes?"

"Like you said, Nexus events are what makes the multiverse what it is," Chip explained. "Sometimes, someone in one of the colliding realities discovers this place, and in their desire to know more, to conquer it... they create a Nexus event. Other times, Nexus events happen out of anyone's control, even mine. They just... happen. As for why some erase... I honestly don't know. But so many new worlds are always born when that happens," He added with a little smile, now pointing upwards.

Sonic looked in the direction Chip was pointing, and his eyes sparkled a bit in amazement, as he saw several new universes being born, even after seeing two of them disappearing entirely. He ended up smiling as well, and he also sighed in relief after watching that.

"Wow..." Sonic muttered with a smile. "That was... amazing!"

"Yeah, I know," Chip replied with a smirk. "The beauty of the multiverse is that no matter how many times I watch it happen, I still can't help but smile. Even in the darkest of times, there's always a light of hope... Don't you think?"

"Yeah..." Sonic replied with a smile. "One question, though. Is it just me, or these Nexus events you keep mentioning happen incredibly fast? I mean, they literally just separated or collided together and that's it!"

"Time doesn't exists here, silly. Why do you think I found you so fast?" Chip asked with a smirk.

However, Sonic raised an eyebrow and blinked at Chip a few times. "Uh... I've been jumping from one universe to the other for several days, if I recall correctly..."

Now it was Chip the one that blinked a few times, before he chuckled and started to sweat nervously. "Oh! Right, right... sorry, Sonic... When you spend your whole life isolated and with no one to talk to but yourself, you take for granted that everyone knows what you do when they don't. There's a little something I have to tell you..."

"And what is that 'something', exactly?" Sonic asked.

"You see, in this plane of existence, time doesn't exists," Chip started to explain. "That means that every universe moves on their own time lapse, but in this place... it's been just a few seconds."

"...That makes absolutely no sense..." Sonic pointed out. "If time doesn't exists here, then how have you been guarding this place for so long?"

"That is a great question. Wish I had a convincing and consistent answer, but... I don't have it!" Chip replied with a sheepish smile. "Just know that what you feel it's been days, or even weeks, to me it's only... What? A few minutes? Maybe even seconds?"

"Seconds?!" Sonic shouted/asked on disbelief. "B-But that doesn't makes any sense!"

"If I recall correctly, your life history says that you have fought several gods and other kind of monsters before," Chip pointed out. "Time not existing in someplace should be the most normal thing for you."

"...Okay, fair enough..." Sonic confessed. "But still: I kind of feel stupid now... I feel like I've been moving from one world to another for days now! And then you come here and say that it's been just what? 10 minutes?!"

"Actually, I did lasted 10 minutes finding you," Chip replied with a little smile.

"...It was a rhetorical–– Eh, whatever," Sonic said, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "Is there anything else that I should know?"

"...Yes... but you might not like to hear it," Chip confessed, as his ears fell flat.

"Aw, come on! I'm pretty sure I can handle it," Sonic assured with a confident smirk.

Chip looked at him, now with a bored expression, and then sighed heavily. "...Sonic... once you solve all of this... you must return to your universe. In other words: You have to leave Equestria... Probably forever."

Sonic's eyes widened in shock, his smirk immediately left, and slowly, he frowned back. "What?"

"Listen: Your interaction with Equestria has been long, and whatever is the interaction between your worlds, it isn't a Nexus event: Is something else entirely," Chip explained with concern. "I've never seen anything like what is happening to your world, and I don't know if it is a good or bad thing. Usually, I could just let it slip... but considering what your Eggman's planning, I think you know very well what you have to do."

"And if I don't want to?" Sonic asked with rage, while his eyes turned blue.

"Sonic––" Chip tried to call out.

"I've been doing everything for everyone my entire life!" Sonic pointed out. "Why staying in Equestria, the only selfish thing I wanna do so far, has to be also the very same thing that I cannot do?!"

"Sonic, listen––" Chip wanted to resonate, although he was frowning now, but Sonic didn't allowed him to explain anything.

"My ancestors lived in that dimension before!" Sonic pointed out again, and his electrical powers were growing as much as his anger. "Why do I have to leave when I basically returned to where I belong? WHY DO YOU WANT TO TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME?!"

Chip was beyond furious now, and with just one slap, he managed to calm Sonic down.

"If you stay, there's a big chance that a Nexus event happens! And you know which one will it be? The one were both worlds get erased!" Chip said with anger. "That's why you must return to your universe once all of this is done."

Sonic's eyes widened, and his ears fell flat in sadness, while he felt his heart racing many miles per hour now.

Chip sighed, and looked at Sonic again with sadness. "If you really know what's the best for both universes, Sonic... if you really care for Equestria... if you really love Pipp... then I know you'll make the right choice. As you always did before... don't act with your mind. Act with your heart."

Sonic felt incredibly conflicted, and his mind was racing crazily. He stepped back and turned around to prepare so he could boost away, something that Chip noticed.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Chip asked with concern.

"...I need some time alone... I want to clear my thoughts..." Sonic replied, before boosting away, running over the crystal path again, and then entering into a random universe.

"...These are gonna be the 10 longest and most awkward seconds of my life..." Chip muttered with concern.

Universe 181021

The sky opened with the shape of an X, and Sonic fell straight to what seemed to be Zephyr Heights' abandoned station.

Once he noticed that, he groaned frustrated, and then, he stood up to clean the dust out of his body. His shoes and gloves changed and seemed to looks like a purple variant of his fingerless gloves and his soap shoes as well.

Yet, Sonic couldn't care less, because he was beyond furious with what 'Chip' told him.

Is not that he wasn't planning to never return to his dimension, but... he didn't wanted to leave Equestria, either. He never felt at home on Mobius the same way he felt in Equestria. He didn't knew if the fact that his ancestors are from that universe had something to do with it, or maybe the fact that he had a girlfriend there that he loved and refused to leave, but he simply refused to accept the fact that he needed to go... that he didn't belonged in Equestria despite his ancestors being from that place.

He felt his cheeks wet suddenly, and he passed a hand over one of them, just to realize that he was crying in silence. He tried to wipe out his tears, but the painful thoughts of leaving Equestria forever just keep coming and coming, and the tears fell even more now.

Seeing that his efforts were hopeless, he gave up, and decided to let his tears fell, as he sat against a wall and buried his face between his knees, crying like he never did for the first time since Longclaw died so long ago.

In the middle of his cries, however, he didn't noticed a figure approaching him. And then, his shoulder was touched by a hoof, and he got startled as he tried to step back, just to look at Zipp eye to eye. Or, well, a variant of Zipp, since this was clearly another universe.

"...W-Who are you, hedgehog?!" Zipp asked confused. "H-How did you––" She tried to add, but then she noticed that Sonic was crying a lot, and so, he shut her mouth.

"D-Don't mind me..." Sonic said, chuckling both nervously and embarrassed, as he tried to hide his tears, failing in the process. "I-I'm just... having an existential crisis, I guess... Sorry for getting in here without warning..."

"Oh..." Was everything Zipp replied, before strangely sitting at his side. "...Wanna, um... Wanna talk about it?"

Sonic didn't looked at her, but he kind of knew she was looking at him, so he simply sighed heavily. "...I... I've been living in this really nice place for two years, and... they want me to leave before I cause trouble... They say that... that I don't belong in there... I'm sad because I don't wanna leave... but a part of me knows that I must..."

"I see..." Zipp replied. "And what does the rest of you says?"

"Huh?" Sonic questioned, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You say only a part of you is convinced that you should leave," Zipp pointed out. "What says the other one?"

"...That is a lot of bullshit... and that I should stay... be selfish for once and think about me before thinking on others..." Sonic replied. "Something I've never done before... and I don't know If I ever could..."

"Well... there's always a first time," Zipp pointed out, now smiling. "Others might say and think what's best for you, but... I shouldn't be the one saying this, but I think you should think on what you think is the best for you."

Sonic snorted, and finally looked at her, as he could finally dry his tears properly. "But what if what I think isn't really the best for me? Nor for others?"

"Then sent it all to hell!" Zipp replied with a mocking tone, and Sonic bursted out laughing after that, with Zipp joining him soon afterwards.

