• Published 1st Mar 2023
  • 1,531 Views, 45 Comments

Do It For Her - Cxcd

Fluttershy takes a trip to Manehattan and finds a lonesome Filly named Scootaloo all by herself. Due to circumstances, it seems the duo become bonded for life. It isn't much longer until she asks to be adopted.

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07 - Sisters

Today was beautiful.

Somehow, the skies seemed to brighten a few extra shades of blue. Even the white clouds looked whiter, and the grass far, far below was almost painful to look at. The air was warm, the wind was barely whispering by, and Rainbow Dash was flying.

She was flying to a familiar cloud house. It was on the outskirts of Cloudsdale, far away from any busyness of normal city living. It wasn’t part of the city, it wasn’t part of a suburb, it was it’s own floating platform being disconnected from any and all roads. If one wasn’t a Pegasus, it would’ve been nearly impossible to gain access to the humble abode. Even if one had something like a hot air balloon, it still would’ve taken an impressive amount of manuverability to land on the front lawn of the home.

Rainbow Dash, being a Pegasus, merely landed on the white surface, barely sinking in a smudge as the cloud kicked up from her wing beats. She shook her mane wildly, stretching like a cat as she felt her bones crack and muscles relax after a long day of Flight-camp.

This place, by all definitions, was friendly. It was a fluffy cloud-house, the welcoming blue walls calling and inviting to all. It’s front door was a soft, quiet, and not loud red. It had cloud roses, and it’s cloud front lawn was modest and pretty.

But it was the anticipation that was making the structure seem intimidating and scary.

She quickly trotted up the front steps, standing confidentially in front of the door. She took a deep breath in, and knocked twice. Sounds of quiet muffled talking, followed by hooves silently clicking on the soft cloud, the sound of a deadbolt, and then the welcoming face of a very light green stallion. His eyes initially glanced over the Pegasus, expecting probably a pony about three times as tall, before he looked down and landed on the small filly on his doorstep.

“Rainbow Dash!” Mr Shy beamed, opening the door wider. “Come in! Come in!” Rainbow, not one to turn down an offer, happily trudged forwards into the small hall connecting the front door to the other rooms of the house, including a staircase upstairs. Without waiting for the stallion to close the door, she immediately entered the living room, looking around for her friend.

She was not there.

Nopony was there.

Rainbow’s smile she wore brightly slowly faded, looking around the living room.

“Where’s Flutters?” Rainbow asked. She turned back around, watching the stallion enter the living room adorning a remorseful face. Rainbow felt a heavy weight settle in her stomach, feeling sweat beginning to built on her forehead. This was just like how it happened in her nightmares.

“She’s got it bad this week.” He said. “She’s up in her room right now-”

“Thank Celestia!” Rainbow shouted, letting a huge breath she had been holding out. She ran past the stallion at full tilt, not even giving him any time to react as he was involentarily spun around by the rushing air coming off of the filly’s wings.

Her little hooves thundered silently up the staircase. The lights were off up here, the only source coming from a small window at the end of the hall. Even the usually vibrant yellow walls looked dull and faded. She began walking towards it, suddenly feeling a huge feeling of vertigo as her senses began to calm down from the almost-panic attack she had experienced.

The door she was walking to latched open, another mare coming out of Fluttershy’s room. She exited quickly, latching it shut behind her. The mare took a deep breath, turning around and accidentially running into Rainbow.

“Oh, dear!” She said quietly, taking a step back. “Oh, I’m so sorry, dear.”

“It’s okay, Ms Shy.” Rainbow stood up, fluttering the cloud off her wings. “Is she in there?” Ms Shy also looked remorseful.

“She’s only gotten worse from last week.” She said quietly, lowering her voice even more than it was before. “The doctor said to let her ride it out, and if it gets any worse…” Her voice trailed off, but Rainbow knew the implication very well. “I told her to go to sleep- she’s probably still awake.” Ms Shy walked past Rainbow. “She’ll be happy to see you again.” She said as she walked down the staircase.

Rainbow looked at the door, taking one long deep breath, and pushing it open.

The door glided across the cloud noiselessly. The cloud on the ground barely kicked up anything as it crossed the threshold into the dark room. The blinds were cast shut, and the usually pink walls looked an almost black.

Rainbow walked further into the room, accidentially kicking a few loose clothes on the floor. Fluttershy’s a natural at sewing- honestly, it would probably be her Cutiemark if she wasn’t stuck here. Not that Rainbow had one herself, mind.

“Dashie?” A weak voice asked, piercing the silence. Rainbow felt that weight in her stomach quickly rise to her throat, hearing how terribly scratchy her voice sounded. Rainbow blinked quickly, directing her eyes anywhere else but the pony in the queen-sized bed.

“Yeah, It’s me, Shyster.” Rainbow said, trying to keep her voice as level and as strong as posible. “I’m here.” For a pony who was often sick, it was a wonder how she managed to keep the room from smelling. Most days, it was like the room was full of strawberries. “You okay?” Rainbow asked, approaching the bed, finally laying her eyes on the lump. She had to swallow the weight back down this time.

