• Published 23rd Feb 2023
  • 1,188 Views, 15 Comments

Mlp Bakugan: Battle Planet - Blaze-saber

Ever wonder what happens when the world of Vestroa merges with Equestria? Here's the end result.

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Chapter 1: A Amazing Discovery, the Battle Begins

Author's Note:

Now, every brawler in the story will have a Baku-meter because I thought it would be nice to have those back. I like how they keep track on the Bakugan power level and everything. Plus they would look like this:

(Boy's on the left, girl's on the right.)

Also, when I put up an image in the story that has a different attribute than when I put down. That's the attribute that I have planned for the Bakugan when they roll out.

And one more thing, I'll be adding Subterra in this as well. Since the golden Bakugan is a faction as well, that means that the story will have seven faction Bakugan.

In the magical land of Equestria, a few years back there was a strange occurrence that happened and affected every magical creature that lived in it. A strange octagon covered the sky before many bright lights exploded all around the land. Every creature's magic was suddenly gone when this occurrence happened. But just as this strange occurrence appeared, it suddenly disappeared after a few seconds and the magic returned. No creature figure out what caused this and how it was caused, they all only agreed on what it's called: "the Great Collision."

A number of creatures tried to figure out where the magic went when it happened, while most moved on. Many others thought it was a sign that it was the end of the world. But eventually they all moved on as very few still tried to figure it out. But this is only part of a much bigger story and a much even bigger battle.

Years later, in Ponyville during the night a young colt with a golden yellow coat, green eyes, red mane and tail with white streaks is seen running through the streets with a small funny with white fur and black spots like patches running beside him. Around his neck is a string with a small golden ball wrapped around it. The colt made his way out of town and he stopped when he came to the front of the Everfree Forest.

The colt looked at the forest for a bit before he had a grin on his face. "It's somewhere in there. We just need to find it." He said before he looked at the bunny. "You ready, girl?" The bunny nodded its head before the colt looked at the ball. "Can't wait to see it." Both the colt and the bunny charged right into the forest without a second thought.

"Check out the view." Gallus said as he and the rest of the Young Six are on one of the tall towers of the Castle of the Two Sisters. They ran away from their homelands when Chancellor Neighsay of the EEA closed down the School of Friendship. But even though the classes were boring, they really enjoyed their time together. They didn't want to be separated so it's the reason why they ran away and came here.

"I know right?" Sliverstream asked with a bright smile. "And the night sky looks so pretty!"

"Yona is happy to be with friends!" Yona shouted as she pulled her friends close.

"Easy Yona, we still need to breath." Smolder spoke up before Yona let them go. "It would be even better if we had any cushions to sleep on."

"Don't worry, I'll stop by the furniture store and buy a few pillows." Sandbar assured them. "Also grab a few apples and some cupcakes too."

"Those do sound nice." Ocellus commented before looking out into the forest. She looked around for a bit before she noticed a large area where there was a crater in the shape of a hexagon. "Hey, is that place what I think it is?" The other five looked in the same direction as her and saw what she was looking at.

"No way..." Sandbar said in awe.

"There's only one way to find out." Gallus said as he stood up. "Let's go check it out." The others nodded in agreement before they ran down the tower and out of the castle.

The colt and his bunny made it through the forest and ended up in the clearing, the one Ocellus spotted. The two of them ran down into the crater before running to the center where he looked up into the sky and took a deep breath. "This is the place." He said when he breathed out. "The spot where the Great Collision first happened."

"This is amazing!" He heard a unfamiliar female voice shouted before he turned to see the Young Six coming in. "The exact spot where it all happened."

"Yeah." Sandbar said as they walked up to the colt. "S'up bro, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see the spot where it all happened." The colt explain. "And I can take a wild guess that you're here for the same reason. You guys got names?"

"I'm Sandbar."





"And I'm Gallus. Now that you know us, can you tell us who you are and who's the bunny?" He asked he pointed the one next to the colt.

"I'm Shine Hope, and this bunny is Patches." He introduced himself as Patches used her foot to scratch herself behind the ears. "The very mean reason I came to this spot, it's because on the day the Great Collision first happened was the day I was born."

"Man, I bet your mom was pretty freaked out more that you wouldn't survive when it happened." Smolder joked when she put her hands behind her head.

"A lot properly did." Sliverstream added before they all laughed.

