• Published 3rd Jul 2023
  • 265 Views, 190 Comments

Thomas and Friends: Fun in the Sun - The Blue EM2

Seaside! We're off to the Seaside! We're Gonna have a Lovely Day!

  • ...

Salty and the Treasure

It was a wonderful morning in Devon, and the engines were already hard at work. One of the trains rattled out of Paignton on its way to Kingswear, transporting lots of excited passengers to visit a wonderful lakeside town. The town of Kingswear and Dartmouth, to be precise.

This was not the case for Salty, however. He had to remain in the yard, as he wasn't powerful enough to pull most of the line's trains. He was, however, perfectly suited to shunting the coaches, and as such he was put to use assembling passenger trains for the remainder of the day's services.

As he rolled back and forth, he sang to himself. "Don't haul on the Rope! Don't climb up the Mast! And if you see a Sailing Ship it might well be your last!"

"Another traditional shanty?" Sunny asked.

"Indeed," Salty replied. "That's always a good one. Personally I prefer Dervina Harvey's version to Nathan Evans' take, but they both have their upsides."

Just then, there was conversation on the platform. A lot of important people had just appeared on the platform, dressed in such a manner you'd think the King had just arrived.

"This is most awful!" said one man, carrying a bell. "The Admiral will be here soon, and there's no train to convey him to Kingswear! Whatever shall we do?"

Salty overheard this. "I wonder what's going on?"

"Maybe you could ask him?" Sunny suggested. "You know what, I will." With that, she secured the parking brake and walked over to the group of people. "Hello? Is something the matter?"

"I'm afraid it is," said another man, who was carrying a large stick with a crown on it. "We, the Town Council, have teamed up with the council of Dartmouth to open a new museum to celebrate our local maritime history. Admiral Seaspray of the Royal Navy is made to be opening it. But with no train we cannot get him there!"

Sunny had a brainwave. "We could take you there!" she suggested.

The man with the bell glanced to Salty. "What, in that smelly old thing?!"

"He's perfectly capable of pulling up to three coaches on these gradients," Sunny replied. "Will three coaches be enough?"

"More than enough!" replied another fellow with an enormous hat. "That's the solution we shall use!"

About half an hour later, a man with blue skin and turquoise blue hair arrived, wearing a black uniform with gold embellishments in many places and white gloves. Sunny quickly inferred this was the dress uniform of an officer of the Royal Navy. "Good morning, gentlemen," he said. "I am Admiral Seaspray, and I trust this is the train?"

"It is, sir," said the man with the enormous hat. "I am aware it is not quite what you might have had in mind, but we had to improvise."

"These coaches seem altogether quite pleasant," Seaspray said. "I shall board immediately." And he did. "I wonder if we'll find the treasure this time?"

Salty overheard this. "What's all this about treasure?" he asked.

"I don't know," Sunny replied. "But let's get rolling. I suspect the Admiral is a man who does not like to be kept waiting."

As they rolled along the line, Salty noticed the Admiral was doing some very strange things. He leaned out of the window. "There's the eagle!" he said. "Note which way the beak is pointing!"

A figure behind him noted the direction. "Bearing of South South West, sir," she said.

"Excellent," the Admiral said. "That would put the clouds on land."

Salty was very confused. It was all very odd.

Sunny brought the train to a stop as Porter rolled by with some refridgerated vans. "Hello Salty!" he said. "Empty stock?"

"No," Salty replied. "An admiral of the Royal Navy needs to get to the end of the line for the opening of a museum."

"I've got some ice cream to spare if you need any in the heat!" Izzy said, producing a half-melted ice cream.

"Err, no thanks," Sunny replied, just as the signal changed. "See you later, Izzy!"

"See ya!"

Porter looked over and saw the Admiral looking at clouds. "What on Earth?"

As the train continued on its way, the odd behaviour from the party continued. "Was it clouds that aren't in the sky next?" the Admiral asked. "I think it was."

"Yes sir," the other sailor replied. "Possibly a reflection?"

As the train crested the bank and rolled into Churston, they went past a large puddle with clouds in it. Or rather, the reflection of clouds.

"Perfect!" the Admiral said. "We must be close!"

At Churston, they would have to wait for another train, and Sunny had a dispatch to read.

"Admiral is late stop. Speed up stop. Party is on tight schedule owing to rough waters stop. Advise using more powerful engine in future stop."

Sunny glanced up. "Well, bless me!" she said. "Somebody's impatient!"

"I'm not the fastest of diesels in all fairness," Salty replied. "But we should be able to get some speed up down into Kingswear."

Sure enough, the next train arrived, and they were soon underway again. After a relatively quick run down the hill they pulled into Kingswear, and the party quickly dismounted.

Moments later, Salty spotted something. "Look over there!" he said. "There's something glinting at the beach side, near the cafe there!"

This caught the Admiral's attention. "That's the last clue!" he said. "The skull and crossbones will reveal the lost treasure! We must dig it up without delay!"

"But what about the museum, sir?" said the main in the enormous hat, as they ran down the platform.

"The treasure will be a perfect exhibit to put in the museum, of course!" the Admiral replied.

After several minutes of digging, a box with six locks was unearthed. The Admiral, always one step ahead, produced six keys and opened each lock one by one. And inside were several beautiful gems and a lot of gold.

"At long last, the lost treasure of Captain Redbeard has been found!" Admiral Seaspray smiled. "I knew the clues would lead us here eventually."

Sunny then received another dispatch. "Remarkable find stop. Please excuse my impatience stop. Commendation for stepping in at short notice stop. Don't ever stop."

She turned to Salty. "Well, they found the treasure!" she said.

"And treasure of real life pirates too," Salty added. "It's a most shipshape day, me hearties!"

Author's Note:

Whilst not the best of Thomae episodes, Thomas and the Treasure is a story that fits Salty well, considering his nautical background. Seaspray is, of course, the EqG equivalent of a hippogriff character, which was a nice thing to have since it's been a while since those were a thing.