• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 2,604 Views, 245 Comments

Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

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Chapter 1 - Clarity

Today was going to be her day. Of course, she was nervous, highly nervous, in fact, but she should be able to do it.

Ever since she saw the princess raising the sun, she knew she wanted to learn magic. Understanding everything there is about it, something that made such beautiful acts possible, became her goal. There even was a tiny hope of figuring out how the princess was able to raise the sun in the first place.

A tiny hope to be just like her.

And so, she started to study. She studied as much as she could. Everything else became secondary. This caused her to neglect not only her friends, even Cadence, but also her family, even her own brother, with whom she was so close. Her parents became worried, but they understood that if she wanted to reach her goal and be accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, she would have to work hard. After all, it would get better after the entrance exam, right? It was with this reasoning that they chose to turn a blind eye towards her behaviour.

Every day she dreamed about getting accepted. She would be so much closer to her goal and so much closer to her idol. Unfortunately, this also caused her to dream about what would happen if she failed, which brings her to today.

Today was the day, and there might not be a second chance. She was lucky that she had even gotten this one chance to even reach this point, the final part of the entrance exam.

Would she be able to continue this path? Would she be accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns? Maybe she could even see the princess up close if she managed to get in. After all, the princess was giving some lectures and courses. It would be great. It would be a dream come true.

Focus! Ok, this was a bad train of thought. Now I am even more nervous.

"Mister and Misses Sparkle, and you must be Twilight. I am Professor Nightshade, one of the judges. Please come inside so that we can go ahead with the final part of the entrance exam," he said in a friendly manner.

Maybe things are going to be alright?

Twilight and her parents entered the room while Nightshade sat down with the other judges.

"Don't worry, Twilight, you can do this," her parents encouraged her.

"Ahem," Nightshade cleared his throat, garnering everypony's attention. "For the final part of the exam, we will once again evaluate the strength of your magic as well as your ability to use it in a refined manner. You must hatch the dragon egg, which is being brought in now." Did she imagine it, or did his friendliness suddenly disappear?

Things are not going to be all right! Hatching the egg of a dragon is nearly unheard of! Only master mages have even a chance to do so! I should have studied more or should have postponed the entrance exam. Of course, Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns would have a test like this. They don't take an average unicorn, only the best of the best!

Twilight's thought process was interrupted by the sound of pens scribbling notes on paper. She didn't need to be a genius to know that the notes were more than likely, at least not to her advantage.

I have come too far to give up now!

But then again, she didn't know how to hatch a dragon egg.

The only way I can even hope to accomplish this goal is to channel as much magic into it as possible. Maybe this way, I will be getting a reaction.

And so, Twilight Sparkle channelled as much magic as possible into the egg.

The results were extremely underwhelming.

In the background, she heard one of the professors making a rude comment, but she didn't even acknowledge it. This was it, her hopes and dreams, all her hard work for nothing. Maybe she could apply again next year.

Oh, who am I kidding? I am finished.

"I am sorry I wasted your time," Twilight said, barely holding back her tears.

Just as she wanted to turn back, she heard an explosion and felt a sudden influx of magic. Out of instinct, she focused it on the egg.

Hatch! Hatch! Hatch!

It worked, the egg broke, and a tiny baby dragon appeared.

I did it!

This was her last thought before an excruciating amount of pain replaced everything.

And just as quickly as the pain came, the pain stopped, replaced by the most wholesome feeling Twilight Sparkle ever felt. She saw things she would probably never be able to describe fully. Everything was shown in the colours of the rainbow. She witnessed how she defeated an evil alicorn and how another princess appeared to rule beside Celestia. She even saw how she beat a Draconequus. It was magical, the things it showed her she would accomplish, even becoming an Alicorn. Everything became so clear to her, and through it all, there was the rainbow pony, the most beautiful mare Twilight had ever seen. Mare? More like an angel. Her rainbow angel. She didn't even need it to show her anything about the rainbow pony. She just knew they were connected. She felt it. She and the rainbow pony. It was a fact, and it couldn't even be more obvious.

Suddenly the mood shifted. The vision showed Twilight how the rainbow pony was abandoning her, walking off with another pink Alicorn. It hurt her, hurt her even more than the pain she felt before. Was she wrong? Did she misinterpret the signs? Didn't the rainbow pony feel the same connection towards her? She had to, right? They were meant to be together. She was so sure about it.

Another scene caught her eye. They were on a coast. The rainbow pony walking off with the other mares she had so often seen in her… vision?
Am I experiencing a vision, or am I hallucinating?
What is going on here?

Her thought process was again interrupted when she realized that the rainbow pony was not turning back. They were just going to leave her there on this coast in Celestia knows where!

Despite what she felt at the moment, it wasn’t the scene that would haunt her forever, as she soon learned. Her surroundings changed, presenting her with her Alicorn self, who was visiting a graveyard. She looked old and sad. Twilight knew what was coming, and she was not going to like it. Her older self was lowering some flowers on the ground before some gravestones, one of which had a rainbow-coloured cutie mark engraved.


She was not going to let that happen. Fate be dammed! What use as learning everything about magic if she couldn't even use it to save her rainbow angel?

Princess Celestia was standing in front of her.

Princess Celestia was standing in front of her!

"Twilight Sparkle," but the princess couldn't even finish her sentence.

"I am so sorry, I didn't…," Twilight didn't know what to say. What could she say? This was the princess! She messed up, didn't she? The princess would-

"You have a very special gift. I don't think I have ever come across a unicorn with your raw abilities," Princess Celestia said.

"Huh?" this was too much. Twilight's head was starting to hurt, struggling to process what had just happened.

Undeterred, Princess Celestia continued, "But you need to learn to tame these abilities through focused study. Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to make you my own personal protégé here at the school."

She did not just say that, right? This is exactly like my vision. Scratch that. It's exactly what I wanted, even more. I succeeded! I did it, didn't I?
But if I accept, will everything play out like in my vision? I could accept and then just change the parts I did not like, right? Or maybe this is just a coincidence, and this wasn't even a vision?
Argh! I can't think like this! I should make a checklist and-

"Well?" The princess asked enthusiastically.

Searching for guidance, Twilight looked towards her parents, who gave encouraging gestures.

I can't throw all this away, everything I have worked so hard for. However, becoming the protégé of the princess takes time, binding me to Canterlot. I wouldn't be able to search for the rainbow pony, and even if I found her, I wouldn't be able to be together with her, right? From what I saw in my vision, she doesn't live in Canterlot.
I am running out of time. I have to make a decision!

"I am sorry, princess, but I think I have to decline," Twilight said in a very shaky voice.

I did not just say that!

She caught the expressions of everypony else in the room. It was clear to her that they were shocked as well.

"I understand, Twilight. It has been a stressful day. You should take some time to rest, and once you have had enough time to think, make your final decision," Princess Celestia said in her kind and calm voice.

"One other thing Twilight," The princess pointed at Twilight's Cutie Mark.

My Cutie Mark?

"My Cutie Mark! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Twilight was ecstatic, forgetting everything else for a moment.

"Mr and Mrs Sparkle, I have to attend to other duties now. Please inform my school once you have reached your final decision together with your daughter." The princess turned and walked out of the room, keeping her calm, collected and kind appearance. But, for some reason, it felt forced.

Is she angry at me?

Twilight stopped jumping around.

Who am I kidding? Of course, she is! I turned her down! Who would say no to the possibility of becoming the princess's personal protégé?

"Come, sweetie, we need to get home," her mother levitated her onto her back. "I can see you are tired. You had a hard day today."

If her mother had any idea how right she was. Twilight was starting to feel really exhausted. Her head, as well as her horn, were beginning to hurt like hell, and she felt like she would throw up at any moment.

Worst of all, she feared that checklists and co. might be unable to help her this time.

"We are proud of you, Twilight. You did great today," her father said.

But Twilight, already starting to fall asleep, barely heard him.