"By the way, that's a cool ball you got." Gallus complimented as he pointed to the one around Shine's neck.

"Thanks, I found it and two similar ones when I was little." Shine told them as he held it up. "I gave the other two to my parents, but my grandfather gave them back to me when they suddenly disappeared."

"Sorry to hear that." Ocellus said. "I hope you find them soon."

"It's fine, I know they're out there somewhere." Shine remarked as he looked back up in the sky. Ocellus was using her magic to levitate a book she brought with her, but all of the sudden her magic just stopped and the book fell to the ground.

"Huh, what happened?" She asked as she tried to activate her magic, but nothing happened.

"What's wrong?" Yona asked before Shine let out a gasp before pulling out a pocket watch. He looked at it and saw that it suddenly stopped on midnight.

"This is what happened before..." He said, causing the others to look at him. "This happened before. Magic just suddenly stopped, as if it was never there in the first place. Right before the--" His sentence was cut off when a giant hexagon appeared in the sky before multiple beams of light shot down from said hexagon.

"GREAT COLLISION!!" All seven of them shouted when it happened again before they scattered around to try and not get hit. They all ran around but none of them were able to escape the crater with the multiple beams shooting down. Then one by one each beam hit each of them before a bright light covered the area.

Shine is seen laying on the ground with the others before Patches hops over to him. She sort of sniff his muzzle before he scrunched up his face and wakes up. He sits up and rubs his head just as the others woke up as well. "Oh man...that was insane..." He groan before he noticed a strange device on his left hook. It looked like a watch of some kind, but it looked like nothing he had ever seen before. He looked at the others and noticed that they were also wearing the same kind of watch.

"Where did these things come from?" Smolder asked when they noticed the watches on them as Shine noticed the same watch is around Patches's neck.

"Looks like we just experienced what the first Great Collision was like before." Gallus commented as Ocellus powered up her horn and levitated her book over to her.

"Yeah, I'm just glad magic wasn't gone for good." She said with relieved to still have her magic.

"Yona never been so scared before." Yona said after taking a breath.

"Let's hope it was the last one." Gallus remarked.

"Yeah, I bet that's what they thought before too." Shine said with a warm smile as he rubbed his head.


All seven of them looked around when they heard that strange voice say that one word. "Did any of you just heard that?" Sandbar asked the others.

"I heard it too!" Sliverstream answered.

"Yeah same..." Gallus added.

"Who said that?" Ocellus asked.

"Yona don't know." Yona said.

"But did you hear what it said?" Smolder asked.

"Yeah, it only said one thing." Shine spoke up. "It said..."

"Bakugan." The all said in unison before Shine felt like something was missing before you look down and saw that his golden ball is gone.

"Hey, where my...?" He asked before he spotted it next to him with the string gone. "Oh, there it is." He reached over and grabbed it before the ground was suddenly covered in glowing hexagon tiles all around him. He jumped when he saw the tiles but suddenly vanished when he dropped the ball. "What the...what was that?"

"What was what?" Smolder asked when they looked at him. Shine looked at the ball he dropped and cautiously picked it back up. The moment he did, the tiles reappeared around him. He saw many glowing tiles on the ground and some of them were different colors than others.

"Wow! I never see anything like this before!" He said in awe when he saw the tiles on the ground. The Young Six however are confused by what's he is going on about.

"Hey, are you okay?" Gallus asked as he walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder. But the moment he did, he started to see the glowing tiles too. He was shocked that he removed his claw from Shine's shoulder. When he couldn't anymore, he placed it back his shoulder and saw it again. "Whoa, this is so weird..."

Each of them grew curious as to what they were seeing before they joined Gallus. One by one, they joined him and started to see the glowing tiles on the ground. They're were so amazed to see this and wondered how many creatures didn't see it when it first happened. Smolder then spotted something on the ground that looked like some sort of ball of odd goo arising. "Whoa, what's that?" She asked before the others saw it as well.

"Where'd that come from?" Sandbar asked before Smolder noticed something inside the thing. She lowered herself to the thing and reached into it.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to touch that?" Sliverstream asked before the goo itself first and covered Smolder. She quickly covered her eyes when it did and tried to wipe it off her face before she felt something in her claw. She then saw a red ball that looked similar to the one Shine has.

"What is this?" She asked when she showed the others.

"It's like mine, but red." Shine said as they compared the two balls.

