• Published 23rd Jan 2023
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My Little Pony: Dark Star - WestRail642fan

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Chapter #8: Lockdown of The Broken Heart

Chapter Eight.
Lockdown of The Broken Heart.

Zoom hated this part of her job the most. The empty halls of the palace were mind-numbingly dull. Queen Haven had laid off most of the staff when the King died 12 years ago, so now most of the palace was empty. Now that Pipp and Zipp had moved away, patrolling the palace was now even more boring.

"Hey, Zoom." Thunder said as he passed her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks, Thunder." Zoom said as she took the coffee cup and drank it.

"So, is this place always so empty?" Thunder cocked his head as he took a sip from his own cup of coffee.

"Not always, Thunder. Before King Zephyr passed away, this place housed hundreds of staff." Zoom paused, placing her cup of coffee down on a nearby table, "After his death, however, the Queen laid off all of them, barring the essential staff. She's become a bit of a shut-in, far cry from the adventurous mare she once was." The older guard looked down solemnly. "Sometimes she would make trips down to the royal basement where her husband's body is kept and preserved and she would cry non-stop just waiting for him to come back to her as she wants nothing more but to hear his voice again." Zoom added

"Why? I thought she loved doing that?" Thunder asked wide-eyed as he drank his coffee.

Zoom sighed a little. "Ever since the King died. Haven has become more distant. More isolated and less social." Zoom replied as she drank her coffee. "Her isolation affected Zipp and Pipp also, that's why when Sunny asked if they wanted to live with her in Maretime Bay, they both jumped at the chance to get out of here." Zoom continued, looking around the barren hallway.

"I know that because Zephyr and I used to be guards in training together. We were close friends and before long I admitted to him I had a crush on him but he said he had feelings for Haven so I supported his love for Haven." Zoom added.

"Wait…… you had a crush on him ??" Thunder said. "Yes I did but that was way before you came." Zoom said.

"Well, I don't blame Zipp and Pipp, to be honest." Thunder said. "The loss of their father must have affected them a lot," He added.

"His loss affected Zipp the most." Zoom looked over at Thunder, "Before he died, she was a little ball of energy and excitement. But afterwards, when he died, she became rebellious and closed off to everypony. Pipp was less affected simply because she was so young when he died, she barely has any memories of him, unlike Zipp who she had interacted more with the late king." Zoom added. "I know that because I was in charge of the funeral procession, the late king's coffin was placed in the royal basement after it had gone through prayers and multiple gifts and letters given from the general public. And… a speech from his wife too." Zoom added.

"What about the Queen, does she ever mention him at all?" Thunder asked, his head tilting to the side. Zoom shook her head.

"No, she never really likes to talk about him at all, but some nights when I'm on patrol, I can hear her crying in the night in her quarters when I'm stationed outside, saying how much she misses him..." " Well what did you hear ?" Thunder asked Zoom.

"I hear the sadness in her voice saying how much she misses him and how she would do anything to hear his voice or look into the eyes of the pony she married and had her children with." Zoom said as she drank her coffee. "Do you know what happened ?" Thunder asked. "It's a little blurry but it started with a cough but over time, he became so sick he can't even get out of bed. Knowing his time was up. He asked Haven for one thing and that was to ensure that zephyr heights grow and develop well. And for their children to be happy." Zoom said. "Those were his last words before he passed away and a state funeral and a national period of mourning were held and also the day she became a widow. Ever since then. She became more isolated, more distant and less social, often only leaving the castle for important events." Zoom added.

"Haven has become a shell of the pony she used to be, I can understand why she keeps a piece of their family picture in her private chambers. I saw a peek of it when I helped the maids clean the room. Seeing it just shows how much she misses him." Thunder added. "Well, I feel her majesty she lost the one pony she loved and had kids with. Without him, she's not the same adventurous mare she used to be" Thunder added.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard. "Huh? What was that?" Zoom said as she placed down her cup. "Stay here Thunder, I'll check it out."

Zoom opened the door of Pipp's room, only to find her jumping out and gliding away. "Huh... That's strange." Zoom cocked her head as she walked up to the window and saw Pipp flying away.

Zoom saw a note on Pipp's table and began to read it.

'Dear Mother,

By the time you read this note, I'll be long gone from Zephyr Heights.

Despite what you might hear, it is all false.

I am simply helping the human return to his home, the Crystal Empire.

