• Published 25th Feb 2023
  • 3,838 Views, 265 Comments

Flurry Heart's Story: Oh, Mother, Where Art Thou? - AleximusPrime

The parents of young ponies across Equestria are mysteriously disappearing. A powerful being calling herself the “Sorceress” appears, claiming responsibility and must be stopped with the Elements of Harmony.

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1. The Parents Are Gone!

Alone on stage sat a yellow pegasus mare with a blue mane, brown eyes and a cutie mark with musical notes. She had a guitar in her arms that she began to strum. For several minutes, she played an instrumental piece for the crowd before her. Her name was Melody Heartsong and this was her first public performance.

After she was finished, the ponies and their children in the audience applauded. She smiled warmly to everyone and rested the guitar on her lap to speak.

“Thank you, everypony. That one’s called Restored. It’s the only instrumental on my CD. I wrote that back when I first bought this guitar and started writing music. I was having trouble with lyrics so I just decided to record an instrumental and I named it Restored to describe the transformation I was going through in my life at that time. Now this next one is called Always Love You. This is a very important song because I wrote it in honor of someone very dear to me. Someone I haven’t seen in-”

“Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?” said a young colt in the audience.

“Hey, Mom? Where’d you go? You were just here,” said a filly not far away.

“My parents are missing too!” shouted another.

“Mom, Dad, what’s going on?”

“How are all of our parents missing?!”



In just a few seconds, the audience was full of shouting and wailing. The lights went up and Melody could now see what the problem was. Half of the auditorium was empty and only full of children. Some were walking out into the aisles and a few were sitting down crying. A staff member rushed out on stage to calm them down.

“Kids, please remain calm,” he told them, frantically. “We’re sorry there seems to be a problem, but I’m sure there’s an explanation.”

“What happened to our parents?!” cried one filly.

“I’m not sure, but we’ll figure it out.”

“It’s alright, kids,” said Melody. “I’m sure they all just went outside. They’ll be back.”

“But why at the same time? I think they disappeared, Miss Melody!” said a little colt that couldn’t stop crying.

“Oh no, they haven’t disappeared, dear. Parents don’t just do that. Don’t worry; your parents will be there for you. They’ll come back.”

Melody looked down and thought about what she said. She didn’t appear very happy anymore. She put her guitar aside and got down from the chair she was sitting on.

“Yes…they’ll come back…”

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack and Tex had just finished serving Apple Chip and Annie Smith their breakfast. The two little ponies licked their lips and sighed contently.

“That was delicious, Mom!” Chip said, picking up his plate and taking it over to the sink.

“You always make such wonderful pancakes,” Annie told Applejack as she took her plate.

“Your mom’s got her ol’ Granny Smith genes, Sugarcube,” Applejack replied, removing her apron.

“And just you wait till you see what we’ve got planned for supper tonight, kids,” said Tex, proudly.

“Can’t wait to see it, Dad!” Chip said as he and his sister went to hug their parents.

“Alright, now you two run along and don’t forget we’re going to repaint the other side of the barn after lunch. Got it?” said Tex.

“You got it, Dad!” Chip said as he saluted.

“We’ll be here right after we play over at the castle with Flurry and the others,” Annie added.

The two of them walked out into the living room as Applejack and Tex started washing the dishes. Chip and Annie ran through the living room and Chip started opening the door for his sister. Suddenly, they both heard the sound of a dish shattering on the kitchen floor. What came next was even more unsettling.

“Hahahahaha…” laughed a menacing female voice.

“Wha…what was that?” asked Annie, worriedly.

“Uh…Mom? Was that you? Hello?” Chip asked.

They both walked into the kitchen only to find shards of the plate on the floor with a sponge next to it. Applejack and Tex were nowhere to be seen. The sink was still running so Chip went over to turn the faucet off.

“Alright. Good one, you guys. You really had us there,” Chip snickered.

“Mom, Dad, are you playing a really weird prank on us?” asked Annie.

“If it’s a prank, you broke a dish and left the faucet on in the process. Mom? Dad?”

“Hello? Where are you guys? Chip I’m getting worried. You heard that spooky laugh.”

“Ah they’re fine. They’re just teasing us. Right, Dad?”

They stood still for a few moments, not able to see or hear their parents at all. It had finally set in that something was not right. They both started searching the house. Annie looked in the cellar while Chip went upstairs. They tried as hard as they could, but there was no trace of their parents.

“MOM! DAD! PLEASE COME OUT!” Annie shouted.

“ANNIE, I CAN’T FIND THEM ANYWHERE!” Chip called to his sister from the attic.

After several minutes of looking, they both met downstairs. Annie already had tears in her eyes.

“Chip, I don’t think they’re playing around. I think they’re actually gone!”