Sonic sighed in relief, and once again looked at Zipp, now smiling. "Thanks... I guess I really needed to hear that... I'm Sonic, by the way," He presented himself, even though he already knew who Zipp was.

"And I'm Zipp," She presented herself as well, smiling back at Sonic.

"Zipp?" Came a familiar voice, and a pegasus swept into the room via the vent entrance.

Both Zipp and Sonic panicked immediately, but Sonic thought on something fast, and he quickly hide behind a corner, while Zipp was surprised on how fast he moved, but she sighed in relief regardless since he hid.

Soon enough, Queen Haven spotted her daughter and flew over to her. "Oh, there you are, my darling, I was looking for you! I've got a meeting with Alphabittle and Phyllis Cloverleaf in a little bit, and I was wondering if you could find your sister for me? I haven't seen her all day, so I'm a bit worried…" She trailed off as she spotted something in the corner of the room, peeking out from under a large sheet. Trotting over there, she pulled the sheet off to reveal a group of large fans, all facing upwards. "Zipp, what is this?"

Zipp first turned to the corner where Sonic was hiding, and she saw him shaking his head with a worried expression, clearly telling her that he didn't wanted to be exposed.

Zipp nodded and looked back at her mother. "Oh, um… that was my own little project. It's powerful enough to lift a pony into the air, so I used it when… You know. We couldn't fly. I just… really wanted to know what it would be like, to really fly, not be held up by some wires or something." She stopped when she saw the hurt look on her mom's face.

"Oh, Zipp, my darling," She whispered. She came over to the princess and put her wing around her, pulling her into a hug. "I am so, so sorry," Haven said, her quiet voice thick. Zipp looked over at her mother and was startled to see tears in her eyes and running down her cheeks. "I am so sorry I made you go along with all that. You were right, we should have been honest, but I didn’t listen, and it just ended up causing more trouble for you girls-" She broke off as Zipp leaned into her mother, something she never did.

"It's okay, Mom," She said. "It really is."

Haven smiled and lay her head on top of Zipp’s.

The two pegasi stared at the window for a while in comfortable silence, and Zipp turned a bit to see Sonic, who was smiling at her, before raising his thumbs up and winking at her, as he decided to boost away. Zipp smiled, and looked forward again once he left.

"I love you, you know that, right?" Haven finally said, turning to look at her daughter, who smiled.

"I know. And I love you, too, Mom." Zipp replied...

After Sonic boosted away, he opened another X portal and returned to the existential plane that connected every universe.

He frowned a bit, since he wasn't ready to talk with Chip yet, and while his talk with Zipp calmed him a bit, he still felt furious about the idea of leaving Equestria.

So, to keep his mind distracted and his rage under control, he boosted towards another random line, entering to a new universe in the process.

Universe 030722

Remember that stupid plot about Twilight opening a school to teach friendship?

Welcome back to that nonsense place! Because right now, Starlight is scolding Twilight and telling her what she did wrong

"You gave up too easily." Starlight said, pointing her hoof at the Alicorn while she felt offended with the face she made, but Starlight just shrugged it off. "Hey, you made me a guidance counselor. That means tough love." Starlight pointed out placing her hoof onto Twilight's chest.

But the latter placed her hoof onto the former's pushing it down. "Neighsay was right. I failed. The school was a disaster." She said, starting to walk away again only for Starlight to run in front of her.

"So was I when you met me. But you showed me that when you know in your heart something is right, you stand up for it. You did that for me. Why not for this?" Starlight questioned, gesturing to the whole school.

Twilight seemed flabbergasted. "I can't go against the EEA! They're in charge of all the schools in Equestria!"

But Starlight was quick with her rebuttal. "And you're in charge of all the friendship in Equestria. Why should you let somepony else stop you from doing your job?"

Twilight then pulled out the rulebook with her magic. "But the EEA rulebook––" She tried to explain, but she was cut off when Starlight smacked it into the water, shocking Twilight further as she looked into said water, seeing her reflection.

"Doesn't matter! You can write your own rules! Because you are doing something new. Something important!" Starlight declared, making Twilight ponder over what she had just been told.

The Alicorn for the first time since the school closed smiled at her friend. "You're right! Why we're doing this is way more important than how we're doing this! And we are doing this!" She exclaimed, making Starlight satisfied.

"Now, that's the Twilight I know. How can I help?" Starlight asked, only for the Alicorn to walk up to her with a smile.

"You already have." Twilight declared, as she hugged her friend, while the latter did the same, both feeling happy about the situation.

But as you might expect, the sky opened with the shape of an X again, and so, Sonic fell from it, landing perfectly right behind Twilight and Starlight.

Sonic slowly stood up and looked around, just to notice that his clothes changed again: This time, he had a black variant of those adventurer shoes and gloves he got on the universe were he met Twilight and the Guardians of Harmony.

However, when he lifted his head, he noticed that Twilight and Starlight, or new variants of them, were staring at him, both shocked and confused.

Sonic blinked a few times before smiling sheepishly. "Um... hi? Uh... I won't know if you know who I am, or if I should––"

"Sonic?!" Twilight asked, both confused and shocked.

"...So you do know who I am..." Sonic said with a confused look.

"Uh... didn't you told me his arms were blue? And why does it look like he has just one eye?" Starlight asked to Twilight, although Sonic managed to hear her.

"...And not at the same time..." Sonic finished with a bored expression.

"Uh, are you a changeling that also came to the school?" Twilight asked. "Because if you wanted to prank us by looking like Sonic, you clearly failed."

"I'm not a changeling," Sonic replied, still with a bored expression. "I'm also not the Sonic you know. I'm from another universe, and I fell here because I just wanted to distract my mind, alright?"

"...I'm sorry, another universe?" Starlight asked confused.

"Multiverse stuff, I'm not the same Sonic you know, portals, fatigue, and a big desire to go home and send it all to hell!" Sonic shouted in anger. "Ugh... I won't even bother you with my shit. You don't deserve it," He pointed out, before turning around and starting to run on his place, as his feet created the shape of an eight.

"W-Wait!" Twilight tried to stop him, feeling confused and concerned. "What do you mean with that?!"

"Just know this: The entire multiverse could collapse if I don't leave right now!" Sonic stated, before boosting away as he traversed the already created X portal that closed afterwards.

Once he was gone, all Twilight and Starlight could do was look at each other with concern.

Sonic was once again back to the realm that accessed every universe.

Feeling like his last visit to a random universe only made him feel worse because of his own words, he decided to boost towards another random universe...

Universe 101020

Both Rainbow Dash and another Sonic were running down the street of Manehatten and dodged a few vehicles along the way as fast as they can to get the doctor off of their backs. Unfortunately, Robotnik was quickly on their tails and had his laser cannon pointing at them again. Worry and determined to get rid of him, both the other Sonic and Rainbow Dash kicked it into high gear and dashed further, just as Robotnik shoot his first laser. They managed to dodge Robotnik’s laser, only for the laser to hit one of the cars on the road.

"Dude! He just destroyed that car!" Rainbow Dash shouted in shock as she and Sonic kept running.

"I knew Eggman is crazy but not that crazy!" the other Sonic remarked while focusing on dodging the cars.

Before Rainbow Dash could respond, she yelped as she dodged another laser that was meant for her and hit another car.

And then, an X portal opened in the sky, while Sonic landed right in the middle of the streets. He then noticed he had regular gloves again, but he also had his PUMA shoes as well.

"I insist: They should be Jordans!" Sonic exclaimed annoyed.

"Hey, get out of the way!" Someone shouted, and once Sonic turned around, he saw a girl with rainbow hair, pony ears and pegasus wings flying at top speed towards him... along another Sonic with blue arms and separated eyes, that also had PUMA shoes.

"Ah crap..." Sonic muttered with annoyance and concern, before boosting away, while Rainbow Dash and the other Sonic soon catch him up, but Robotnik was still on their tails.

"What the heck?!" The other Sonic exclaimed, as his eyes widened at this new version of himself.

"Dude, who the hell are you?!" Rainbow Dash asked in panic and concern.