I don't know when I'll be back.

Forever you loving daughter,

Pipparina Petals.'

"Strange… And her tiara is here too?" Zoom picked up the golden headpiece as she re-read the note.

"Zoom? What's going on?" Thunder said, leaning in through the open door.

"I saw... Her Highness, Pipp." Zoom said. Thunder entered the room. "And she left her tiara here too." Zoom added.

"Hey, have you seen this yet?" Thunder showed Zoom his phone the news about Pipp being involved in a robbery in Maretime Bay." Zoom looked at the screen, her face changed to one of shock.

"I'VE GOT TO TELL THE QUEEN!" She said as she ran to the Queen's private quarters.

Meanwhile, in Haven's private quarters. Queen Haven was sobbing into her pillow just by looking at photos of her time with Zephyr together, she constantly sobbed and completely locked her room. Often crying and blowing her nose with tissues. "Oh… Zephyr *sniff* I miss you so much… I just wish I could hear your voice or see your beautiful eyes again." Haven said as she sobbed into her pillow.

Zoom was outside her door about to knock when she heard Haven crying. Zoom heard Haven crying as she placed her ears on the door. She heard her crying and sobbing. Zoom felt sad as this was a pony that lost the love of her life. But she had a duty to do so without hesitation she knocked on the door.

"Who… Who is it?" Haven asked through her sad tone. "Ma'am it's Zoom" Haven cleaned her tear-filled eyes and got off the bed. She then opened the door.

"Well, what do you need?" Haven asked.

"I saw Pipp jump out of her window but I was confused as she could have used the door, but Thunder then showed me news about the robbery and their saying Pipp is involved?" Zoom spoke.

"Huh… Pipp?? That can't be right?" Haven spoke, her face looking puzzled, pulling out her phone, her face changed into one of horror as she saw the news, "Lock the palace down, no one leaves." Haven ordered. Zoom saluted and left and ordered the complete lockdown of the palace.

"Uh, control, we have a problem.." A voice cracked in Zoom's earpiece.

"What is it, Blitz Wing?" Zoom stopped to listen to the guard on the other end.

"They escaped." The guard replied.

"What?! How?" Zoom practically screamed down the earpiece.

"They smashed down the gate with that vehicle." Blitz's voice trembled

"Well, did you at least see which way they're heading?" Zoom pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"Mom! Sorry it took us so long!" Zipp shouted, skidding to a halt in front of Haven's throne. Izzy and Sunny crashed into her from the sudden stop. Hitch narrowly avoiding the pile-up. Sprout let out a laugh at the sight of Zipp, Izzy and Sunny all laying on top of one another.

"ZEPHYRINA STORM!" Haven spoke in a stern voice. "YOU GOT 5 MINUTES TO EXPLAIN WHY Pipp WAS INVOLVED IN A ROBBERY AND SECOND OF ALL, WHY IS HE HERE!" Haven pointed to Sprout. Sprout was a little frightened by Haven's stern look. A look so frightening it could send chills down anyone's spine.

"Oh no, she's really pissed." Zipp whispered to Sunny, "It's the only time she isn't wearing her sunglasses." Haven then eyed Zipp.

"ZEPHYRINA! EXPLAIN RIGHT NOW OR YOU'RE GETTING GROUNDED!" Haven's wings flared in anger as she spoke. "WELL?? START TALKING!" She added.

"Ok, ok!" Zipp stood up, gulping nervously, "Well, for starters, this human showed up out of nowhere. Which, for the record, I did not trust for a single second, but Pipp is like, 'Oh, give him a chance, he just lost everything'." Zipp spoke, before being cut off by Haven

"GIVE HIM A CHANCE? HOW DO WE KNOW HE'S USING NOT HIS CHARMS TO MANIPULATE US?!" Haven yelled before sighing, tears began to form in her eyes. "I lost my husband already, I'm not going to lose Pipp too." She said as she sobbed.

"Listen to me, your highness." Hitch stepped forward, "You aren't going to lose Pipp, I'm sure of it."

"Thank you for your reassurance, Sheriff, but how can you be certain?" Haven spoke, wiping a tear from her eye with a tissue.

"Well, your majesty." Hitch pulled out his phone, "With this." He presented the security footage from the Canterlogic factory. "If you take a look, you can see that Pipp was nowhere near the factory." Hitch spoke, quickly skipping to the next video file, "And this footage, that while yes, does show Pipp with the human, it was after the robbery took place and from the looks of it, it looked as if Pipp was furious at him about it."

