• Published 1st May 2023
  • 731 Views, 11 Comments

No, Maybe, Yes - Uz Naimat

The Fall Formal is her chance to find out whether she likes him.

  • ...

This is our big night...

This was an awful idea.

Why had she agreed to this?

Sunset Shimmer stood in the CHS gym, squirming in her uncomfortable heels. Her white dress, while stunning, showed far too much skin for her liking. But the Fall Formal demanded a more, well, formal attire, and so Sunset was forced to suck it up and put on a halter dress and tall, aching heels.

The party’s music blasted into the room. Students were dancing and mingling. The photo booth had a long line, and the food was rapidly depleting. Sunset may have hated formal parties, but unfortunately, this one was necessary. The Formal was the best place to further her plans of taking over the school. If she won Princess - and she knew would, since she spent months planning this - then the whole school would see that she was in charge, that she made the rules and that she decided how things are done. She would be at the top, where she belonged.

The problem with this particular party, however, was that she had a date.

Sunset looked at the food table and spotted him by the punch bowl. He was chatting with a friend while filling two cups. Flash Sentry was usually attractive, but tonight he looked especially dashing. His black tuxedo fit him perfectly, accentuating his build. His hair was combed back for once, and the blue bowtie he wore added just the right pop of color.

Sunset had intended on attending the Formal by herself, but Flash had approached her two days ago. He had found her studying in the library, and had, without waiting for her permission, sat down across from her.

“What do you want?” Sunset had asked without looking up.

“Formal’s coming up,” Flash has said with a large grin. “I was wondering if you might be interested in going with me?”

Sunset was unfamiliar with the concept of asking people out, but she was pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to be like this. She eyed Flash suspiciously. “This is how you’re asking me out?” she asked, skeptical.

His smile faded, replaced instead with a nervous look. “Look, I… I know it’s last minute, but it might be fun, you know? We could get to know each other better.”

Sunset had only said yes because Flash was among the popular boys at CHS. Going to the dance with him was an excellent way to boost her own popularity. Everyone would be talking about them and the chances of her winning the crown would increase significantly.

It wasn’t until he had come to pick her up that she realized what she’d actually signed up for. Sunset had never gone on a date before, and her first one just had to be at the Fall Formal. If she made a single wrong move, or just behave awkwardly, the entire school would be witness. Her plans would crumble before her very eyes.

“Sunset? You still here?”

Sunset snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of Flash’s voice. He was standing next to her and carrying two cups. He offered one to her.

“Yeah. I was just thinking,” she replied as she accepted the drink. She took a sip.

“About what?”

She shrugged. “The dance. My crown. About how lucky you are that I agreed to come with you.”

Flash laughed at that. It was a smooth, pleasant laugh - the kind that made Sunset inexplicably warm inside. “Well then,” he said, “let’s make tonight the most memorable of dates.” He raised his cup.

Sunset clinked her cup with his and finished her drink.

The pair lapsed into a comfortable silence. Sunset glanced at Flash and saw him looking longingly at the couples on the dance floor. He asked me out two days before the party, Sunset reminded herself. If I wait for him to make the first move, we’ll be here all night.

Feeling resolved, she put her cup down on a nearby table and held out her hand. “Flash. Do you wanna dance?” she asked.

Flash looked surprised, no doubt taken aback by Sunset’s forward approach. But he slowly broke into a smile. “I’d love that.”

And with that, he took her hand in his and led her to the dance floor. The pair placed themselves in the middle of the gym. They moved slowly, following the rhythm of the gentle music.

Sunset didn’t know much about dancing, but Flash clearly knew what he was doing and she followed his lead. They held hands and danced in a comfortable silence. But Sunset was still a novice and she accidentally stepped on his foot.

“Never danced before?” he asked as he winced from the pain.

“Is it really that obvious?”

“It kinda shows.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and placed one hand on his waist and another on his shoulder. Flash mirrored her movements and the pair’s dancing increased in pace.

“Be honest with me, Flash. Why did you ask me out?”

Flash grimaced. After a few seconds, he looked her in the eye. “I like you.”

Sunset stopped dancing. “Wait, what?”

“Iʼve liked you for a while.” He smiled.

