• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 795 Views, 170 Comments

Forbidden Love - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

He was the only one who paid attention to her. She can't help but think of him...

  • ...

Chapter Fifteen

Forbidden Love

Chapter Fifteen

And as I stood there in the dark like a lost lamb, I heard footsteps.

That did it.

I spun around with my pathetically small light facing the one who was creeping up on me, and waited for them to come closer, hoping that this was not my last minute alive.

A bright light appeared, almost blinding me and when it faded and my eyes no longer stung, I looked up to see a man, but with horns on the sides of his head, and wings.

He was walking down steps leading to a throne, and slowly approached me.

I was frozen in terror. I had never encountered a creature like this, nor read about it. Wait a second...That's a demon.

"Tell me, human, how did you manage to come to the realm of demons? "

His eyes blazed red, as though there were a fire inside them, and the aura he gave off unsettled me, and so, I told him everything.

"You seem to be telling the truth…" he mused. "If I am correct, you know that I am a demon, but do you know who I am, human?"

The way he called me 'human '... It sounded like an insult. "I have a name, you know."

The words were out of my mouth before I could think and I flinched as he held up a hand, grasping my hair and pulling me forward, causing me to stagger.

" And I asked you a question, " he snarled, his hot breath on my face.

He let me go, and I stumbled back, falling onto the ground.

He stood above me with a menacing grin on his face. "I am Ineritus, the Demon King. I am the most powerful demon here, as my father no longer lives. No need to offer your fake condolences, human. It was because of your kind that he was killed. "

I stood up and moved back. He moved forward, and this continued until he had me backed up against a wall.

"Humans are despicable. I hold hatred for all of your kind. Now, give me one good reason why I shouldn't end your pitiful life right here and this very second. "

I didn't dare to blink nor breathe, and my eyes darted around. "Please...we can talk about this."

He moves back, letting me collapse and laughs hysterically. "Talk -talk about it?" he asks in between his bitter laughter. "How about you tell me the full story first?"

" Full story?"

"You mentioned someone named Celestia when you told me about how you got here. Who is she, and what does she mean to you?"

"Celestia...is the heir to the throne in Canterlot. She's the oldest child of the current rulers. And...she's my best friend, or at least, she was."

" What do you mean by that? "

"Her parents forbade us from seeing each other, but we would still see each other secretly. Tonight, she didn't come…"

"Hmm… Now, let's get back on topic. Why shouldn't I kill you?"

" I...I can help you get revenge! "

He raised an eyebrow. "Revenge?"

"I-if your father really was killed by humans, you must want revenge, right? "

"So how will you be able to help me?"

"Demons were banished from the world of humans, but will a demon hiding in a human's body be stopped by the spell?"

"You seem awfully eager for me to take control of your body."

"I value my life. But...the ones who murdered your father would be long dead by now, wouldn't they?"

"The ones who murdered my father are none other than the current rulers of Equestria."

" Ah…I see… "

"Are you not going to protest?"

"No. Celestia's parents were the ones that separated us, and it's possible that Celestia was caught, in which case their reaction would be...bad. And Celestia has a younger sister, a mere child who is locked away and treated as if she were the scum of the earth, just because of the symbol of the Moon on her shoulder. I think they deserve what's coming to them. "

"Well, it was a pleasure to work with you…?"


He shakes my hand, and surprisingly, his touch does not burn me.

"Well then, Stygian. I must warn you, it may hurt a little when I enter your mind. "

"The pain will be worth it."

There was no escape. Mother and Father had me locked up in my room. Food was pushed in through a flap on the door.

I was in every sense, a prisoner.

For tonight had been planned with Stygian, a meeting, but as I had been caught…

I hope Stygian doesn't think that I don't want to see him any longer…

Every second I was trapped in this room was one that I regretted. A small slip of the tongue, and they knew everything…

Now I could not go anywhere. Luna was far out of my reach, and there were several spells on the door and window. Even if I managed to get past them, there were guards waiting for me and an alarm system which would alert my parents….

And my magic was restrained. I couldn't even cast something as simple as a light spell without it causing me pain.

Why did I have to be so careless?

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months…

I had lost all hope of ever seeing the world again…

Until this very night, that is.

I heard cries of pain, and my door was flung open to reveal...Stygian.

I could not believe my eyes. Stygian was in front of me!

Though he was covered in blood ...
"Stygian? It is you!"

"Yes, it is I, " he said, though his voice sounded rough and his tone was one of anger.

"Are you not happy to see me?"

"What sort of a question is that?" he scoffed. " Of course I am delighted to see you. I am merely angered due to what your parents did… "

"And the blood?"

"The guards who tried to stop me all perished. Come, let's go."

I hesitated. "You...killed all of them?"

"Only three or four. " He saw my expression. "I couldn't afford to let anything hold me back from my goal. I've waited long enough."

He took my hand in his and we left my room to see a rather ghastly sight.

The staff of the castle all lay dead with their bodies cut up into tiny pieces while guards battled with what appeared to be... demons.

"Stgyian? What happened?"

He merely laughed and I grabbed his face just in time to see his pupils dilate and turn to red.


He continued laughing as wings sprouted out of his back and his body became encased in fire, only for the flames to disappear for me to see that he now had pale skin and black hair to contrast with his blood red eyes.

No, this wasn't Stygian.

"Hahaha! You think that I am Stygian? Humans are so easy to fool… No, I'm not your secret midnight lover. I am Ineritus, the King of the Demons, and I have come here to reclaim my throne and exact my revenge."

I stumbled back, keeping myself a safe distance from him. "Revenge?"

"You know little, but...you will learn… "

"I suppose you summoned these demons?"

"Of course I did, Stella. Now, " he suddenly smirked before clicking his long fingers and pointing out of the window "why don't you run along and help your sister? "

"My sis-" I looked towards the direction he was pointing and gasped. The tower in which Luna was imprisoned was on fire!

"You'll pay for this," I growled before rushing, hoping I wouldn't be too late.

Damn my restrained magic! If only it was still working, I could have teleported to Luna!

But for now all I could do was run and hope…

Finally, these humans shall know their rightful place. Equestria will become mine again and those who dare stand against me shall pay...with their life.

I smirked as I surveyed the destruction below. The humans, those pitiful creatures, were fighting for a lost cause.

They were hopeless.

Though, there was something I could do right now...and that was taking advantage of all this chaos to locate the only ones who mattered.

The false King and Queen.

They'll rue the day they took my throne…

The day they killed my father…

Tonight they will pay…

Author's Note:

In case anyone got confused, italic+underlined is Stygian's POV, just italic is Celestia's, and just bold is Ineritus's.

I think another chapter of only flashbacks will finish the past parts, but of course I won't release that straight away. (Or will I? I'll have to check the story plan to determine it...)

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