"Um... Long story short? I'm a Sonic that's traveling across the multiverse..." Sonic replied.

"Multiverse? Like in that Spider-Man movie?!" The other Sonic asked excited.

"More or less!" Sonic replied with a smirk. "Also, why are you guys running?"

They all quickly turned right on the road where there were fewer cars, but Robotnik was still behind them as he continued to shoot his lasers. Getting a little desperate, the two then pulled a last-minute sharp left turn into another street in an attempt to fake him out. However, Robotnik saw through their tricks as he also made a sharp left turn with a grunt.

"That was an illegal left by the way!" Robotnik remarked loudly.

Rainbow growled in frustration as she ran around the cars. "That is what we're running from! And he's gaining on us!"

"Keep running!" The other Sonic shouted as he lept from one car to another to avoid the lasers.

"Huh... I actually lived something like this a while ago..." Sonic confessed, and that's when he got an idea. "Wait! That's it! Listen, I know I'm still a stranger, but I think I know how to slow him down for a bit!"

Both Rainbow Dash and the other Sonic looked at each other, but nodded with smiles afterwards, and then looked back at Sonic.

"You better know what are you doing, pal!" Rainbow Dash warned.

"Yeah, it could be really bad if something happened to a guy with my face... or that looks like me at least!" The other Sonic added with a smile.

"Leave him to me!" Sonic stated, before looking at his counterpart of this universe with a smirk. "Also, you might wanna pay attention. You might even learn a trick or two!"

And so, Rainbow Dash and the other Sonic continued to run down the Manehatten streets, avoiding one laser after another, while Sonic slowed down and got off Robotnik's vision.

Meanwhile, Rainbow and the other Sonic tried to zigzag along the road to make Robotnik’s aim a lot harder, but no matter what they do, the lasers followed their every move. They temporarily split up with the other Sonic jumping on the lower edge of the building and running across from it. Before Robotnik fired his laser, the other Sonic quickly jumped across another building, striking a quick pose in the process, and then slide down along the second building.

Rainbow meanwhile, ran underneath the patio of an empty outdoor restaurant to get some cover. Unfortunately, it didn’t work as Robotnik’s lasers shot through the patio roof easily, destroying some parts of the restaurant in the process. Rainbow dodged all of the lasers before she jumped herself back onto the road to join the other Sonic.

That's exactly when Sonic decided to strike, as he got right in front of Robotnik and jumped in the air, before charging a Homing Attack against Robotnik's ship, taking him completely by surprise.

As the ship shook a bit because of the impact, Robotnik tried to stabilize it, but then, it was hit again suddenly when Sonic made a Wild Rush and charged his kick against the ship once again. Then, Sonic charged up a Spin Slash, before switching to a Spin Dash and finish up his combo by using a Stomp Attack.

Robotnik was now struggling to control the ship, and Sonic smirked, before boosting away entirely.

"Wish I could at least have said goodbye to them... but my friends need me..." Sonic said to himself with concern. "And I still unfortunately have a pending chat with Chip..."

And so, Sonic boosted away through another X portal created by the discs on his clothes, not noticing that Robotnik managed to regain control, as he decided to still chase down both Rainbow Dash and the other Sonic.

As Sonic returned to the realm that grant him access to any universe, he accidentally tripped with one of the floating purple crystals, and so, he fell right into a new universe by mistake.

Universe 040222

Autumn Blaze and her friends sat down together at the meeting table in Discord's cottage. They were discussing a potential course of action in getting Izzy back. The draconequus had given them only 24 hours to prep for the Riddle of Chaos and they needed some way to reach out to the purple unicorn.

So far, looking through the entirety of the bookshelves had not amounted to anything. The books did not contain any information useful to their cause and they had spent four hours searching. Finally, they had no choice but to sit down and brainstorm together. This was the table where they had all first met each other a year ago, so it held an incredibly special meaning to all of them.

However, now it was just a symbol of stress and worry.

Silverstream threw her claws up in the air in frustration. "Ugh! This is like studying for a test, only if you don't pass, you die! How do we reach out to Izzy when she's hundreds of years into the future?! This is hopeless!"

"Aw, don't give up, Silverstream!" Pinkie Pie encouraged her, "You know what I always say in class: When the going gets tough, the tough gets going! That's the party pony motto, meaning there's nothing we can't do if we do it together!"

"I like the sound of that," Autumn Blaze stated, "But this isn't just any ordinary task. If we don't get Izzy back here, we're all toast. Come on, there's gotta be something!"

"Okay okay," Skystar piped up, "What if, we go to Discord, ask him reeeeeeeeeaaaaalllly nicely not to sacrifice Autumn Blaze, offer him some shells as compensation, and then boom! Problem solved! He can probably give those to his Chaos Buddies later."

Gabby shook her head. "I'm all for the 'ask nicely' thing, but you heard Discord. The rules are the rules. We must do better than this. Think realistically!"

Silverstream gasped. "Gabby, what was that you said?"

"Uh, the rules are the rules?" Gabby replied confused.

"No no! After that!" Silverstream corrected herself.

"Think realistically. Why?" Gabby asked, still confused.

"That's it!!" Silverstream realized. "Professor Pinkie, you can rip a hole in the very fabric of existence! Can you hop over to Hasbro headquarters and ask them to send you to G5? You can contact Izzy that way!"

"That's just ridicu-" Autumn Blaze was cut off by the sound of a fabric tear. "Of course. Never question Pinkie Pie."

Sure enough, Pinkie Pie had broken open the fourth wall, which manifested itself as a portal to a large grey building with the Hasbro logo on it. She beamed proudly. "Okie dokie lokie! See you guys in a second!"

She hopped through the portal and landed on the other side, where she saw that doors to the headquarters were open.

However, before she could even make a step further, the sky was suddenly shattered until it formed the shape of an X, and as it's been happening for the past 8 episodes, Sonic fell straight into the floor, because his trip from before was so sudden, that he couldn't even realize he was falling to the floor.

Once he stood up and shook his head in pain, he cleaned the dust from his body, and then he noticed that his clothes were changed again: Now he was using some weird nike red shoes and white gloves with black palms.

"Okay... this is new..." Sonic said confused, before he noticed Pinkie Pie, who only tilted her head confused at his sudden appearance.

"Uh... You shouldn't be in this story..." Pinkie pointed out. "Unless I wasn't informed of a sudden cameo, of course."

"...Let me guess: You already know about the multiverse, don't you?" Sonic asked with a bored expression and a tired tone.

"Yup!" Pinkie replied cheerfully.

"...Gosh, I have come to a point were I cannot care anymore..." Sonic confessed a bit annoyed, stretching his arms and looking back at Pinkie. "Also, why are we in a city in the middle of nowhere instead of Equestria or something?"

"Wait, you know about––" Pinkie tried to ask, but then she realized what kind of story this was about now, and so she smiled widely. "Oh, I get it now! You're traveling from one universe to another so you can go back home, while at the same time, you're just trying to deny the crushing reality that you might have to leave the Equestria you know forever and ever! Specially somepony in specific."

Sonic's left eye twitched, and he screamed in anger. "Why can't I escape from those stupid words for five seconds?!" He shouted in rage, also grabbing his quills desperate.

"Because this story needs some drama!" Pinkie replied, still smiling. "And also because maybe you want to stay a bit longer to enjoy your final moments with your new friends, even if you know that you might have to say goodbye."

Sonic looked at her impressed, and all the anger and little hate he felt towards her vanished entirely. "...How's that everything you just said is incredibly accurate, and yet I still don't wanna hear it?"

"Eh, that's just how I work!" Pinkie replied with a cheery smile. "Anyways... I think you should go now, right? The multiverse you belong to could be in danger, and you're still here listening to me."

"Right! Right..." Sonic said, but he looked at Pinkie one last time with a smile. "Thanks for the confidence boost, Pinkie. I... I really needed it," He confessed, before boosting away, as his discs created an X portal and he traversed it, with the portal closing soon afterwards.

"Bye!" Pinkie waved her hoof, now humming something to herself as she entered Hasbro's headquarters.

