• Published 26th May 2023
  • 257 Views, 13 Comments

Lunar Plight - Final Mix [DISPLACED] - Netloids Ultimatum

Four heroes venture forward to save Equestria from eternal darkness in a whole new realm of challenge and adventure!

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Chapter I - Return of the Knight

John's eyes narrowed, the stick of sweat covering his forehead in a thin layer of moisture. The half lidded stare and smirk combo coming from Lily, his girlfriend across the table, was one that made him mildly uncomfortable; he knew he'd be treating the Ralsei cosplayer to tacos later, likely this very night once the hustle and bustle that called itself Megacon 2022 ended for the day. He had come dressed as an original character, sort of. He was clad in an outfit akin to an anime delinquent more than a fierce warrior. His shirt was a maroon color, and over it he wore a dark gray short sleeve zip up hoodie with a trim around the zipper and sleeves that was colored a much softer red. He wore black cargo pants and a pair of similarly colored combat boots. His normally neck length brunette hair was slicked back today, and without the natural framing his hair lended his face, his forehead looked just barely bigger than normal.

At his side on the table sat the weapon that completed the ensemble; a slick black wooden Keyblade replica named Crescent Rose. The guard was constructed of two small maroon segments that looked like scythe blades, angled to protect the wielder's hand from blows. The body of the blade was thin and black, and seemed to be shaped after a katana, though at the end of the blade on the dull side, sat the silhouetted shape of a maroon rose. Hanging from the hilt was a chain roughly seven inches long that ended with a pendent of yet another red rose, this one with a small and murky crystal embedded in the center. John had spents months crafting this weapon himself, and he was proud of it. Countless splinters and failed attempts had finally led to today, where he carried the wooden blade with pride.

From his left an elbow nudged his ribs. Once, then twice. His gaze shifted to the smiling face of his sister. Connie was decked out in a full Tifa Lockhart cosplay, a damn accurate one too. She had worked out for months ahead of time to tone her build, and now a modest amount of muscle had made itself known across the woman's tall and skinny frame. "Come on John! She's got a point. You're stopping yourself from having fun. No bones about it. No siree. Rootin' tootin'."

John raised a gloved right hand to his face, and his bare left hand reached for his fries only to be met with air. Across the table Lily continued to smirk, only now she was holding the basket of deep fried potatoes that John had so desperately craved. He growled. "It's not that. There's just to much going on. There's so many people here...and give me back my fries, or no tacos tonight!"

Lily pouted, and stuffed another small handful of fries into her mouth, before passing the now empty basket back to John, who stared down at the basket before letting his face fall directly into it in an exasperated manner. Connie laughed, a hard pat from her right hand meeting her brother's back. Lily's audible "nomnomnomnomnom" caused John to look up again, and he used a napkin to wipe the grease off his face. "You're lucky I love you, otherwise we'd leave you here and go home."

Lily swallowed, then finally spoke up herself. "Don't threaten me with a good time. I actually like it here! Unlike you."

Connie shrugged her shoulders and glanced between the two of them. "Again, she's got a point." She looked to her phone. It was late afternoon, and the con wouldn't be open much longer. Nonetheless, they had one more event to head to. "Finish up guys, we'll need to head out soon if we want to catch the CRWBY panel."

John glared at his girlfriend as he responded. "No need to finish, she wouldn't let me." Connie burst out laughing and Lily's face turned beet red. John stammered for a moment, finally able to make out the words; "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"

Eyeing the group from afar was a young woman with a pale complexion and back waist length lavender hair. The casual jeans and t-shirt she wore did well to blend her into the crowd as she approached the table with a box. "Excuse me, I'm with the Mojang advertising team, and..." The three turned to the woman. Connie smiled at her, and Lily gave a shy wave. John did little to react. "...we've been handing out leftover promotional merchandise for the Caves and Cliffs update." She held the box forward and took the lid off, revealing a row of plush backpack charms. John noted that all of them were based off of the Totem of Undying, an item that had saved him and his friends from losing their hardcore world several times over. The woman smiled to him sheepishly and sat the box on the table. "Would you like one?"

