• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,406 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

  • ...

Hay Flambé

Universe 31870

“Wait! I know more things, okay?! Uhm…” Rarity shouted while her eyes nervously traveled from left to right, avoiding the light from Twilight’s horn. “You have a doll -that has a lovely mane by the way- named Smarty Pants!” The white unicorn said while the lavender one raised an eyebrow. “And… And your brother is Shining Armor! Your parents are Night Light and Twilight Velvet! Y-You also love dancing and Daring Do!” Rarity started listing the things she knew about the other unicorn before looking into her eyes pleadingly. “Please, don’t kill me,”

Twilight stayed silent for several seconds, staring into the diva’s eyes as if studying them. Those seconds were probably one of the most agonizing and scary of Rarity’s life, precisely because she risked getting her head blown up by one of her best friends! Suddenly, the light from Twilight’s horn died down as the lavender pony sighed.

“Alright. As far-fetched as your lie may seem… I suppose that you telling the truth isn’t impossible. I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt,” Twilight admitted as Rarity breathed in relief.

“Thank Celestia…” She mumbled to herself as the other unicorn suddenly glared at her.

“Thank who?” She inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“T-Thank Luna!” Rarity quickly replied as the lavender pony nodded in satisfaction. “So… What now?” She asked, and someone knocked on the door before Twilight could even answer.

“Yes?” She yelled, letting the pony on the other side know that they could come in.

As the door swung open, a bat pony clad in gleaming armor and wielding a spear stepped into view. His eyes locked onto Twilight, and he promptly snapped to attention, offering a crisp salute before assuming a rigid posture.

"My Lady, Princess Luna has summoned you. She also requests that you bring the anomaly with you," he reported, his attention solely fixed on Twilight. Rarity couldn't help but sense that she knew precisely what "the anomaly" referred to, although the guard seemed to dismiss her presence entirely.

“Thank you for telling me, I’ll be coming right away. Looks like you have your answer,” Twilight replied, then addressed Rarity, referring to her previous question. Seeing the lavender unicorn walking away, the fashionista figured it was her cue to follow her. “Oh, and one more thing… I absolutely hate dancing,” Twilight added, giving one last look over her shoulder before being on her way.

Rarity chose not to reply and simply followed. She was tempted to tease her about the fact that she likely didn’t know how to dance, which was why she didn’t like it, but she refrained from doing so. She knew that the Twilight from her universe would take it well (because she was already aware she was a terrible dancer), but this version of her friend seemed much more… dangerous to anger.

The Canterlot Castle looked approximately the same as the one from her home universe. Except it was a bit darker and had more black decorations such as the curtains or statues. It was undoubtedly Princess Luna’s influence. Moreover, the stained glass windows didn’t show Princess Celestia even once, only depicting Luna instead. Rarity knew Celestia was the bad guy here, but seeing the difference between the two worlds was a bit shocking, to say the least.

Finally, after walking in silence and having to endure Twilight glancing her way every second, they reached the throne room, which was guarded by two bat ponies. The lavender unicorn simply nodded at them before they opened the door for them.

Rarity gulped as she came in. She didn’t remember Princess Luna being so intimidating… The alicorn was just like the one in her universe, albeit slightly taller. She bore a hardened look while her dark mane flowed over her right eye. A violet crown also sat on top of her head. Twilight kneeled first, then Rarity followed suit.

The white unicorn dared take a small peek at the princess sitting on the throne, and couldn’t help but slightly smile when Luna’s look immediately softened once her eyes landed on her student.

“You can raise your head, her most loyal and precious student,” Princess Luna said as Twilight raised her head. Having received no sign that she could raise her head too, Rarity was tempted to continue kneeling but decided against it. If Princess Luna was like hers, she was sure she could forgive her for such a small transgression. Thankfully, the princess didn’t seem to mind. Looking at the lavender unicorn, she didn’t seem as serious as before. instead, her eyes twinkled with admiration. “Luna has felt a great disturbance in your quarters. It was some kind of anomaly that shook her to the very core. Since she told you to bring it to her, is she right to assume that this is the origin of the disturbance?”