"You think these are Bakugan?" Smolder asked as Shine wonder the same thing.

"Yona found one!" They heard Yona shouted before they saw her covered in goo. "Yona found one too!" She held up a light brown ball like Shine's and Smolder's.

"I found one too!" Sliverstream called out as she held up a ball that is blue while covered in goo. "It's blue, gooey, and pretty!"

"I found a white one!" Ocellus called as she is covered in goo and holds a white ball.

"I found one that's green." Sandbar said as he is covered in goo and holding the ball he found up.

"So there's more of them in different colors." Shine said before he saw Patches covered in goo while balancing a black ball on her head. The other saw this and sort of laughed at this little amusement.

"There's got to be more of them around, right?" Gallus asked as he was looking around for his own.

"Shine! Patches! Where are two?!" They all hurting a elderly voice called out.

"Oh, that's my grandfather." Shine told them when he heard that voice. "I guess it is very late and I kind of went out without telling him. I'll see you guys around." The all said they're goodbyes before him and Patches went in the direction where they heard his grandfather called out.

The next day, Shine is with Patches and an elderly unicorn stallion with a grayish brown coat, gray beard, and a toolbox for his cutie mark. They were taking a nice stroll through Ponyville as to get a I feel for their new home since they just moved here. "I'm sorry again for walking out without telling you, grandpa." He said as they walked.

"Hey, it's all right kiddo." His grandfather told him as he ruffled his mane. "But I never expected another Great Collision to happen last night. Or for more of those balls you found." Patches was balancing the black ball on her head as she hopped with them.

"Yeah, it surprised me too when it happened." Shine said before he noticed that the other fillies and colts too have the strange watches that suddenly appear after the Great Collision. "So it's not just me and the others."

"Hey, why don't we check out that castle that the Princess of Friendship lives in?" His grandfather suggested. "It might be nice to see one of the six Heroes of Equestria and to see where they live."

"Yeah, that sounds awesome." Shine said before they mean their way towards the Castle of Friendship. They walked until they reached the castle before the noticed the school of friendship and a bunch of creatures in front of it. It was the Mane Six, Young Six, Princess Celestia, Starlight Glimmer, Spike, the mentors of the Young Six, and Chancellor Neighsay.

"What's going on over there?" His grandfather asked before Shine quickly ran over to his friends he met last night.

"Oh, hey Shine." Sandbar said when he and the others saw him come up.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Shine asked.

"We sort of ran into some trouble in the forest before our teachers sort of saved us." Gallus started explaining.

"But we didn't know that our running away was going to start a war with our kingdoms." Smolder said as she rubbed the back of her head.

"But war won't happen, because Yona and friends are going to school!" Yona added.

"Okay, but who's he and why does he look so angry?" Shine asked when he pointed at Chancellor Neighsay.

"That's Neighsay, a chancellor of the EEA." Ocellus answered. "He thinks we are dangerous and closed down the school because he thinks friendship should be only ponies thing."

"But Headmare Twilight isn't going by the EEA rules and made her own!" Sliverstream added. "She's going to run the school her way."

"Allowing all of these creatures to attend your school, changing the rules for them...it simply won't work!" Neighsay exclaimed with a glare. "Plus we don't even know if they are the ones who are behind the Great Collision!"

"Now that's not right to accuse them of that event!" Twilight defended. "We don't know what was the cause of the Great Collision. It happened all over the world and no one knows how it happened."

"She's right!" Shine shouted and getting everyone's attention. "That especially goes for my friends! Like them and me, we're just kids and you have no right to blame them for something that happened no one could explain how it happened! I met them last night when another Great Collision just happened. None of them had anything to do with that and I know that they never would have."

"Another happened last night?" Princess Celestia asked in surprise to hear it.

"And besides," Shine continued as he looked at his golden ball before back at Neighsay. "Didn't unicorns, pegasi, and Earth ponies didn't get along before? Then we changed the rules and we live in harmony."

"Well said Shine." His grandfather said in a proud tone.

Neighsay's face twisted at this, only for Twilight to add, "I promise you chancellor, my school will help protect Equestria."

"Or destroy it!" With that, he leapt back through the portal and they all cheered as it closed. Twilight then walked over to Shine with a warm smile.

"Thank you." She told him. "That what's real kind of you to stand up for your friends like that."

