• Member Since 14th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

One of Nine

I’m a noob writer who goes by the seat of their pants, making a general plot line, but nothing incredibly detailed. I’ll be working on these things and focusing more on the central plot.


This story is a sequel to Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I

Havaak establishes himself as the figurehead Alpha of Dragneel to the other packs. To earn his official status, Havaak is placed in a proving grounds competition, he will have to fight equally ambitious Alphas. He seeks the elders’ approval, but they are suspicious of Ihkerah and her motives.
Equestria tries to gather itself and progress, staggering under the weight of the outside world. Through the years, Twilight is still a simp for Celestia, even if she is more strict and less patient.

Art by Dezigre

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 30 )

Well so far so good with the sequel here and Im looking forward to see what comes next and see how things in this world has change from the first story. Like how the ponies try to adapt to the real world and such. So Luna and Havaak are gonna be parents later on huh? Nice cant wait to see when their kids come and how they handle parenthood. Wonder how Spike will do in Equestria and the Dragon Lands and if he and Ember will get back together later on, I hope they do

Why isn't there a crossover tag?

We're gonna need some context to know what the hell is going on.

Did you read the first book?

I wonder if the Sun Priests are still at large in Equestria. It’s been 50 years, so I imagine that they have grown in size.

It’s nice to see the story continue. Keep up the good work!


I think he means for an explanation of what had happened in the time between the last chapter of book 1 and this chapter cause of the time skip

Well, besides Joseph and his ‘lip service’, things are really cooking up.

Good to see an update and as always great work here and nice to see Damian and Greg for the first half. Man Joseph is in a world of hurt and I feel bad for him and Ihkerah is right he needs to face greater challenges

Nice to see Spike and Twi mending things between them and hope we see more of his time in Canterlot and maybe see Celestia and how she’s doing thus far. Interesting with the whole slavery info there and wonder if we will see that later on. Ok now I’m very curious on this dragon and being Ihkerah‘s brother

Oh no someone else who might hate family lol

Dumbass was talking all that good shit, and yet when the Kreigers start marching upon you, you try to raise a white flag? You were already deadmen long before then!

.... how fucked are they I haven't really payed attention to Warhammer I think it is

Oh so nonexistent threat lvl of fucked yeah nope I'd wish them good luck but no amount will save them

Well nice work here and yeah Canterlot’s destruction was kinda on Celestia there and yeah that’s a harsh punishment with the tower but honestly kinda fitting. Lesson here is NEVER anger a dragon mother. Bet Twilight will not handle this well when she gets to the remains of the capital and see the state Celestia is in. Wonder how Luna will react to this if she ever learns of this and maybe pay her ‘sister’ a visit

Nice choice for Spikes, or should I say Arkihs new name and yeah kinda fitting. Hmm kinda liked how we saw the family boned between Fraxxak and Ihkerah, kinda thought they would try and kill each other but seeing them act like siblings like this is pretty good. Also hope we see some time shared between Arkihs and Fraxxak as some good old uncle/nephew bonding time in the future. Now to the Dragon Labs and I’m eager to see how Ember will react and feel when she see the new and improved former Spike and who his mother is

Ok the end here was great and a very proper reaction when knowing you’re gonna face the Death Korps of Krieg. Honestly they should just end it themselves and commit suicide, it would save them so much pain and horrors and be much quicker and painless

As always great work here fantastic job and can’t wait to see more in the near future

So the reign of the Equines has finally crumbled.

As for the Death Korps, I imagine their Commisar saying something along the lines of

“Take up your shovels, Kriegsmen! So you can dig their graves!”

So that’s why the Death Korps fight with hand-held shovels. They do their enemies the courtesy of burying their dead

“I am a Krieg and I’m digging your grave! Diggy Diggy Hole! Diggy Diggy Hole!”

I... don't know much else to say that would give even a sliver of this chapter the credit it's due, but I'll try my best...

I have never been given such a mental image that let me in awe as you have with Spi- erm, Arkihs (Arc-'E's?) transformation, and the simple, yet brutal death of the priest... I was left shocked and speechless.

My friend, this and the previous story could likely be on par with the well known Past Sins.

Thank you very much. Four years of hard work and experience have forged this story. Though, I will be honest, the first story was mostly me going off by the ear, not a lot of planning. This one however, I at least have a general idea of what should happen.

As always fantastic work man just great here

Nice to see the reunion with Ember and the now improved and true Spike aka Arkihs. Nice with the dragons reactions to him and his mother and honestly I hope they will give them a lesson on dragons and what they truly are and where Ember and her kind of dragon stand in it. Interesting with this new character Fiirah and looking forward to seeing how she’ll effect the story

Was wondering where those two are at first but smart to be far away and out of the crossfire. Well nice to know Greg is with Maggie and that was not expected with his comeback for Damian

I do hope we get more info and lore on these Warg cities and individual and so on

Well this is interesting development at the end here. What is this Duume’s motivation and actual goal, besides maybe becoming the sole leader/ruler of the wargs and maybe the world. And this bloodline of Nahar he’s looking for thou I bet Micha is part of this bloodline and a big fight will happen between them later on

The beginning was pretty good with seeing normal everyday life going on in the village and with Micha taking care of his wife

All in all good work here and hope to see more soon

What’s Duume playing here? Also, that’s a lot of Destiny references. Nicely done.

Well this was interesting and showed a bit more of the later world yet I’m wondering some questions about it. Like just how advanced are the Wargs and the wider world with technology, the history of its development and how long it took them to be this advance and such. I’m also curious on this backstory and history of The Deep and what exactly it is and it’s role

Hope some explanations will be said later on. And other then that this was a good story

Thx, I stopped playing a few months ago. Got tired of wasting money and time. Despite all that, Shaxx is my favorite character aside from Cyde 6

If Duume had a theme, I imagine it would be something like this.


Something that just commands the respect of those deemed beneath him.

Sorry to hear about that, I hope you’re doing better.

I am, just been taking it day by day

Good to see an update here and man that suck bro sorry you went threw that and hope things go your way and get better soon

As always good work here and interesting with the two fighting displaced teenagers. And yes kids like them shouldn’t have those kind of powers without being guided to a degree and without a level of maturity and level headed

Looking forward to see where things go from here and how long the two will be at this place until they get back and what they will face later on

The song at the end is a banger nice pick

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