• Member Since 13th Jul, 2017
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Comments ( 160 )

I guess these A Canterlot Wedding fanfics are never gonna stop

Believe me my friend, a lot of fics on the site regarding some of the controversial episodes and comics of the series just keep on coming XD

Yikes... can't say I wasn't warned about Twi being OOC, and I get where she's coming from, even if her actions were a bit... extreme. Not surprised Cadance takes Twilight's side considering she was kidnapped/foalnapped and wasn't present for most of the wedding preparations.
The curiosity is where does a certain sleeping princess stand on all this?

I no longer believe in your bullshit lessons about friendship. Cause all they taught me was that having friends is a waste of time cause sooner or later they'll just ditch ya if you do something to piss them off or only pretend to like you for the benefits.

[Meanwhile, in the human world]

Sunset Shimmer: I don't know why, but I feel a strong sense of pride over somebody else somewhere.

Do you think Luna will be featured in this?

I have yet to see one where all the mane 6 get to see Crissy's first reveal in front of Twilight. I wonder how that encounter would go if all of her friends stood by Twilight.

Pretty sure Crescent Moon is actually Night Light.

"Twily......................................................what have I done?"

You fucked up is what you’ve done you.

" You gather the other guards and search around the city for Twilight, when you find her do not and I repeat do not arrest her ( yet ) I want to have a word with her first before discussing what to do with her. Is that understood?"

Guards:yes ma’am
Me: um no ma’am, I’m not, since one she literally assaulted not one but two ponies, even though they had it coming, but fluttershy just a bitch slap at least not a hoof to the face. And two she just attempted to slap a minor aka a fucking KID, so no I will not follow that order, instead I will arrest her then once she is arrested and put somewhere she can’t escape or harm anyone l, then you can come talk to her, but not arresting her, wow it’s like your asking to get hurt by her.

It’s time to put the mother fucking foot(or hoof) down and telling her nicely and motherly is not going to help right now,

“ That’s enough!” She said in a demanding tone. “ Mr Sparkle I get that your angry and you have every right to be, but I will not let you harm one hair on my soon to be husband. We already have one friend in a coma and two others with light injuries, we don’t need anymore violence. That’s not gonna solve anything right now especially since Twilights still out there all angry and upset, look my aunts, Twilights friends, and Shinys actions were cruel and they were blind to fall for that Changelings tricks. But they regret their actions and are truly sorry and wish to make amends with Twilight no matter how difficult it may be, I promise you guys they’re not bad ponies and they are gonna make things right with Twilight I can feel it. I am the princess of love after all” Once Candence was done with her explanation, Crescent released Shining Armor from his grip and began to calm down slightly along with Velvet, but their disappointment was still visible.

Woah, woah, woah hang in now, not your aunts just celestia since Luna wasn’t even there or heck know you at all

Really? Huh guess the writers changed his cutiemark?

That would be pretty interesting, if the others witnessed chrysalis controlling shinings mind alongside twilight too. Then they'd all have her back.

Oh yeah, I should have said aunt😌

OH sorry, I just realized that it was deliberately changed in this story cos it sounds cooler! XD

Just read the notes.

Well... hate to jinx it but...
Can things get any worse?

Hey it happens, just edited and you should be fine

Can you by chance give us a clue to what's set to happen in the next chapter?

Let's just say Twilight's gonna come across someone familiar ; )

Thanks very much. Do you have any plans for Luna in this story? Surely she too needs to give her SO-CALLED sister & heroes a piece of her mind & try to comfort T.S. in her time of need.

his name is Nightlight, not Cresent moon

I can only imagine the conversation these two will have. B.T.W. well done with your work here once again, think you can clue your readers in on when the next chapter will come & what it'll be focusing on?

I know, but like I said I thought that his fanon name ( before he was officially given his name by Laura Faust) sounded cooler😎

Thanks👍 Also I don’t plan on using Luna as much in the story as the others are the main focus, not gonna spoil anything but when I make part 2 in the future she’ll have a bigger role there😉

Twilight ditches her friends and bumps into her old rival? Seems legit.