"Well I can't let my friends get blamed for something that happened to all creatures." Shine said before he looked his golden ball. "No matter what happens, I will always be there to help defend my friends." Just then the golden ball in his started to glow bright and surprised everyone there. Shine was surprised at all of them that this was happening before his eyes suddenly changed from green to golden yellow when the light died down.

"What the hay was that?" Applejack asked before Shine suddenly held up the ball in his hoof.

"Drome up!" He shouted before a sudden gust of winds happened. Just then the glowing tiles suddenly appeared all over the ground as a dome began to expand. As it happened, the others started to be pushed out by the dome except for Shine, Patches, and the Young Six minus Gallus. The hexagon started cover the ones inside the dome as they suddenly began to change.

"What is this?!" Rainbow shouted as she flew and tried to beat down the dome to get back in, but no good. Those outside saw the others inside started to stand on two legs before the hexagons on their bodies started to vanish.

Patches looked the same while the others look like anthropomorphic with hands. They even had strange clothes on as Sandbar is now wearing a dark green jacket with a strange symbol on the back and a light green t-shirt with long green dark pants. "This is new." He said as he looked himself over.

Ocellus is now suddenly wearing white clothing with light blue outlines. She was wearing a white top with a strange symbol in the shape of a star in the blue outlines while she was wearing a white and light blue skirt. "What just happened to us?!" She shouted as she is surprised by her new look.

Yona is now wearing a poncho that is light brown with earth orange outlines with a strange symbol on the back. "Yona likes the colors." She commented.

Sliverstream is now wearing a dark blue skirt with a strange symbol on it while also wearing a blue top with water waves on it. "Wow! This looks so cool!" She exclaimed as she was amazed by our new clothing.

Smolder is now wearing a red leather jacket with yellow outlines and a strange symbol on one of the sleeves. She is also wearing dark red jeans with flames on the bottom. "Huh, this looks good on me." She said as she already liked the flames on the pants.

Shine is now wearing golden yellow jacket with a strange symbol in blue outlines. He was wearing it matching pants with blue outlines, as well as a blue shirt. He looked like he was in a trance as he held out the ball in his hand and looked like he was taking aim at a glowing gold tile on the ground. He tossed up the ball in the air before jumping up and quickly grabbing it before throwing it towards the glowing tile.

The ball landed on the tile and suddenly popped open to be a miniature dragon toy before it glowed bright. Said toy started to grow large in size as it began to fold its arms, wings, and neck out before it's glowing red eyes opened and it let out a roar when it was in its full giant size.

The others screamed at the top of their lungs when they saw this giant golden dragon suddenly appeared. Those outside of the dome also saw this as they were trying to get in to try and save them. "What in the world is that thing?!" Twilight shouted when she saw the robotic golden dragon.

Shine's eyes returned to normal and started to take notice of his surroundings. "Hey, w-what's going on?" He asked before he noticed his body had changed. "What the--?! What happened to me?!"

"Hey Shine!! You might want to get way from that!!" Ocellus called out.

"What are you talking about?" He asked before he looked and saw the robotic golden dragon staring down at him. "Whoa!" He stumbled backwards and fell on his flank when he saw it. At first, he was afraid that this thing would hurt him but it just stared at him the whole time. "I don't think it's going to hurt us."

Shine got up and slowly approached the thing in front of him. "What are you doing?! Don't go near that thing!" Smolder shouted when they saw him walk up to it.

"Hey! Are...are you a Bakugan?!" Shine asked the thing.

"Yes, I am." It responded to him, which surprised everyone in and out of the dome.

"That thing just talked." Ember said when they heard it.

"So that's a Bakugan." Gallus said before they looked at him. "Oh, well last night we heard a voice after the Great Collision that just said 'Bakugan' to us."

"Oh, we see." Shine's Grandfather said before he looked towards his grandson. "To think my grandson had something like that since he was just a young colt this whole time."

"What is your name?" The Bakugan asked Shine.

"My name is Shine Hope." He answered the Bakugan. "What about you, do you have a name?"

"My name is Leonidas." The Bakugan told him. "And the of us are partners."

"What do you mean 'partners'?" He asked as the others can believe what was happening.

"So that thing is a Bakugan? Who would have thought?" Smolder said as Ocellus took out the white ball she found.

