• Published 4th Apr 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out - BronySonicFan

When Opaline gains the power to travel across the multiverse and cause chaos across all the realities, the fate of the whole Multiverse relays on Sonic's hands and Sunny's hooves.

  • ...

3. The Call for Adventure

Universe 040222

Izzy was running as fast as her hooves allowed her to run.

It's been a week or so ever since her whole reality started over, and now, she was stranded on the Ancient Equestria Sunny always fan-girled about... It wasn't as beautiful as she expected it to.

Although the problem isn't the setting, to be honest, because she's been here before. After all, she came to this world several times to meet with her friends from this era. The real problem is who is chasing her... Somepony she believed was defeated in the previous reality she changed.

"S-She shouldn't be here... She was defeated!" Izzy muttered to herself as she kept running as fast as she could. "H-How did she survived?! This makes no sense!"

Suddenly, some kind of sixth instinct shouted her in her mind to move left, and move left she did so, because at her right, a massive blast of fire was shoot and could have killed her. With a yelp and eyes open wide in panic, Izzy forced her hooves a bit more to keep running, since she really didn't wanted to die.

Soon, she started to dodge more and more of those fire blasts, as she seriously wanted to escape alive and simply hide somewhere, anywhere where she could be safe.

Unfortunately, a figure flew over her, and just when Izzy finally spotted a cave and started to head towards said place, a figure landed in front of her, stomping their hooves loudly and showing off their open wings, which were both flaming in fire, as well as their horn.

Izzy stopped moving and looked with wide and panicked eyes at the figure in front of her: Queen Opaline Arcana, who seemed intact, menacing, alive.

She also had a small red crystal attached to her right foreleg's bracelet, one that looked just like the one she collected right before the entire universe shifted and sent her in here... Maybe that's how Opaline survived and was chasing her now? It was hard to tell.

"Going somewhere, little pony?" Opaline asked Izzy with a sinister grin.

Hearing her voice gave Izzy huge PTSD, as she started to remember the fight she and her friends had against the Fire Alicorn, right before she killed...

Shaking her head, Izzy reminded that last thing, and fear faded away to let in the feeling of hate and anger, something she rarely felt before, but it was justified with Opaline. After all, she killed one of her friends, and she wasn't going to allow the Fire Alicorn to hurt her or anypony else ever again.

So, with a warrior cry, Izzy charged up her horn and shot against Opaline, but the Fire Alicorn's grin never disappeared. In fact, she even let Izzy launch her powerful and devastating attack.

She was letting go all her frustration and hate with this blast. For everything Opaline ever did she was getting revenge: To Misty, to Sunny, to those poor souls that Opaline killed with no mercy, and to herself and her friends, who fought until their last breath to keep Equestria safe.

Izzy started to tear up as she launched this attack, but she didn't cared if it was hurting her. She only wanted to make sure Opaline felt in pain for everything she did.

And so, after several seconds where she used all her strength into that powerful blast, Izzy finally let go, before falling on her tummy over the ground and start to pant painfully and exhausted, but also smiling, because she felt a huge weight get off her shoulders now that she launched that attack...

An attack that did nothing to Opaline.

The Fire Alicorn's maniac laugh was everything Izzy needed to hear to understand that she used all her strength in that attack for nothing, and that weight came back, as well as the PTSD.

Soon, the dust left by Izzy's blast dissipated, and it showed that Opaline was completely fine. She didn't even used a shield to protect herself, and she was still intact. Izzy was so confused, but a part of her felt that she should had expected an outcome like this one.

Suddenly, Opaline disappeared, like if she was just a ghost, and that confused Izzy even more, but then, she felt something on her back, and her eyes widened in panic again, while she gulped nervously.

So, she slowly turned at her side, and she found Opaline right there, grinning sinisterly at the unicorn mare.

"You really thought you had me there, didn't you?" Opaline mocked up.

Of course, Izzy's first instinct was to try and get up to run away from her, but Opaline had no mercy on her and kicked her really hard, sending her rolling over the ground, until she crashed on her back against one of the walls of the cave she initially tried to escape to earlier.

Izzy fell painfully into the ground, but then, she grunted in pain when Opaline suddenly zoomed to her and kicked her again, this time even hitting her face and making her nose bleed.

Izzy rubbed her nose with her hooves, and she started to tear up again, but then, she was surrounded by a magical aura and lifted in the air, then abruptly approached to face Opaline again, as Izzy now felt scared, because she couldn't move at all surrounded by Opaline's magic.

"You truly are a stubborn pony no matter the universe, aren't you?" Opaline said with a frown.

"U-Universe?" Izzy said, both confused and scared.

"Yes. Universe. U, N, I, V, E, R, S, E!" Opaline replied with anger. "Did you understand it, or is your little brain presenting problems to process this information?!"

Izzy gulped nervously and looked around, not knowing what to do to escape alive from this.

"I've been traveling countless worlds for a full year now, and thanks to you, not only I finally have enough strength to start looking for all the fragments of the Paradox Prism..." Opaline started.

After that, she levitated the green piece of the Prism's shard, before attaching it to her left foreleg's bracelet, which sent a green shockwave across her body, even making her eyes to glow bright in green electricity, as well as causing her horn and wings to light up with green fire.

"But now, I can travel even FURTHER into the multiverse!" Opaline shouted with pride, followed by her maniac laugh that made Izzy remember all the Fire Alicorn did again.

"W-What are you talking about?!" Izzy shouted confused. "H-How did you managed to survive the reset?! How are you still alive?!"

Opaline stopped laughed and deadpanned at Izzy, then rolled her eyes annoyed and shook her head in disapproval. "Oh, Izzy, Izzy, Izzy... In case you haven't understand: I'm from another universe, and soon? YOU AND ALL YOUR PATHETIC FRIENDS FROM THIS WORLD WILL KNEEL TO ME!!!"

After saying this, Opaline absorbed Izzy's magic by opening her mouth and turning her eyes white, while Izzy screamed in pain, as her Cutie Mark slowly disappeared, meaning that she lost all her magic.

After this, Opaline released Izzy, who fell unconscious in the ground, while the Alicorn started to laugh like a maniac once again, before turning around and now open a green portal, as she traversed it to leave this universe.

Universe 220822

Sonic decided to bring Sunny over to Canterlot and explain her everything Sunset explained.

Of course, hearing that an Alicorn Sunset Shimmer from another universe that personally knows Twilight Sparkle was a massive shock enough for the Earth Pony mare, but hearing that she wanted her help and Sonic's to save the multiverse from Opaline? Now that blowed her mind.

"Oh my gosh..." Sunny muttered with wide and shocked eyes.

"Are you prepared for what's coming?" Sonic asked Sunset with a playful smirk, also laying over a wall with his arms crossed.

"Yeah. I'm used to it." Sunset replied.

"OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!" Sunny exclaimed loudly in excitement. "Sunset Shimmer... T-Twilight Sparkle, too... T-They want my help to save the whole multiverse?!"

After saying all of this loudly, she squealed in excitement, still finding hard to believe that she could be helpful for Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle to face off Opaline and stop her from conquering the multiverse.

"Well, yeah!" Sunset replied with a smile. "Since you and this giant blue rat have faced her in the past, we're really convinced that you guys can help us out!"

"Blue rat? Is that going to be my nickname now, bacon head?" Sonic asked and mocked up with a smirk.

"W-Well... Yeah!" Sunny said in excitement. "I would love to join the cause! I mean, whenever else you get a chance like this one to meet freaking Twilight Sparkle herself?!"

"See? I told you she'll say yes!" Sonic said, before zooming to stand at Sunny's side and wrap an arm around her neck. "So, now that we both accepted to help. What's this test you mentioned before about?"

"Wait, test?" Sunny asked confused.