Rarity raised an eyebrow at Princess Luna’s way of speaking. Was… Was she talking about herself? Who was “she” supposed to be here?

“Why is she talking in the third person?” She couldn’t help but mutter out loud, which obviously didn’t go unnoticed by the lavender unicorn. Twilight glared at her while seemingly holding back a shout.

“For your information, this is the royal way of speaking, which is to be used by any and all princesses! I, myself, am training to talk this way for when my time comes,” She whispered angrily, a bit too loudly since Luna looked like she heard their little conversation and cleared her throat. “I, uhm, apologize, Princess. She isn’t very well-mannered, so I was simply giving her a light scolding,”

Rarity nearly wanted to gasp. Since when was she the one without manners? She was simply asking a question out of curiosity, and who wouldn’t when another pony spoke by referring to themselves in the third person? This Twilight was kind of… Well, she didn’t like saying it, but she was kind of a bitch! Although, if that version of Twilight respected Princess Luna as much as her Twilight respected Princess Celestia, then she could understand she would get offended on the princess’ behalf.

“Luna sees… But she still hasn’t heard you explain this anomaly to her,” Princess Luna said as Twilight slightly bowed her head.

“I apologize, Princess. I found her in my room, which shouldn’t have been possible considering all the magical protections in place. She claims to come from a different universe because of a strange magical stone. I had a hard time believing her,” Twilight explained as Luna slightly widened her eyes, but quickly got back to a more impassive look.

“This does seem… Far-fetched, but Luna wouldn’t say it’s impossible. As you know, precious student, there are many powerful artifacts in this world. Who knows what all of them can do?” Princess Luna replied as Twilight bowed her head in agreement. Rarity swiftly noticed that Twilight was much more tempted to agree with what the princess said, even if it seemed outlandish. Suddenly, the monarch glanced at the white unicorn. “What is thy name, young one? Speak it aloud so Luna can hear you,”

“It’s Rarity, Your Highness,” Rarity stepped forward and bowed her head.

“Tell Luna if what her student said is true. You claim you come from another universe?” Luna asked as Rarity nodded in response.

“She also received a message from another Twilight. I’ve witnessed it myself,” Twilight interjected as the princess hummed.

“Another Twilight?” She whispered. “And what was she like?” She questioned her student, who seemed hesitant to answer.

“She… She was an alicorn,” The lavender unicorn finally answered, making Luna raise an eyebrow in surprise.

“Did she complete her training? Did Luna from your universe help her ascend?” She asked Rarity, who looked even more hesitant than Twilight was.

How would Luna react to knowing that it was actually Celestia who took Twilight under her wing? That Princess Luna was the one who welcomed the Nightmare?

“Actually… You didn’t teach my Twilight… It was your sister. Princess Celestia. In my universe, you became Nightmare Moon and wanted to make the night last forever. She had to banish you to the moon for a thousand years. When you came back, Twilight and our friends… made you see reason,” Rarity explained as Luna remained impassive. Her facial features and her body language didn’t betray any emotion.

“So that’s how it is…” Luna whispered to herself, then smiled, surprising Rarity. “Thank you for telling her this. Hearing that there is a universe where Celestia is as bright as she was in the past fills Luna with joy… and hope that her own sister will also see the light and return to her old self one day,”

“Princess Luna… I’m sorry if I overstep any boundaries, but may I know what happened with your sister in your universe?” Rarity inquired, making Twilight widen her eyes in astonishment at her boldness.

“How dare you? Don’t you see it’s a sensitive topic?” The lavender unicorn scolded the fashionista and made her step back as Luna raised a hoof, immediately calming Twilight down.

“Don’t worry, dearest student. Luna is not offended. She supposes there is nothing wrong with telling you if what you said is the truth,” Princess Luna said before sighing. “Luna’s sister had always been… so bright. She was naturally talented in everything, and always outshone Luna. But that was okay, she loved Celestia more than anypony in the world and didn’t mind remaining in her shadow if it allowed the citizens of Equestria to truly appreciate her sister’s light. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough. It was never enough. Celestia always wanted more and more. The fact that her citizens loved her sun wasn’t good enough. She wanted them to worship it. She wanted it to remain in the sky forever. She… She wanted to be worshipped,” Lune told her story as Rarity released a small gasp.

“Oh, my…” She mumbled. She didn’t expect this Celestia to be like this. She could never imagine a pony like Celestia craving for ponies to worship her or treat her like a goddess!

“The power she had got to her head, and she began thinking that it was only natural for the world to belong to her. Of course, this also meant that only one alicorn was allowed to exist. She… She thought that her sister was in the way…” Princess Luna stammered, her voice beginning to crack. As stoic as she seemed when she first started telling that story, it was now clear that she was hurting much more than she let on. Twilight ran up to her teacher’s side.

“Princess!” She laid a comforting hoof on one of her wings. It seemed to have worked since Luna sniffled and quickly wiped off the small tears around her eyes before giving her student a reassuring smile.

“However, Celestia knew she loved Luna too much to hurt her. So she did what she thought best to accomplish her goals. She used a forbidden spell and ripped out all the good in her soul… Leaving only her darkest and most evil desires. She transformed into Daybreaker and immediately tried to kill her sister,” She told Rarity as the white unicorn put a hoof on her mouth. “Luna managed to imprison her into the sun and reigned over the day in her place. She now holds the control of both the moon and the sun. Still… She believes that her sister can be saved one day, and she will come back to her senses,”

“Maybe… Maybe with the elements of harmony,” Rarity suggested. This universe was obviously quite different from hers. She understood Luna and Celestia swapped roles, but why didn’t Twilight go to Ponyville? Why didn’t Celestia come back and forced Twilight and the others to collect the elements to bring her back to normal and save the day?

“So you know about them, too. Another bit of evidence to prove your claims Luna supposes, but the elements are another matter entirely,” Princess Luna answered before clearing her throat. “Assuming you are telling the truth. Do you know how to go back to your world?”

“I think so. Twilight -well my Twilight- told me I needed to find this universe’s stone. Once my friends and I all hold it together, we should be brought back home,” Rarity explained as Lune nodded along. “It’s a small stone, but it shines brightly and is white,” She described the stone before Luna could ask her to do so.

“Very well. Equestria shall help you find this artifact. Luna will have to do some research, so it would likely take several days before she finds any clues. She hopes this doesn’t bother you,”

“Of course not, Your Majesty. I’m glad you even decided to help me in the first place!” Rarity assured her while Twilight nodded approvingly at Rarity’s way of speaking to the princess.

“While Luna is doing this, she suggests you stay in the castle as she doubts you have any other place to go,” The moon princess offered as Rarity grinned in gratitude.

“I would be honored!” She quickly said. She knew she already had a throne all to herself in Twilight’s castle back home, but getting to live in the Canterlot Castle of all places was not an opportunity she would pass up!

“Naturally, you must also understand that Luna cannot simply let you go and do whatever you wish since the possibility that you are deceiving her still remains. Which is why you will sleep in the chambers of one of her subjects, who will keep an eye on you during your stay. That somepony will be her most loyal student, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna announced, dashing away Rarity’s hopes of having an easy time here.

“What? Me?! But she will distract me from my studies, Princess!” Twilight complained while Luna shook her head.

“Luna has no doubts that your studies will not be impacted in any way. Moreover, you are the only one she can trust with this, do you not think so, dearest student?” This was enough to make Twilight stammer and stop her before she could make any complaints.

“I-I won’t disappoint you, Princess!” She assured her mentor, who only grinned and nodded in response.

“Luna is certain you won’t. You may leave now, Twilight. She trusts that you will not let Rarity out of your sights,”

Rarity could also trust that Luna would look into it and search for the stone. She was still worried about Twilight and her friends, but there was nothing else she could do but wait for now. At least, she could enjoy some relaxation time in another Canterlot. This would be like discovering the city all over again!

Unfortunately, what she didn’t expect was to be stuck in Twilight’s room while the lavender unicorn was quietly reading a book. As Luna had said, Rarity couldn’t leave Twilight’s sight, and that meant she was to stay with her.