Now that Sonic was back on track, and back on the 'multiverse realm', he boosted through the multiverse once again, before entering to another random universe.

Universe 131212

Another variant of Sonic was running nearby a clifftop.

He seemed like he was looking after someone, but then, a rainbow blur passed right beside him, and he seemed to smirk, stopping running and waving his hand at what seemed to be an anthropomorphic version of Rainbow Dash, with clothes and everything.

"Hey Dash!" Sonic's variant said happily. "I was looking for you."

"You were?" Rainbow asked happily. A little too happily. "I mean, you were?" She managed to keep her voice under control this time.

Sonic's variant chuckled. "Yeah. I saw this in the Shamar bazaar and thought of you, so I got it for you." He held out a bracelet.

Dash smiled. "Well, I'm not really much of a one for jewelry..." As she saw the gem, her statement was cut off with a gasp. The gem itself flickered with all the colors of the rainbow, seeming to glow from within. It was a simple diamond cut set in a simple gold bracelet, but the glow from the gem seemed almost hypnotic.

Sonic's variant smiled. "It's a Rainbow Stone. They crop up in veins of other gemstones every now and then. No one's quite sure what causes them to form. I got it cause it's all the colors of the rainbow..." He flicked a bit of her hair with his other hand. "Just like you."

"Sonic..." Dash slipped it onto her wrist happily. "It's wonderful. Thank you." On an impulse, she threw her arms around him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. After a moment, they both pulled back, a bit embarrassed.

Sonic's variant suddenly spun, defensively. "There's someone there!" He said, getting ready to run. "They're heading away."

Dash paled. "Horse apples... Amy."

Sonic's variant looked stricken. "You think Amy saw us?" He didn't sound like this was something he wanted hidden, more like he wished this situation could have been handled differently.

Dash nodded. "I'll take care of this, okay Sonic?" At Sonic's nod, she took wing and headed off. It wasn't hard to find Amy, and she came in for landing near where she was leaning against a tree, crying.

"Horse apples," Dash thought. "How do I handle this?"

However, before she could even approach, the sky suddenly opened with the shape of an X, startling Dash as she looked upwards, both shocked and confused.

Then, a very well known blue blur was falling from the sky, as he looked on with a very neutral expression despite being falling and not being able to fly, either.

"What the heck?!" Dash exclaimed confused at the appearance of Sonic, or someone that looked like him.

Meanwhile, Sonic himself saw that he was heading towards what seemed to be a green field... a very familiar one, that is.

"Green Hills?!" Sonic said on disbelief and with a little smile. "Oh, it's so good to be home! Even if this is another universe, though!" He added, before curling into a ball in the air, and then, he landed over a hill, uncurling and placing his hand on the ground to stop sliding.

He cleaned some dust of his body, then noticed that his gloves were now pink with golden stripes, and his shoes followed the same match, but they also had Pipp's Cutie Mark for some reason. He smiled, anyways, and he wished he could just make this clothes into actual ones if they didn't changed whenever he entered into another universe.

Once he turned around, his smile grew bigger at the sight of Green Hills: The loop-de-loops, the waterfalls, the flickies flying around... it was just like he remembered. He took a deep breath to smell the air, and then he sighed in relaxation. Up until this moment, he didn't realized how much he missed his home... and that's what made his eyes widened when he remembered what Chip told him.

For the very first time in 2 years, he was conflicted... he missed his old home, he realized that, but... he still didn't wanted to leave Equestria... he didn't wanted to leave Pipp... he simply couldn't do it...

And yet, Chip's words still invaded his mind... If he really loved her, if he really wanted to keep both Mobius and Equestria safe... shouldn't he do what's best for both worlds, as always, and not what's best for him?

"Dang it..." Sonic muttered, as he looked to the ground with worry. "Why does life has to be so complicated?" He asked with concern, before looking back at Green Hills and smile sadly. "At least nothing could go any more complicated..."

"Hey, you!" Rainbow Dash's voice spoke, behind him with anger, making his ears twitch.

Yup, he jinxed himself.

Sonic groaned annoyed, then turned around to find another version of himself and Rainbow Dash. Although, with all the stuff he has done and seen so far, he isn't impressed anymore

"Alright, partner!" Sonic's variant said with a frown. "Start explaining yourself and give me one good reason to not brake your teeth right about now!"

"No," Sonic replied with a frown and a tired tone.

Both Rainbow and Sonic's variant felt surprised and confused after hearing such a response, and they looked at each other startled.

"Um... no?" Rainbow asked confused.

"You don't need to deal with my shit, that's everything I'm gonna say," Sonic replied, before boosting away.

"Whoa!" Sonic's variant exclaimed, both impressed and startled, before he decided to chase after him.

"Hey, wait for me!" Rainbow exclaimed, now chasing behind the Sonics.

Sonic's variant managed to catch Sonic, and soon, Rainbow Dash joined them. "Why do you look like me?! Why aren't you fighting or explaining yourself?!"

"And why do you look so... tired and sad?" Dash asked as well, kind of concerned for him, despite being a stranger.

"Dude, have you deal with another version of yourself?" Sonic asked his counterpart with a bored tone and expression.

"Um... kinda?" Sonic's variant replied confused. "Why do you ask? And why are you avoiding our questions?!"

"Let me make myself even more clear: My shit. Is none. OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Sonic shouted in anger, before running even faster, accidentally opening an X portal so fast that none of them, not even Sonic himself, saw coming.

Both Rainbow Dash and Sonic's variant stopped and looked around, really confused on where did he go. They looked at each other after a while with really shocked and confused expressions.

"...I think the best for both of us is that we act like this never happened..." Sonic's variant said with an anxious look.

"For our sanity's sake, agreed," Rainbow replied with the same anxious look.

Sonic was running so incredibly fast after coming out from that universe, that he didn't had time to think about anything when he fell straight to a white curve, and therefore, to a new universe...

Universe 160521

Right above the kingdom of Soleanna, a huge shadow appeared outside, and the people started panicking.

In this universe, apparently Equestria is part of planet Earth, and now, every critter that used to be just colorful talking animals have turned into anthropomorphic animals. As usual girls aren't allowed to go naked, despite the fact that boys already demonstrated that they have nothing to hide, but eh, plot convenience, I guess.

After that shadow appeared, the Freedom Fighters of this universe (including another Sonic's variant, Tails, Amy, an anthropomorphic hedgehog version of Maria, and a guy named MC), the Mane 6 (now with anthropomorphic bodies after Equestria combined with the Earth), Sunny and her friends (also with anthropomorphic bodies) ran outside to see Eggman's Egg Carrier flying over the city.

"Princess Elise, ruler of Soleanna..." Eggman's voice came from a speaker. "By refusing to negotiate with me, you have forced me to take drastic actions. Meet me at the specified point alone at 4 o'clock today. Failure to do so on time, will result in my leveling of this city so that nothing but ashes remain!"

"We have to stop him now!" Twilight said.

"No," MC said. "If we do that, he'll level the city anyway."

"And if we let Eggman get Princess Elise, the Egg Carrier will crash, Elise will die, and Iblis will burn the world," Tails said. "What are we gonna do?"

"We'll wait," MC said. "Where's the bear boy? Truemen?"

Just then, Truemen ran towards the group, saying, "I'm here. Sorry. Had to deal with some weird human pretending to be Sonic."

"That guy again?" Tails asked. "He's really gotta stop taking credit for things Sonic did."

"MC, what do you think we should do?" Twilight asked.

"We're gonna have to wait until the Princess of Soleanna agrees to meet with Eggman at that location," MC said. "We're gonna have to wait until the right time comes to go out to save the world."

"Well, how are we gonna do that?" Sonic asked. "If you might not recall, I'm not that well at patience."

"I don't know," MC said. "We're just gonna have to wait." He then started to walk away.

However, as he was moving, and Twilight seemed to be about to ask him something, MC stopped all of a sudden, and he felt his eyes growing wide, as well as his ears moving around in an alert state.

The rest of the group seemed to notice that, and Twilight approached him, placing a hand over his shoulder. "MC? A-Are you okay?"

MC seemed to be a bit anxious, nervous and confused, as his eyes moved around while his ears kept standing an alert position. He also either ignored Twilight, or he actually heard her, but he's too stunned and confused to even react.