"Yeah, I was getting to that..." Sunset said with a sheepish smile and a chuckle. "You see, to join the Secret Society, there's a total of 2 tests: One physical, and one verbal."

"Well, that doesn't sounds so bad!" Sonic said with a smile.

"Yeah! We've been doing a lot of physical stuff the past three years. I say we have this!" Sunny agreed.

"Well, the physical test isn't that difficult, and I'm convinced you two will pass it with no problems." Sunset admitted with a smile. "The verbal one? That's gonna be hard..."

"Why, exactly?" Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because the verbal test is made by..." Sunset started, before looking around and then look back at Sunny and Sonic. "The chief!"

"...Who?" Sunny asked.

"FS!" Sunset replied with concern. "He makes sure everyone passes the verbal test while pressuring them to answer! But trust me when I say this: With you two, he won't have mercy."

"Why with us, specifically?" Sonic asked confused, but also frowning and crossing his arms.

"Sonic, FS hates Universe 151222 because it disrupted its own universe, remember?" Sunset pointed out. "What do you think he's gonna say to the guy that travelled through the multiverse and fought the guy that almost made it collapse?"

Sonic's eyes widened, and he clearly understood Sunset's point. Worse of all, considering Sunny is from the same universe, he was convinced that FS won't be nice with either of them.

"Yeah, okay. I see your point..." Sonic muttered with concern. "But we don't have to let him intimidate us! We've been through a lot of crap the past three years. We can deal with this guy!"

"Right!" Sunny agreed once again with a determinate look and smile. "FS thinks he can scare us? Well, then let's hurt his ego by passing his tests!"

"That's the kind of attitude we expect in the Society!" Sunset said with a smile. "Oh, but before we move to that, there's another thing I should tell you, and this one isn't related to the multiverse, but... It is something you have to know!"

"What is it?" Sonic asked.

To this, Sunset pressed a button on her gizmo, and showed footage of Eggman in Mobius, building up his machines in one of his factories.

"I still don't know who sent this, but I received this footage from this universe's Mobius." Sunset explained. "I think Dr. Eggman is there, and whatever he might be planning, I don't think is good."

"So that's where Eggman's been the whole year?! IN MOBIUS?!" Sonic screamed with disbelief, also grabbing his quills and messing them up a bit.

"And he's building more badniks?!" Sunny said with concern.

"Among other stuff, I think..." Sunset replied with concern, stopping showing the images. "I'm telling you this because I know that Mobius is also your home, Sonic. I know you guys want to help us save the multiverse, but I'll understand if you'd rather stay here and––"

"No, no, no!" Sonic and Sunny said in unison.

"We're still going to help to save the multiverse!" Sonic stated.

"However, we're gonna have to stay and explain this to everyone else." Sunny pointed out.

"Oh..." Sunset said with wide eyes, while her ears lowered and she scratched her neck a bit nervous. "W-Well... The thing is, uh... I was hoping this was going to remain a secret between us three? You know, because the Secret Society is named like that for a reason..."

"We can't lie in the faces of our friends, Sunset" Sonic pointed out with concern. "Otherwise? I don't think I could consider myself a good friend anymore..."

"Me neither..." Sunny said, agreeing with Sonic's words.

Of course, hearing this made Sunset feel even worse because of what she's hiding from them both, but she still refused to tell them, specially since they still need to learn about something that FS will explain them.

So, Sunset sighed and rubbed her head a bit. "...FS is gonna kill me if he ever finds out about this, but... I'll let you guys explain what you have to."

The next day, Sonic and Sunny had to explain the whole thing to their friends.

Or at least summarize it: They told them that Mobius was in danger, as well as the multiverse, and they explained why they needed them to go to Mobius and stop Eggman from whatever he is doing.

"So Eggman's been in Mobius the whole year?!" Knuckles exclaimed in anger. "Ugh! I should've known that son of his egg mother was going to move eventually!"

"Well, the good news is that we have the Chaos Emeralds, and that first machine to open a portal I made in Season 1!" Tails pointed out with a smile. "However, I still don't get why you two specifically can't come with us?" He confessed, pointing at Sonic and Sunny.

"Since the multiverse is at stake, we cannot go with you guys." Sonic pointed out.

"Sunset said her boss only needs us two, and trust me when I say I hate leaving you all behind!" Sunny added with concern. "But if we wanna join the cause... We have to follow their rules."

"I find it pretty strange that this 'Secret Society' has existed for a full year, but they're showing up just now..." Shadow said with a frown.

"Hate to admit it, but I'm with Shadow on this one..." Amy said with concern. "Why this Secret Society didn't tried to communicate with us before? O-Or recruiting Sonic earlier? He literally travelled through the multiverse and is one of the reasons why they made the Society in the first place!"

"This smells really fishy..." Zipp said with concern, also rubbing her chin, before smiling. "But, I do admit that I'm curious on meeting Mobius! And, we're doing this for a greater cause too, remember?"

"Yeah! Eggman is also dangerous, and while Sunny and Sonic deal with Opaline, we deal with Eggman!" Izzy pointed out cheerfully.

"I think this is a win-win situation!" Misty agreed with Izzy with a smile.

"I really don't like how this all sounds, but... If it's for a greater good, then I'm down!" Hitch said, before he walked over to Sunny and wrapped her on a hug, while Sunny giggled and hugged him back. "Just be careful wherever you two are going, okay?"

Sunny broke the hug and smiled warmly at Hitch, before tenderly kissing his lips and then pull away. "I'll be back in one piece, Hitchy. I promise~"

On the other hand, Sonic approached Pipp, who was flying and looking down at him with her hooves crossed and a frown.

"I know, I know... Another broken promise, but this time around is not my fault!" Sonic said defensively, but Pipp's posture remained the same. "Look, Pipp, sweetie. I'll make it up to you, I promise... But after a whole year wondering what was next in my life, I finally have the chance to actually do something and not just stand on the ground, waiting for my arm to recover."

Pipp's frown seemed to be shifting, but Pipp herself wanted to remain mad, although she was failing.

"I have the chance to do something bigger, something that's gonna help everyone in the multiverse!" Sonic pointed out. "I won't make any more promises because, at this point? We already know something's gonna happen that will make that promise brake... But I do know I can make it up to you..." He added with a little smile, now extending his hand to her.

By some instinct, Pipp slowly descended and landed in the ground, placing her hoof on Sonic's hand, while he caressed it tenderly, and even if Pipp wanted to keep acting mad, her frown was disappearing at this point.

"I'll come back as intact as I can. No extremities will be compromised!" Sonic assured with a wink. "The only promise I'll make... Is that I'll be back with you. No matter what it takes."

After saying this, Sonic kneeled and tenderly kissed her hoof, the same way he did back when they first met, and Pipp's heart melted. She even blushed slightly, but then quickly shook her head and looked at Sonic with a frown.

"...I really hope... That you come back." Pipp limited herself to say. "Intact or not, I don't care... I just want you back with me, Blue Star... Understood?"

Sonic smiled and nodded, before kissing her hoof one last time. "Hai, hai, senchō~" He replied, saying 'Aye, aye, captain~' in Japanese.

Pipp smiled, before tenderly kissing Sonic's lips and then separate, while Sonic walked back to see his Mobian friends.

"And you three? Better quick Eggman's ass so hard that he can't sit in a month at least!" Sonic told them with a smirk.

"Let's triple it to three months, and it's a deal!" Knuckles said, extending his fist with a smirk, while Sonic snorted and fist-bumped with him.

"I'm with Pipp, Sonic: Intact or not, you better come back!" Amy warned with a frown.

"Yes, Captain Rose!" Sonic said with a salute and a wink, before looking at Tails. "Little bro? Can I trust you to lead the team while I'm out with Sunny saving the multiverse?"

"As long as Knuckles behaves himself, we'll be fine!" Tails assured with a smile and a wink.

