• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 204 Views, 2 Comments

Power Surge: A Sonic the Hedgehog/EG Story - Lord Shadow Eclipse

Surge the Tenrec and Kit the Fennec are transported to the human world with Chaos Control, where they meet a certain black and red hedgehog and a group of former villains.

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Ch 1) New World to Destroy

Planet Mobius - The Eggperial City

Doctor Starline was having a great time with his plans going off without a hitch so far. The platypus's plan to take command of his idol's own citadel was quickly falling under his control thanks to a combination of his own genius and his own creations. Speaking of which, he could see one of them having fun down below.

A green blur shot down the streets of the city, destroying much of the Badnik Horde as she went. Mostly using her fists and feet, but sometimes relying on her electricity powers to take out some. It was none other than his magnum opus: Surge the Tenrec.

The green-haired tenrec was running and acting like a kid playing with new toys rather than a skilled fighter. Surge was ecstatic to finally be given a chance to really let loose and bash some bots. She was leaning over one destroyed Badnik with a huge smirk on her face.

"Ha! You think you can take me down?" Surge gloated. "Egghead can keep dreaming!"

A loud crash sounded from behind her and Surge looked to see her younger counterpart Kit the Fennec Fox behind her with a demolished Crabmeat wrapped in his water tendrils. Kit looked to Surge with an obvious look of concern.

"You okay, Surge?" he asked. Surge gave a small scoff.

"I don't need your help, drippy. I could take them even if they sneak up behind me!" Surge replied.

Surge turned around to see a large Egg Hammer with a large war hammer ready to crush the invading Mobians. The tenrec only cracked her knuckles and grinned manically at the robot.

"Hopefully you can give me more of a challenge than these small fries, big guy!" Surge said.

The Egg Hammer swung his hammer down, only for the speedy Surge to dodge out of the way. Kit was about to leap into action, only for Surge to stop him.

"This one's mine! You focus on clearing the path for me, drippy!" Surge said.

Kit reluctantly left Surge behind to face the Egg Hammer alone. The big robot swung at the tenrec over and over again, only for Surge to continuously dodge the bot's slow and predictable attacks. This went on until Surge zoomed up the robot's body and stood atop its head yawning.

"I was hoping you would actually be fun, but you're so slow and boring!" Surge said. "Guess I should wrap this up, now!"

Surge then Spin-Dashed up into the air and right through the top of the Egg Hammer's head, causing the robot to fall over in defeat. Surge then sped off further into the Eggperial City, seeing a lot of destroyed Badniks as she went.

"I gotta hand it to Kit, he really can handle himself against these dumb-bots," Surge admitted to herself. "I hope Starline hasn't croaked yet. I want to be the one to end him."

Starline was indeed fine. He was making excellent headway in using his Tricore to fly ahead and prepare both components of his plan: his Badnik Override Program and his makeshift device the Chaos Controller, another device that used the Warp Topaz. He was only going to use the Chaos Controller as a last resort. He smiled at seeing his plan fall into place.

"I'm sorry to do this, doctor, but you've left me no choice," Starline said to himself.

(Meanwhile - Dr. Eggman's Central Control Tower)

Dr. Eggman was hopping mad at what he was seeing on the screen. His own city was being infiltrated and his forces were being routed and destroyed by an unknown invading force. Eggman turned to Orbot and Cubot with a red face.

"Orbot! Cubot! Get me eyes on what's going on out there!!" he shouted to them.

"We're trying to get the security cams back online, boss!" Orbot said.

"They should be back online right about now, sir!" Cubot said.

The mad doctor turned his attention to the main monitor and saw several images on several tabs showing different images to him. Eggman froze some of the images to get a better look at what he was looking at. The images on the monitor left the doctor very intrigued.

"This is interesting. Not only did Starline turn turncoat against me, but he's here with some new associates," Eggman said with a manic grin. "I can already see where this is going, so I'll lay out the welcome wagon for them."

Eggman pushed a button on his chair and sent out his most powerful enforcer to deal with the tenrec and the fennec fox while he got up to go towards his elevator. Orbot and Cubot followed the doctor down the elevator.

"Where are we going, doctor?" Cubot asked. "Didn't you send out Metal Sonic to deal with them?"

"Metal will be able to handle these Sonic-and-Tails amateurs by himself. Starline himself needs a more... personal approach," Eggman replied. "I can already guess what he's planning to do, so I'm going to be prepared for him."

As Dr. Eggman descended down the tower to the lower level, he held onto hope that Metal Sonic would keep his little guests bust until he was ready.

