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It was lunchtime in Falmouth, and that usually meant that work stopped temporarily on the dockside. This brought a temporary moment of peace and quiet amongst the usual hustle and bustle of freight being shuffled across the dockside. And this was a silence that many appreciated.

Misty was sharing the opportunity for a meal with Lady Haven, who had popped down from her duties up at the big house specially for the event. Misty had a rather strong attachment to the woman. Having no memories of who her parents were meant that Lady Haven was the only real parental figure she had, and the fact the Havens had taken her in with no hesitation was a positive feeling for her.

"It's wonderful to hear you're settling in so well," Lady Haven said. "I can see this has done you a world of good."

"Thank you," Misty replied. "You guys took me in and treat me as one of your own. I have my friends and family to thank for getting me back on my feet."

Just then, a strange smell wafted over to them, and Misty held her nose. "Ugh! That smells awful!"

She saw three people standing around and holding paper in their hands. They would light one end, put the other end in their mouths, and then blow smoke like an engine!

Lady Haven glanced over and sighed. "More questionable antics of youth. Some things never change."

"What is it?" Misty asked.

"They," Lady Haven explained, "are smoking. But not ordinary nicotine like you might see in old movies. It's a drug called cannabis (it was very popular when I was at university, amongst certain groups of people), and it produces that very distinctive smell. But willing consumption of the drug is a crime, and if somebody offers you something and you don't know what it is, say no and back off."

"Understood," Misty replied. She still hadn't completely lost the 'lowly servant' mindset she'd had under Opaline, and sometimes responded to conversations in this manner.

Just then, the town clock made some noise. "Ah, look at the time!" Lady Haven smiled. "I'll need to get back to work now, but enjoy your day!"

As she set off, and Misty turned her attention back to her food, she didn't spot somebody putting something in her drink.

"So, what is this thing?" Zipp asked. She and the others were sat around a table, looking closely at a strange object. It was a dark green object that was square in shape, only it was flared at the bottom, and had a blob of circular metal on a long pole on the inside.

"I found this thing in dad's collections," Sunny replied, "and with his permission I suggested we take a look at it to try and figure out what it is. It looks like an old bell, but it doesn't make any noise when you ring it."

Izzy peered closely at the object. "On the one hand, these sorts of colours usually indicate something evil. But on the other, it is really nicely made." She looked elsewhere. "Tambelon Bell Foundry? I don't know that one."

"I'll Google it!" Pipp said, and took out her phone.

Misty finished her drink and hopped back on the footplate of Bellerophon. They had some work to do on the dockside, and soon set about it.

"Lovely day we're having!" Bellerophon called.

Misty didn't reply. Truth be told she didn't feel like herself at all. Everywhere she looked the colours were unusually saturated, like the world had suddenly turned into a technicolour film. Even worse, her motor control was a bit off- her hands were shaking badly, as if they had a mind of their own.

Some people waved from nearby as the engine rolled into the dockside, but Misty simply used the cylinder cocks to encourage them to step away. She thought they were laughing at her!

"Misty, you're behaving seriously weirdly today," Bellerophon said.

Misty was about to reply, but yelled out in shock. "LOOK OUT!"

Up ahead were several derailed trucks blocking the track! Knowing precisely what to do, Misty shut off steam and slammed on the brakes, bringing Bellerophon to a sudden and violent stop. Misty was only just able to maintain her balance on the footplate as they came to a halt.

The tank engine was not hugely happy. "Misty, what the blazes is wrong with you?!" he snapped, in a rare show of anger.

"We couldn't hit those trucks!" Misty replied.

"What trucks?"

"The trucks right the-" Misty trailed off as she looked forward. Where there had been trucks before, now there was absolutely nothing at all. "Huh?"

"There were never any trucks there at all," Bellerophon replied. "We've basically stopped for no reason."

Misty brought her hands up and regarded them with horror. "What's happening to me?" she whimpered quietly.

"I'd suggest not driving if you're hallucinating," Bellerophon suggested.

Misty then had a brainwave. What if her symptoms were a consequence of magic? She could ask her friends for help! "Wait here, Bellerophon! I'm going for help!"

"Good luck!" Bellerophon replied, by now transformed into a lion on wheels. Misty's shoes were now squelching, and as she looked down she saw the concrete had changed into soft cheese, and the sea into red wine.

As Misty made her way down the dockside, she dodged all the people. Their hair had come alive and was now fighting against each other, Godzilla style.