"Hey! Why am I always the butt of the joke?!" Knuckles complained.

"They love messing with you, Knux. You should know that already!" Amy pointed out with a chuckle, but Knuckles still groaned and rolled his eyes annoyed.

"As for you three? Trash down Eggman as usual! I know you guys won't disappoint me in that department!" Sonic told Team Dark with a mocking smirk.

"Destroying Eggman is my top priority!" Omega informed, as he changed his left hand to his weapons and charged for a second.

"Take care of Sunny, Hedgehog." Shadow told Sonic with a frown and his arms crossed, but when he opened his mouth to say something else...

"I know what are you gonna say, faker, and let me assure you that I'll be the first one to hit myself if Sunny gets a single scratch." Sonic said with a calmed smirk. "After me, is Hitch, then Tails, and you can have the pleasure to hit me the hardest if that happens!"

"The you better make sure she comes back intact, faker." Shadow warned, but smirking as well.

"Have fun, blue!" Rouge told Sonic with a smile.

"Not as much as you three with Eggman!" Sonic stated with his thumbs up.

On the other hand, the mares of the Mane 6 were all hugging tightly Sunny in a goodbye manner, but as Zipp, Pipp and Misty let her go, Izzy kept hugging her tightly.

"Um... Izzy? This is the part where you let me go, you know?" Sunny pointed out with a sheepish smile, but still not braking the bear hug Izzy was giving her.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" Izzy cried out dramatically with some tears on her eyes.

"Aww! I'll miss you too, Iz..." Sunny said with a smile, before looking over at the rest. "In fact, I'm gonna miss all of you! But we're all fighting for a greater cause here. And you all have it easier than me!"

"Yeah... We face a coo coo crazy Alicorn that can move across the Multiverse, you guys are facing Eggman and his robots..." Sonic pointed out as he zoomed in. "Nothing you guys haven't done before!"

However, after saying this with a wink, he was wrapped in another tight hug by Izzy, and Sonic chuckled, hugging her back.

"I'm sure you guys will have more excitement than us, though..." Zipp said, rolling her eyes and smirking. "Still, be careful out there."

"Take care of each other!" Misty added with a smile.

"And please come back with us!" Pipp reminded with a little smile, although she was still really worried, both for Sonic and Sunny.

"Like if you could get rid of me that easily!" Sonic joked with a smile.

Meanwhile, Sunny was hugging Sparky tightly like a loving mother would do with her child, and even kissed his head tenderly, while the baby dragon babbled happily. Then, he jumped and landed on Sonic's head, hugging him and nuzzling over him, while Sonic chuckled, grabbed Sparky and messed his head a bit with a fist.

After that, he gave the baby dragon back to Hitch, while Sunny was being hugged tightly by Tails and Shadow, the latter not even caring if he was showing some affect in public.

After this, Sunny and Sonic looked at each other, nodded, and then prepared to run away.

"Whoa, wait, Sonic!" Tails said suddenly, and both Sonic and Sunny turned to him. "I forgot something!"

After saying this, Tails took out some kind of gear-like bracelet that had an Inhibitor Disc at the top, which Sonic used recognized immediately, because it looked exactly like the ones rotor made for him last year.

"I have the feeling that you still have Prismatic Energy inside of you, so I made this!" Tails explained with a smile, giving Sonic the bracelet with the Inhibitor Disc. "I call it Inhibitor Bracelet!"

Sonic grabbed the bracelet and looked at it with a smile, before put it on his right hand, since he did knew that he still had some of the Prism's energy inside of him.

"You just have to let it calibrate a bit once you arrive to any universe, and then, you have to press the disc like a button!" Tails explained with a smile.

"Well, this will certainly be useful! Thanks, little bro!" Sonic told him with a smile.

With this ready, Sonic turned around, then positioned to run, took a deep breath, and when he opened his now electrical blue eyes, he smirked, before both him and Sunny boosted away, since the Earth Pony mare activated her Alicorn form to keep up the pace with Sonic.

And where were they running to? Well, they moved towards Canterlot again, since Sunset was waiting for them in there.

Once they came back to Canterlot's Castle, Sunset looked at them with a smile. "Well, took you long enough!"

"Sorry for the delay, Sunset. We took a while saying goodbye to our friends..." Sunny said with a sheepish smile.

"And Tails give me this so my Prismatic Energy won't get out of control, in case you wonder what is it." Sonic explained with a smirk.

"Oh!" Sunset said with wide eyes and a chuckle. "Well, that does gets out of the way why you have that on your arm... Anyways!"

After this, Sunset pressed a few buttons on her watch, and then, an heptagon-shaped portal opened behind her, as it glitched a bit and made some rubble around float in the air, while Sunny stared at the portal in awe.

"Our next destination is the universe where your physical test will take place" Sunset explained with a smile. "Come on, you two! Try to keep up!" She mocked up, before crossing the portal.

"Hey, that's my line!" Sonic said playfully, but before he could follow Sunset, Sunny grabbed him from an arm.

"Sonic, wait!" Sunny said with concern, and Sonic turned to her with a raised eyebrow. "I... I know you have done this thing of traveling through the multiverse before, but... I'm... I'm still nervous and unsure about this..."

"What do you mean?" The Blue Bluer asked with concern.

"I know this is all for a greater good, but... What if we don't fit in among the Secret Society? I mean, there's a bunch of variants from ourselves there already!" Sunny pointed out with wide and panicked eyes. "I know that Sunset says is Future Sonic the one who believes we are the key to defeat Opaline since she's from our universe, but... What if he's wrong? What if we don't belong with them?"

Seeing what concerned her so much, Sonic felt sympathy for her, but he still smiled warmly and kneeled to face her. "Sunny, I understand your concern... But I have a really good feeling! You think that if this FS didn't believed we can help, then he wouldn't had sent Sunset to help us?"

Sunny looked up at him with surprise, then thought about his words for a second. "...I... I guess you have a point..."

"And what's that crap about not fitting in? Sunny, we'll be going to a place full of more Sonics, more Sunnys, more Twilights... More everyone!" Sonic pointed out with excitement. "These guys are us from all across the multiverse! Not fitting with them is like trying to pull out a blue ball from a bag of red balls... It makes no sense! Trust me, Sunny-Bunny: We belong with them!"

After hearing all of this, Sunny smiled, and now, excitement filled her as well. "Okay. I feel better now. Let's go and take that test!"

With this statement, they both decided to traverse the portal together, while a white flash blurred them for a moment, until their vision was now switched like if it had static from an old TV...

Soon, the Static effect came to end, and now, Sonic was narrowing his eyes.

The blue hedgehog was traveling at top speed across some kind of heptagon-shape tunnel, but while he was positioned like if he was diving at first, soon he loose control over his own body, which resulted on him screaming in panic and moving wildly across the tunnel, until he reached the end of said tunnel with wide and panicked eyes.

Sonic screamed again, and one more time, his vision got blurred by a white flashlight.

Universe 271213

Once his vision cleared again, Sonic was now falling towards a city with massive buildings.

Sonic screamed in panic as he did so, and soon, he was bumping into a bunch of carps and cables hanging in the air, until he was sent upwards again because of some of said cables pulling him away.

Sonic screamed in panic as this happened, but he also noticed that both his right arm and his feet were glowing with the energy of the Paradox Prism, which made his eyes open wide. But then, he started to fell towards the ground again, so he quickly curled into a ball and launched himself towards a building.

Once he landed on the building, he slid a bit, but managed to stop. Then, Sunny came by and landed right at his side with a little smile.

"Well, that was quite the number!" She said with a giggle.

"I agree!" Sunset spoke, as she also landed near them. "You know how to make a show, blue rat!"

"Oh, ha-ha. So funny." Sonic deadpanned at the two mares, but then, his feet tried to get out of control, until Sonic decided to stand on his hands for a second.

