• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 270 Views, 8 Comments

Splash of Friendship - Aether Nexus

It occured to Easle Splash, that perhaps making the Equestrian Friendship Ambassidor 20% cooler with a coat of paint was not the best idea, his punishment, three years at Princess Sparkles School of Friendship.

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Chapter 1 - The crusaders gather part 2

Canterlot Castle

Royal archives - Starswirl wing

Nine weeks before school.

Deep within the Canterlot Archives, concealed behind numerous shelves and surrounded by towers of books,sits a white coated unicorn filly with a mane of jade green which was split in two by a single stripe of pink, and emblazoned on her flank was a trio of jade green stars. While the moon currently held dominion over the skies, and all the candles in the archive had been extinguished, a single mote of light served as illumination for the filly, along with several tomes, while initially grabbed for reference, had long since been forgotten as she focused on the text between her hooves.

According to Starswirl's treaties on harmonic meta enhancements to magic, as observed from several wielders of harmony, it is possible with strong connection to harmony, along with a foci dedicated to one of its aspects, for a creature to channel the natural magicks of our plane to alter the intention of certain spells.

An example of this can be witnessed from my good friend Rockhoof, whose connection to the aspect of strength enhances his natural earth pony abilities, granting him strength beyond any other creature I have met.

Through discussion with the sisters, I believe this energy is in fact drawn from a plane of existence tied to our own. While many names could be attributed to it, either ‘Harmonic Plane’ or ‘Passage of Souls’ seem to be fitting names to this location. I shall elaborate more upon this place in a future text.”

Jade Star sighed. Of course this book would lead towards yet another tome, it seemed that each book the ancient unicorn had written would inevitably reference a book that he intended to release at a later date. Of course, at her current count, five of those books were un-accounted for within the archive, possibly six since she had not come across any text that could be a study into this “Harmonic Plane”. But whoever these “Sisters'' were, they were starting to get on Jade’s nerves. Several references to the “Sisters'' could be found scattered throughout all of Starswirl’s works, however their names, or even any indication of who they could be eluded her.

Then there was the difference between the names, ‘Harmonic Plane’ or ‘Realm of Souls’. She’d heard of the latter, it usually came up in religious texts about the afterlife, a rite of passage where a creature’s soul is judged on its way to Elysium. What a place like that could have to do with Harmony however was lost on her. Maybe these Sisters shouldn’t be considered as reliable sources.

Jade’s eyes twitched, the clip and clop of hooves started to fill the silent archive. Some pony else had entered the archives, but at this hour who could it be?

Her mother, Darning Weave? They had gotten into an argument just a few short hours earlier. When Jade had heard that her mother had returned to the castle, she was initially excited, but that changed when the mare opened her mouth.

“Jade, darling, there you are. I have the most exciting news! I managed to get you a spot at the School of Friendship, you’ll even be staying in my old dorm, the Crusader lodge. Isn’t that marvellous, darling?”

Jade couldn’t quite remember what happened after that. She knew she’d been angry, she’d shouted, her mane had caught fire, and then she had managed to cast a teleport. Why was it always this way? Deep down she knew her mother was trying to do something nice, but she didn’t have time for distractions now. She also vaguely remembered her mother saying she had to leave again, so this intruder couldn’t be her.

The hoof steps grew louder, and Jade noted that each step took slightly longer than a regular pony’s, which reduced the options down to three ponies, two of whom were in different countries, and meant that they were no intruder.

Rounding a corner, a large lavender alicorn stepped into the light, ethereal mane blowing as if caught in a non-existent wind, the light reflecting off her polished regalia.

“Hello, my little star. I see you’re having a late night study session, may I join you?”

Princess Sparkle, Ruler of Equestria and leader of the Harmony Coalition and her teacher.

“Of course, Princess, but I was just er … leaving! Big day tomorrow, lots of work to do, it is very late and I should be going!”

Jade Star knew of course that what she was studying wasn’t exactly forbidden. She also knew from experience that the princess would happily join her and help in a late night study session. What she wanted to avoid was the princess figuring out why she was researching Harmonic meta magic, that was definitely illegal.

“Hmm…” Princess Sparkle, seemingly unfazed by Jade's statement, moved up and sat down on a cushion beside Jade. “Let’s see… oh one of Starswirl's books, which one … harmonic enchantment. Jade Star, that … ia a most interesting choice of study.”

Busted, her reaction said it all, but the divine fury, anger or mild annoyance that Jade expected was absent from the alicorn. In fact it was almost as if the alicorn was terrified.

“Jade … I’m sorry.”

The universe was mocking her, Princess Sparkle was now apologising to her, but that could mean only one thing.

“Princess, does that mean you know? About my mother?”

Silence now reigned in the library. Jade Star hardly dared to breathe.

“I’m sorry, Jade Star, but yes. I am very well aware of your mother’s … condition, but I must ask you not to follow this line of research.”

“But Princess - ”

“Your mother wouldn’t want this. The cost of using this type of magic caused this, it won’t reverse what has been done.”

“But there has to be something that I can do, she’s dying!”

She’d said it, Jade wasn’t angry about been sent to some school. Jade often argued with her mother for many reasons, but the real reason, the one that she had never said to anypony, was that Darning Weave's magical signature was growing weaker and should a unicorn's magical signature disappear, all prognosis were terminal. Her mother was dying and instead of spending time together, her mother was galavanting around Equestria and she was either starting an argument or burying herself in research.

The filly didn’t know when she started crying. She didn’t realise when a magenta glow brought her into the embrace of the alicorn, and she wouldn’t remember how long they stayed together before she cried herself to sleep wrapped in lavender wings.


Twilight walked through the castle with the wreck of a unicorn she had failed on her back. Jade should be still finding her place in the world, but what did she have? A mother who had sold her magic in service of Equestria, a home surrounded by insufferable nobles who gossiped about the young pony, and a second parent who might as well be absent from her life. Quietly, Twilight slipped into the quarters Jade shared with her mother, and brought the filly to her bed, tucking her in for the night.

“Sleep well my little princess, I hope someday you will forgive us.”

Author's Note:

Sorry this took longer than I hoped,

It's had a complete re-write, a prospective shift and cutting the introduction of the last two crusaders till part 3.

I know its weird that the main character of the Fic (Easle Splash) hasn't really been talked about yet but she'll be the focus from now on.