• Published 30th Jan 2023
  • 988 Views, 54 Comments

Daughters of the Purge - Nebula Star

Having been freed from their ancient prison, two alicorn fillies find themselves having to adjust to a world that's far different than when they were imprisoned.

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Chapter 3: A New Home

Chapter 3: A New Home?

“What are windigos?” Adikia asked looking over at her big sister. The two had laid down in a small nook near the window with the book of Equestria’s history open in front of them.

“Bad Creatures, they eat bad emotions and make ice and snow; freeze things.” Ania explained. “They didst come because the ponies were fighting and froze their old lands. Then the ponies started fighting again in the new land, and they didst follow.”

“Are they going to be alright?” Adikia asked looking at the illustrations, concerned.

“Well, let us see.” Ania said and turned the page. The next illustration showed the three ponies that had come together despite their differing races, gathered close with a light shining from them as pink heart of flame burned above them. Then the next showed many more ponies of each race gathering, following their example and the heart growing larger, while the windigos fled the pink flames. “’As Clover the Clever, Private Pansy, and Smart Cookie affirmed their newfound friendship, a new magic was born of their unity. The fire of friendship cast its warmth throughout the cave. And as more of the tribes followed their example, coming together in friendship, the fire of friendship grew stronger, driving the windigos away. In joy, what became known as the first hearth’s warming celebration was held in the caves that had almost been their tomb.’” She read aloud.

Turning to the next page, she continued. “’Eventually even the leaders were thawed and revived by the magical flames, and when they saw all their ponies laughing and cheering together in joy; they realized how much better life was when the three tribes lived and worked together in harmony. They vowed to share the new land, and to work together. In a few days’ time, under a bright sun and clear skies; they planted a new flag, representing their newfound unity and naming the land Equestria.’”

Adikia smiled, seeing the illustrations of the ponies celebrating in the caves, and then the pony leaders gathered on a hilltop planting a flag together. “So it didst all work out!”

Ania nodded. “Looks like it.” She wasn’t quite sure what to think about the story. It was definitely a simplified version of the actual event, and it did seem hopeful that the three tribes came together as they did. But in their time, the three tribes had also been united; against alicorns. What was more, the story never once mentioned any alicorns, and yet the flag they raised at the end had two alicorns on it.

Could this land really be as accepting of alicorns as Apple Bloom said? She hoped so… but she didn’t want to risk Adikia’s safety on a hope. She had to be sure.

The door to the other room opened and Trixie emerged, seeming happier than she had since they’d met. “Thank you again, Prin… Twilight!”

Twilight just smiled, following her out. “You’re very welcome, Trixie. Now go see your old friends. I’m sure they’ll be surprised. If you want to leave your wagon here for now, I’ll have Spike move it next to the library and it will be safe here.”

“I’ll do that, and I’ll be back in a few days,” she agreed, then looked over to see Adikia and Ania looking her way. “Bye, you two, I’ll probably see you when I get back!”

“Bye, Trixie!” Ania called, a little nervous that the last of their rescuers was leaving.

“Bye!” Adikia echoed.

Trixie smiled and with one last wave, left the library. Once she was gone, Twilight walked over to where they were. “Just finish the Hearth’s Warming story?” She asked, seeing what page the book was open to.

Ania nodded.

Twilight smiled and laid down next to them. “Have any questions?”

“I did wonder why the story never mentioned any alicorns, and yet this flag shows two,” Ania said pointing to the picture.

“Oh,” Twilight said understanding. “That’s because that’s actually not the flag they raised. Nopony knows what the original Equestrian flag looked like. All records of it were lost during the Discordian era, so everyone just uses the modern Equestrian flag instead when illustrating the Hearth’s Warming story. There actually weren’t any known alicorns at the time. Princesses Celestia, and Luna, the alicorns pictured on the flag, weren’t born until centuries after these events.”

“What is the Discordian Era?”

“That was a time when Discord the spirit of chaos took over Equestria.” Twilight explained.

“Him?” Ania asked, looking surprised. “He was able to take over?”

Twilight smiled at her confusion. “There weren’t any alicorns at the time to stop him,” she said shaking her head. “It’s actually because of Discord that the way ponies felt about alicorns began to change.”

Ania and Adikia looked up at her. “How so?” Ania asked.

“Well, the ponies of Equestria were so desperate for Discord to be defeated, that when Celestia and Luna were born, they decided to risk raising them, in the hope that they’d be able to defeat Discord someday. When they did, though many ponies still didn’t trust alicorns, most were so relieved to be free of the chaos, that they insisted that Celestia and Luna be made princesses and named the rulers of Equestria. Ever since then, Celestia and Luna have worked hard to change how ponies felt about alicorns. Now days, alicorns are so beloved in Equestria, that most ponies would be shocked to find out we were once hated.”