“ Hello Trixie”

*spits out drink* whaaaaattttttt?????!!!

. After thinking for a while, the Pegasus finally opened the door to her apartment and was soon greeted by her younger sister Dinky who was thrilled to see her older sibling home after a long day of work.

Huh you don’t see that everyday where dinky is actually derpy little sister instead of her daughter.


I don't remember the cmcs during the rehearsal at all. I figured since they had such a small part that they weren't included in the rehearsal. The cmcs might be able to plant seeds of peace cause right now twilight doesn't believe they truly care because they chose a wedding over a friend.

I do hope T.W. thinks long & hard about her decision before signing a deal with the devil.

Weren’t they the flower girls during the reception?

I know they were at the wedding but does anyone remember there when twilight lost it due to her friends not really listening.

a vvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of character Twilight Sparkle

How is she out of character?

Did you read the first chapter ?

"Patience sparkle" Trixie assured. " We're almost there, his hut is just across the corner"

Patience young sparkle

"Atta girls " Applejack replied proudly. " And Don't worry about rarity Sweetie belle, she's in good hands.

How do they know what hands are?

"Jesus Trixie how much longer?!" She complained. " We've been walking since 9pm, how much farther till we reach your friend already?!"

How does she know that word?

"Well............." She began. " IT seems that Twilight wishes to isolate herself for the time being, so going to Ponyville and collecting her would be too risky given her current state. Hmmm you know what? You two have worked pretty hard last night, why don't you two and the others who scoped the city for Twilight take today off?" Saying this earned happy expressions from the two guards.

Please tell me she did not just give the entirety or at least a good percentage of the royal guard the day off, when they could be a possible attack or retaliation.

Please tell me I read that right

No she just gave the few that she had search for Twilight yesterday the day off. The rest of them are still out patrolling.

Hehe I really gotta remind myself that this isn't the equestria girls universe:twilightblush:

And TBH most of the more anthromorphic characters like Iron will and Tirek for example have hands.

It kinda suprises how all of them downgraded Rarity accident as a "casuality" like it was absolutely nothing

Really Twilight? Now attacking innocent ponies/people in the other cities/towns right now!!??

I understand your anger towards your former friends, Celestia, and your idiotic brother. ( Still didn't like that you almost hit Spike. He isn't really as "guilty" as the others. )

But, why attack other ponies that have nothing to do with what happened to you? Makes you no better than the other MLP Villains, and at worst, a terrorist!

Celestia is actually right for once. You will do something that you will forever REGRET!

P.S. Seeing Tirek this early is a good surprise to be sure.

( Wonder how he escaped Tartarus Prison? Or this is a AU where he somehow didn't go their? )

Agreed and you know America number one policy.

I get this Twilight is OOC but isn't this too much for her? It would make sense if she got brainwashed by Chrysalis or Trixie to turn her bitterness into evilness

Well I did say that this Fic was gonna be pretty dark. if you think she's out of character here you should see these stories.......................



Also Celestia's formality is strange and inconsistent, she often refers to her guards as "Boys" or "Fellas" yet she refers to Fluttershy as "Miss Fluttershy"

Well royalty don't have to talk formal all the time, they're allowed to address guests or friends as they see fit.

Hehe yeah I don't know much about medical jargon:twilightblush:

Also fair warning, after this chapter the stories gonna get REALLY dark so be prepared folks. :twilightoops:

Guess this is proof that Cadence's, Celestia's, and Scootaloo's talks about hope will be dead WRONG!

Because this shows that Twilight might turn into a nightmare/corrupted version of herself ( Like Midnight Sparkle. ). That Twilight will do something that she will definitely and forever regret ( IF she somehow stop her rampage. ), and then break Rainbow's/Scootaloo's dreams of hope.

I mean, how can they even defend Twilight if she is a full blown murderer of not just one, but several, or many innocent/guards, or even one of them killed by her!?

Makes her a damn serial killer, then she has NO redemption.

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