(With Team Surge)

Surge and Kit were finishing off a swarm of Buzz-Bombers with ease, with Surge sitting on a pile of busted robots. Surge was becoming bored with this "battle" with the Badniks, and it was showing on her face.

"Ugh! This fight may be boring, but it'll be worth it once we finish off Starline," Surge said slamming a fist into her palm.

"Agreed, Surge. We should be able to do that while he's celebrating in the tower," Kit said.

After stretching for a bit, Surge sat up and made herself ready to speed off again with an eager smile.

"Then let's get goi--!" Surge said before being cut off.

Something blue and made of metal struck Surge from the side and made her crash into a wall, leaving a spiderweb of cracks on it. Surge was hurt, but not down. She looked up and saw something that Starline had shown her and Kit during their training.

Metal Sonic, one of Sonic's oldest and most enduring enemies, now stood before Surge ready for battle glaring down at her with his classic glowing red eyes. Finally, a real challenge for her. Surge smiled and looked at him like a kid getting a new toy for her birthday as she got up ready to rumble.

"You must be the Blue Bug's robo-copycat!" Surge said excitedly. "Let's have a tussle!"

Surge and Metal launched themselves at each other and locked their hands together in a grapple. Metal Sonic had years of battle experience, so he was able to roll forward and kick Surge in the stomach to knock her off. That blow to the stomach had Surge gripping her stomach in pain as Kit flew forward to defend Surge. But Surge waved him off.

"Don't do anything, drippy!" Surge called to him. "I can handle this!"

"But Surge--!" Kit said before Surge cut him off again.

"If I want your help, then I'll let you know!" Surge said. "Just let me have some fun with the Metal faker for now!"

The cyborg tenrec charged forward to resume her fight with Metal. As worked up as Surge was, she couldn't land a single blow on the battle-hardened robot. Metal Sonic kept dodging and blocking her frenzied attacks as well as landing strong strikes of his own. A fist to her face at one moment quickly became a kick to her back later. This continued until Surge was on her knees and wiping blood from a bleeding lip.

Just as Metal Sonic was about to deliver the finishing blow, Surge looked down and could see water pooling under Metal's feet. She looked behind him and saw Kit using his water tendrils to soak the ground around them. And she knew exactly what this meant.

"You may have some fancy computer brain, but I'm a walking bug zapper!" Surge said to Metal.

Before Metal could look down to see the danger he was in, Surge charged up her electricity and slammed her hands into the wet ground. The electricity instantly shot through the water and zapped Metal Sonic, making him flail and twitch like a puppet on strings. After a few moments of zapping, Metal Sonic collapsed to the ground in a metal heap. Surge gave Kit a smirk.

"Nice job, drippy! Let's get going to the tower already!" Surge said, getting to her feet.

The duo took off towards the tower to meet back up with Starline, with them thinking of ways to make the tower his tomb.

(With Starline at the Tower)

As Dr. Starline was making his way through the tower, he noticed the strange absence of Badniks protecting the tower. He decided not to make too big a deal about it since he was so close to completing his plan, so he had to get to the top of the tower.

"Soon, all of Eggman's forces will be under my control and I'll have the doctor rule by my side as equals. I just need to get to the control center," Starline said.

He made it all the way to a vacant control center with no sign of the doctor anywhere. Now that he was in, he walked over to the main computer and downloaded his Badnik Override Program. That was it, Dr. Starline was now in control of Eggman's robot army. He sat in Eggman's chair and smiled in victory.

"Now that Eggman's army is under my control, I'll be able to do what he couldn't: kill Sonic and take over the world!" Starline exclaimed. "Once I do, the doctor will finally acknowledge me and want to rule with me as my equal!"

Before he could pat himself on the back, a large shadow loomed over him from the window. Starline looked to see a giant smiling robot in the image of Robotnik himself. The humungous robot then spoke in Eggman's voice.

"I'm sorry, Starline, but I think you're in my seat!" Eggman said from within.

(With Surge and Kit)

The diabolical duo looked at the tower to see a giant Egg Emperor robot punching through the tower's top with worried glances to each other. As much as they despised Starline, they wanted to be the ones to finish him and not Eggman.

"Come on, drippy. We gotta save Starline from Baldy McNosehair," Surge said.

"Why? Why not let Eggman kill him for us?" Kit asked.

"Because he ruined our lives and made us his little pet monsters! We have to be the ones to make him pay!" Surge replied.

Surge and Kit sped towards the tower to take Eggman down. As they got closer, the Egg Emperor delivered another punch to the tower. Amidst the rubble that came down was a familiar object that they saw Starline carrying with him. The device hit the ground and cracked the orange gem held within it. It started to glow and malfunction as a result of the fall.