"If his ball could do that, then maybe..." Ocellus said to herself before she noticed a glowing white hexagon tile. She noticed how both the tile and the ball are the same color before she decided to toss the ball over to it. Once the ball landed on it, it popped open before glowing bright and growing to the same size as Leonidas.

"Another one?!" Celestia exclaimed when they saw the second Bakugan appear.

"Hey there! My name is Sairus." She introduced herself to Ocellus.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ocellus." She introduced herself before turning towards her friends. "Those balls we found at the site are Bakugan. Take them out and throw them at the color tiles that match them."

"Okay!" Sliverstream shouted before she took out the blue ball she found and threw it at a matching glowing tile. Once it made contact, it popped open to be a small toy shark before it grew to the same size as Leonidas and Sairus.

"My name is Sharktar!" He introduced himself and sounded like a soldier.

"Hi Sharktar! I'm Sliverstream and you are the most craziest thing I've ever seen in my life!" She exclaimed.

"Yona's turn!" Yona shouted as she took out her light brown ball and through it at a glowing earth orange tile. It popped open to be a T-Rex toy when it landed before growing to the size of the other three Bakugan.

(imagine Trox's color is light brown.)

"Hello there, my name is Trox." He introduced himself to Yona.

"Yona is Yona." She responded.

"Why did you say your name twice?" Trox asked.

"I guess it's my turn." Smolder said as she threw the red ball at a matching tile. It popped open to be a serpent dragon before it grew to the same size as the others.

(her attribute is Pyrus.)

"My name is Smolder." She introduced herself when she flew up to the Bakugan. "What's yours?"

"It's Phaedrus and I really like the fire that burns within you." She responded with a proud tone.

"I guess it's my turn." Sandbar said before he threw the green ball at the glowing green tile. It popped open to look like a toy turtle before growing to the same size as the other Bakugan.

"Very good morning, I am Turtonium." The Bakugan introduced himself and sounding a bit mellow.

"Cool, you sound like a Bakugan Guru or something. I'm Sandbar." Sandbar said in the same tone. They all then saw Patches bouncing the black ball on her head before she bounced it high in the air. She then jumped up and kicked it right towards a glowing black tile before it popped open to be a three-headed dog before it grew to the same size as the others.

"I am Howlkor." He introduced himself as Patches jumped up and down while waving her small arms around. "Nice to meet you Patches."

"Wait, you can understand her?!" Shine asked Howlkor in surprised.

"Of course I can. We're partners after all." He told Shine.

"This is so amazing." Shine as he looked at each Bakugan that was thrown out. "I never seen anything like you guys before. Are there any other Bakugan or is it just you guys? And what did you mean by we're partners?"

"To tell the truth, it's just a feeling I had when I saw you." Leonidas admitted. "As for if there's more..." Leonidas sensed something coming this way before he quickly flapped his wings and dodged a powerful gust of winds that looked like a slash and missed him but hit the school.

"What was that?!" Smolder asked before something came down from the sky. It looked like a bird that stood on its back legs and was the same color as Turtonium.

"It's a Falcron." Phaedrus told her when she saw the Bakugan.

"That was awesome, Falcron!" They saw a light green pegasus colt fly down next to Falcron before he looked at himself to see his new form and clothes. "Whoa, and check me out. This is so cool."

"Thanks, but I think I hit that building when I showed you my moves." Falcron told the colt.

"Hey, what's the big idea?!" Shine shouted before Leo landed back down. "You almost hit Leo!"

"Not only that, but you also destroyed part of our school!" Ocellus shouted as she pointed towards the part Falcron hit.

"What's the big deal?" The colt asked as he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't go here, so it's not my problem."

"That's not the point!" Shine shouted. "You can't just go around and smashing things! You could have hurt somepony!"

"So what? They can just re-build the place." The colt responded.

"I don't think words will do anything, Shine." Leo said as he stood tall. "We will have to settle this with a Bakugan battle."

"Now we're talking!" Falcron exclaimed. "I'm been wanting to battle since I woke up!"

"A battle?" Sandbar repeated.

"Us Bakugan love to battle." Turtonium explain. "And it looks like this battle will be Leo versus Falcron."

"Looks like will sit this one out." Howlkor said.

"Okay, but after I want to battle." Sairus told them.

"I be happy to battle you!" Sharktar told her before each of them glowed and return to ball form before falling towards their partners. The only ones that still out is Leo and Falcron with their partners.