"Uh... What's with your shoes and your arm?" Sunset questioned confused.

"Yeah... That think seems a bit dangerous..." Sunny pointed out with concern.

"Well, the Prismatic Energy inside of me allows me to travel to any universe I want by will, but it's out of control, so it ends up doing whatever it wants..." Sonic explained with a bored expression at first, before smiling. "Thankfully, Tails made this for me!"

After saying this, Sonic pressed the Inhibitor Disc like a button, and then stood up normally again. After this, the Prismatic Energy started to tune with the Inhibitor Bracelet, and so, Sonic's shoes changed to look red with grey sole, also having some yellow and black lines at the sides. His gloves also changed, and now they were grey with white fingers.

"Haha! There it is!" Sonic cheered with a smile. "No more energy overflow, no more slipping and sliding, an awesome look, and no smoke will come out for sure!"

"Whoa!" Sunny and Sunset said surprised.

"So this is what happens with your clothes thanks to the bracelet?!" Sunny asked amazed.

"Yup!" Sonic replied with a smirk. "But let's not focus on how cool my clothes look right now! We have a physical test to pass!"

"Right!" Sunset said, since she almost forgot why they moved here in the first place. "Follow me!"

With this, Sunset dived down from the building they were standing over and started to fly over the city, with Sunny following her example, while Sonic began to run over the buildings at top speed, before starting to run over the streets to follow the two Alicorns.

"So, what's our first test about, exactly?!" Sonic decided to ask.

Before replying, Sunset checked the information she had to make sure she wasn't wrong. "According to this data, there's a variant of a really dangerous enemy named King Sombra from Universe 240214 that has been dragged here to Universe 271213 by Opaline. Your test is to help us neutralize the enemy!"

"So we're fighting a guy that runs with smoke... Great..." Sonic deadpanned.

"Don't underestimate someone like Sombra, Sonic!" Sunny said with a frown. "I have read from him... He's a really dangerous threat, and we must stop him!"

"So we don't have to underestimate that guy. Understood!" Sonic said with a smirk.

However, Sunny's eyes suddenly widened when she reminded something that Sunset said. "Wait... Sunset, did you said 'help us' or 'help me'?"

However, before Sunset could explain herself, they all heard and saw a massive explosion, around 10 miles away from them.

"Less talk, more work! Get to it, rookies!" Sunset said, as she headed upwards to approach faster towards the explosion.

"Rookie? Me?! I literally explored the multiverse before this whole 'Secret Society' even existed, remember?!" Sonic shouted with a frown.

"She's just trying to see how good you work under pressure, and right now? You're not making a really good impression, Sonic..." Sunny pointed out with a deadpan, before following Sunset's example.

"Oh, great. Now she's judging my methods, too..." Sonic said annoyed and rolled his eyes.

Shaking his head from those thoughts, Sonic accelerated and moved towards the explosion's zone.

Meanwhile, at the place where the explosion happened, King Sombra was moving at fast paste, turned in some kind of black cloud that moved on its own.

"Haha! This is incredible, isn't it?!" King Sombra said with a smirk, while Sunset flied around and tried to see where he was going, since she had her horn charged and wanted to shot at him, but he simply kept moving around. "I feel like a complete new pony!"

"Where the heck is he going?!" Sunset explained with concern and rage.

Soon, Sunny joined her and charged her horn as well, but seeing how fast and randomly Sombra moved on his cloud, she groaned frustrated eventually.

"Can you please stop moving like that?!" She groaned in anger.

Soon, Sunset pressed a button on her watch, and a small screen that showed Twilight appeared. "I have eyes on the anomaly!"

"Then go and get him!" Twilight said with an annoyed tone. "You better not screw this up like with the last guy you were testing, Sunset. You know how the chief treated you..."

"Stop pressuring! You're being kind of nosy!" Sunset replied with an eye roll.

"Aw, come on, girl!" Sombra said with a laugh, before appearing on full body over a building. "You've gotta admit that this looks way cooler!"

"In your dreams, Sombra maltrecha!" Sonic spoke, and so, he kicked King Sombra's jaw since he appeared literally out of nowhere to surprise him, before throwing him from the building with a charged Spin Dash. "You forgot to watch your back!"

Sombra groaned in pain and cracked his neck a bit, before turning into a cloud again and start to move over and away from the trio.

"How did you did that?!" Sunset exclaimed.

However, Sonic began to run away at top speed, following Sombra close enough.

"Sonic, wait!" Sunny called out, as Sunset and her followed the blue hedgehog.

"Sombra isn't watching his back!" Sonic pointed out. "Two of us have to distract him the same way you two did, while the third one attacks him by surprise like I did! And because of that last part: Sunny, you're up next to kick his jaw!"

"Roger that!" Sunny said, as she stopped flying for a moment and turned to other direction.

"Sunset? You and I have to distract him and make him stop again!" Sonic told the other Alicorn.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Sunset replied with a smile.

Soon, Sonic was running over the buildings again, while Sunset flapped her wings like she never did before.

"Sombra!" Sunset called out with anger, and the cloud stopping moving for a second, before moving upwards to dodge Sunset, who tried to kick his face with her forelegs.

"Hey, Ponyfied Shadow! Missed me?!" Sonic spoke next, but just when he jumped and prepared to hit Sombra with a fist charged in electricity, the cloud Sombra used to move dodged the attack as well.

"Hahaha!" Sombra cheered, returning to his normals self in the air for a moment. "You failed this time!"

However, he couldn't cheer any longer, because Sunny literally appeared right over him and blasted a powerful laser beam that sent the unicorn towards the ground, as he groaned in pain because of the hit and the crash.

Still, Sombra wasn't planning on giving up, and so, he turned again into the cloud and started to move far away, but now, he was using his powers to destroy some buildings in the process to distract the trio from him.

Of course, seeing what was his plan, Sonic's eyes widened in panic, because he saw thousands of ponies in danger, and even if they belonged to other universe, they were still innocent beings at the end of the day, and he wasn't going to allow them getting hurt.

"You two take care of Sombra!" Sonic said with anger. "Leave the citizens to me!"

"Sonic, wait! We can't let the anomaly escape!" Sunset pointed out with concern.

"And we won't!" Sunny assured her with a determinate look. "Didn't you hear what he said? He's gonna save all the citizens from the falling buildings and over the streets! He's the fastest thing alive in all the senses, he can handle it! We gotta take charge of Sombra before he makes the multiverse collapse for staying too long, right?!"

After Sunny said all of this, Sunset looked at her and blinked a few times, completely surprised and speechless by everything she just heard. "Wow... FS truly knows why he choose you two..." She commented with a smile. "You two really are perfect for this mission!"

After hearing this, Sunny couldn't help but smile and feel proud of herself and Sonic, before shaking her head and focus again. "Thanks for the compliment, but we have work to do!" She stated, before flying ahead and keep following Sombra.

Sunset smiled proudly, before following her example, while Sombra himself kept smashing buildings to try and distract them, but thankfully, Sonic was being twice as fast as ever, and he was getting everyone in danger out of it, also making sure that he wasn't leaving anyone behind.

After that, Sonic rushed towards Sunny and Sunset, then ran at top speed over a building, and then charged up his Spin Dash with electricity, before jumping over and try to hit Sombra again, but the cloud moved.

Then, Sunny came along and tried to hit him with other beam again, but Sombra dodged that one too and then materialized over a building. "I'm really getting tired of you––" He tried to say with anger, but he was cut off when Sunset launched a blast herself that sent Sombra flying away.

With this, Sunset rushed and tried to make the last hit, but...

"Haha, yes! You've got this, Sunset!" Sonic cheered, as he literally came out of nowhere, but still smiled at her with his thumbs up.