That made sense. From what Sunset knew, boys who like a girl would ask her out. I should’ve realized this sooner. The question was: did Sunset like him back? Flash was a great guy, but he was more of an asset than anything else. He was helpful - ready to assist at any moment . He was also attentive, he listened closely with little interruptions. But Sunset was firm in her belief that Flash was only an asset, nothing more.

But on the other hand, Sunset didnʼt mind his company. If anyone else had dared to sit down at her lunch table without invitation, they wouldʼve been sent crying. With Flash, however, it was different. He came up to her all the time, and not only did Sunset not get mad, she indulged him. Was that a sign that she liked him?

She decided not to let that uncertainty show. “Well, obviously. Whatʼs not to like?”

Flash chuckled, but Sunset noticed a hint of disappointment in his eyes as his hold on her waist loosened.

Oh, shoot. I might actually lose him. Lying to Flash was probably not a good idea, so Sunset decided to do something she rarely, if ever, did.

Be sincere.

She smiled at him. “Thank you. Iʼm flattered.” She pulled Flash closer. “Iʼm glad you asked me to come.”

Flashʼs smile returned, sending tingles down Sunsetʼs spine. He took her hand in his and started spinning her around the room. They moved a little clumsily, Flash’s feet barely escaping his date’s.

Being so physically close to him made Sunset realize just how much she enjoyed his company. His skin was warm against hers. He smelled nice. She blushed.

The music went from a slow, gentle melody to a more upbeat tempo. The pair moved to its rhythm, their dancing getting faster. At one point, Sunset bent down, one leg hanging mid-air and Flash looking down at her with his signature goofy grin.

They concluded their dance right as the music stopped. Sunset was breathing heavily. “That was the most exercise I’ve gotten in ages,” she said.

Flash looked equally as tired. “Glad you liked it,” he said.

Sunset turned her eyes towards Flash. All this dancing and being so close to him felt… nice. Her heart was hammering, not just because of the exhaustion, and she felt her stomach turn. Am I falling for him?

No, that canʼt be. Must be those stupid teenage hormones.

She didnʼt have much time to think about it, though, as Principal Celestia walked onto the stage. Vice Principal Luna followed and carried a small chest. It no doubt contained the princessʼ crown.

Sunset Shimmer’s crown.

“Evening, dear students,” Celestia said on the microphone. “I am very pleased with all of you for putting together this yearʼs Fall Formal. It has been such a success.” She paused, allowing the students to applaud and cheer. “And now, the moment youʼve all been waiting for. It is time to crown this yearʼs Princess of the Fall Formal!” Luna walked forward and opened the chest. The golden crown glistened in the light, its single red stone shining bright.

Sunset held her breath. This was it. This was the moment she had spent the last three months working for. Everything she had done to gain the studentsʼ favor, everything she had done to make herself the most popular girl at CHS, it was all coming down to this. She felt Flash hold her hand and gently squeeze it.

“This yearʼs princess is… Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset sighed in relief. She did it! She actually did it! She got herself crowned as a princess! She let go of her dateʼs hand and walked up the stage in a state of total happiness.

Celestia placed the crown on Sunset’s head and a feeling of pure bliss coursed through her body. She had waited years for this. Years! Sure, she wasn’t a real alicorn princess yet, but this was a good start. Now she could focus on the next step: become a princess with real authority.

Sunset scanned the crowd and was elated by the applause she received. She spotted Flash smiling and giving her a thumbs-up. She smiled back and winked at him, causing him to blush.

Maybe I do like him.

Sunset Shimmer sat on the steps of the schoolʼs front stairs, the concrete cold underneath her bare feet. The heels were uncomfortable as was, but all that dancing had been torture. She relished the chance to sit back and enjoy the quiet of the night.

She regretted not bringing a coat, though, as fall nights could be very chilly in this world. The leaves - golden, red, and orange - adorned the nearby trees. The sky was clear, the stars were twinkling, and a light breeze blew. From where she was sitting, Sunset had a clear view of the portal back home. She looked away, not wanting to dwell on it.

“Your Highness.”

Sunset jumped at the sudden voice and whirled around. Flash Sentry was standing behind her, a goofy grin on his face. He got closer and took a seat next to her.

“Had a feeling Iʼd find you here,” he said.