She had been in that room for an entire hour! And Twilight was unwilling to make any small talk! Even when Rarity tried to ask her about her hobbies, she didn’t answer! She was so focused on that book. Granted, Rarity was pretty sure she could figure out her hobbies and likes since that was Twilight Sparkle, albeit a different version of her.

Was Twilight like this before she met her and the others? Did she constantly have her face stuck in a book and absolutely refused to talk or socialize? That couldn’t possibly be healthy! Rarity could have just stayed quiet and tried to pass the time another way until Luna found something about the stone. However, she felt a bit bad for this Twilight. What would happen if Princess Luna never sends her to Ponyville, and Twilight doesn’t make any friends? Ever?

“So…” Rarity began, willing to try talking to her again.

“We’re not going out,” Twilight coldly replied before Rarity could continue her sentence.

“I wasn’t going to suggest that! I was simply wondering what you were reading,” The white unicorn retorted as Twilight’s eyes left the book to focus on Rarity.

“You’re interested in my book?” Luna’s student raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be, darling?” Rarity responded. Twilight didn’t talk to her much about the books she read or the things she studied. The alicorn mostly talked about these things to some of her other friends, but that didn’t mean Rarity had never been interested in them. She did always love hearing someone talk about something they were passionate about.

“It’s just… Forget it. I suppose I can tell you about it, but it’s probably not to your liking,” Twilight answered. “It’s an old book about medical procedures,”

“Medical procedures? I wasn’t aware you were interested in medicine,” Rarity said, which seemed to slightly unsettle Twilight. She was probably not used to being with a stranger that seemed to know so much about her.

“It’s not the medicine itself that interests me, but these procedures in particular do. A unicorn in the past thought about combining magic and medicine together. While magic is still used by doctors today, it’s never for direct healing. Actually, there are no spells that heal deep wounds, only bruises. This unicorn had a theory about creating spells that would act like surgery or accelerate someone’s healing. Many of his theories were far-fetched and were based on a lot of assumptions, so they were discredited and abandoned. I’m thinking of studying them, coming up with my own theories, and trying to see if I can make any of these spells work,” Twilight explained while flipping through the book. “If I succeed, this could be a revolution for modern medicine. It would be so good for Equestria,” She added with a small smile, which Rarity almost missed.

The last words were said with a hint of love and made Rarity realize that this Twilight maybe wasn’t so different from hers. She wasn’t doing this for her friends, but it still was for the good of someone else, not simply because she wanted more knowledge or to flatter her ego by accomplishing something great. Perhaps this Twilight wasn’t so bad after all.

“For Equestria, huh?” Rarity muttered as Twilight nodded.

“Of course. I love Equestria, and I will have to rule it by Princess Luna’s side, one day,” The lavender unicorn replied with confidence.

“You know… You weren’t so talkative before, but the moment I asked you about this book, you turned into a chatterbox,” Rarity grinned as Twilight blushed in embarrassment and realization. “Did my charms finally get to you, darling?”

“D–Don’t get the wrong idea! I’m not trying to make friends here! I just… I was just explaining this book after you asked me to because it would have been impolite if I didn’t!” Twilight argued stubbornly before looking back at her book.

“Well… I’m sure you’ll figure it out!” Rarity exclaimed as Twilight widened her eyes in surprise.


“Why yes! You did things even Starswirl the Bearded couldn’t do in my universe! I’m sure you are just as good,” Rarity assured her.

“Oh… W-Well, thank you,” Twilight replied bashfully, then lowered her eyes back to her book.

Was she perhaps not used to ponies believing in herself? Rarity couldn’t really tell, but simply because she was Princess Luna’s student didn’t mean she had to be confident even when she had every reason to be. She remembered how anxious and easily stressed out Twilight could get while under Celestia’s tutelage. Even her Twilight didn’t always believe in her capabilities.

“Maybe we could talk about some other things… If you are willing that is. It’s obvious you aren’t happy about having to keep an eye on me, but if we could get to know each other, then it would make things easier,” Rarity argued while Twilight looked uncertain.

“You sound like you know a lot about me already…” She muttered dismissively as Rarity sighed.

“I know things about my Twilight. But I also know that you aren’t the same pony,” She said while Twilight eyed her carefully. “Besides, wouldn’t you like a friend?”