"Uh, thanks? I gue–– UGH!" Sunset yelped in pain when Sombra hit her in the face with his hoof and made her fall towards the ground.

"Oopsies!" Sombra said with a mocking tone. "Didn't expected that, did ya? I honestly didn't either."

Sunset tried to flap her wings, but before doing so, she hit her head against a ceiling and fell a bit dizzy, not able to think straight nor fly upwards.

"Sunset!" Sonic screamed in panic, before launching himself from his place and dive towards her.

"Oh no!" Sunny exclaimed in panic, but since Sonic was taking charge of rescuing her, she decided to take charge of deal with Sombra by herself.

"Woo! I'm in the zone!" Sombra cheered, before moving away happily.

Meanwhile, Sonic was diving towards Sunset, but he was not going to make it, and he wasn't close to a wall to use his super speed to reach the ground early and save her. So, he checked if his Inhibitor Bracelet allowed him to use the electrical lasso... but it didn't.

This made Sonic open his eyes widely in panic, and he also looked down at Sunset, who still felt dizzy and was falling towards her death.

"S-Sunset..." Sonic muttered with panic and an anxious look, before he finally extended his right arm at her. "SUNSET!!!" He screamed out loudly this time.

And suddenly, as his scream echoed across the entire city, Sonic's right arm started to glow brightly, before it transformed Sonic's arm with glitches, and soon, he now had the Werehog arm. Of course, this confused him a lot, but he had not time to question how it happened.

So, he extended the Werehog arm and grabbed Sunset, before pulling it back and grab Sunset in bridal style, curling into a ball and rolling on the ground, before sliding a bit and finally stop.

Once they were both safe, Sonic carefully placed Sunset in the ground, and then, he checked on her to make sure she was safe. "Are you okay, Sunset?"

Sunset groaned a bit in pain and shook her head, since she was still feeling a bit dizzy. "I... I guess I am..." She replied, before looking over at Sonic and smile. "Thanks for the save, but... How did you do it?"

Sonic looked over at his right arm, still turned into the Werehog one, before it glitched out again and restored it to the normal one.

"...I honestly don't know..." Sonic muttered. "Perhaps my arm has Prismatic Energy too, but... I have no idea how that one works..."

Suddenly, though, they both heard Sunny grunting, and so, they both looked upwards, just to panic at the sight of Sombra playing with Sunny in the air, before throwing her towards the ground.

"SUNNY!!!!!" Sonic shouted desperately in panic.

However, Sunny was soon saved by a strange figure that quickly moved in the air and zoomed right besides Sonic, leaving Sunny safe and sound at his side, which surprised Sonic, but still made him smile, and he hugged her tightly, while Sunset sighed in relief and smiled as well.

"Oh, thank Chaos you're fine, Sunny!" Sonic said happily. "Are you okay?"

"Uh... Yeah... I'm fine..." Sunny replied, feeling a bit dizzy and lost. "I... I was one second falling over, and now I'm here..."

"Yeah... Remember you asked why I said 'help us' before, Sunny?" Sunset reminded with a smirk, before pointing up in the air.

Both Sonic and Sunny turned, and what they saw truly amazed them: A pink pegasus with light blue hair, dark blue eyes, and two light blue lightning bolts as her Cutie Mark was flying at top speed towards Sombra, who didn't even had a chance to react at her first attack, then at the second, and then at the third one.

For the fourth one, though, he turned into a cloud again and moved aside, which made the pegasus groan, as she accelerated to chase him down and try to hit him.

"Who the heck is that?!" Sonic asked with a smile and amazement.

"Sonic, Sunny: Let me introduce you to Firefly!" Sunset said with a smile. "She's technically a Rainbow Dash variant." She explained, before she took flight away.

Sonic prepared to run behind, but then, he noticed that Sunny was with her jaw dropped, looking at the direction where Firefly flew away, and he rolled his eyes with a smirk, because he knew she was internally fangirling after hearing that she's a Rainbow Dash variant.

"Come on, Sunny! We have a multiverse to save!" Sonic reminded her, before boosting away.

Sunny shook her head and finally got out of her fangirling zone. "Oh, right... Right!"

After this, she took flight again and followed everyone else, while Sonic began to run over buildings again.

On the other hand, King Sombra was still trying to get away by demolishing several buildings, which was enraging Sonic.

So, both him and Firefly moved at super sonic speed to get everypony out of the streets, as well as out of the buildings that he was demolishing.

"Hey, you move really fast!" Firefly told Sonic with a smirk, as she flew in the air, while Sonic ran over the buildings.

"Yeah, well, it's kind of my thing!" Sonic said with a huge mocking smirk. "I guess you are Firefly, the fastest pegasus in Equestria?"

"And you are Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive!" Firefly replied with the same mocking tone.

"Oh, you've heard about me?" Sonic kept mocking up.

"Dude, I have interacted with at least 40 versions of you!" Firefly replied with a snort.

"Well, I have met other versions of you as well!" Sonic stated. "Although it was actually Rainbow Dash, but... You get it!"

As these two talked, Sunny saw the whole scene, and she couldn't help but smile, because Sonic's attitude during this whole chase was 10 times better than it has been for the past year.

Sunset noticed where Sunny was looking and raised an eyebrow. "Girl, keep your focus!"

That took Sunny off guard, and she shook her head a bit confused. "What? Oh! Right! Sorry... I just, uh... Sonic's been distant and a bit depressed the past year... Is nice to see him as himself again."

Sunset raised an eyebrow confused after hearing this, but she decided to let the subject die there.

Soon, the group jumped up and headed towards a building that had a pool on it, since Sombra decided to stop there and use his powers against the group, stomping his hooves on the ground and making several dark crystals come out of it and head towards them.

"Okay... That's new and weird." Sonic muttered, as he started to slide over one of the crystals, before curling into a ball and then charge against Sombra, hitting him on his face again.

Of course, this made Sombra groan in pain, and he tried to escape from there, but before he could even turn around, Firefly appeared from the other side and hit him on the face with her forelegs.

Groaning in pain, Sombra shook his head and tried to make more crystals come out, but this time, Sunny appeared and hit his chest, which sent Sombra backwards and made him crash against the door that leads downstairs in the building, falling to his knees in pain.

And finally, Sunset came out with her horn charged and launched a powerful blast against Sombra that sent the dark unicorn flying across several roofs, until he crashed on his back against a wall.

Sombra groaned even more and fell to his knees in pain again, groaning loudly after that blast. Then, Sunset quickly appeared in front of him using a teleporting spell, then pointed her watch at him and shoot a red electrical net that surrounded Sombra in the ground.

After this, the net slowly started to contract itself, until it wrapped Sombra entirely and leave him trapped. The net also deactivated his powers, because he tried to turn into a cloud again but couldn't.

"Don't bother, Sombra." Sunset said with a smirk. "That net won't let you use your powers until I say so."

Sombra groaned in anger, while Sonic, Sunny and Firefly arrived and looked down at Sombra with smiles.

"So, any last words before we kick you to your comfy cell until you get back to your own universe?" Sonic asked him with a mocking smile.

However, while Sombra growled in anger at first, it soon shifted into a sinister grin, and then into a maniac laugh, although it only confused the small group in front of him.

"I know I can be funny, but even I know I didn't said anything to make him laugh..." Sonic pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

Sunset, on the other hand, called Twilight again. "Twi. We have him. King Sombra from Universe 240214 has been captured. I'll sent you all the recordings of the test later."

"Good job, Sunset. No incidents happened? No canon events disrupted?" Twilight asked.

"No..." Sunset replied, before deadpanning once she heard that King Sombra was still laughing. "Just an anomaly that can't stop laughing for some reason..."

"It's King Sombra we talk about... He's just out of his mind." Twilight pointed out with an annoyed tone.

"Hey, Alvin, how about you stop laughing and share the joke with the class, huh?!" Firefly said with anger.