Sunset returned his smile with one of her own. “Oh yeah? How?”

“You come here everytime you want to be alone.” He shrugged. “Wasn’t hard to figure out where you went when you fled the party.”

She frowned and glared at him. “I did not ‘flee the party’. I told you I just needed some air.”

“Which everyone knows is code for ‘I need to escape because the party’s getting too much for me’,” he replied, air quoting with his fingers.

Sunset’s frown slowly faded, making way for a smile that matched Flash’s own. The pair shared a laugh, quieting down after a few seconds.

She used the silence to reflect on the night’s events. Tonight, she won the Princess’ crown. Her crown. She was one step closer towards ruling the school and achieving her end goal of ruling Equestria. She reached up and felt the tiara on her head. A content sigh escaped her lips.

Flash broke the silence. “So now that you’re princess, what are your plans for the Great Kingdom of CHS?” he asked, a playful grin on his face.

Sunset pondered the question for a moment. “I have lots of plans for this school. But I think the first order of business is to get me a throne.” She paused, then turned to look at him. “And maybe one for my prince consort, too.”

His eyes widened for a split second, before he broke out into a warm smile. It was the kind of warm smile that sent shivers down Sunset’s spine. He took her hands in his, and Sunset returned his smile.

“I wanna kiss you,” Flash muttered suddenly in a voice so quiet Sunset wouldnʼt have heard him if she werenʼt mere inches from his face.

A split second later, he realized what he just said and looked away, blushing furiously.

Do I want him? Sunset thought. She stared at Flash Sentry, at his build and his charm. She thought of his popularity, his usefulness and his loyalty.

Do I want him? Yes. Yes, I do.

She squeezed his hands gently. “You may.”

Flash turned back to look at her. Their eyes locked, and the pair leaned closer until their foreheads touched. And then, before either of them could think further about it, their lips met.

It was a feeling Sunset had never known before. Flash’s lips were soft against her own, and she could still taste the sweet punch they had earlier. The warmth of his skin spread through Sunset’s body, sending fresh waves of tingles down her spine. She wrapped her hands around his waist and lost herself in a moment of pure bliss.

They parted after a few seconds, Sunset’s heart racing. Her breathing was heavy and her dress clung to her sweaty body.

“That was… amazing,” she gasped in between breaths.

Flash, who was also panting, smiled at her. “Yeah, it was.” He gave a suggestive smirk. “We should do it again.”

“In that case…” Sunset returned his smirk with one of her own. “We should make it official. What do you say?”

Sunset had never dated anyone before and, frankly, she wasn’t sure what it even meant. But Flash was a great guy, and she enjoyed his company. Before tonight, he was tolerable. But after this Formal? Sunset realized he was irresistible. And she did like him. Sure, he was useful as an asset - as this could give a permanent popularity boost - but he could be so much more than that.

Flash, who had paused to consider, nodded. “I’d like that.”

The couple smiled at each other before leaning in for another kiss.

Author's Note:

A big thanks to Trellia and Scroll for making this story possible!

Comments ( 11 )

Stellar job.

Not many mistakes at all if any.


love it

This is a pretty good first attempt at a romance story, the awkwardness Sunset felt, in my opinion, ties it all together really well.

11572417, 11572424, 11572426, 11572613 and 11572711
Thank you all so much for your wonderful compliments!


Glad I got Sunsetʼs character right. Thank you for your compliment!

You really portrayed Sunset's character really well. I always enjoy reading about Sunset before her redemption. Especially when they show signs that she isn't all bad. All in all, great story.

Congratulations on the story already being featured. I'm glad this is going so well for you.

This is a very nice, warmhearted take on how Sunset and Flash got together pre-EqG that does a very nice job giving these characters nuance and depth. The portrayal of Sunset as wrestling with her feelings between whether she should treat Flash as a mere asset or as a genuine partner, and their dialogue is charmingly awkward in a way that feels natural to them as confused teenagers (one of whom is still new to her species, even). Well done, and congrats on your Judge Prize!

Thank you so much for your compliments, and for the work you put into this contest.

Iʼve always wanted to write a Sunset-Flash romance, but I never found a plot to write about. But this contest gave me an excuse to finally do it.

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