• Member Since 7th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago


Hon hon hon I'm Le French trying to write in The English! Be prepared for mistakes and weird sentences constructions!


All life must end one day, even if you're an element of harmony. Unless you've become an alicorn, a princess. And in that case, you have to see the lives of others go out slowly, while enduring immortality. Which is not easy, especially when you're the princess of friendship.

THIS IS A TRANSLATION OF A FRENCH WORK BY A FRENCH PERSON. I'm sorry if there's too many mistakes.

This fiction is a rewriting of two of my first one-shot (so, 2013 & 2014). The first chapter was my first MLP fiction ever, and one of my first real writing work. The sixth chapter was another one of my early one-shot.
Even though the style of it wasn't what I write anymore already at the time (doing sad for the sake of sad, meh), I still had an interest in trying to finish this concept, especialy for the last chapter. It took 5 years to complete and was finished in August 2018.

There are actually two translations in spanish for this story. This one and this one.

Writing playlist for this fic: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4NEmE5H4n7EGjmHDFKGVzPFkqb2jBp-D

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 27 )

Dang author your pulling my heart strings

Glad you're experiencing the intended feelings ^^

Yeah. But dang it I think even the sons of Vulcan would cry at this.

Oh Luna, repressed feelings surfacing up.

By the way did you do this art or what?

The picture? No, normally there's a link to the original when you clic on it. If you're talking about the writing, yeah, done it myself ^^

Can you link it to the original cover art?

If you look at the source (hover your mouse above the picture) there's a link to derpibooru.
Here it is anyway : https://derpibooru.org/images/294728
And the original deviantart post was deleted, sadly

:moustache: Forgot the 21 party canon salute
:duck: Spiky dearest Ruby used them to take over the dragon lands...
:facehoof: and now he's aiming them at us!
:moustache: Of course I taught him everything
:raritywink: Spine Zhu - The Art of Mare

"R.I.P. Pinkie Pie - The Laughing", with the now usual inscription "Friend of the princess" that still sickened Twilight, around those famous three balloons, now grey forever.

Everyone twenty one gun and canon salute

*raises sword* and fire!

Although, there was still this little inconsolable dragon. But that was it.

Spike next isn’t he.

As Rarity used to say : NO SPOILERS

I knew it was spike, but looks like we see a decline in equestria to what we know as currently.

Dang it author why do you have to pull my heart strings.

Well thats not a happy ending

I rarely do pure happy endings. Most of the time I go for bitter sweet ones.
But this story, yeah, it's tragic. I might have new ideas for "and after?" that could be a bit happier. But the original tone of this one has always been despair and the inevitability of the end coming to all things. The burden of immortality, and so on. Nihilism, a bit.

Glad you stayed until the end ^^

Wait so there’s a sequel after this?

And did Luna, celestia and cadence set off a nuke on the moon.

Also you think twilight would invest in security for the tree since it’s the only thing protecting them from the forest taking over.

Like teacher like student

Not yet I'd say. I always had ideas of what could come after but never got around to write it.

Ah understandable but yet you think twilight would actually put security around the tree but apparently no.

That was... one of, if not the most tragic story I've ever read.
No sense of hope, or acceptance or anything else.
Just pure desolation.
I have no words.

Even still, I enjoyed this story. It was very different from the usual 'Twilight is Immortal' stories, so kudos for originality. The writing was top notch, the emotions were real, and I could feel the despair.

Excuse me while I go find a corner to sit in.

Thank you for reading it all. I'm glad that the feelings I intended touched you (which is a bit weird when I put it like that... "I want to make you feel despair")
There was hope. Twilight kept hope. But time took the better of it, and it was the point of the story.
Thanks again.

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

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