“I’ve been…” Fluttershy let out a raspy sigh. “No…” She admitted quietly. Dash started blinking again, sitting down next to the bed. Fluttershy took a substantial amount of effort to rotate in her bed, turning to look at Rainbow with faded cheekbones. It was almost like she was a walking skeleton.

“Do you need anything?” Rainbow asked quickly. “I-I can go grab some water if you’d like!”

“No thank you.” Fluttershy said. “I don’t feel like drinking anything…” She rolled her head on her pillow. “Why are you here? T-This is one of your only free days this week, and you’re spending it here… with me.”

“Shut up.” Rainbow said harshly, letting her voice fully vibrate. Fluttershy looked taken aback, her ears folding down at the sudden words. “I wouldn’t leave you for anything. Are you kidding me?” She quickly wiped away the water leaking from her eyes. “You’re like my sister. I-I would never leave you.” They were silent for a moment, Rainbow occasionally clearing her throat. She could barely make out Fluttershy’s sickly face, thinking for a moment.

“Y-You think I’m your sister?” She asked.

“Of course I think that.” Rainbow stated. She bit her cheek, mumbling something incomprehensible. “This isn’t fucking fair!” She stomped her hooves against the cloudy floor. “Why can’t you be flying with me? Why do you have to be sick?”

“I can’t help it, Dashie-”

“I-I know.” She cut her off. “I-I’m sorry- I-I wish-” Rainbow forced herself to sigh, forcing herself to calm down. “Every t-time I come to your house… I’m so scared that one day, you w-won’t be here.” Rainbow took Fluttershy’s hoof in her own. “P-Promise me you’re gonna get through this. Please.”

“Dashie, I can’t-”

Please.” Rainbow laid her head onto the blanket, still holding Fluttershy’s hoof with her own. “We’re gonna kick your Immune System’s ass into high gear and- and we’ll be out flying in no time.”

“You said I’d be flying years ago.”

Rainbow squeezed her eyes shut, her muzle scrunching up as her throat began to burn her. Against her will, a small sniffle came out. She buried her face into the matress.

“Please.” Rainbow begged, quieter than Fluttershy. “Trust me. Please.

Fluttershy just stayed silent.

Rainbow opened her eyes a thousand feet above in the air.

She had made it. Fluttershy had flown with her, and she remembered it as the day the doctor had cleared her strong enough to fly. It was one of the greatest days in her memory. Perhaps even ranking higher than the day she had performed her first Sonic Rainboom and gained her Cutiemark. The days where Fluttershy’s illness had gotten the worst still held a very specific place in her brain, and as much as she hated to admit it, still gave her nightmares. Nightmares of a filly-version of herself arriving at the Shy household, only to be met with an empty room and an empty bed.

And now, eight years later, Rainbow screwed up.

She had broken Fluttershy’s trust by doing stunts with her new adoptive daughter. The same mare that barely had the strength to roll over in bed had adopted a daughter. Although Rainbow was technically okay to do it, with Scootaloo actively encouraging it from the moment she leapt off of her back, the performance was still a gross breaking of trust. And she decided to make up for it.

Who was this filly to Dash? If Fluttershy and Rainbow were sisters, then would Scootaloo be her niece? That didn’t sound right, and in Rainbow’s personal opinion, they were still way too young to be thinking of themselves like that. Although Fluttershy was not a mother, she didn’t feel like one, just as Dash didn’t feel like an aunt. Scootaloo was arising the same emotions she felt when swearing in sisterhood with Fluttershy. Would it be weird to call Scootaloo a sister? Just like she swore years ago with Fluttershy? If she called Scootaloo her sister, what would that make Fluttershy? Also Scootaloo’s sister?

These thoughts were utterly confusing and, in the end, only made Rainbow develop a headache. She cleared her thoughts, landing on the pebble path leading up to the yellow Pegasus’s house. She walked forwards with only one objective in her mind: Apologize to Fluttershy. She broke her trust, and she had to make up for it. Simple as that.

And that was also why Rainbow currently had a box of chocolates balanced on her back. Mares like chocolate, right? Rainbow certainly did, and she was a mare. So far, all evidence points to yes, mares do like chocolate. Well- that was also why there were several chocolates missing from the box, and why Rainbow was currently licking her teeth clean of said chocolate. So what if she got a little hungry on the way over? There was still the majority of the box left!

Okay- maybe she shouldn’t of ate half the box. But- it was still the thought that counted, right?

Rainbow straightened her back. She smoothed her spiky and wild mane with a hoof, and then in one swift and thoughtful motion, knocked on the door.

Immediately, she regretted it. It had been one full day since their flying incident. That was enough time, right? Enough time to forgive? Perhaps it wasn’t enough time, and Fluttershy was more than still angry at her! What would she say? Maybe she should just drop the box of chocolates and dip. Yes, that sounds like a great idea-

It didn’t matter what Rainbow thought, as before she could act upon her instincts, the door swung inwards. She began contemplating all the ways this could go wrong. She stood even straighter than before, plastering her most expensive smile, and trying to look as not-guilty as possible.

“Oh, Dash!” Fluttershy greeted with a smile. “Come in!”