"Oh dear, I don't like conflict." Fluttershy said when they heard Bakugan battle.

"Okay, let's do this." Shine shouted before he heard the watch on his wrist beeping. When he looked at it, a holographic screen popped up in front of them. "Whoa!"

Bakugan Battle commencing.

Leonidas B-power: 800.

Falcron B-power: 700.

"Well, that's new." He look towards the others and their watches were doing the same.

"Let's do this!" Falcron shouted before took off into the air. "Sonic Scream!" Winds gathered above his wings before he launched a powerful blast right at Leonidas.

"Golden Guard!" Leonidas declared before a shield made of his energy suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked the attack. "Aurelus Laser!" He charge of energy in his mouth before firing a golden laser straight at Falcron witch hit.

Falcron B-power: 550.

"Check it out." Sandbar said when he saw Falcron's B-power go down. "His power went down when Leonidas landed a blow."

"Looks like the point of the battle is to get your opponent's power down to zero." Ocellus theorized as Falcron stood back up.

"Not bad, but it's my turn." Falcron told him before he flew back up. "Flash of Thunder!" He then send energy into the sky before clashes of thunder came down and struck Leonidas.

Leonidas B-power: 650.

Falcron then flew down and started to punch at Leonidas as he used his wing to block some of the blow, but his B-power was still going down. "Oh no, Leo!" Shine called out as he looked around to find something to help.

"Oh yeah, keep it up Falcron!" The colt cheered as Shine spotted a golden tile on the ground and ran over to it.

"Here Leo!" He shouted as he picked up the tile and threw it to Leonidas. "Take this!" The tile flew towards Leonidas before it landed and he absorbed it.

Leonidas B-power: 550.

Leonidas pushed back Falcron before spending around to hit him with his tail back.

Falcron B-power: 450.

"How'd pony do that?!" Yona asked when they saw Shine did with the tile.

"I don't know, it was just a feeling I had!" Shine told them as the colt picked up a red tile.

"Well if you can do it, so can I!" He declared before he threw the tile at Falcron. But when it was absorbed, it seemed to hurt Falcron than help.

Falcron B-power: 125.

"What the...?!"

"It looks like you have to use the same color tile that matches the Bakugan." Smolder said when they saw Falcron's B-power drop.

"Let's finish this!" Shine shouted as he threw another golden tile at Leonidas.

Leonidas B-power: 650

"Okay!" Leonidas shouted before he flew high up into the air and hovered there as he charged up power. Power surged to his mouth as he prepared for a final attack. "Omega Blast!" He unleashed a powerful beam of golden energy straight at Falcron which landed and caused a big explosion as Leonidas landed back down.

Falcron B-power: 0.

Falcron's body glowed bright before he shrunk down and return to ball form as falling to the ground. "Oh man, I'm out of here!" The colt said before he ran off. As Leonidas transformed back into a ball and went to Shine, the dome started to go down and those who are inside return to their original forms.

"Hey guys, look!" Sandbar said as he pointed to the school that was rebuilding itself. "How's that happening?"

"You see, anything destroyed inside of the Drome is restored after the Bakugan battle." Turtonium explain. "But anything destroyed outside of it stays destroyed." When it was finally down, Gallus walked over to Falcron's Bakugan ball and picked it up.

"That was so not cool that that guy just left you behind." He said to Falcron before he popped open.

"Yeah but who needs him?" Falcron said. "You seem more like a cooler guy than him."

"I must say, I especially didn't expect this." Celestia said as she looked at the Bakugan before she looked mostly towards Leonidas. "Leonidas, you were about to explain about if there's more of you around."

"Sister!" Luna called out as she flew in. "There's something that happen in Canterlot that came out of nowhere! Very strange beasts appeared when a child threw a small ball at the ground and they seem to get along!" Everyone was surprised to what Luna just told them and knew she was talking about Bakugan. "And it's not just here, reports are coming in from all across the lands in the different kingdoms that children found strange balls from some goo and happening in the same way."

Shine and Leonidas looked at each other before he smiled. "This is going to be one crazy year." He said as he feels like things are going to be different in Equestria with the Bakugan.

In an unknown location, a white cloak figure with light blue outlines was looking down in a pool of water and it showed a reflection of the Bakugan battle that just happened before said figure smiled. "There's hope for all yet." She said as she waved her hand over the pool to show an image of Shine, Leonidas, and their new friends.