"Um... dude?" Sonic's variant called out as well, now standing in front of him and waving his hand on his face. "You doing good?"

That last move seemed to be what took him out of his shocked moment, but then he looked straight at Sonic, still with an anxious look.

"...I... I feel something strange..." MC finally spoke.

"Strange?" Tails asked confused. "What do you mean?"

"It's hard to explain..." MC replied with concern. "My mind is kind of... shouting... It tries to warm me about something... about someone..."

"MC, what else but Eggman should we be aware of?" Twilight asked, also kind of confused.

"Twilight has a point, man," Sonic's variant said with a smirk. "Besides Eggman, I doubt we should be aware of someone else! Like, what's the worse that could show up? Another me?"

And just like you could expect, the sky broke apart with the shape of an X, and so, Sonic fell from the sky, curling into a ball before landing in the floor with a, let's say, 'superhero pose.'

Everyone else stared in pure shock and confusion at the arrival of this new Sonic, specially MC, who felt his jaw almost touching the floor as his left eye twitched in pure confusion.

"...Okay... maybe we do have to worry..." Sonic's variant said with an anxious expression. "I was just joking with the 'other me' crap!"

Sonic, on the other hand, stood up slowly and cleaned the dust from his body, before looking back at his clothes and smile when he saw his red shoes with white stripes on both sides and two black lines in the middle, as well as his gloves with grey colors on the fingers were back.

"Neat!" Sonic said with a smile. However, as he lifted up his head and looked around, his smile kind of got erased, and his expression showed nothing but panic. "...Oh no... not Soleanna... Anywhere but this damn place! I can only have enough nightmares with The End taking control over my body, I don't need to remember a human girl kissed my dead body again!"

"Who the heck are you?!" MC asked in anger, and Sonic turned around.

His eyes widened when some claws appeared straight on his face, while he saw behind MC variants of Tails, Amy, the Mane 6 and the Mane 5... but these last two groups were now anthropomorphic ponies, and they gave him a huge deja vu when he remembered that time Hitch, Izzy and Pipp turned into Mobians in his own universe.

"Huh... I don't know if I like what I'm seeing, or if I should go seek therapy once I leave..." Sonic said with a curious look. "Also, I forgot how awful I used to look with long quills..."

To this, Sonic's variant blinked and looked at his quills, before looking back at Sonic and frown. "Hey!" He complained, before boosting to his face. "And who are you supposed to be? A copycat? A clone of mine? A new Metal Sonic that Eggman managed to finally look exactly like me?!"

"Bold of you tu assume Eggman can replicate this gorgeous face," Sonic mocked up with a smirk, also pointing at his face.

Sonic raised an eyebrow confused, while MC lowered his claws just a bit, because that statement confused them both.

"As for your question, Fox McCloud, I'm this guy, but from another universe!" Sonic replied to MC, pointing at Sonic's variant with a smirk.

"...You're from another what now?" Sonic's variant asked confused.

"Multiverse stuff, different worlds, other Sonics, Eggman's gonna blow this place if I don't leave, blah, blah, blah..." Sonic replied with a bored expression.

At this, MC frowned for a second and sniffed Sonic for a moment, but then, he smiled, and put his claws away. "Yeah, that'll settles it."

Both Sonic looked at MC with raised eyebrows. "Wait, so he's saying the truth?" He asked, and MC nodded with a smile.

"...That's it? You just sniffed which perfume I'm using today and decided that I'm not lying?" Sonic asked confused.

"I can literally smell if someone lies!" MC replied with a confident smirk. "So, how can I help you?"

Sonic just deadpanned after hearing that. "Okay... What I'm supposed to do now? Is this the part where I just run away and refuse to give you an answer? 'Cause that's what I've been doing for the past 5 universes..."

"Listen, man. I can literally do a lot of crazy stuff––" MC tried to explain.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't care," Sonic said with a frown, shushing MC by placing a finger on his mouth before sighing. "Alright... You wanna help? Just keep an eye on this universe, and whatever you do: Don't. Interact. With more. Variants! Nor from me, nor from yourself, nor from anyone else!"

MC raised an eyebrow, but still shrug it off and nodded. "I can do that."

"Good," Sonic said with a smirk. "Wish I could stay, but the whole multiverse could collapse if I don't leave right now!"

After saying this, Sonic ran on his place, with his feet making the shape of an eight, while his discs opened another portal. With this, he boosted away, disappearing through another X portal.

With him gone, Sonic's variant huffed. "My quills look cooler being long!" He stated with a frown and his arms crossed.

MC deadpanned after he said that and rolled his eyes annoyed.

Sonic got out of that universe with a bored look.

"That was... weird, but also interesting," Sonic said with a little smile, before entering to another random line, in hopes of reaching his home this time.

Universe 010921

You might get a sense of deja vu with this one.

This universe is also settled in Modern Equestria, and right outside of Mane Melody, the Mane 5, Jazz and Rocky were gathered together around Sunny's Smoothie stand.

However, besides them, there was also another pony... an Alicorn version of Sunset Shimmer.

She, along with the Mane 5 sins Pipp, cringed after she, Jazz and Rocky made some weird dance to not get sick.

"Okay, that's like the jinxy dance thing the unicorns did, which is not surprising at all." Sunset said strangely as she got out of the smoothie stand and came next to Pipp. "Pipp, don't you think you are taking this too seriously?" She asked.

"I'm just doing this until I get a hundred million followers, Sunset. And besides, I've been doing this my whole life." Pipp pointed out, having no worries about this.

"You do know that just filming the whole day is just overdoing it, right?" Sunset asked. "Nothing special can just pop up out of nowhere at this moment." She added.

And then, suddenly, a portal with the shape of an X appeared out of nowhere above them, as Sonic came falling out of it and landed in front of the others in the smoothie stand, looking around while the Mane 6, along with Sparky, Jazz and Rocky, looked at him in shock and surprise.

Sonic looked at his shoes and gloves, noticing that they were once again normal, although cleaned up, and he gave off a smile. "My shoes and gloves... they're normal again..." He said as he looked at his surroundings while giving a smile of happiness. "D-Did I do it?! Did I finally make it back––" He wanted to ask excitedly, but as soon as he saw Sunset's confused and shocked expression, he looked at her with boredom. "No, no I didn't. You're definitely a total stranger to me, and that shop over there should be Tails' workshop." He said with a tired tone in a tired tone while pointing to an abandoned building that was for sale. "How's that I'm so close from home and so far at the same damn time?!" He groaned frustrated.

"Who in the sweet pony feathers are you?!" Sunset cried out in shock.

Sonic smirked as usual and shook his head with a chuckle, also crossing his arms, having figured that they would ask him that. "Well, hello! I’m Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog, and... the best way I can explain this is that I'm from another universe!" He explained with a sheepish smile.

"That makes no sense..." Sunset said confused. "How are you a hedgehog? And what are... Wait! Did you just say 'another universe'?" She asked in surprise. "What are you, some multiversal traveler or something?" She asked.

However, the moment Sunset started to talk, Sonic's gaze lost on a certain direction as his ears twitched and he frowned a bit, because he was hearing some kind of voice that was guiding him out of there. "Uh-huh, yeah, sure. Whatever you say, bacon head." He told Sunset, now with a mocking smirk, before starting to run on his place, until his feet formed the shape of an eight. "Gotta go home now! The Multiverse isn’t gonna save itself, you know! Mō aitakunai ne!" He said, waving his hand and saying 'goodbye' in Japanese. Then, he boosted away before literally disappearing through another X portal, created by himself.

The Mane 6, Sparky, Jazz and Rocky just looked in shock at what they just saw.

"We're just gonna pretend like that never happened. Agreed?" Sunset told to the others, while still in shock.

"Mmm-hmm," The others nodded in agreement.

After getting out of that universe, Sonic looked around, and then, he boosted towards a white curve, once again hoping he'll get home this time around.