Ania looked up at her for a moment then glanced over at her sister, seeing Adikia’s hopeful expression. She wanted nothing more than for her sister to be happy, to protect her from the worst that she had suffered. Could they be safe here? Could Adikia be happy here? Have friends? Could she as well? It almost seemed too good to be true… but then she remembered. “Why is Deimos here?”

Twilight frowned, realizing she wanted the full story and took a moment to think of how best to explain. “Well, you see, when Starswirl and his followers finally defeated Achlys, they made a special prison for her, since he knew she’d be able to escape the ones they’d used for the other alicorns. He actually used Deimos as a part of the prison, drawing on his dragon magic to make the prison’s seal more chaotic and unpredictable. Achlys did still escape, but not until about twenty-five years ago. And when she did, she was greatly weakened. Still, she got into a fight with Princess Celestia, and because of how weak she was, the princess managed to defeat her, but before she could capture or kill her, Deimos rescued her and they escaped.

“She knew she’d need time to recover so she went into hiding. But to hide Deimos, she used an age spell on him to shrink him back into a baby, then locked away his memories and encase him in an egg. She didn’t realize how much that would change him. When I was just a filly, I hatched that egg. I named him Spike and raised him myself, with help from my parents and Princess Celestia. He was my companion and number one assistant for years.” She sighed. “Then Achlys returned.”

Twilight shivered at the memory of being only a passenger in a body that wasn’t really hers. “She restored his memories from before, and at first he was too afraid to go against her. Still, he didn’t like being Deimos again. He even went so far as to help the princesses in secret. Then when the Princesses prevailed, and Achlys again wanted Deimos to save her, he refused, and chose us over her. He wanted to be Spike again, so we reduced his age so he’d be more pony sized and he’s been Spike ever since.” She looked down at the two sisters and stretched a wing over them. “I know you probably have some bad memories of him, but please try to give him a chance. He isn’t the same dragon he used to be. I’m sure he really meant it when he said he was glad to see you were both alright.”

Ania looked up at her a moment more, seeming unsure. “Thou art certain that he hath changed?”

Twilight nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m certain.”

She looked over at her sister again. Adikia seemed unsure but shrugged and she understood; Adikia would follow her lead. She thought about it a moment more. So far, the princess hadn’t given them any reason not to trust her and Apple Bloom had seemed to think quite highly of the princess. Despite all they’d been through, she decided to take a chance in trusting the princess, even if that meant trusting that Deimos has changed as well. “Okay, we shall try to give him a chance.”

“Don’t worry, I think you’ll be surprised just how much he’s changed,” Twilight told her confidently giving them a gentle squeeze with her wing. “Was there anything else you wanted to ask me about?”

Ania looked up at her again. “Where art we going to live?”

“Like I said, you can stay here with me for now, which I do think is for the best.” She told them sincerely. “The ponies of Equestria think very highly of alicorns, so you don’t have to worry about ponies hating you. Quite the opposite actually. The ponies of Equestira think so highly of alicorns, it can actually cause other dangers I’m sure you’d prefer to avoid.”

“What dangers?” Ania asked.

“Well, Alicorns are so highly regarded, that there are many who would try to befriend you, or have their foals befriend you in the hopes of some political gain. And sometimes it can be difficult to tell when somepony truly wishes to be your friend, or simply sees you as a stepping stone to get closer to the princesses.”

“Oh… like the council…” Ania said softly.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, I imagine there was a lot of political games with that group, wasn’t there.”

Ania nodded. That was an understatement. She’d heard plenty of rants from their mother about how pathetic their petty little games were. Especially when one of the high council had had the audacity to actually suggest an arranged marriage between Ania and her son, something the son was all for; she knew she was considered quite attractive for her age after all… Achlys had not been amused by the suggestion; a seat on the high council had been vacated that night and a young alicorn gelding had needed a new home. Of course, he’d been captured and killed by the mortal coalition only a few weeks later.

“That’s why I think it would be best if you both stay here with me for now. We’re well away from the political scene here in Ponyville, and the ponies here are among the best I’ve ever known. Is that alright with you two?”

“How long?”

Twilight shrugged. “As long as you want really, or at least until we decide on a more permanent option. The library is very comfortable, and while it might be a little tight, I think you’ll like it here. Besides, like I said, in a couple months I’ll be moving into my castle, and then if you’d like, you could each have your own room.”

“Castle?” Adikia asked curiously.

The princess blushed. “Yes; Princess Celestia insisted I have a royal guard,” she gestured to the armored pegasus that was standing unobtrusively by the door across the room from them. “But that means I need a place with guards’ quarters, and if it’s big enough to have guard’s quarters, then I’d definitely need a staff to run it…” She sighed.

