• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen May 22nd

Syric Philharmonica

Fledgling Writer, My mind is a sea of ideas and my unwritten stories have stolen the wheel of my ship from my hands.


At the end of the known world lies an anomaly, a break in the untamed reaches. Through a gap in the trees rests the very end of civilization known to all races that reside on the continent. A quaint little haven for anyone who manages to make it all the way out here.

The Bar refuses no-one and nothing, be they Pony, Griffon, Changeling, Draconeques, or anything that can think. All The Bar asks is that It's patrons follow It's rules.

No fighting, Leave your fear at the door, Your titles mean nothing here, Those with dietary necessities speak to the Owner.

If there is a character you REALLY want to see come to The Bar, leave a comment with the characters name and I'll see what i can do.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 65 )

The spoiler is a slightly in depth look at Stalwart's backstory, so I recommended not looking under it unless you desperately want to know and are unwilling to wait for the story to tell you itself.

The Bartender is an OC I created named Stalwart shield. He was a knight way back when who would take artefact hunts. Upon finding one of said artefacts he was cursed with immortality. Once he had figured it out he decided to retire in his late 30s and opened a bar near the edge of the Old Kingdom. It has been a VERY long time since then.

Hope that is a sufficient explanation!

That does, now does he have mine if I come in for a drink or have a chat?

Not at all, like the rules say, "Everyone is Welcome."

Good because right now I just need a drink

Is this story at all related to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

No, Although Hitchhiker's guide is an incredible story, Everything I write for this is born of my own mind. If ya don't mind my asking, which part of my stpry reminded you of Hitchhiker?

Cant see the trees for the planet again, Twilight?

Thats why every leader has a fool.:moustache:

This story has my curiosity and can't wait to see where it heads.

wait I can still use the bar charater in my story correct?

Hey it’s fine thanks. But tell me do you have drinks for little ones perhaps?

Stalwart Shield would be very concerned about a child being this deep beyond the map borders, but every good bartender has non-alcoholic options.

Thorax... but I doubt it...
I was gonna say Celestia, but it seems you already intend that.


Also... this initially reminded me of...
Mancubus Bloodtooth is one on my favorite Borderlands characters now despite me having many issues with BL3 including the GL&T DLC he is in...

I was a little confused about what you meant at first, but I figured it out. So don't worry, the Changeling King will get his time to shine. Just be patient while I figure out how to write that storyline.

To be fair, it was a direct question from a reader. Also, that's a good point. I'll pop a spoiler on that. Thanks!

Wow, that's the second time I've been told that something I came up with around 2017 reminds them of something else done far better. I am so happy that I can remind people of great times! I haven't played Borderlands 3 since the first DLC drop, I should get back in there.


The only way this guy would get Cohens sword through his neck any faster was if he had a big medallion with the words Grand Vizier on it. :twilightoops:

Then again, Pone are Very trusting.:trixieshiftright:

Wanderer D

Heh. Sounds familiar.

Nice first chapter, it needs a bit of clean-up, but the important parts: Luna's reaction & the bartender's intro felt pretty solid.


the Changeling King will get his time to shine.

Ah, I mean to say either pre or post colorbug, it is up to you. But I wasn't expecting a reply and now I'm extremely curious!

Wow, that's the second time I've been told that something I came up with around 2017 reminds them of something else done far better.

:rainbowlaugh: HAHAHAHAHA! Way better?
:trollestia: I feel like there is a lack of confidence in there...

I haven't played Borderlands 3 since the first DLC drop, I should get back in there.

Eh, BL3 had some serious problems.
How they wrote Lilith is like 80% of it.
The DLCs are pretty good though.

:facehoof: seriously though, the lodge may have been a cool idea but they didn't really do anything with it other than drop a tiny but of lore on it and move on.

Mancubus is fun, but it's mostly because he is so over-the-top-cheesy-trying-to-be-creepy that its obvious that he is up to something... yet with how nice he is you know it's probably something silly.
Like his Nibblenomicon (evil dead reference) cook book quest. (Borderlands humor, HO!)
There is one other character in the dlc that is good and actually has a really good quest and that is the detective... but his story is almost completely unrelated to the lodge.