Soon, Sombra stopped laughing and let out a pleased sigh, but he still was grinning sinisterly. "Oh, no, just ignore me, I'm laughing at nothing. I just can't believe that you idiots never found the bomb I left behind during our little brawl!"

"BOMB?!" Sonic, Sunny, Firefly and Sunset all exclaimed in panic.

"What? A bomb?!" Twilight's voice spoke through Sunset's communicator. "Sunset?! Sunset! Did he really said something of a bomb?!"

However, before Sunset could reply, not so far from the building they were standing over, a bomb in fact exploded, and it started to make the building lean a bit towards the ground.

"Shoot!" Sonic shouted in panic, before boosting towards said building, with Sunny and Firefly immediately following behind.

Sunset planned to join them as well, but first, she had to deal with King Sombra. So, she opened an heptagon-shaped portal and grabbed Sombra by surrounding him on her magic, before she put him right in front of her and glared daggers at the unicorn, like if she was staring at his soul.

"Listen to me closely: If any of those citizens dies because of your stupid bomb, I not only won't sent you to that waste of space you call your home universe, but I will go there personally and destroy the canon, which will lead to your world collapsing, and to your inevitable destruction, as your whole body starts to fade away slowly, painfully, extremity by extremity, atom by atom, bone by bone, until nothing of your pathetic and miserable existence is left." Sunset threatened him with anger, and of course, King Sombra swallowed very nervously after hearing this. "Understood, pal?"

Of course, Sombra started to regret having put that bomb after everything Sunset told him, so he simply nodded his head and closed his eyes, hoping that he wouldn't get hit.

Yet, it was a pitiful desire, because Sunset left him on the ground, and then used her hind legs to hit him inside the portal, as Sombra screamed in pain and fear, while the portal closed, and Sunset let out a relieved sigh after telling him everything she needed to say.

"Wow..." Twilight's voice said, and Sunset's eyes widened, because the call never ended and she didn't realized that. "Remind me to never make you mad, girl... Ever. Even I felt goosebumps!"

"I know, I know... I can get really upset sometimes..." Sunset recognized. "But now is not the time for that! There's a bunch of citizens that need to be saved!"

After saying this, Twilight ended the call for real this time, while Sunset flew in the air and then boosted towards the leaning building.

Inside of the building, everypony was panicking a lot.

However, this was not only because the building was leaning, but also because there were a bunch of ponies trapped inside the other side of a massive crystal, which was reinforced with magic.

Soon, Sonic, Firefly and Sunny entered the building by braking a window, and while Sunny used her Alicorn magic to levitate some ponies and teleport them out of the falling building, Sonic and Firefly teamed up to used their super speed to get everyone else out.

Once they were all out and safe, the only missing ponies to rescue were the ones at the other side of the crystal reinforced with magic.

So, when Sunny came back, she tried to blast the barrier out by using her magic, while Sonic charged his fists with electricity and hit the barrier as well, with Firefly kicking it with her bare hooves, but nothing was making the barrier move or banish.

"Ah shoot!" Sunny said with concern. "This thing is stuck! We can't brake it!"

"Is reinforced with magic!" Firefly pointed out, but still tried to kick it. "Is destructible, but doing it is gonna take us a good while!"

"Then what do we do?! We don't have a good while!" Sonic exclaimed in panic, hitting the barrier even harder and very desperate.

Soon, Sunset arrived as well and saw what the others were doing, so she rushed and tried to blast the barrier down as well, but not even her magic was doing anything.

"What kind of reinforcement spell is this one?!" Sunset said with panic and anger.

"A really powerful one if not even Alicorn magic can take it down!" Sunny pointed out with concern.

"Don't you girls have something on your fancy watches that can help?!" Sonic asked with concern.

"Don't look at us, dude! We know as much as you do!" Firefly said in panic.

Sonic looked at the barrier with a frown, but then he looked at the ponies at the other side desperately trying to help on taking out the barrier as well, because the controllers for it got damaged due to the explosion.

Sonic had no idea on what to do, but then, his eyes widened, and he saw his right arm, remembering how it changed to the Werehog one back when Sunset was falling. "I wonder if..." He muttered, before focusing on the Prismatic Energy of his arm, which made it glitch before it shifted into a Knuckles' arm. "Yes!"

After seeing the transformation worked, Sonic looked back at the barrier and charged red electricity on the Knuckles' arm, before starting to hit the barrier again, and this time? It was doing something.

With each punch, the barrier cracked a bit like an egg, and it started to vanish from time to time, meaning that his plan was working.

Sunny noticed that Sonic's arm shifted to look like one from Knuckles, and her eyes widened in surprise. "S-Sonic?! H-How did your arm––"

"The Prismatic Energy of my arm is different than the rest of my body!" Sonic explained. "Apparently, it not only makes me travel across the multiverse: It also shifts my burned arm. I can have an extremity of anyone in the multiverse by just thinking about!" He explained with a smirk, still punching the barrier.

After hearing this, Sunny smiled, but when the whole building shook violently, because it was still falling.

"Gotta get them out of there, and fast!" Firefly said desperately, still kicking the barrier with her hooves. "Where the heck is my Twilight when you need her?!"

"We. Need. To move. NOW!" Sonic shouted, as he kept hitting the barrier with the Knuckles arm, but no matter if the crack in the barrier was getting bigger, it simply wasn't enough. "CRAP!" He shouted, hitting the barrier one last time in defeat.

There were a bunch of ponies about to die because he couldn't hit the damn barrier, and that was making him not only panic, but also having huge PTSD of when Longclaw died... He wasn't there so save her, now he is herd and can't save them... It was a loose-loose situation...

But he was Sonic the Hedgehog. He never takes a no as an answer, and he wouldn't begin today.

"I think is time to face it, Firefly..." Sunset said, tired of using her magic. "We cannot save them..."

"There has to be a way!" Firefly cried out desperately, still hitting the barrier.

"The barrier isn't braking, and the building is about to collapse!" Sunny pointed out. "We... We cannot do this..." She added with sadness, as her ears lowered.

Sunset's and Firefly's ears lowered as well, but then, Sonic shifted his right arm back to normal, then placed the tip of his fingers in the barrier and started to extract the electricity from the barrier, with his arms, quills and eyes glowing in neon blue electricity in the process.

"To everyone at the other side of the barrier: Stand back!" Sonic shouted.

The ponies immediately did that after Sonic started to charge, but they still wanted to keep their distance just in case.

"Sonic, what are you doing?!" Sunny asked with wide eyes and concern.

"I'm trying to sent the barrier's energy against it! It should destroy it because of an overcharge!" Sonic explained.

"Dude, you can do that?!" Firefly said with wide eyes, but also with a smile, not only because she found his powers impressive, but also because there was still a chance to save the ponies at the other side of the barrier.

"I didn't knew he could do that..." Sunset muttered, but Sunny managed to hear that, and she looked at the other Alicorn with suspicion and a raised eyebrow.

"Come on..." Sonic muttered, as his arms started to tremble because of the energy he has absorbed so far. "Come on!"

And so, without further ado, Sonic placed his full palms and sent the electricity back to the barrier, but even if it did made the crack in it bigger, it also sent Sonic backwards, as he landed on his back in the floor and groaned in pain.

"Okay... That didn't worked..." Sonic said in pain.

"You think?!" Sunset shouted.

But then, a figure jumped above him and surprised him, as he sat on the floor and looked in the direction the figure was running... It was a variant of himself, just that he had his quills in one row, and he also had a red guitar behind him.

This Sonic was running while moving his arms, before jumping ahead, bring out the guitar, his guitar pick, and then started to play a song at fast paste, as he finally traversed the barrier and destroyed it, all thanks to his guitar.

"Blue Buffon!" Sunset said with a smile and sparkling eyes.