“Annie, don’t panic. Maybe they saw something outside and rushed out there real quick and dropped the plate in the process.”

“Chip, I already looked outside!”

“Alright, alright. Let’s both be calm. I’m sure there’s an explanation for this…”

“Maybe we should get Uncle Big Mac.”

“Yeah, I think you’re right.”

Storm Streak and his little brother Lightning Flash sat down in front of their television, pressing buttons rapidly on their controllers. They watched as the two characters on screen raced around, avoiding obstacles and blasting rocks as they went. They finally reached a checkpoint and cheering could be heard.

“CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON!” shouted the announcer in the game.

“We did it, Stormy!” Flashy squealed.

“Aw yeah! Good job, bro!” Stormy shouted as he gave Lightning a high five.

“WAHAHAHAAAAAA!” cried their baby sister Misty Blitz in the kitchen nearby.

“Whoa. Misty sounds pretty cranky right now,” Stormy commented.

“Do you think she’s okay in there?” Lightning asked.

“Ah, she’ll be fine. Mommy’s got this.”


“Okay, maybe not. Let’s go check it out,”

They both flew into the kitchen, only to find Misty was by herself. Rainbow Dash and Thunderhead were nowhere to be found. The only sign of Rainbow Dash was a small spoon with food on it that had fallen on the ground in front of Misty’s high chair. Over on the table was a newspaper that Thunderhead had been reading as well as a plate with half the food still on it.

“Um…do you think Mommy and Daddy are around?” asked Lightning.

“Sure they are. Where else would they be?”

“But Daddy wouldn’t leave his food like that. You know what he always tells us about eating all our food.”

‘Take all you want but eat all you take’ yeah, I know, but maybe he’s playing a prank or something. He’ll come out from behind there any second now, but not if I’m fast enough. Watch this.”

Stormy flew over to the island in the center of the kitchen. He put his hooves up in the air and tried to scare his dad.

“BOO! Uh…Dad? Mom? They’re not here, Flashy,”


“Stormy, I’m scared!”

“Okay, here’s what we’ll do: search upstairs while I-”

“Muahahahaaaaa…foolish little children…”

Stormy and Flashy both huddled up to each other and trembled, able to feel each other’s hearts beating faster. They could not see anything, but the voice they heard echoed throughout the house. After that, the only other thing that could be heard was Misty crying.

“Stormy, wha-wha-what was that?”

“I don’t know but it didn’t sound nice.”


“Alright, that does it. I’m gonna call Grandma and Grandpa.”


Flurry Heart, Spike and Buttercream walked through Ponyville to meet everyone else at the new clubhouse tree still undergoing renovations. They stopped in front to pass time while waiting.

“Wow, so this is the new tree in Ponyville?” Butter asked, staring in amazement at the tree.

“That’s the one,” Flurry answered. “Tirek used the pendant to make this one in place of the original tree that he destroyed years ago.”

“You should have seen the looks on everyone’s faces after he did it!” Spike chuckled.

“Yeah, I still can’t believe Tirek’s on our side now!” Butter exclaimed with her hands up to her cheeks. “Nighty and I thankfully never met him when he first showed up years ago. We were busy doing something in Soder Dracos, but he did come and take almost everyone’s magic in our hometown. Knowing that he’s now come to his senses sure does make you wonder who’s going to be next. Speaking of which, what was the name of that one little girl that took everyone’s magic back when-”

“FLURRY!” shouted Chip off to the side.

Chip and Annie ran in with their uncle Big Macintosh next to them. They looked very worried.

“Chip, Annie, what’s the matter?” Flurry asked.

“Have…you…seen Mom and Dad…anywhere around?” Chip asked while panting.

“We were inside our house and were about to head out to meet you guys and suddenly we heard a dish crash and went into the kitchen and they were gone. We looked everywhere for them. We got a hold of Uncle Big Mac and he couldn’t find them either,” Annie explained.

“Big Mac, is that all true?” Spike asked Big Macintosh.

“Eeyup,” he answered anxiously.

“Wow, really? You guys too?!” Stormy asked as he flew in with both his siblings and his grandparents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles.

“Mommy and Daddy disappeared in our house too!” Flashy said, unable to stop crying.

“Flurry, we’re so sorry, but we’re going to have to cancel today’s plans,” Windy said. “We’ve gotta find Rainbow Dash and Thunderhead. I can’t understand where in Equestria they’d be!”

“Poor little Misty here’s worried sick!” Bow said, cradling his crying granddaughter.

“WAAAAAAAH!” screamed Misty.

“Applejack and Rainbow Dash are both gone? What in Equestria is going on?” Buttercream asked.

