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Chapter 2: Hated

By the time Sunny and Izzy arrived at the classroom the rest of the class was already inside and seated. Most of the students were talking amongst themselves until they noticed Sunny standing in the doorway and the room fell silent. Ignoring the glares everyone was giving her Sunny scanned the room for empty seats, then groaned when she realised that the only two unoccupied seats were the two at the desk right in front of the teacher’s desk. She entered the room, Izzy following behind her.

As Izzy followed Sunny towards the front of the room she noticed a lot of the other students were staring at her, some of them even pointing. Izzy let out a nervous laugh and gave a small wave. As she and Sunny took their seats she heard one student say “Great. Starscout’s already gotten to the new girl.”

Trying her best to ignore the other students Izzy turned to Sunny, who had a tense look on her face. No doubt she had heard the student’s comment. Izzy leaned over and whispered into Sunny’s ear “Where’s the teacher?”

Sunny’s face relaxed slightly and she turned to face Izzy. “Our regular teacher is on maternity leave, so we’ll be having another one to fill in” she explained.

Izzy nodded, then realised there were heavy footsteps coming from the hallway. Everyone else clearly heard them too, as every head turned to face the door.

A well built man entered. He had navy blue skin and dark grey hair that laid flatly on his head. He was wearing business pants and a leather jacket over a buttoned shirt that had the top two buttons undone. His greyish blue eyes gave a piercing look over the room and the students. Black, Izzy thought, shivering. Black sparkles meant cruel and ruthless personalities.

A lot of the girls blushed at the sight of the teacher, though some of them clearly weren’t interested. Sunny was one of the latter, as she sighed before turning to face the front of the room.

“I have several questions before we start.” He spoke with a cold and harsh voice. “First, where is Sunny Starscout?”

Sunny let out a barely audible groan before slamming her head into the desk. Izzy looked at her in alarm.


Izzy tapped Sunny’s shoulder. She didn’t respond.

The teacher’s eyes fell on the duo’s desk. “Ah, good. Right at the front, where I can keep an eye on you.”

Most of the students burst out laughing. The teacher let them laugh at Sunny’s expense and waited for them to stop before speaking again. “Next question. Where is the new girl?”

Izzy looked down at Sunny before raising her hand. “Here.”

The teacher’s eyes narrowed as they moved from Sunny to Izzy. “Oh, fantastic. Starscout’s already got her hooks sunk into ya.”

“Sir?” a male voice interrupted.

Sunny’s head shot up, startling Izzy. Sunny turned her head to look at the source of the voice and Izzy followed her gaze to find a boy with aqua green hair that stood up slightly, amber eyes and light amber skin. He was wearing a dark green hoodie with matching sports jeans. Yellow, Izzy thought.

The boy continued. “You’re being offensive to Sunny and the new girl.”

The teacher’s eyes moved away from Sunny and Izzy to look at the boy, who didn’t even flinch at the teacher’s gaze.

“Oh, we’ve got a wise guy here” said the teacher, who looked as if he was about to punch the boy into next week.

Suddenly the school intercom clicked on, and a voice Izzy recognised as Beautiful Heart’s echoed through the school. “Can Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow please come to my office.”

Everyone in the room turned to look at Sunny and Izzy. Izzy gave a nervous chuckle.

The teacher huffed. “Saved by the bell, it seems.” He pointed to the door. “OUT!” he yelled.

The two didn’t need telling twice. They quickly grabbed their bags and headed out of the room. Sadly the teacher wasn’t done with them yet. As Sunny walked past him (as he was making his way to the front of the classroom) he shoved Sunny sideways into the desk of the boy who called the teacher out on his verbal abuse. Sunny let out a cry of pain as her hip collided with the table before she fell to the floor.

Another boy sitting next to the kind boy laughed unkindly at Sunny’s misfortune. He had slicked back blond hair, red skin and green eyes. He was wearing a black leather jacket with matching leather trousers. Red, Izzy thought. Red sparkles weren’t a sign of danger on their own, but it was the shade of red that scared her. His sparkle made her think of a raging wildfire.

Unfortunately Izzy was so distracted she didn’t notice the teacher coming towards her until he collided with her, knocking the poor girl off balance and sending her to the floor. Another round of unkind laughter from their fellow students.

Sunny let out an annoyed sigh before crawling over to Izzy and standing up, pulling Izzy with her. Izzy was starting to wonder if she and Sunny would make it to the end of the year.

After making sure Izzy was alright Sunny started walking towards the door again, leaning down as she passed the kind boy and whispering “Thanks, Hitch” in his ear. The boy nodded in response.

As Izzy followed Sunny out the door the mean boy shouted “Hey. Look at her bag. She must be poor.”

Sunny grabbed the door handle and slammed the door shut before anyone could say anything else. Izzy glanced over her shoulder at her bag.

“But… I made it myself” she said weakly.

“Really?” Sunny asked curiously.

Izzy nodded, smiling slightly. “Yeah. I’m great at arts and crafts. And I’m not half bad at sewing either.”

Sunny smiled back. “Huh. My thing’s culinary science. I even own the smoothie business in town. Anyway, want me to show you the way to the principal’s office?”

Izzy nodded her head eagerly. Sunny pointed to a side hallway just ahead of the two. “Follow me” she said.

Author's Note:

So, I was originally going to include Sunny and Izzy’s meeting with Beautiful Heart in this chapter but the classroom scene ended up being so long I decided to make the meeting it’s own chapter.

Also, something I meant to address last chapter but completely forgot to. You may have noticed I’m writing Sunny and Izzy a bit… out of character. Izzy seems depressed and withdrawn as opposed to bubbly and energetic while Sunny is guarded instead of open. There is a reason for this. As I maybe made a bit too clear in this chapter, the residents of Maretime Bay hate Sunny and as hinted in the first chapter Izzy is in a similar situation in Bridlewood. All that hostility would take it’s toll on the two, though I’m trying to write it as their cannon personalities are still present just buried under all the hurt.

Finally I want to address Hitch and Sprout’s sparkles. As far as I can recall the only characters who’s sparkle colours were said in cannon were Sunny and Pipp. If Hitch and/or Sprout have cannon sparkle colours and I’m just not remembering please let me know so I can correct it. Hope you all enjoy.