After a terrifying journey, Misty opened the door to the lighthouse cottage. "Guys, I need your help. Something's seriously wrong with me, and..."

She trailed off as she saw a scene of absolute chaos breaking out inside the kitchen. Hitch was throwing garbage all over the place and leaving the floor in a complete mess. Izzy was breaking all sorts of crafts and items. Pipp was playing heavy metal on a guitar, totally at odds with the ballads and pop she liked.

But Sunny and Zipp had undergone the most alarming changes. Sunny was tearing up photos of things she had done with her friends. "WHO NEEDS TEAMWORK?!" she bellowed. "IT'S EVERYBODY FOR THEMSELVES OUT HERE!"

And Zipp had donned a crown and had fabricated a throne for herself out of boxes and chairs. "Bow before your rulers, you lesser beings!" she boomed.

Misty spotted a strange bell. It was green and glowing, with energy flowing from it. "The bell is doing this!" she realised, before grabbing a hammer from a nearby workbench. She ran over to the bell and began smashing it with the hammer. "STOP... DOING... THIS... TO... MY... FRIENDS!"

Before long, the bell was in pieces. But the others weren't happy. "What did you do?" Hitch demanded.

"That object was priceless!" Pipp screeched.

"Not to mention super shiny!" Izzy added, her eyes wild.

"Silly mortals, always doing foolish things!" Zipp jeered.

"All the more reason you should work for yourself!" Sunny snorted.

Pipp looked at the others and pointed. "RUN HER OUT OF TOWN!"

Misty shrieked and ran for it as the other pursued her out of the lighthouse cottage. All around her she could see people laughing. Frightening heads floated all around and screamed bizarre threats.

Misty's heart was pumping so fast in her chest it felt it like would explode. She slid underneath some tables to buy some time, but soon found herself at the waterfront. Both paths were blocked.

Rubbish was flying from both sides, and her friends approached her. "We've got you now!" Hitch said, with an evil smile. "We'll ensure her kind never come here again!"

Misty tried to step backwards, but felt the cold railing against her. She dropped down and pulled herself into a ball, making herself as small as possible. "N- no! I never wanted this! I'm sorry! I'll go if you want! JUST DON'T HURT ME!"

Suddenly, the noise stopped, and all seemed calm once more. Misty removed her hands from her face and looked around. There were no crowds, no rubbish- just her friends. "Wait, what?"

"That's what we want to know too," Sunny said. "You've been behaving erratically. Is something going on?"

Misty sighed. "This will seem like the understatement of the year, but something is seriously wrong with me."

Later on Lady Haven arrived. "Could somebody explain what all the pandemonium in town was all about?" she asked.

So, Misty began to describe what she had seen. A policeman then arrived, and looked concerned. "That," he said, "is very concerning. The visions you are describing are consistent with Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD for short, which is an illegal drug. It seems as though your drink was spiked with the substance."

Upon hearing the word 'illegal', Misty's eyes went wide, and she looked over fearfully. "I'm not going to prison, am I?" she asked quietly.

"Nobody is going to prison, at least from amongst us," Lady Haven said. "Accidental ingestion of drugs is not a crime."

"Quite right," said the policeman. "I shall now open an investigation into this and hunt for the culprit."

Pipp looked to Misty. "You look like you have a rough day. Fancy going to the ice cream shop?"

"I'd like that," Misty said, her face lighting up.

Opaline laughed from her chamber. "It worked!" she said. "That silly child didn't know what was coming to her. Furthermore, the drug clearly works. This is the price you pay for treason!"

Author's Note:

This story combines the basic plotlines of Smoked Up, a fan episode of Thomas and Friends that serves as a drug PSA, and the Tell your Tale episode As the Misty Clears. The title is derived from the expression 'Trainspotting at Leith Central', a colloquial Edinburgh term for a pointless activity (a pretty accurate summary of taking drugs IMO).

The 'visions' that Misty experiences are references to numerous episodes of Tell your Tale, as well as common auditory and visual hallucinations experienced by people on LSD (inspiration for describing them was taken from first hand accounts of the 'acid tests' run by Ken Kesey in the 1960s).

I am aware this story is quite anvillicious in its messaging, but I'll make it very clear; do not consume illegal substances, as they can destroy you, your friends, and your relationships. If you find these substances anywhere, contact your local authorities or the police who will dispose of them properly.