Ania looked up at her curiously a moment then smiled. “Thou doth not want it?”

“No! I love this place!” Twilight said gesturing around them. “But Princess Celestia does have a point; I am a princess and should have a royal guard; and… I know me having a guard will make her feel better.”

“She almost ordered the guard to Ponyville at least four times with orders to essentially tell you they were your guard whether you like it or not, before she finally worked up the nerve to tell you herself.” The armored pegasus said from across the room, confirming that she could hear the conversation.

“Really?” Twilight asked.

She just nodded. “The third time, I heard they’d already left Canterlot on their way to ponyville before Princess Celestia called them back.”

“Weren’t you with them?”

She shook her head. “She was still going to let you choose your captain, so just the guard was sent.”

Twilight groaned, shaking her head, then seemed to realize something looking at Ania and Adikia. “Oh, I’ve never introduced Feather, have I. This is Captain Feather, she’s the leader of my royal guard.”

“Hello.” Adikia said, perhaps a little nervous but trying to be friendly. Looking up at the guard, Ania followed suit.


Feather smiled and gave a respectful nod. “I’m pleased to meet both of you,” she told them with a smile. Ania watched her a moment, she seemed sincere, there wasn’t any of the disgust or hatred they would have received from most pegasi in their time. Again, it hit her that it had been three thousand years. Could she really depend on anything to be the same?

She looked up at Twilight. For the first time, she really began to believe what Apple Bloom had told her, and have hope that she and Adikia would finally have a chance to be happy here. She’d still play it safe and keep an eye out for signs of trouble, but she actually started to have hope.

“Anyway, was there anything else you’d like to ask?” Twilight asked.

Ania looked up at her curiously. “How doth Apple Bloom know thee?”

Twilight smiled. “Well, I’ve actually known Apple Bloom since I first moved to Ponyville, before I even became a princess. Her older sister, Applejack, is one of my closest friends. And a couple years ago, I started taking some time to teach Apple Bloom and her friends about things they were interested in a couple times a week. Since then I’ve gotten pretty close to all three of them. She’ll probably want to introduce you to her friends actually, once they’ve made up anyway.”

“Made up? Didst they have a fight?” Adikia asked concerned.

“Yeah, they were both feeling a little jealous of Apple Bloom’s magic; but they both felt really bad about it, so they’re probably apologizing right now, if they haven’t already,” Twilight smiled fondly. “They’re good fillies.”

“Apple Bloom seems nice.” Ania agreed.

“They can get a little reckless though, especially when they’re trying to get their cutie marks.” Twilight said with a grin.

“Their cutie marks?” Ania asked raising a brow.

Twilight giggled and shook her head. “Those three get into all kinds of mischief trying everything they can think of to see if they’ll get a cutie mark.”

Ania looked confused. “That is not how it works…” she glanced back at her own jagged snowflake cutie mark, white as her mane and barely visible on her pale blue coat. “To gain one’s mark they must come to an understanding of their talent and choose how they wish to make use of it.”

Twilight smiled, “We’ve tried to tell them, but they’re convinced that if they just keep trying new things they’ll somehow find their special talent. They have a lot of fun though, so we don’t worry about it and are just waiting for them to figure it out on their own. They formed a little club that they call the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and if I know Apple Bloom, she’ll probably want you to join, Adikia.”

Her golden eyes widened under her matching mane, and she reflexively looked back at her pale purple flank. “Really, but I doth already know what I am good at.”

“She just has not had a chance to truly practice her talent, nor to decide how she wishes to use it.” Ania explained.

“Well you’re definitely closer than Apple Bloom and her friends then.” Twilight told her giving her a little tap on her nose with her wing tip. “So what is it you’re good at?”

She smiled. “Music.”

“Oh, really!? Well, I think you’ll probably get along with Sweetie Belle pretty well then. She’s one of Apple Bloom’s friends. She has a painfully obvious talent for music as well; but she sings and plays music all the time so that couldn’t possibly have anything to do with her cutie mark.” Twilight said sarcastically while grinning.

Adikia giggled and even Ania smiled.

“But then again, who knows, she may end up choosing another talent as what she truly wishes to be and get her cutie mark for that instead.” Twilight said with a shrug. “And really, you could too, Adikia. It’s your choice that really determines your cutie mark.”

She smiled and nodded that she understood.

Twilight gave her a gentle pat on the back, then stood up. “Well, do you two want to read more? Or would you like me to show you around the library?”

Ania looked at her sister. “Dost thou wish to read more?”

She shook her head. “Let us see the library.”

Twilight smiled. “Alright, tour it is!”

The tour didn’t take very long, the library wasn’t very big after all. But it was starting to get around dinnertime, so Twilight decided to start preparing something to eat. When she told the fillies, they offered to help and she gladly accepted. So they were all in the kitchen preparing a meal when Spike finally returned.

They didn’t hear the door open over their cooking, and Spike didn’t call out. He quietly walked to the door to the kitchen, and there waited for them to notice him. Adikia was the first. Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp stepping away from him. Ania noticed her sister’s reaction and quickly stepped in front of her while turning to face him, her own eyes widening. At the same time, Twilight noticed their reaction and looked to see what had startled them.

“Oh, Spike, you’re back!” She said then looked over at the fillies. “It’s okay girls, remember what I told you.” Twilight reminded them gently.

They nodded and definitely tried to relax, but it was clear they were still wary of Spike. Seeing this, he moved closer to them and laid down in front of them, to put himself more on their level.

“Girls, listen. I know in the past, I was never really nice to you, or anyone really. Achlys raised me centuries before you were even born, but trust me, she was just as harsh to me as she was to you. She made me into the monster I was,” he sighed regretfully. “Then she turned me back into a hatchling and locked away my memories, and in doing so, she gave me a second chance. This time Twilight raised me. She taught me to be kind and caring, and always willing to help others. She showed me what it was to have friends and family, love and friendship. That’s why when I had to choose between going back to who I had been for all those centuries, or staying Spike, and keeping what Twilight had given me, I chose to stay Spike.

“I got a second chance at life, and I am not going to waste it on being a monster. I know it may take you a bit to trust me, and be comfortable around me, but if you’ll give me a chance; I would like to be your friend.”

Ania looked at him warily a moment more then slowly nodded. “Okay.”

He smiled, and reached out gently patting her shoulder. “Thanks.” He said before getting up and looking around the kitchen. “So, what’s for dinner?”


Applejack watched as Apple Bloom yawned yet again, she was clearly struggling to keep her eyes open despite how early in the evening it was. She and the other Crusaders had been talking ever since they’d gotten back to the farmhouse. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo seemed determined to make up for the time they’d lost being jealous of their friend’s magic.

Apple Bloom listened clearly just happy to have her friends back, but it was becoming more and more obvious that she needed a good night’s rest. When she yawned yet again mid-sentence, Applejack decided it was time for a sisterly intervention.

“Girls, as happy as Ah am that you’ve all made up; Ah think Apple Bloom could use some rest.” She said approaching the fillies.

Apple Bloom looked up, her eyelids drooping. “Nah, Ah had a nap in Trixie’s wagon;” she yawned yet again. “Ah’m fine.”

Applejack gave her a look, then slowly raised a brow.

Apple Bloom blushed. “Maybe Ah am a bit tired.”

“Even without counting how many times you reset time out there, you were still up the entire night; a nap isn’t going to cut it, little filly.” Applejack told her firmly.

“It’s alright, Apple Bloom, we can come back tomorrow.” Sweetie Belle assured her.

“Okay, Ah want to introduce you to Ania and Adikia too!” She yawned. “Ah hope they’re alright, we just left them with Twilight and Trixie.”

“You don’t need to worry, sugarcube; Ah’m sure Twilight will make sure they’re taken care of.” Applejack assured her. “Now say goodnight to your friends.”

“Alright. Goodnight, girls; Ah’ll see you tomorrow!”

“We’ll see you tomorrow!” Sweetie Belle said as she and Scootaloo headed for the door.

“You can count on it!” Scootaloo added, then they were gone and Applejack closed the door behind them.

“Now let’s get you to bed.” She said giving her a nudge toward the stairs.

Apple Bloom yawned again and let herself be ushered up to her room. There she didn’t resist as Applejack guided her to her bed. She hadn’t realized just how tired she really was. Sleep did sound good just then. She crawled under the covers, letting Applejack tuck her in.

“Applejack… Ah’m sorry Ah made you and Big Mac worry.” She said softly, looking up at her sister.

Applejack smiled down at her. “That’s alright, Bloom. You’re safe now; that’s all that matters.”

“But, you know Ah was never in danger; you know that right?”

She gave a soft laugh. “Ah know; but you’re mah little sister, Bloom. It doesn’t matter how powerful of magic you have or how well protected you are; Ah’m still going to worry about ya.”

Apple Bloom smiled and reached up to give her sister a quick hug; “Ah love you, sis.”

Applejack returned the hug, holding her sister close. “Love you too, Bloom.” She said softly.

Author's Note:

Really the timing of some of Equestria's history in MLP is rather unclear, and the Hearths Warming story never mentioned the princesses despite them being depicted on the flag. So with it already established in this universe that the princesses weren't born until centuries later, I decided to provide a little explanation for the flag shown in the story.