"Buffon, my man!" Firefly cheered with a smile.

"Buffon?!" Both Sunny and Sonic said confused, the latter zooming at the former's side.

However, Sonic also noticed how happy Sunset seemed to be at seeing this variant of himself, and so, he realized who he truly is, which made him smirk mischievously.

"The coast is clear, people!" Buffon said with a smirk, but then, he noticed the other Sonic in the room, and his smirk grew bigger. "Lemme guess: Sonic the Hedgehog?"

"Sonic the Hedgehog!" Sonic replied with a proud smile. "You must be the fella from 200113!"

"And you're the one from 220822!" Buffon replied. "A piece of advice: Use the palms, not just the fingers."

After hearing this, Sonic looked over at his palms with wide eyes, and he almost felt like if he discovered all the secrets of the universe.

"...Yeah, that makes more sense..." Sonic said with amusement.

"How you know about me, by the way?" Buffon asked.

"Sunset talked about you." Sonic replied, zooming at Sunset's side with a smirk, while the Alicorn blushed at the reminder. "She seemed really happy when you showed up!"

Buffon smirked after hearing this, but then, he got slightly punched on his shoulder by Firefly, because she came by and pushed him playfully, so Buffon smirked and messed up her mane a bit.

"Firefly, my girl! My soul mate!" Buffon joked around, still messing her mane a bit.

Firefly snorted and got free of his grip, before playfully try to punch him on the face, while Buffon protected himself with his own arms.

"I don't get it... What is he talking about?" Sunny asked confused.

"Is his language to say that we get along well and we're close friends!" Firefly replied, before almost hitting him on his chest.

"Are you guys in the middle of your strength test or whatever is called?" Buffon asked with a smirk to Sonic and Sunny.

"Yup!" Sonic replied. "And I'm gonna be honest with you: You look cooler than Sunset said you'll look!" He added with a mocking tone.

Of course, Sunset chuckled and looked at him with a frown and a forced smile. "Sonic, what are you doing?!"

"She also said she crashes at your place sometimes!" Sonic kept mocking up.

"Oh, speaking of that: Sunset, you left your jacket at my place." Buffon told Sunset with a bored expression. "And your teeth brush, too."

"Ooh!" Sonic said with a mocking smile, and Sunset's face was completely red at this point. "Are you sure you just 'crash' on his place, Sunset~?"

"Can we focus on saving everypony now, please?!" Sunset said with a forced smile, also glaring daggers at Sonic, while her right eye twitched.

"Right!" Firefly said, realizing that she almost forgot why they're doing this in the first place.

And so, Sunny and Sunset used their magic to levitate some ponies and get them out, while Sonic, Buffon and Firefly used their super speed to get everyone else out of the building.

With them saved, the group exited the building and jumped towards the roof of another one, but they seemed to forget that the building was leaning, and it was heading towards citizens and more buildings.

Sonic's eyes widened in panic, and Firefly grabbed her mane with her hooves in panic. "This is bad... This is really bad!" She cried out.

However, Sonic nodded to himself with a determinate look and placed a hand on Firefly's shoulder. "We clear the path!" He stated to her with a determinate look, before looking at Sunny, Sunset and Buffon. "You slow down that building!"

After saying this, he immediately jumped ahead, and Firefly decided to follow without questioning him.

Then, Sunny and Buffon did the same, and since Sunset was the only one left behind, she groaned and rolled her eyes, before jumping ahead to follow the rest as well.

"I'll do it, but not because you told me to!" Buffon replied with a frown.

And so, Sunny, Sunset and Buffon started to move as fast as they could around the falling building to slow it down.

Sunny and Sunset used their Alicorn magic to surround the whole building with magical lassos coming out of their horns, both were orange colored; while Buffon used his guitar and touched the same melody from earlier, which made the guitar glow and release a blue lasso that started to surround the building as well.

With the three lassos ready, Sunny, Sunset and Buffon all jumped into three different buildings and started to pull the building up, although they were struggling because of how heavy it is.

Meanwhile, Sonic and Firefly were saving all the remaining ponies that kept falling from the building as fast as they could, and they also started to move all the ponies in the streets out of the way, while Sunny, Sunset and Buffon kept struggling to keep holding the building up.

But then, as Sonic and Firefly took the last few ponies and fillies out of the way and told them were to go, they both noticed that the falling building's strings were starting to weaken...

And then, the inevitable happened: The lassos all broke, which made everyone's eyes widen in panic.

The building was tarting to fall once again, and it was close to crash against more buildings.

Sonic and Firefly looked at each other, before nodding in agreement. And so, they both ran and flew at top speed towards the other buildings, with Sonic entering them and taking all the ponies he could out, while Firefly came and grabbed all the ponies she could that Sonic was launching out of the building.

And then, Sunny, Sunset and Buffon joined to the rescue team, which made Sonic launch them more ponies to save, until he grabbed a couple of Earth Ponies and jumped off the window.

However, as he did this, he sensed that something was about to hit them, so he turned around, shifted his right arm to a Knuckles' one again, and then destroyed a piece of rubble that was about to hit him and the Earth Ponies with one single punch.

After this, Buffon came by and grabbed the two Earth Ponies with a lasso made from his guitar, then grabbed Sonic's left arm and placed the Earth Ponies to safety over a building's rooftop with more rescued ponies.

After that, they both impulsed themselves towards the still falling building and ran over it, with Sonic shifting his right arm back to normal, before jumping ahead and making a little pose in the air, while the ponies from the group joined them by flapping their wings and staying in the air.

And yet, this was beyond to be over, because when the building hit the other one, that same building started to fall as well, now heading towards a bridge that had many ponies walking over it, until all those ponies panicked when they saw that the building was heading towards them now.

"It's going to destroy the Manehattan bridge!" Firefly exclaimed in panic.

"Manehattan?!" Sonic questioned with wide eyes, because that's the name of the city he visited back when he wanted to recover the Chaos Emerald from the human world. "Honestly, that name makes more sense here considering is a world of ponies..."

"We've got to save them before the building falls over them!" Sunset pointed out with concern.

"Uh, just to be clear about this: Are we still doing our physical test?!" Sunny questioned.

"Depends on how fast we can save them all, girl!" Sunset replied.

With this, Sonic curled into a ball and launched himself against the floor, while Buffon repeated this action, leaving the flying ponies to dive towards the ponies as well.

Once Buffon reached the ground, he jumped over a bus, before grabbing two fillies and get them out of the way, while a giant piece of rubble fell over the bridge and cause a big hole, making the bus start to fell into said hole, which made the ponies trapped inside scream in fear.

Inside said bus, there was a white unicorn filly with a lavender bow, green mane and tail, a red streak on her mane, teal eyes and five maple leaves as a Cutie Mark trapped.

Firefly noticed this, and her eyes widened in panic. "Gusty?!" She questioned with fear, before diving towards her, while her Cutie Mark started to glow and made some string come out of it. Said strings attached to the back part of the bus, and Firefly stomped her hooves hardly on the ground.

She was doing this to keep her balance and also to keep the bus from falling, since not only Gusty was inside, but also a bunch of other ponies in danger.

Meanwhile, Sunset grabbed some ponies that were falling towards the ocean with her magic and brought them to safety. Once they were out of danger, she sighed in relief, but then, her watch made a beep sound, and then, Nicole showed up as a small hologram.

"Sunset, heads up!" Nicole informed, as she had small screens around her to control some stuff. "My receptor predicts an incoming Canon Event. Search out carefully."

Sunset nodded, and so, she launchd herself towards another citizen to get him out of the way. "I'm on it!" She informed before flying away with the recently rescued citizen.

Suddenly, however, a filly was crying in the middle of the chaos, but nopony bothered to help her out, since they were too focused on saving themselves and run away.