“I don’t do friends,” Twilight quickly answered.

“Why not?” Rarity inquired as the other unicorn looked away from her book, harboring a somewhat sad expression. Rarity wasn’t quite sure herself of what Twilight was feeling. She wasn’t usually hard to read, but that was a different Twilight, after all.

“It’s a waste of time,” Well. Now that was something the old Twilight would have said.

“Alright then. We don’t have to be friends, I suppose. But we can still have lunch together, can’t we?” Rarity suggested as Twilight opened her mouth to respond only to be interrupted by the rumble of her stomach. The lavender unicorn blushed embarrassingly before clearing her throat.

“Fine. Let’s have lunch, then. Since you’re a guest, I will let you decide whether you wish to eat here in the castle or outside,” Twilight offered. Rarity put a hoof on her chin while thinking about it.

“Let’s eat outside. I am wondering if Canterlot is different!” She finally decided after a few seconds.

It was not different at all. Actually, there were a few differences, but it was nothing major. Moreover, everything that originally depicted Celestia in her world was now replaced by something depicting Princess Luna instead.

Naturally, Twilight didn’t make any attempts at small talk. Rarity still tried and was slightly more successful than before considering the other unicorn was a bit more talkative. She hoped that the lunch would make her talk a bit. She was surprised to see that the Princess’ student led her to the Hay Flambé restaurant. Rarity heard about it, but never actually went there in her universe.

“Do you like this restaurant, Twilight?” Rarity asked as they sat across each other, waiting for a waiter.

“You can say that…” The lavender unicorn responded hesitantly, making Rarity wonder what she could possibly be hiding that she would be nervous about this restaurant.

“So, let me guess, dear… You will order a hayburger, am I correct?” Rarity attempted to guess as Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“No? I was going to order a mushroom curry. Why would I want a hayburger?” Twilight answered while pointing at the menu.

“My Twilight loves hayburgers…” Rarity muttered, making the other unicorn frown.

“Well, I’m not your Twilight. And I’ve never tasted hayburgers before,” She replied in annoyance.


“Maybe I did when I was a little filly, but I don’t remember the taste since it was so long ago,” Twilight shrugged, which reminded Rarity that she still hadn’t heard of Shining, Cadance, or Twilight’s parents.

“I apologize for assuming,” Rarity apologized as Twilight’s eyes traveled over her body as if studying her.

“Apology accepted,” She simply answered. There was still some tension in the air, but it was thankfully broken when the waiter finally arrived.

“My Lady! It is an honor to have you in our establishment!” The waiter slightly bowed his head, then grinned at the two mares. “Have you and your… Date? Friend? Made your choice?” He asked as Rarity chuckled at his assumptions.

It was only natural that when a pony as beautiful and sophisticated as she was seen with other ponies, it would be assumed that she was being wooed. Beauty could certainly be a disadvantage, couldn’t it?

“Neither,” Twilight replied coldly, which was quick to bring Rarity’s mood down.

“Pardon?” The waiter uttered in confusion.

“I said she is neither my date nor my friend. Simply an acquaintance. As for what I’ll order… I want a mushroom curry, please,” Twilight clarified while the waiter nodded awkwardly.

“And I’ll have a… hayburger,” Rarity ordered before giving the menu to the waiter, who smiled.

“Good choice,” He complimented them before walking away.

“You looked really offended at his suggestion there… Am I not to your liking?” Rarity fluttered her eyelashes.

“As I said, friends and dates are a waste of time. I have too many responsibilities for this kind of nonsense,” Twilight rolled her eyes while fiddling with the napkin.

“But doesn’t it feel lonely?” Rarity inquired, only for Twilight to look away. That was one other thing she noticed that was different from her version of Twilight. This one was much harder to read. Her expression didn’t betray any thoughts or feelings, which made it seem like she truly didn’t care about being lonely. However, Rarity refused to believe that this Twilight actually was happy about the way she lived. “Friendship is a valuable and essential aspect of life. Friends are always there to support you and help you when you believe you can’t do something alone. Together, there is nothing you can’t accomplish,” Rarity tried to explain, but she knew she didn’t have a way with words when it came to friendship speeches, unlike Twilight. “And I would say that romance is quite similar, too,”

The other unicorn seemed to consider her words, slowly losing herself in her thoughts. Who knew what she could be thinking in that head of hers, but the fashionista was hoping she was at least seeing her point. Again, Twilight did the best she could to hide her feelings and show no emotion or expression on her face.