"That's all well and good, but Pipp still willingly chose to run away with this human." Haven raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah... I didn't think about that." Hitch replied, his face slowly changing into one of panic. Before Hitch could do anything else, Izzy quickly embraced him.

"It's ok Hitchy." The unicorn nuzzled him softly, his cheeks flushed a shade of red.

"Where's my sick bag?" Sprout groaned, Zipp and Sunny both stared bluntly at the red stallion.

"Besides." Izzy quickly looked up at Haven, "The footage of Pipp not even at the factory would be more than enough to prove her innocent, right?" She added, before kissing Hitch's cheek, "Better now?" Hitch blushed as Sunny and Zipp giggled.

"Hitch at some point Izzy will ask you to marry her." Zipp said as she tried to hold her laughter.

"I gotta agree with Zipp on this, " Sunny said.

Haven looked at the pair and smiled warmly. "Just like myself and Zephyr. We used to kiss and joke about things together, I just wish I could hear his voice or see his handsome face, just one more time." She thought to herself, being snapped out of this line of thought as Hitch's phone began to ring with a sassy ringtone.

"Are those wedding bells I hear, Sheriff?" Zipp smirked teasingly, Sunny couldn't contain her laughter any longer and quickly joined Zipp in laughing.

"Hitch... IS THAT YOUR NEW RINGTONE ?? IT'S SO HILARIOUS!" Sunny spoke between fits of laughter.

"It's a classic... Alright." Hitch groaned, trying to hide his blush, "Do you mind if I answer this?" Hitch asked Haven, cheeks red with embracement.

"Of course not." Haven smiled, "There's a quiet spot over there." She gestured with her wing.

As Hitch trotted over to where Haven had pointed, she cleared her throat. This caused Zipp and Sunny to stand perfectly still, like soldiers awaiting orders.

Zipp, Haven and Sunny all looked over at Hitch as he talked on the phone, try as they might, they couldn't hear exactly what was being discussed.

"Ok, thank you." Hitch said before hanging up the phone, he turned around.

"Well? Who was it." Izzy leaned forward.

"It was Phyllis." Hitch replied, showing no emotion.

"Mommy? What did she want?" Sprout's voice echoed across the room.

"Well. She said..." Hitch looked down, "She said she's dropping the charges against both Pipp and the human."

Haven let out a huge sigh of relief, sinking into her throne as if she was deflating from the stress leaving her body.

"Wait, that's a good thing right?" Zipp asked, her ears perking up.

"Which means she isn't guilty and won't have to worry about losing her royal title." Sunny added, beaming ear to ear.

"That's a huge relief, but we still have to find her, oh my baby Pipp, we have to find her and fast!" Haven said. Zipp ran over and tackled Haven in a tight hug.

"Don't worry mom, we'll find her and bring her home safely." Zipp smiled, as she nuzzled her head against Haven's chin.

"Why are they being dropped? They committed a crime!" Sprout shouted. Everyone looked at Sprout, unamused by his words. Izzy finally snapped.

"Oh, you should be glad our friend isn't going to jail or maybe you should be the one to take her place!" Izzy said as she looked into Sprout's eyes.

"One small problem though, your highness." Zoom spoke out, making her presence known, "We don't even know where this 'Crystal Empire' even is." Zoom felt all eyes on her.

"Oh blast, you're right..." Haven sighed glumly. "And we don't know if this empire exists at all." Haven added.

"We know someone that can help." Sunny smiled nervously.

"Absolutely not!" Haven barked. "I will not let that crazy mare out of the cells. Have you all forgotten she tried to kill you not even 3 days ago??" Haven added, a concerned look filling her face. "There's a reason why I tripled security at her cell." She continued. "Under no circumstances am I letting her out," Haven said.

"I understand your anger. Ma'am." Sunny stepped forward, "But Opaline may be the only pony alive with any knowledge about the Crystal Empire, and most importantly, where to find it." Sunny added, pulling out her father's old journal, "Even my dad's research is limited at best when it comes to the Crystal Empire." She continued, flipping through the pages, "All his research contains is that it disappeared when magic did."

"What if you're wrong and she uses the first chance she gets to escape? Then what." Haven leaned forwards on her throne.