“Oh no…” Flurry said. “Two of Twilight’s friends gone…I think someone might be targeting the Elements of Harmony!”

“Great. Probably Chrysalis,” Spike said, covering his face with his hand. “We haven’t had any run-ins with her since she broke free, so of course she conveniently comes in now.”

“Hey, everypony! Has anyone seen Mr. and Mrs. Cake around? They’re playing the craziest game of hide and seek!” said a familiar voice behind them.

Everyone turned to see Pinkie Pie walking in with Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.

“Mom and Dad didn’t have any deliveries to make today so we were kinda worried when we woke up to find they weren’t downstairs,” Pound explained.

“Yeah, which bites cuz I was so stoked for Mom’s homemade French toast,” Pumpkin added.

Everyone looked confusedly at Pinkie and the Cake twins.

“Wait, so it’s not just any wielders of the Elements that are missing…” Flurry said.

“Then what’s going on?” Chip asked.

“Uh…maybe all your parents decided to hide somewhere and surprise you for some nonspecific but really exciting reason?” Pinkie suggested.

“That can’t be it, Pinkie. Mom dropped one of her favorite dishes the moment it happened. It shattered all over the kitchen floor,” Annie told her.

“Plus me and Flashy heard some creepy voice go ‘Muahaha! Foolish little children!’ right after Mommy and Daddy went,” Stormy said. “It sounded like some supervillain from a TV show.”

“We heard something like that too!” Chip added.

“Wait, really?!”

“Eh, in that case, I got nothin’,” Pinkie said, shrugging her shoulders.

“Alright, I’m sure they’re fine,” Spike said “I mean they couldn’t have just all went at the same-”

“MOMMY, DADDY, WHERE ARE YOU?!” shouted a random filly from a nearby house.

Everyone looked over and noticed several kids running through town, crying and asking where their parents were. A few of them were talking with some adults that were either related to them or they needed help from. The crying had already started while Flurry and the others were talking, but now they could hear it. In a few minutes, the entire town was in a complete uproar. Children were reporting missing parents everywhere. Chip and Annie saw their cousins Pine Cone and Fern running in.

“Chip! Annie! Have you guys seen Mom and Dad anywhere?!” Pine Cone asked.

“Yours are missing too?!” Chip responded.

“Wait, we’re both missing our parents?!”

“Pine, I’m scared!” Fern said, crying into her brother’s shoulder.

“Aw, it’s okay guys! We’ll find them,” Butter said as she walked over to comfort both of them.

“Spike, this doesn’t sound good…uh, Spike?” Flurry asked as she noticed Spike’s cheeks were puffed up.

Spike burped out green fire and a scroll appeared. The scroll dropped into his hands and he began reading it aloud.

Spike, get all the kids safely inside immediately! We have unconfirmed reports of a shadowy creature that is going around Equestria right now abducting random citizens. Whatever it is, it seems to be targeting the pony parents of young children. We’re already missing a few in Canterlot. We fear it may be headed to Ponyville, so be prepared just in case. I’ll let you know when I have more information.


“I knew it! There is some villain taking our parents!” Stormy angrily shouted.

“Wait…” Flurry continued. “So it’s targeting the parents of young kids…all over Equestria…oh no…Mom and Dad! They’re probably next! Spike, I have to get back to the Crystal Empire!”

“I…I don’t know, Flurry. It’s probably too dangerous to be heading to the Crystal Empire right now.”

“Spike, please! My parents’ entire kingdom will be in disarray if they’re gone! I’m the only heir to the throne and I have to be there!”

“Go ahead, Spike,” Buttercream told her brother, as she picked up Fern in her arms. “We’ll take care of the kids.”

“Well…alright. Get them all somewhere safe. The castle might be the best place right now. Heck, I’d round up all the kids in town and get them into the castle and any other parents you can find that haven’t disappeared yet.”

“You got it, Spike!” Pinkie said before turning to everyone in town and pulling a megaphone out of her hair to speak into.

“ATTENTION ALL KIDS OF PONYVILLE! We just got word from Princess Twilight that something has been going around stealing your parents! If you’ve lost your parents, please seek shelter in the Crystal Castle right over that-a-way! If your parents are still here, tell them to stay inside and not answer the door…well, unless it’s the mailpony…or a royal guard…or…okay, it looks like all your parents are gone, so never mind. Just follow us to the castle!”

As Pinkie was making the announcement, Flurry and Spike took to the skies. Tons of children below rushed through the streets to get to the castle.

“It’s going to be okay, Flurry,” Spike said, putting his arm around the little princess.

“I hope,” she replied. “What in Equestria could this random creature want with all our parents? It just doesn’t make sense.”

“I don’t know, but this is one twisted villain we’re dealing with today.”