Connie took one in her hands and smiled. "How much?"

The woman did her best to hide her guilty look. She had to look away from the trio before she mustered up her will. "They're...free. We don't have much use for them anymore."

Lily reached in the box next, and giggled as she took a totem out as well. "They're so soft and squishy! This is gonna look so cute next to the Squirtle charm you bought me John!"

His interest piqued, John finally reached into the box himself. Indeed, they were soft and squishy. What his companion's didn't seem to mention however was the almost refreshed feeling that coursed through his body upon picking up the charm. He looked to the woman and finally spoke. "You sure you don't want anything? We'd hate to leave you empty handed."

She gave him a sad smile, and nodded her head. "I'm sure. I just...hope you enjoy the rest of your day." She picked up the box, and without giving the trio the time to thank you, she left.

Connie looked to the other two and stood up. "She was kinda hot."

Lily rolled her eyes, and John sighed. "You think everybody is hot."

"Whatever, let's go." The other two stood up, and the three made their way towards the exit.


"Aye, are ye sure that's all you'll be takin'? I got's more meats in the back!" Garland was sure he had, and judging from the stench, he had been holding onto that stock for a good while. "That's a hard pass Grimwahr, I'll be taking the chicken and pork by itself."

"Oy, fair 'nuff then I 'spose. Bits' on the counter while I bring it out." The bearlike creature stepped into the back room, much to Garland's dismay. Nonetheless the man complied, and reaching into the single pocket of his ankle length coat. The rather plain brown leather coat had been a trusty one for centuries now, and had been a gift from an old friend when he had first arrived at the town. Pulling his hand out to reveal a hefty stack of coin, he placed the handful onto the counter just as Grimwahr walked back out with a stack of warm meat wrapped in sheets of paper. Passing the meat to Garland, he snatched up the coin, quickly counting it out. "Lovely, now getsome outta here before that damned griffon bastard find out I sold his order!" The man shook his head and complied, leaving the butcher to his business. Stepping out of the shop, he pulled his hood downward farther, and began to walk. Klugetown was a rough place for most creatures, and heavily reminded Garland of a place called Mos Eisley, though he couldn't pinpoint exactly what Mos Eisley was.

He had officially spent over a thousand years in Equestria, and remembering his past life had proven more and more difficult with each passing decade. Weaving in and out of the dusty alleyways of the desert settlement he made his way to the outskirts of the town where a small stone hut stood, isolated in a small oasis. The wooden door opened as Garland approached, and from the dark insides he could make out a hooded figure, a long lavender horn poking out from under the fabric.

Had he not recognized the figure as his occasional roommate, he'd have picked up his pace to investigate. As she exited the doorway he waved, gaining her attention. Her brown hood covered most of her features, the wings she wished to hide from the world. Her stature was mighty, easily reaching Garland's shoulders. This was Twilight Sparkle, or as she was known in town....

"Leaving so soon, Miss Lavender?"

"I'm afraid so. Time is of the essence, after all."

Under his own hood, he raised an eyebrow. Lavender sighed. "Tonight marks the one thousandth Summer Sun Celebration since the banishment of Nightmare Moon." Garland's stomache turned at the mention, though he stayed silent. "Do you remember the second half of the prophecy I shared with you?"

Of course he did. It had been his driving force all these years. Luna would finally return. Looking to the sky, he watched as the sun hung high over the land. A few more hours would mark nightfall, and the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration.

"You aren't the type to forget stuff like-"

"After a millennia, the stars would align and she would use them as a bridge to make her way back home." He interrupted. "This would mean that Luna will be paying a surprise visit tonight, yes?" Lavender nodded, though a frown spread across her face. "Yeah, which is why I'm headed to Ponyville to attend the celebration."