Universe 121222

A guy named Anon (no, I won't explain further on this) looked around the room. All of the ponies with him; Sunny, Hitch, Izzy and Zipp, were still glaring at him, but no glare was more intense than Sunny Starscout's. He could have almost believed she was Twilight Sparkle if not for how badly his plan had failed. He'd spent years trying to figure out how to get to Equestria.

But when he'd finally built a dimensional travel device out of a DeLorean he'd paid too much for on Ebay, he was very disappointed. There was no Celestia, no Luna, no Cadance, no Twilight Sparkle. None of the ponies he'd expected to find were here. And like an idiot, he'd underestimated how much plutonium he would need to open a dimensional wormhole, and now he didn't have enough to get back home.

Of course, plutonium was not something one could easily come by in Equestria. Oh yes, there were ponies here, but he didn't recognize any of them. The only alicorn was Sunny Starscout, who now sat across the table from him casting a sinister glare at him.

"You haven't been paying attention to a single thing I've said, have you?" Sunny said, her eyes narrowing even further as she plastered her ears to her head, Anon looked around at the four glaring ponies and bowed his head. "I think it's time you tell us what's on your mind, Anon," She said with a commanding and accusing glare.

The more Anon looked around at the glaring ponies, the more he felt his resolve cracking.

"Nothing! Nothing is on my mind! I'm just tired is all!"

"Uh huh," Izzy said, staring at him with an unnerving unicorn stare. "We have ways of making you talk."

"Izzy!" At least Sunny's glare was focused on the stoned unicorn now instead of him. Still, Anon found himself starting to shiver.

She's a unicorn! She can probably read my mind! Or fry my brain with her horn laser! For that matter, Sunny probably can too!

With the pressure too much to take, he finally opened his mouth and...

The words never came, because everyone in the room heard a sudden scream, and they started to look around to find the source of that sudden scream.

However, their doubts were answered when Sonic traversed a window, braking it in the process, and then he rolled on the floor before finally stopping, lying on the floor with his face smashed on the ground, while he groaned in pain and annoyance.

Everyone in the room felt surprised at that, but Anon's eyes were so wide that you could feel like if they would come out of their place at any second now.

While Sunny, Izzy, Hitch and Zipp were both shocked and confused at who the heck, and what the heck, was this creature, Anon knew perfectly that he wasn't looking at any kind of creature: He was looking at Sonic the Hedgehog himself. Sonic the fucking Hedgehog was laying on the floor, right in front of his eyes.

The only thing that Anon didn't understood about this, besides probably how he even ended up on this dimension, is why his gloves were black, nor why his shoes looked like a black variant of his regular ones.

Outside of that, thought, he could barely believe that Sonic the Hedgehog was right there in front of him.

Sonic, however, groaned again, before slowly standing up as he trembled around a little, and grabbing his head since he felt extremely dizzy, because he arrived to this universe while spinning in the air out of control, before crashing against the window.

"Gosh... I hate multiversal traveling..." Sonic muttered with annoyance, shaking his head and looking at the Mane 5 sins Pipp and Anon. "...Ironically, this is the most normal universe I have visited so far..." He commented, although he groaned again, as he grabbed his head again as well.

"SONIC THE HEDGEHOG?!" Anon shouted in shock.

The ponies and Sonic had to cover their ears, and Sonic even scratched one in pain and annoyance. "Dude, whoever you are, please calm down for a sec––" He tried to beg, but Anon suddenly grabbed him and shook him like a maniac.

"NO FREAKING WAY THAT YOU'RE ALSO HERE!" Anon shouted in excitement. "Oh God, I need to take a picture of this!" He stated, pulling out his phone and taking a selfie with him, before letting him go as Sonic fell to the floor, feeling dizzy again.

Sonic stood up and cleaned his fur, then looked at Anon with a frown as he started to say a lot of nonsense. Sonic crossed his arms and tapped a foot on the floor, before pulling out a quill from his head, charge it with electricity, and then prepare to give an electric shot to Anon.

"Maybe my only complain is that you are being voiced by Roger Craig Smith, but other than that––" Anon managed to say, before receiving the electric shock.

Anon fell to the floor, and Sonic looked at him with a frown of anger. "That'll show you a lesson, pretty boy," He stated, before throwing the quill away, and then create another X portal before boost through it.

Meanwhile, the ponies only looked at each other, extremely confused on what happened, and not even knowing how to react.

Sonic got out of that universe with a frown, still annoyed on what that weird guy did.

Suddenly, the golden ship piloted by Chip seemed to approach, and he frowned even more now.

"Hey, Sonic!" Chip called out with a smile. "I got something to tell you!"

"Not now!" Sonic replied with anger, before boosting towards another universe, just to stay away from chip.

"Oh, come on!" Chip complained with a frown. "I didn't said anything wrong! No, wait... Oh... I damaged him emotionally without wanting to... right..." He remembered with a cringed expression. "Well, he can't run forever from me. I hope he knows that."

Universe 161121

The Mane 5 and a new Sonic's variant were outside Posey's garden, while Posey herself was extremely furious at them, but most importantly, she was extremely mad with Sonic.

Why, you wonder? Reasons I refuse to explain because if you didn't read that story, I refuse to give you spoilers, alright?

"I hate you." Posey declared to Sonic's variant, snd the, she walked in and slammed the door behind her.

The group were left in confusion and shock, but Sonic was the one who felt it the most. She hates him still, and it didn't seem like it was going to go away. "I really did mess up..."

With that said he began walking away back to the town of Maretime Bay, in silence. The group noticed his change of attitude, it was almost guilt driven. But they couldn’t speak to him as he had already made significant distance.

"Okay, wow! She was really nice, right guys?" Izzy asked, Zipp and Pipp felt uncomfortable and followed Sonic back to the town, Hitch followed soon afterwards.

Izzy quickly fixed up the flowers and the mailbox before taking off after the others.

"Oh! Come on, Sunny! Let's go home!" Izzy called to her friend.

Sunny watched as her Unicorn darted down the path, she looked through one of the windows of Posey's house and saw her staring.

She closed the curtains angrily, showing she wasn't going to get involved. "Don't worry, Posey. I'm gonna find a way to show you and everypony else just how awesome magic can be."

She began walking back to Maretime Bay with a thought lingering at her mind. 'I wonder why she hates Sonic, I know it was because of something he did… but just what was it exactly?'

She shook her head and decided to ignore it for now. They still had a celebration to prepare for, and nothing was going to ruin it… hopefully.

However, as they all walked back to the Crystal Brighthouse, the sky suddenly shattered to form a giant X, while the Mane 5 and Sonic's variant all felt startled and confused.

"What the buck is that?!" Zipp asked confused.

"Uh... Sonic?" Hitch called out. "Is this something that happens on your home?"

"No, but even if it's not the craziest thing that I've seen, it's still weird," Sonic's variant replied.

And so, from the sky, Sonic fell and landed right in front of his variant and the Mane 5, who stared at him in pure shock, since he looked exactly like their Sonic, with the only difference being some weird discs over his gloves and shoes.

Aside from that, there were two Sonics looking exactly the same.

Sonic cleaned some dust from his body, and then, he noticed his clothes were normal... except that they were clean again, too. "Uff... okay... my shoes are normal again. Hopefully, this time I'm ho–– Oh, you've gotta be kidding me..." He deadpanned, since he turned and saw his variant and the Mane 5, looking back at him with a shocked expression.

"...WHO ARE YOU?!" Sonic's variant shouted in panic, and Sonic rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and tapped the floor with his foot. "WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE ME?! WHERE DID YOU CAME FROM?! WHY DO YOU TALK LIKE A 40 YEAR OLD?!" He kept asking, but then, Sonic shut him up by placing a hand over his mouth.

"Look, I would love to give you some context, I really do, but I'm against time right now, and I really need to go back before my Eggman conquers all the realities, yours included," Sonic replied with a bored expression. "By the way, your voice sounds really familiar..." He pointed out, as he got close to his counterpart, who stepped back and looked around nervously.

"Seriously, though, who are you?" Zipp decided to step in, as she approached Sonic with a suspicious look.

"Why do you two look exactly the same?" Pipp asked confused, also approaching Sonic.

"Are you two brothers or something?" Izzy asked to both of them.

"No!" Both Sonics shouted in panic.