Also, there is a HUGE flaw with the lodge...
:fluttercry: no ponies or lovebugs...

They weren't always, remember how they were at each others throats pre-unification? they are just probably going too far in the other direction...


Thank you for the feedback, I've been told that I write dialogue fairly well.


Ah, I mean to say either pre or post colorbug, it is up to you. But I wasn't expecting a reply and now I'm extremely curious!


Thank you for the kind words! I'll try not to disappoint, you're the first one with a request! That leaves me excited for others I will get.

It all seems pretty good so far. Celestia's internal struggle was pretty good.

And I'm excited to see the results of all of them!

Also, I edited my previous response, sorry...


Also, I edited my previous response, sorry...

S'all good. Doesn't change anything major

"Well, I can only hope this one doesn't end in her setting the park on fire. Again."

Discords roasting on an awning fire. :trollestia:

This was delightful... made me smile at the end... yes...

Can you PM me the bar tenders name? And do you perhaps serve batponies?

And humans?

As 'Maple' proceeded to dig into her tasty treat on the train to Ponyville, Princess Luna was sitting in her sister's throne. Bored to death. With a deep, groaning wail Luna inelegantly slumped out of the throne and dragged herself to her hooves, and plodded over to one of the stained glass windows, attempting to look through the patterned and colored glass for ANYTHING to distract her from this unending torment.

And it was right at that moment Twilight Sparkle walked in.

Be very careful what you wish for.

You just might get it.:trollestia:

Simplest speech is but vibrations of the air, the shaking upon striking a more resiliant opponanta dn the effort decaying thereafter?

Such simplicities, such complexities.

Does your story takes inspiration from Restaurant from another world ?

No it does not. Everything from the title to the content of the story are all original ideas from me. Hope you stick around!

It wasn't the story itself but the story title. The movie version mentioned a bar located at the edge of the universe. Will there at least be shout outs to that book series?

I'm excited! I finnally found time to read and I see this! Again, thank you!

I told ya, just needed to create a rough storyline in my head then the pieces all fell into place. Enjoy the chapter YOU brought into existence.


Owww, that explains the pseudoimmortality at least.:rainbowderp:

His life for the world. Seemed a fair trade to him.

Alright so, my head-canon heights for the pony species. In the show Alicorns are the tallest, that much is obvious. but when it comes to the other races they are all lumped at the same height.
So this is how I categorize them. Alicorns are the tallest,
next is the Peanox Pegasi,
third is the Reanent Unicorns,
after that both Earth and Stone Pony races; Belire then Thorosian,
the other unicorn race; Eleancana,
and finally the Peragle Pegasi.

When it comes down to precise measurements, it goes as follows in my canon.
The tallest are obviously Alicorns at 7'2"
The first inbetween pone, the Peanox Pegasi stands at 6'.3"
Next is the Reanent Unicorn, standing at 5'.6"
The perfect average at 5'2" is the Belire Earth Ponies
Next is the Thorosian Stone ponies at 4'.6"
Second smallest are the Eleancana Unicorns at an even 4'
The smallest pones are the Peragle Pegasi at 3'5"

Now obviously these are only the average for each race. when it comes to individual heights that will vary as any real height would. For the heights of the main characters I don't think that matters very much at the moment. If I feel like making a character page for this story I may put the heights and other unique features that don't get explained in the story there.

Now before I get into a in depth description of each, I'll pop a spoiler filter on it in case you only came down here for the heights.

You already know what alicorns look like... BUUUUUT I may have some unique characteristics for each of them considering how little Alicorns there are. But the story is nowhere near ready for that reveal.

The Peanox Pegasi are characterized by their slim graceful bodies and tall statures, second only to the Alicorns themselves! What adds to their ethereal beauty is their large and gorgeous wings. Peanox Pegasi are also known for their sensitivity to atmospheric magic which makes them excellent at all things weather. Peanox Pegasi are considered the 'Beautiful Race'.