Garland nodded and opened the paper in his hands, tearing off a piece of the meat inside. As he chewed, he noticed that despite coming from the disgusting maggot infested hotbox Grimwahr called a meatlocker, the pork tasted fresh. He had gotten lucky, he supposed. Swallowing his food, he wrapped the paper around the meat once again. "And I will be headed to Canterlot, in preparation for Nightmare Moon's return-"

Lavender was quick to interject. "You'll be coming with me."

Garland raised an eyebrow at the statement. "What is the meaning of this? I'll be needed at the capitol. It's only logical that she would go after Celestia in a bid for revenge." What was Lavender's game here? He knew the mare to be a gifted tactician, yet she wished for both of them to go to Ponyville? "You are aware that by both of us attending the celebration, we would be leaving Canterlot and Celestia unguarded."

The mare nodded, and smiled. "I know you're worried Garland." She began to nuzzle against him. "The royal guard has got this covered--" Visions of a night long past flickered through his mind. "--Besides, if everything goes well all of this can be laid to rest before it even starts!" Garland dropped the meat in his hands. Where he once could smell the alure of freshly cooked pork and poultry, the stench of death stood in it's place. Twilight frowned again. "Garland? What's wrong-?!" He pushed the mare away, and stepped inside of the hut. In the corner stood a suit of armor caked in centuries worth of dust, and beside it a sword of much the same nature. He eyed them begrudgingly.

"I'm going to Canterlot." Though trusting Twilight had gotten him far in the past millennia, this was not a chance he would take. "You will be attending the Summer Sun Celebration alone this year."


"I can't believe they put the show on the back burner to make another Justice League crossover!" The Rooster Teeth panel was uneventful. RWBY Volume 10 would be delayed in favor of a sequel to RWBY x Justice League. While the details were hazy, John vaguely remembered Miles Luna talking about a guest appearance from Bizarro. Why Bizzaro? Why not.

The rest of the panel consisted of people asking if Yang's arm could turn into various weapons such as a cannon, a sword, or even a flail. Today was the day John had learned that no, Yang sadly could not turn her arm into a full sized trebuchet. It was at this point that the trio had been escorted out by security, as Lily attempted to run onstage with a sketch of Yang launching the rest of Team RWBY in a full sized trebuchet connected to her arm.

Either way, the panel was a disappointment. One that Connie herself took the blame for on the car ride home. "I'm sorry you didn't like it...I just wanted us to have fun together."

John smiled at her, then looked to the backseat. Lily was out like a baby, snoring loudly as the three enjoyed the cool chill of the night air. He looked out the passenger window. "It's not that I didn't enjoy it, because I did. I loved the con, even if it isn't exactly my cup of tea. I just love spending time with the two of you, ya know?"

Connie smiled, but she still felt worried about him. She glanced at him, and finally spoke again. "Anyways, music?"

"Sure. I can get down with some music."

Connie fiddled with the stereo, only to receive static fuzz. "Huh. Normally we get signal out here." She turned a knob, pressed a button, then a few more. Still fuzz. John shrugged, and gazed back out the passenger window again. A grumbling in the back seat caused him to peak back at Lily, only now she was rubbing her eyes as she awoke. John turned his gaze back to the stereo that Connie was still messing with.

"It's okay," He started; "the quiet is nice too."

"No," The girl responded, glancing back to the road ahead of her. "You wanted music, so you'll get music."

"Connie, it's fine-"

"No, I can get it."

"At least watch the road-!!"

From the backseat came a shrill scream, one that finally caught his sister's attention. "CONNIE HARD RIGHT HARD RIGHT--!!"

She jolted up, her eyes meeting the blinding high beams of the truck straight ahead of her. As she attempted to fix the radio, she had veered into the opposite lane, and directly into the path of a sleep deprived trucker, who just couldn't steer away in time. Connie twisted the wheel to the right, only for the truck to clip the back end of her car, sending it spinning and eventually tumbling, all too quick to comprehend. Besides the creaking and snapping of metals and plastics, John heard screams, whether his own, Connie's, or Lily's, he was unsure. Then a pop, followed by a green flash. As the vehicle finally stopped, wheels up, his vision began to go black. He could hear the pained sobs of one of the girls, but he still couldn't tell which as he fought to stay awake, but it was for naught.