"Are you a changeling?!" Sunny asked, getting right into his face.

Sonic felt very uncomfortable, and in a flash, he was already away from them, which startled his variant and the Mane 5, since it meant he could run as fast as their Sonic.

"No... I'm not a shapeshifter of any kind..." Sonic replied with a bored expression. "Anyways, I gotta go now," He stated, now with a smirk, running on his place and making the shape of an eight with his feet. "I stood long enough on this universe. Besides, is not like you'll understand the concept of the multiverse, anyways. Peace out!" He finished, winking to the group and then boosting away, immediately disappearing in another X portal.

The Mane 5 and Sonic's variant just remained silent and confused at what just happened.

"...So... are you sure he's not your twin brother or something?" Izzy insisted with a smile.

Sonic's variant only facepalmed and groaned annoyed.

Sonic got out of that universe, now with a smile...

"Sonic!" Chip called out again, as he started to chase down Sonic with a frown. "I need you to listen to me, this is important!"

"Oh, come on!" Sonic complained with a frown as well. "Leave me alone, Chip! I don't wanna hear it!" He stated, before boosting towards another universe.

As Sonic traversed another line, Chip stopped the ship and growled, also frowning with anger. "Oh, but you will hear me, Sonic. Just you wait..."

Universe 041122

The sky opened with the shape of an X once again, and so, Sonic fell from the sky and landed right into some bushes.

His clothes changed to a green variant of his regular ones, although his gloves also had some weird red stripes that he decided to ignore.

He looked around, and noticed that he landed in a universe with a variant of Maretime Bay, but of course, he already suspected that this universe didn't had any knowledge on him.

Since he already was going too fast, he decided to simply walk towards the town, even if it was night time, while his mind started to swim through random thoughts.

After some minutes of walking, he still didn't arrived to Maretime Bay. Instead, he saw something... strange.

"Operation: Candy Bucket is a go. All ponies are in place. The night seems generally clear, with no interference with drone systems so far, all drones are in position, and lights should be turning on in three... two... one..." Zipp instructed.

"Heya, heya, Zipp!" Izzy said cheerfully, making the pegasus scream and leap about a foot in the air, flapping her wings so that she didn't fall.

Sonic hide behind a tree once he saw this universes variants of Zipp and Izzy, and judging by Izzy's costume, this night was clearly Nightmare Night, at least in this universe.

"Izzy! How many times do I have to tell you not to scare me like that?" the pegasus demanded. Her costume was doubling as her detective gear, and she frowned at Izzy, who was wearing the same costume again. In Zephyr Heights, Nightmare Night was one of the most important nights of the year, and anypony who reused a costume from a previous year was instantly frowned upon.

"Sorry, Zipp! But I'm just so excited!" Izzy gave her a massive grin as the pegasus landed in front of Izzy, pushing up her visor so that she could see the unicorn better. "I just wanted to thank you for doing this for me. I really appreciate that you're doing so much for me."

"Of course, Izzy," Zipp said, slightly uncomfortably. She didn't like talking about feelings that much. "You're my friend."

She squealed. "This is so exciting!"

Zipp rolled her eyes and sighed, before gasping and leaping into the air, pulling her visor over her eyes again. "Porch lights are on! Trick-or-treating officially begins now! Operation: Candy Bucket is a go! Everypony, move, move, move!"

Izzy, Sunny, Hitch, Pipp, and Sparky all nodded and dashed off to the first house.

Sonic, on the other hand, managed to sneak a bit closer, just so he could also see whatever Zipp was watching.

"Izzy!" Zipp called through her communication system with the other ponies. She could speak to the others through the earpieces that they wore. "Don't bother walking to each house - teleport to each house."

The unicorn nodded, and as soon as the four ponies got their candy, she lit up her horn and teleported them directly to the porch of the next house.


"Thank you!"

"Hitch!" Zipp called as the ponies finished hitting every single house once and ducked into a hidden alleyway. "Get Sparky ready for Operation: Costume Change!"

The sheriff grabbed his baby dragon and whispered into his ear, "Okay, Sparkeroni. We've practiced for this, and now you've got to change all my friends' costumes into something else without roasting them. You think you can do that?" Sparky nodded confidently and belched a purple-pink flame at each pony, which transformed their costumes into something new and unique - Izzy was now a fairy with wings made of open books, Sunny a massive strawberry, Pipp a spooky ghost, and Hitch an artist with a tilted barret on his head and a curly black mustache.

"Get all the houses again!" Zipp ordered through all of their earpieces. "Go, go, go! We've only got an hour left!"

Every time they managed to fill their candy buckets, Sunny would lead them to her smoothie cart, and the ponies would dump their candy inside, where nopony would find it. And every time there were too many foals in front of them that slowed down their progress, Pipp would do her 'influencer stuff' that would distract the Pippsqueaks long enough for Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch to get ahead again.

They managed to get through two more costume changes before they had to start seeking out the homes that still had candy, and that was when Zipp's drones came into play. She scanned the city from the air, marking out the houses that still had their porch lights on, and called out the address to her friends. Izzy would teleport them there, and they would grab their candy and be off.

Sonic tilted his head a bit confused after watching all of this, not understanding why the Mane 5 were doing that, nor why Zipp wasn't participating at all. This could count as cheating, true, but... was there any rules on 'Trick or Treat'? He didn't thought so, and even if they were, he has never been the kind of guy that follows rules, anyways.

So, he decided that whatever this Mane 5 were doing was none of his business, so he slowly stepped back and boosted away. Zipp did noticed the wind blowing by all of a sudden, but since Sonic already left and she never realized that he was even there in the first place, she shrugged and returned her focus to her friends.

As for Sonic, he was trying to create another X portal, but then, one opened below his feet, and he fell through it without even noticing it coming.

Sonic fell on Chip's ship once again, and without noticing it yet, some kind of purple-invisible barrier covered the ship.

Sonic stood up and groaned in pain as he cracked his neck, but once he saw that Chip was in front of him, looking at him with a frown, Sonic frowned as well.

"For the last time, Chip. Whatever you want to tell me, I don't wanna hear it!" Sonic remarked once again with anger.

After that, he tried to boost away from there so he could enter to another universe, but as he got to the edge of the ship, he crashed with the barrier, and so, he was sent backwards, landing on the ship with a thud and a groan.

"Yeah, I supposed you'll said that, so I decided to take some desperate measures to have a chat with you," Chip replied with a bored expression.

Sonic immediately stood up and shook his head, frowned more and started to run like a maniac around the ship, trying to escape and avoid to listen to whatever Chip wanted to say. Yet, all he managed to do was booting backwards again, and again, and again.

Eventually, Sonic ended up on the ground, panting exhausted and trying to catch his breath again after a very failed attempt to escape from the ship.

"So, now that you're on the ground again, are you going to listen to me?" Chip asked with a mocking smirk, his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

Sonic growled again frustrated, still mad with Chip for everything he said earlier about leaving Equestria forever in order for both that world and his to survive.

And yet, Sonic sighed in defeat as he slowly stood up. "If I listen to you... would you let me go already?" Sonic asked with anger, crossing his arms.

"That's pretty much what I've been planing to do since the beginning, but someone refused to listen..." Chip pointed out with a frown. "Until now that is."

Then, Chip moved to the ship's wheel and spin it, making the ship move again as it started to travel across the multiverse once again.

After several minutes, Chip stopped right above one universe, and then he moved towards Sonic, who was sitting on the passengers couch again, still frowning and with his arms crossed.

"Now: I wanted to talk with you for three reasons, actually," Chip confessed. "First: I wanna apologize for what I said earlier with no delicate touch..."

"You literally told me to leave a place I love just so it could survive, how else did you expected me to react?" Sonic asked with a frown, although he wasn't as mad as before now.

"But Sonic, the way I said it was still wrong––" Chip pointed out.

"Maybe, but you didn't lied at all, either," Sonic confessed, sighing in defeat. "I guess that's why I got so mad before... I knew you were right... And I still refused to accept it..."

"No, Sonic, what I mean is that I didn't explained myself as I wanted," Chip revealed with a little smile. "That's the second thing I wanted to tell you: Maybe, just maybe, you don't need to leave Equestria. At all!"