"Uh, is Starline's toy supposed to glow like that?" Surge asked.

"No, definitely not," Kit replied.

The device suddenly fired an orange beam at the two, striking both of them at once. The beam didn't hurt them, but it did make them feel oddly sleepy. Surge tried to pick up Kit and take him away from there but even she was started to black out from the beam. She felt Kit slip from her hands as she finally succumbed to sleep.


Surge woke up to a pounding headache. Her whole body felt like it was stuffed with cotton and her mouth was dry. Gripping her head to soothe her head, Surge sat upright and saw that Kit was still sleeping next to her. The next thing she did was see that they weren't in the Eggperial City anymore.

They were now in a city that Surge didn't recognize. As far as she could tell, it was a normal city and not one ruled by Eggman since there were no robot enforcers or his grinning logo anywhere. Surge and Kit were also laying on the concrete ground in between a large school and a horse statue. Surge roughly shook Kit awake.

"Hey, wake up, drippy!" she called to him.

Kit shot up awake and immediately gripped his head. He then looked around with the same confusion as Surge.

"What happened? Where are we? Where are Starline and Eggman?" Kit asked.

"Relax, drippy. Obviously Starline's device shot some kind of beam at us and we're in a new city," Surge said. "All we need to do now is figure out where we are."

Kit now widened his eyes as if he was remembering something. He then looked to Surge with realization.

"Uh, Surge... I don't think we may be on Mobius anymore," Kit said.

"What do you mean, drippy?" Surge asked.

"I think... Starline's device sent us to another world," Kit said. "I remember him calling that gem a 'Warp Topaz'. With a name like that, then it would be safe to assume that we're in another world."

That was something Surge didn't want to hear. After wanting nothing more than to beat Starline, Eggman, and Sonic to a pulp for months, now she was denied that just because of an accident. She was sparking with electricity as she was breathing heavily in anger. Kit was now visibly afraid of Surge as he hid behind the horse statue. Surge just kept building up electrical power until she finally yelled out loud.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" Surge shouted.

As she finished shouting, a gigantic burst of energy shot from her body and caused the entire city to black out for a few minutes. Surge took a while to calm down until she wasn't sparking anymore. Kit nervously emerged from behind the horse statue.

"Are... are y-y-you OK now, S-Surge?" Kit asked.

Surge gripped her head to try to get her thoughts together. Getting angry wouldn't fix their situation at all. Besides, she was both hungry and thirsty from their little warp.

"I'm... fine, drippy. I just... needed to let off some volts," Surge replied. "Let's go see of we can steal some food. I'm hungry."

"OK. I'm hungry, too," Kit said.

Before they could leave, a limo suddenly pulled up in front of them in the road. The window rolled down to reveal a middle-aged human male with black hair that had a streak of white in it. The man looked at them with a smile.

"Good evening, little critters," the man said. "Would I be correct in assuming that the blackout came from you?"

Surge and Kit were immediately suspicious of the man. Surge stood in front of Kit defensively and glared at the human.

"Yeah, it was me. What's it to ya?" Surge replied.

"I was just really impressed that you can do something like that, little missy," the man said. "You know, if you'd like, I could use some help from someone like the two of you."

"What makes you think we should help you?" Kit asked.

The man smiled even bigger. "Because you don't seem like you have a home or food. I'm a wealthy man, so I can provide those two things for you until you find a way back to your home."

Surge and Kit would've protested to that if it weren't for their growling stomachs. Looking to each other to weigh their options, they walked towards the man.

"You know what? Fine, we'll help you with whatever until we find a way to get back home," Surge said. The man opened the door for them to get in.

"Alright, then! Let's get back to my place so we can discuss this further," the man said.

Surge and Kit both got into the limo and internally marveled at how fancy the interior was. Starline kept expecting them to travel by running or flying. It was an arguably nice change of pace for them. Surge sat next to Kit across from the man with her arms crossed.

"If you want our help, then we need to know your name," Surge said. "Makes things easier for us."

"Fair enough. My name's Filthy Rich," Filthy Rich said. "And how about your names?"

"My name's Surge the Tenrec. And this next to me is Kit the Fennec," Surge replied.

"Happy to meet you both. I think we'll get along well together," Filthy said.

Comments ( 2 )

Yay Surge... Sure Shadow will probably now wail on you since you couldn't even beat a Sonic who was trying to help you ... But overall definitely you and drippy are in a spot to develop a lot better than if you were stuck in a place where you had to obsess over Sonic.

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