The Reanent Unicorns are characterized not only by their height compared to their smaller cousins, but their proclivity to using components and other things as conduits for their magic. the most common tool a Reanent Unicorn will use is gemstones for their ease of use and control over specific elements. A sufficeintly skilled Reanent using gems could reach the level or even surpass an Eleancana! Their height is a byproduct or there being less magical energy pressing down on them, due to not being as magically attuned as the other race. Reanent Unicorns are considered the 'Creative Race'.

The Belire Earth Ponies are characterized due to their mastery over they very Earth the walk on, lending almost every Belire to be extraordinary farmers or landshapers. Belire Earth Ponies are the strongest Non-Alicorn race of Ponies, and that's no maid's tale! Because Belire have large forms and inherit great strentgh they are the most intimidating AND strongest Ponies. Belire Earth Ponies are considered the 'Landscape Race'.

The Thorosian Stone Ponies are close to Belire Earth Ponies only in height. Thorosian Stone Ponies are characterized by their speed surprisingly enough, they are third in the pony races however, coming up behind Peragle Pegasi and Alicorns. That's not an excuse to count them out however, when properly motivated they are still the fastest land species in the entire Land of Equestria! When it comes to their inherit magic they are all about the stone and ore Belires overlook for soil and tillable land, a skilled Thorosian can burrow through a mountain or bust through the toughest griffon metal barricade! Thorosian Stone ponies are considered the 'Relentless Race'.

The Eleancana Unicorns are characterized by their intense and powerful magical connection, Second only to Alicorns for sheer magical output! Eleancana Unicorns have all gone on to be incredibly powerful mages, wizards, shamans and everything else that concerns magic. as consequence for their incredible power Eleancana Unicorns are suitably rare. Eleancanas are on the smaller side, due to the pressure of ambient magic vying for their attention, as such it is a sore spot for a good chunk of them. But Eleancana have one more trick up their non-existent sleeves, due to having so many common magical ancestors, each Eleancana has a unique Overload form, whichever gene is more prevalent in their DNA allows them to take on a different form until they burn through their magic supply, So don't count them out of the ring just yet! Eleancana Unicorns are considered the 'Blessed Race'.

The Peragle Pegasi are characterized by their speed, they are so fast a few of them have actually surpassed Alicorns! In a Peragle Pegasi pursuit of speed they have sacrificed EVERYTHING, causing them to be the smallest race, but that just made them even faster! Another advantage Peragle Pegasi have over the other mortal races is how they percieve the world around them. Due to the insane speeds they live at Peragle Pegasi actually process everything at a higher speed as well. If you thought waiting a minute was boring, imagine that every minute lasted 4 minutes instead! Peragle Pegasi are considered the 'Light-Speed Race'.

There it is! My explanation for some of the thoughts running through my head. I would love nothing more than to hear your thoughts on this! so please leave a comment with any questions or just to discuss anything you want to adapt into your own canon.

Some very nice stuff here, now got a racial sub type for the character sheet, next up would be Class, then Traits, Abilites and Feats?

And cupcakes. :pinkiehappy:

Don't tempt me, I would 100% do all of that off the cuff. I might even do it in my off time then put it in the character page sometime in the future.


Pinkie, Maud etc would be Stone Type, then Pinki would be Eldtritch Class? or just Excession?

I myself think Id best match Stone Type, Neighton Class.

If the Mountain cant come to Muleholland?

You just aint pushing hard enough. :rainbowwild:

Well I do have a class system of a sort cooking up in my grey matter, but anything to do with characters or their stories I shall not reveal until their time. but I can say this about Pinkie...

Sometimes the simplest solution is the right one.

Also, Yes, her family line is Thorosian ;)

Something makes me think Raven decided to put the requested action in a room she believes is in far too urgent a need of extensive redecoration.

Maybe even The Extremely Offensively Decorated Room.:trixieshiftright:

Well that depends on the requests themselves. The room could use a fresh red coat.

i really want to see what Discord does in the bar

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