Now that, that made Sonic return his full attention to Chip, as his eyes opened wide and his lips started to tremble a little bit. "...W-What? A-Are you serious?!"

Chip nodded with a smile. "That's why I need you to listen to me without exploding in anger again!"

"You better know what you're talking about!" Sonic warned, although a little part of him, very, very, very deep inside, believed that Chip was telling the truth.

"While the chance of both worlds experimenting an 'Elimination Nexus event' is still there, there's also a chance that both worlds could combine," Chip explained with a smile, and Sonic seemed to be smiling as well. "However, in order for that to happen, I need you to bring me the same thing that your Eggman used to move those other Eggmans and Sonics to your universe."

"The same thing that my Eggman used? You mean the Paradox Prism?" Sonic asked confused, while Chip nodded. "Why?"

"The power of the Prism might have what I need in order for certain Nexus events to happen the way I want," Chip explained.

"And does it work?" Sonic asked once again.

"No idea, it's been eons since I had that much power," Chip confessed, then he smiled. "But I still can try!"

"...I'm not convinced with that, but if it means I can stay in Equestria and Mobius at the same time, then I don't give a shit!" Sonic stated, at first with a bored expression, but then with a smile. "The only problem is... I still have no idea where my home universe is..."

"That's where the third thing enters the picture: While you explored some universes to 'think properly', I took those 20 minutes to investigate about your universe," Chip confessed. "Or better said: I looked through the multiverse for a world with three Eggmans and two Sonics."

"20 minutes? How–– Oh, right... Time doesn't exist here..." Sonic remembered. "Wait! Are you saying that you are looking for my universe to sent me home?"

"I'm not looking for your universe, Sonic. I found it!" Chip revealed with a huge grin.

Sonic felt his heart racing a mile per hour after hearing that, and he smiled unconsciously. "Y-You did?! Where is it?!"

"We're right above it!" Chip confessed.

Sonic immediately rushed to the edge and saw the universe below the ship, with a huge smile as his entire body was filled with happiness.

"A-Are you sure this is the one? Is not some kind of cruel joke for left you hanging, is it?!" Sonic asked once again.

"You'll never know if you don't go down there and find out for yourself!" Chip replied confidently.

Sonic hugged Chip with a big smile. "Thank you, Chip! I forgive you, and I'm sorry for running the way I did before."

"No biggie!" Chip assured with a smile. "Now go out there and save the multiverse before it's doomed!"

Sonic raised his thumbs up, then took a deep breath, and then, he throw himself from the ship, falling at top speed as he traversed the white line.

Universe 220822

The sky opened in the shape of an X again, and Sonic landed in the floor, once again, on some kind of superhero pose... again.

Sonic looked around, and he saw the pegasus city, a.k.a. Zephyr Heights. The sun was setting on the horizon, but for some reason, everypony seemed to be busy and worried about something, which kind of confused Sonic.

However, before he could even ask, he passed by some stand and saw a magazine that called his attention. Quickly, he grabbed the magazine and saw the cover... and that was enough to make him smile widely: The cover showed both him and Pipp, with their eyes closed and smiling widely, as their foreheads were together and they seemed to hug each other.

The tittle said something about their relationship being fake, stupid, toxic, not ideal... you know, all that stuff people comes up with when they want to ruin famous people's relationship because frustration. Yet, Sonic couldn't care less about those details, because he was so incredibly happy to be back on his universe.

This was it... this had to be it. So far, no other universe where he interacted with the Mane 5 and himself at the same time seemed to have him and Pipp together on a relationship. So, if this universe said he was with Pipp, it had to be his universe, so at least Chip, or whoever the guardian of the multiverse is, really did something good for him in the end.

The fact that his shoes and gloves were all muddy again, and his discs were not glowing anymore, only made him feel even happier, since it was proof that he returned to his home universe.

"Seems like that Tails was right..." Sonic muttered to himself with a huge smile. "This is my home universe, so... the energy of the Paradox Prism in my body has no reason to guide me here... because I belong here..."

However, all that happiness faded almost instantly when he noticed some pegasi lifting something heavy, as well as unicorn magic floating some bricks towards the castle... because there was a massive hole in the castle, specifically where the throne room is usually located.

Sonic immediately got worried, and so, he boosted towards the throne room at top speed, hoping that Haven, or whoever was there right now, were doing okay.

Sonic entered the throne room, ironically, through the same hole he saw before.

Then, he saw both Queen Haven and Alphabittle not so far from where the throne used to be, talking to a pegasus with a construction helmet, that immediately walked away once he was done talking with the two adults ponies.

However, Alphabittle spotted Sonic from the corner of his eye and gasped. "Sonic?!"

Haven also turned into his direction, and gasped while covering her mouth with a hoof, while Sonic himself smiled and ran towards the two of them.

"Sonic?" Haven said as well. "Is that––" She tried to ask, but Sonic cut her off.

"Please, let me make some questions first, alright?" Sonic begged. "Haven, if I recall correctly, I told you that Sunny, Izzy and I were just doing some tourism around Zephyr Heights when we first met. Is that correct?"

"Uh... Yes! That's exactly what happened!" Haven replied with a smile.

"And I said you were a ponyfied Gandalf, caused a big disaster on your tea shop, I may have said some forbidden words... I'm still not proud of that..." Sonic told to Alphabittle with a sheepish smile.

Alphabittle laughed loudly, before he grabbed Sonic in a side hug with one hoof, while using the other to mess his quills a bit. "That's right! It is really you, Sonic!"

Sonic usually would feel annoyed by actions like that one, but he was smiling and chuckling the whole time. "Oh, yes!" He cheered, now wrapping both Haven and Alphabittle in a big and warm hug. "It's you! It is really you! I'm finally home!" He added with happiness, as a few tears fell from his eyes.

He managed to dry them off quickly, thought, but he was still smiling.

"It's so good to be back..." Sonic said with a smile, that quickly turned into a frown. "But judging by massive the hole behind me, I guess I missed a few things while I was out..."

"Yeah, some crazy stuff's been happening ever since you disappeared," Alphabittle confessed.

"Some weirdos that look like that Eggman guy came to Equestria!" Haven explained with a worried frown.

"And two guys that look like you as well," Alphabittle added.

"Huh... so those missing Eggmans and Sonics from those universes were actually dragged here..." Sonic muttered with concern. "Oh! And what about my friends? Tails? Sunny? Pipp?! Are they okay?!"

"They are on Maretime Bay right now," Haven replied. "As far as we know, they are fine..." She added, but she didn't sound so sure.

"However, with three Eggmans on the loose... I don't wanna know what kind of horrors they have witnessed..." Alphabittle added with concern and worry.

"Then I should go there myself and let them know I'm back and safe," Sonic stated to himself, now smirking again. "They also might need some help dealing with those Eggmans! And I'm feeling curious on meeting these new Sonics, too!"

"The take care, Sonic" Haven said with a warm smile. "And please, look after my daughters."

"And make sure neither Izzy or Misty get in so much trouble, too!" Alphabittle added with a smirk and a wink.

"I'll make sure they're all safe and sound!" Sonic assured, before hugging Haven and Alphabittle again, and then pull away. "It's nice to see you again!" He stated with a smirk, before boosting away. "Wooohooo! I'm back, baby!"

"Despite being gone for a week, he's still the same," Haven pointed out with a smile, then she looked at Alphabittle. "I guess some things never change, huh?"

"Yeah... some things remain the same..." Alphabittle agreed with a snort and a smile as well.

Author's Note:

I wanna give special thanks to bookhorse125, Idiotboy24, sonicfan05, Admiral Producer, Tatsurou, Mister E-Nonymous, JesusG0987 and Melody StormRunner for allow me to use their stories for this chapter! :pinkiehappy:

Seriously, thank you very much for that! It means a lot!

I wanted this episode to explore the concept of the multiverse better than the previous ones! And thanks to my fellow partners I already tagged, it happened! Well, I am satisfied with the final result, at least.

Now, embrace yourselves, people! Because we're going to the finale of this season next chapter!