"Hurry, everyone!" Buffon informed with a serious expression, as he guided a bunch of people towards an exit. "This way, quickly!"

But as they ran away, a white pegasus with yellow mane and tail, purple eyes and four red balloons as her Cutie Mark heard the cry from the filly, and so, she immediately turned around and moved towards the filly to help her out. "Don't be afraid, I'm coming!" She shouted, running towards the filly

Meanwhile, Firefly was still struggling to keep the bus from falling, but then, she heard the pegasus' voice, and so, she turned to see that she was moving towards the filly in danger, but she also noticed that a bunch of rubble was about to fall over both of them.

"SURPRISE!" Firefly shouted with wide and panicked eyes, and now, she didn't know who she had to save: If Gusty and the ponies on the bus, or Surprise and the filly.

Still, she tried to pull the bus up and tied it up on on the border of the cliff she was holding to.

"I-I can do both!" Firefly told herself, trying to tie up the string from her Cutie Mark and then go to save Surprise and the filly.

On the other hand, Sonic, Sunny and Sunset put some last ponies in danger to safety, but then, Sonic felt that something was wrong, and so, he turned to see that the rubble was about to fell over Surprise and that filly, but he wasn't going to allow it.

"I got them, I got them!" Sonic stated, launching himself towards them.

"Sonic, wait!" Sunset said, grabbing tightly his hand and shaking her head with wide and panicked eyes.

"Don't worry about me! I'm the fastest thing alive, remember? I'll be fine!" Sonic said with a smile.

"It's too dangerous!" Sunset pointed out with concern.

"I've done worse things, Sunset. Everything's gonna be okay. Promise!" Sonic assured with a smirk and a wink, before jumping of and get free from Sunset's grip.

"Sonic!" Sunset shouted with concern.

"Hey, Sunset!" Sunny called out. "He has a point. He'll be fine! Now come on! We've gotta get out of here!"

Sunny flew away immediately after saying this, but Sunset stared at Sonic with concern, because he isn't supposed to save Surprise, but now there he goes...

Meanwhile, Sonic arrived with Surprise and the filly. "Hey! I know you don't know me, but if you don't come with me, we're all gonna die!"

Surprise's eyes widened, but she still nodded in agreement at Sonic's words, and he nodded back with a smile.

Then, Surprise hugged tightly the filly, while Sonic grabbed the pegasus mare in bridal style and started to run away, as the rubble of the bridge getting destroyed fell over him even faster now, but he wasn't going to allow himself to give up, nor let this ponies die.

Unfortunately, the building ended falling over the bridge, and the rubble covered Sonic, Surprise and the filly.

The entire ground rumbled, and as Buffon stood over one side of the bridge, Sunny and Sunset stood flying in the air... But then, they noticed the building, and Sunny felt her heart running in panic.

"SONIC!" Sunny shouted desperately, as she launched herself towards the rubble, while Sunset and Buffon followed behind.

Soon, Sunset and Buffon helped out Firefly to get the bus back on the street, while Sunny immediately moved towards the rubble and moved it aside desperately. She didn't find Sonic in one of the sectors, so she moved to the next one and used her magic to move the rubble aside.

Then, she gasped when she saw something, and so, she lifted the rubble a bit more with her magic, while Sonic helped her out, because he was using his right arm, shifted like an Omega one, to lift the rubble as well, using the rest of his body to protect the filly.

Then, both Sonic and Sunny launched the piece of rubble away, while Sonic's arm shifted back to normal, and the filly was hugging Sonic's left arm as if her life depended on it.

"Y-You're fine!" Sunny said happily, not being able to contain her tears of joy.

"I promised it." Sonic pointed out with a smile.

And then, right at his side, some rubble lifted up, showing Surprise as well, who had a dizzy expression, but then she shook her head and smiled.

On the other hand, Sunset, Buffon and Firefly finished lifting up the bus, and as everypony exited safe and sound, Firefly immediately ran to Gusty and hugged her tightly, while Gusty hugged her back with a smile and tears of joy.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay, Gusty!" Firefly said with a smile.

Gusty smiled back, but then, she noticed that Surprise was also fine behind, and so, she rushed towards her and hugged her tightly, while Surprise hugged the filly back, while Sonic was holding the other filly on his arms to calm her down.

Sunset came by and noticed this, feeling conflicted on how to feel at the fact that Surprise didn't died. Still, she looked over at Sonic and Sunny with surprise.

"Not bad for a pair of rookies, huh?" Sonic mocked up with a smirk, and Sunny at his side smiled, bumping him slightly with a shoulder.

Sunset didn't knew what to reply, then she looked at the watch and saw a big sign that said 'Canon Event Disrupted', which made her eyes open wide.

Still, she looked back at Sonic and Sunny with a smile. "...Yeah... It was great..."

Sonic and Sunny smiled, and Sonic placed down the filly carefully, while she ran away and hugged her parents tightly, who hugged her back.

Suddenly, though, Sunny hugged Sonic tightly. "You scared me for a second, you idiot... I thought you died!"

"Sorry for that, Sunny" Sonic apologized with a smile, hugging her back. "But hey! Look at what we just did!" He added, now pointing at their surroundings.

Sunny looked around and smiled at the sight of so many ponies hugging each other and being glad to be fine, then she looked over at Firefly and Surprise, who were both hugging each other tightly after the scare they passed through.

"We saved them. All of them!" Sonic said with a smile. "Isn't it rewarding? The feeling of knowing you did something so right?!"

Sunny smiled warmly and let out a sigh. "Yeah... Is a really good feeling..."

And then, Firefly came by and grabbed one of Sonic's hand, stretching with a happy smile and a few tears of joy. "Sonic... I can't thank you enough for saving my friend and that filly... I seriously can't..."

Sonic smiled back and made a little reverence. "I'm just doing my job!" He stated with a wink.

And then, Buffon came from behind Sonic and Sunny, placing his hands on their shoulders and shaking them a bit. "My. Lads. Sonic. Sunny. My. Guys!"

Although a bit startled at first, Sonic and Sunny smiled at him, and soon, Sunset stood at their side, with Firefly joining as well by hoof-bumping with Sunset and then they bumped each other's shoulders.

"Easy!" Firefly said with a smile.

And then, everypony across Manehattan started to cheer at the five heroes that saved them, while the heroes felt proud of themselves and smiled brightly.

"So..." Sonic called out to Sunset at his side. "What do you think?"

Sunset looked over at Sonic and Sunny with a raised eyebrow at first, before smiling warmly. "I was right about you two... You guys are amazing."

After hearing this, Sonic smiled proudly of himself, and Sunny even left out a little gasp for the compliment, but still smiled back.

"Yeah, well..." Sonic started, before looking at Sunny. "We make a good team!"

Sunny smiled after hearing this and nodded in agreement. "Definitely."

Author's Note:

Wooo! Another chapter done! :pinkiehappy:

I'm really liking how this is going so far. And yes, in case you didn't noticed: This first part of the story is an adaptation of "Across the Spider-Verse", although from Part 2 on I'll be doing my own thing, so don't expect me to wait until "Beyond the Spider-Verse" comes out, because I won't.

Now, we met two new characters today: Firefly from this story made by Darkened Lightning Storm (who's world was also were half of the chapter took place), and Blue Buffon (a SatAM Sonic variant) from this story by Arcing Light. Yes, they're the Pavitr and Hobie of this story. Also, I wanted to use Firefly instead of Rainbow because this is a multiverse story.

As for the universe Opaline invaded at the beginning of the chapter, that's a story that once took place on this story and all its sequels made by Admiral Producer, while the universe King Sombra comes from is this one-shot written by Headless.

Anyways. In the next chapter, I won't put all the stories I'm taking characters from because it's TOO DAMN MANY!!! :pinkiegasp:

See ya! :twilightsmile: