• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,312 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 12- Luna's Fight To The Finish-Part 2

The Next Morning.....

Arthur POV:

I awoke to the sun shining through the window in my room. While it was not a pleasant experience to wake up to the sun hitting your face, it allowed me more time to enjoy the light before the darkness arrives to take it.

‘She comes back today….’ I thought to myself as I got myself out of bed. I walked to my desk to look at my notes as well as read back any information I could have missed or skimmed.

This could be my last chance at seeing these notes before I could die-no, I will live, I will fight back the corruption, and keep my promise to my friend. There is too much on the line for me to lose, but I do not plan to lose in any way. I just have to push forward, like with every task.

I put my notes down as I walked out of my room to the main hallway, heading towards the throne room where Queen Night Star had suggested where Nightmare Moon would return. Even though it was a major IF that she would appear in the throne room at all, it would be the same place that Queen Night Star last saw of her before her banishment, making it the most viable option in any case.

I entered the throne room, looking up to see the similar tapestries as the one I first saw in the main entrance. I always wondered how the fuck can these pieces of cloth last longer than the stone around them when they are clearly exposed to the elements? I mentally moved that question to the side for now to focus on the task at hand.

I looked up to see guards near rocks hanging by webs on the ceiling, all of varying sizes to be later dropped and surprise attack the Nightmare when she will be focused on me. I nod to them as they salute back to me, as waited for Queen Night Star to meet me here. When we first started this plan, she had insisted to join me in this fight, while I objected on behalf of her safety. After hours of debating and arguing, we agreed that she would be my backup should I need it, and will be close by.

I snap out of my inner monologue to hear her arrive behind me.

”I can’t believe that after 1,000 years, she’s coming back. I don’t know how to feel to be honest….” She says, looking up at me to her right, as I look back at her. I made a shrugging gesture to her, as I as well didn’t know how to feel about today.

She giggles and nods at my response,”Feeling exactly how I’m feeling, I’m glad I’m not alone in this.”

We watch as the soldiers switch out, not saying anything to each other as we enjoy the silence of the forest surrounding us. A guard pokes my leg as I look down, seeing him and another hold a paper and ink pot with a feather for me. I nod to them as they crawl away to the hallway, where I assume they came from. I look at my friend as she smiles at me.

”Thought you might want to chat a bit before we head to our positions.”,Queen Night Star said as she crawls up on one of the pillars in the throne room, to better match my height. I quickly write up a response.

I thank you for the consideration. How has the Webway holding up?

”It has been doing fine, most of my children are there already, being protected by the rocks and items that we gathered with your help…..Are you ready for this Arthur? If you are feeling unsure, we can always switch up our plans.” She replied, as I felt grateful for her caring so much, but I already had my mind set in stone.

I am prepared my friend. Do not switch up the plans, I know what I must do. While the fact that I will be fighting a goddess may not bring a good feeling for me, I will never back down in a fight to protect my friends, and keep my promise to you.

She looked at me with an awed expression, before shaking her head as she chuckled. ”You always know what to say to get a bug feel special.”

I laugh as she joined in soon afterwords. We spent the day chatting some more, her guards bringing her some food and snacks as we talked for hours. Before we knew it, it had turned closer to dark already. I was no longer nervous as our conversation helped calm me down as I went behind a pillar. Queen Night Star was led by her guards to her post as she waved goodbye one last time before the time came.

I looked at my hands, bright red as ever. Two weeks ago I was freaking out of what I turned into, and now I have gotten used to my body, and even preferred it over my old one. If I ever heard someone tell me I would end up here, going to fight a Moon goddess, I would have called them crazy. Yet here I stand now, fighting to keep a promise to a friend. A friend that helped me in my time of need, a friend that enjoyed my company, and a friend that I would forever cherish.

Is this what Pokémon feel when they fight for their trainers in the anime?

This was a great feeling to have. I was quickly removed from my thoughts as I looked up from my hands as the room around me darkened. I couldn’t see anything, not even my own hands, which I had looked at moments ago. I felt a chill run up my spine, as I realized that she was here. I heard cackling. The wind blew around me as the darkness faded, leaving a bright night sky as the moon shone through the window behind the thrones. Nightmare Moon stood in front of the thrones as she continued to cackle madly.


I looked from behind the pillar as I saw her for the first time. Her fur was black as her mane looked like nothing I have ever seen before, floating as if there was a breeze within the room. Her armor glistened among the moonlight as it glowed a blue hue. But what caught my attention the most was the necklace she wore. It was a pitch black crystal, which gave off a mysterious glow as it was connected by similar looking black beads, wrapping around her neck. She looked around as she seemed to take in the sight of the throne room. She turned her head around to look at the tapestries above her.

She shot a beam out from her horn that burned the orange one as it turned to ash.


I knew this was the moment I’ve prepared for. I looked up to see the guards nodding to me as they held their legs to the web, ready to cut down the rocks. I readied my fist as I used this chance of distraction to charge forward from behind the pillar, as I shouted a battle cry.


Author's Note:

One last cliffhanger. Sorry about that, but I hope you like this chapter. Next chapter will come very soon!

Name: Arthur Henris
Pokémon: Buzzwole
Type: Bug-Fighting
Level: 72
Moves: Focus Punch, Fell Stinger, ???????, ???????