Another pop and another flash, and he drifted into unconsciousness.


As Garland surveyed the city of Canterlot, he had found Twilight to have been mostly right. The city had indeed been under control, but not by the main body of the royal guard, no. Rather, Canterlot was locked down by the very same forces he had commanded long ago; the Red Wings. They wore rust colored armor that covered their entire body, rather than the golden ensemble that covered a regular guard's back and head. Despite the full body armor, they seemed to be able to move just as naturally as any other guard would. Donned in his own armor, he received many looks from the ponies around him. Civilians often looked on in fear, sometimes even wonder. Guard's did much the same, though the sight of him broke the stone faced facade of many of the Red Wings. He made his way to the front of the castle, and as he stepped up to the gates, the two Red Wing guards at each side crossed their spears. The one to the man's left spoke first, a raspy and young voice. "Halt, who goes there?" He could hear the fear in the pony's tone of voice, and Garland scoffed to himself, though he knew better than to disrespect the Red Wings, they were a prideful bunch. He had been one for a very long time, after all. "I am Sir Garland, sole human of Equestria, former captain of the Lunar Guard." The guard to his right raised an eyebrow. "I seek an audience with Princess Celestia."

The guard to Garland's right looked to his partner, and nudged his head towards the castle. "Get an escort to take him in. Sir Garland and I shall wait here until you return." The left guard did as ordered, leaving the two alone. The man stood silent, though the remaining guard eyed him cautiously. "You're a legend you know. Spoken of in myth, a tale passed down and kept secret by the Red Wings." Beneath his helmet, Garland raised his brow. "Kept secret? Why?"

The guard simply shrugged. "If what my father tells me is true, it's because nopony could actually prove your existence." He narrowed his eyes. "Still can't, quite frankly. Don't take it personally, but some strange stuff has been happening around here lately."

Garland looked into the distance, and nodded. "I understand. I've seen my own share of strange episodes after all. I will say however, that I am no legend. How can a legend stand among you? You want a legend, take a look at Starswirl."

The guard from before finally returned, and with him, a group of four more Red Wings. "Sir Garland? I do apologize for the bad news, but it appears Princess Celestia left for Ponyville just moments before you arrived. Nonetheless, I've been instructed to invite you in."

Garland shook his head, and turned back to the city. "I'm afraid I must decline. I have a reunion to attend after all." He looked to the sky above, and as the sun made it's final bow for the day, reaching the edge of the horizon at last, he sighed. "And I'm probably going to be late for it." He grumbled. "...should have gone with Twilight..."

He began his trek away from the castle. "I have the strangest feeling it's going to be a long night."

Author's Note:

This took a bit longer to get out due to personal reasons, but I'm not abandoning it this time. I still have the drive to write this story, and I actually have a couple unrelated stories in the works, one of which was part of an art trade! I got this sick new profile pic of my OC (Comet Flare) in return.

Still figuring out how to write multiple characters interacting in a scene, and I think I'm learning how do give each character their own speech patterns and tones, oddly enough.

While this was a shorter chapter, it made it past 2,000 words, and while it isn't my preferred 5,000 word minimum, I can accept it. It's a bit boring still, but we're getting there I promise.

Comments ( 7 )

As long whoever you pick will have a positive impact on the three important aspects: character growth (but not too much too fast), story progression, and world building.

That's party why I'm avoiding it. With how the story is structured, it may end up being a multipart series that could potentially span one story per season of the show. I don't plan on taking it that far, but give me ten years and I might lmao.

I'd love to work on a crossover at some point, but it's gonna be a while. That's probably gonna be saved for Equestria Girls honestly.

I meant when you said "Crossovers may happen eventually, but it'll be selective,"

Ah lmao. Sorry, was half asleep when I responded.

So was I when I replied. XD

I am half asleep now as I'm replying to your reply!

I should go to sleep LMFAOOOO

Go to sleeeeep, recharge ya writer's juice!

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