Rainbow’s dashing and charming smile faded into confusion as Fluttershy moved out of the way to let her in. “Uh- thanks, Flutters.” Rainbow said awkwardly, shuffling inside. She looked around the living room. The inside of the house looked exactly the same as she had left it. Which- to be fair, the last time she was here was yesterday. “Where’s Scoots?”

“Oh, she’s upstairs.” Fluttershy said, walking around Rainbow and towards the sofa. “She started talking yesterday, and I think she’s practicing for school in front of her mirror.”

“She started talking? Was she not before?”

“Oh, not at all.” Fluttershy sat down. In front of her on the table was a fancy plate full of tea supplies, including cups and pots. Why was she making herself a cup of tea? Was it just that time of day? “Scootaloo was very quiet. Did you notice during breakfast yesterday?”

“No, I didn’t.” Rainbow shook her head. “I thought she was pretty cool. Awesome how she’s going to school, though.” Rainbow shuffled her wings awkwardly, suddenly remembering that the presence on her back was a box of chocolates, and why she was here in the first place. “Oh, right!” She said, sliding the box of chocolates off of her wing and using her feathers as a slide for the box to ride onto the table. “I brought you chocolates!”

“C-Chocolates?” Fluttershy asked. Her muzzle lit on fire as it began to glow a bright red. “W-Why?”

“Err-” Rainbow leaned forwards, reading the little message stamped onto the front of the heart-shaped box. “Forgiveness Chocolates. For when you need to make amends.” She looked back to Fluttershy. “I mean- I’m here to do that, so…”

“S-Special somepony!” Fluttershy said loudly. “These chocolates are for your special somepony!”

“Whaat? We’re not dating.” Rainbow looked down at the floor in embarrassment. “You’re like my special somepony, because your my sister, and I made a mistake.” She said quietly. Fluttershy’s face twisted into confusion, tilting her head to the side.

“What mistake?” She asked innocently. Rainbow looked up, now adorning a similar face full of similar confusion.

“I like- dropped Scootaloo?”

“Oh. Right.” Fluttershy let out a sigh, rolling her eyes. She moved over on the sofa, patting the space next to her invitingly. “Come. Sit.” Rainbow cringed, knowing full well how the conversation was going to go. Sheepishly, she rounded the coffee table, plopping onto the sofa. Fluttershy gripped the sides of the sofa, not ready for how violent she sat down, bouncing up and down uncontrollably.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, grabbing Rainbow’s hoof in her own. Rainbow looked up, still cringing.

“Dashie, I’m not mad at you.” She said. Rainbow’s ears perked up. “I’m just disappointed.” Her ears fell. She would rather Fluttershy be mad. “That wasn’t… the smartest thing you’ve done… and Scootaloo could’ve been hurt…”

“But…” Fluttershy continued. “I realize it was also partially Scootaloo’s fault. And I can’t blame you for something that was out of your control.” She moved her hoof around Rainbow’s withers, pulling her in close for a half-hug. “And I forgive you.”

“Really?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes.” She laughed. “It’s okay, really.”

“Thanks, Flutters.” Rainbow breathed, glancing back at the chocolates laying deliciously on the table. “Are you gonna eat those?” Fluttershy looked.

“I think I’ll save them for Scootaloo.” Fluttershy shrugged. “I was never big into chocolates.”

Rainbow’s brain almost melted at that information. Yes, it was true Fluttershy usually ordered Strawberry shakes, but she never realized Fluttershy actively avoided chocolate.

So far, Rainbow’s testing group consisted of two mares: herself and Fluttershy. So far, fifty percent of mares liked chocolate, and if Scootaloo liked chocolate, then sixty-six percent of mares liked chocolate. Or- because Scootaloo was young, did she count towards a second group of fillies?

All these numbers hurt Rainbow’s brain, so she moved on.

“So…” She started. “I-I wanted to ask you something.” Rainbow looked at Fluttershy’s telling eyes, egging her to go on. “You remember when I said that… um… we were sisters?”

“I…barely do.” Fluttershy rubbed her head. “I was really sick back then. Everything blurs together.”

“Well… what if I said that I felt the same way about Scootaloo?” Rainbow asked. Fluttershy tilted her head. Without her talking, she continued again. “Like- don’t get me wrong, I barely know the filly, but- there’s like this kind of connection I feel, you know? Remember how I protected you at Flight-camp?”

“I still don’t think that filly can walk straight.” Fluttershy shuddered.

“Right. Well- I want to protect Scootaloo the same way, you know?” Rainbow mouthed something incomprehensible, shaking her head and finally spilling it. “I want Scootaloo to be my sister, too!” She waved her hooves rapidly, breaking from the half-hug. “Like- I still want you to be my sister! But I also want Scootaloo to be my sister!”

“It think that’s okay.” Fluttershy said. “As long as she’s okay with it, then I am too.”

“Thanks, Flutters.” Rainbow hugged her again. Fluttershy let out a giggle, being the first one to break.

“School starts tomorrow. How would you like to take her?”

“Oh, what? Tomorrow? Isn’t that a little short notice? For her?”

“Um- yes?”

“I’ll do it!”