"Then… Then I'll take her place in prison." Sunny spoke sternly

"Sunny. You can't do that!" Zipp shouted, Sunny lifted her hoof.

"I will do what I must to make sure Pipp returns home safely." Sunny looked at Haven confidently. "To return your daughter to you safely," Sunny added.

"One week, you have one week. If you're not back with Pipp before then. I'll assume Opaline has escaped and will send the royal guard to collect you, Sunny Starscout." Haven added.

"I won't let you down, your majesty." Sunny nodded in agreement.

Haven turned to look outside. "It's getting late. So you'll have to try asking Opaline in the morning." Haven looked down at Zoom, "Can you add that to the schedule?" She added.

Zoom quickly pulled out her phone. "Already taken care of, your highness."

"For now, all of you, get some sleep. Thunder can lead you to the guest bedrooms." Haven spoke to Thunder as he saluted before leading the group out of the throne room, "Oh, and Zoom."

"Yes, your highness?" Zoom saluted, standing to attention.

"Make sure that Hitch and Izzy have a room to themselves." Haven leaned over, winking as she spoke. Zoom nodded before leaving the throne room also.

Only Haven remained in the room, she let out a sigh and smiled, "Ah, young love… If only you were here Zephyr…" She spoke to herself as she looked at a photo piece of her and Zephyr, she smiled but felt sad as he was no longer around. She kissed the photo before placing it back under her wing.

"I love you Zephyr..." She added, her voice echoing around the room.

She placed her hoof on the throne next to hers, it was Pipp's throne but before then it was Zephyr's throne. The throne that the love of her life once sat on. After his death, it was replaced by Pipp's. "I miss you so much, Zephyr." Haven said as she held her tears back. "I wish you can come back. Our kids miss you and they want to see you again" She said again as her voice echoed through the empty throne room.

"I think we better stop for the night?" Pipp spoke, looking up at the sky as the sun dipped below the mountain range in the distance.

"Yeah, you might be right on this one." David replied, looking at his watch, he realised they had been driving now for at least 12 hours. Bring the car to a stop on the grass just off of the main gravel path. Pipp opened the door, stretching her legs as she stood in the grass, David doing the same.

"Wow. Zephyr Heights looks so small from here." Pipp said to herself, looking in the direction they had been travelling in, the lights of the city looked barely bigger than any of the stars that filled the sky.

"Best be getting some sleep. We continue on at 6 am." David spoke bluntly, finally inspecting the broken rear window.

"Looks like it's about to rain." Pipp said, looking up as storm clouds began to roll in, "It'd be best if you spent the night in my trailer." She suggested as David pulled a sheet out from the trunk of his car, placing the large plastic object over the broken window.

"Won't that be a bit awkward though? We've only known each other for two days?" David asked, pulling tightly on the plastic covering.

"No less awkward than spending 12 hours on the road, sitting down the entire time. Besides, my trailer has a couch, so we don't have to share the bed." Pipp looked over at him, "Unless, you want to share the bed." She smirked.

"No, no. The couch will do fine." David was flustered, nearly tripping over the tow hook in embarrassment.

"You sure? It's not every day you get to sleep with a princess you know?" Pipp said.

"Pretty sure." David stuttered.

"Suit yourself." Pipp shrugged as she opened the door to her trailer, "You coming or what?" Her voice called from inside.

Pipp sat on her bed, as David stepped into the trailer. He was taken aback by how grand it was inside. It was like he had stepped into a palace. The inside was decorated with the latest decoration designs, a portrait of her family hung on the wall and a bed was near the end of the trailer. There were a few desks filled with musical things and her trade perfume was on the table.

"So?" She smiled, rapidly slapping the bed with her hooves. "What do you think?" She grinned.

"A lot bigger than it appears from the outside, that's for sure." He looked around with amazement.

Pipp quickly hopped off the bed, running towards the couch. With the press of a button, the couch folded out into a bed just big enough for David to sleep on. "Will that be big enough for ya?" She winked, nudging him in the process with her wing. David blushed as red as a tomato. "Blankets and pillows are over here." She fluttered over to a closet, throwing the door open and bringing every pillow and blanket she could carry.

David carefully sat down on the fold-out bed, unsure if it would even support his weight. But to his surprise, the bed was able to support his weight despite it being big for a princess. Pipp flapped over towards her own bed, gently landing on it.

"Night~" She called out, clapping her hooves. The lights all turned off.

End of Chapter Eight.