“No. I don’t believe that. Friends, lovers, families… I think they are a waste of time, and I won’t change my mind. Let’s talk about something else,” Way to go Rarity. Definitely ruined the mood there. Twilight seemed to be a bit more cheerful when she talked about that book, but all of that was gone now. The white unicorn also couldn’t help but notice how Twilight also mentioned family. Did something happen with hers? She would rather avoid questioning her about it.

“As you wish. I can tell you about myself if you want,” Rarity offered as Twilight sighed.

“If you really want to, then go on I guess,” She accepted in a clearly non-genuine way.

“See? With that attitude, you would have a hard time making friends,” Rarity pointed out while the lavender pony furrowed her brows.

“Not the first time I heard that,” She mumbled something under her breath that was too quiet for Rarity to hear.

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing. I would actually like to know more about you, Rarity,” That… That was the first time she called her by her name, wasn’t it? Maybe she was making progress!

“As you know, my name is Rarity. I have my own shop and work as a fashion designer and seamstress. I do not like boasting, but I run quite a successful business! I even opened a shop in Canterlot!” Rarity stated proudly, and it actually seemed to slightly impress Twilight considering her eyes lit up a bit. “I don’t suppose that my counterpart did the same, did she?” She asked nervously.

“Unfortunately, I have never heard of a boutique in Canterlot belonging to a pony named Rarity,” Twilight replied, making the white unicorn sigh in disappointment.

“This is a shame. I wonder why she didn’t realize her dream…” Rarity had an idea why. Maybe the Rarity from this world simply didn’t have friends as great as her back in her universe. She likely didn’t create any strong enough bonds and couldn’t accomplish her dreams alone with no support. Rarity wondered if the same happened to her other friends. The Twilight of this universe still wasn’t an alicorn nor a princess, after all.

“Your orders, my ladies,” The waiter announced as he placed the plates of food in front of them. “Bon appétit,” He added before leaving.

“These look delicious!” Rarity exclaimed eagerly as she admired their meals.

“They do look good…” Twilight muttered while staring at her curry.

However, Rarity couldn't help but notice Twilight's snout twitching as if it were drawn to a delightful scent. She also observed the lavender unicorn stealing a few glances at the hayburger, even though she was already enjoying her curry. The way she tried to hide she was actually curious about the hayburger was cute in a way.

“Do you want to try it?” Rarity offered as Twilight raised an eyebrow in surprise. “This could be a good opportunity to have a first taste of hayburger,” She added while Twilight looked uncertain.

“But that’s yours… It would be less food for you, and won’t you feel grossed out that I took a bite of your meal?” The lavender unicorn argued while Rarity shook her head in amusement.

“Do not worry about me, dear. I have a strict diet, you know? So I wasn’t planning on eating all of it. Besides, I am used to sharing my food with my sister and my friends,” Rarity reassured her.

“I suppose I can have a small taste…” Twilight muttered as a lavender glow surrounded Rarity’s hayburger and made it levitate toward her. She looked at the white unicorn, hesitantly, who nodded in response. Finally, she took a bite of the hayburger. “Mm,” She chewed, barely hiding her enjoyment.

Rarity was happy to see that Twilight was clearly loving it!

“So? Do you like it?” The white unicorn asked, making Twilight widen her eyes and quickly give her the hayburger back.

“I-It’s not bad… I like it… a little bit…” Twilight answered bashfully while Rarity chuckled. “What is it?” She asked somewhat offendedly.

“Nothing! It’s just… You don’t have to hide your feelings, you know? You can just say you love it,” Rarity replied.

“If I do that, you’ll think I’m the same as your Twilight again. I also have other reasons, but… Just so you know, whoever you think I am… I’m not that pony,” She explained, making Rarity nod with a wide smile.

“Oh, I know that now! And I understand perfectly!” She assured her, which finally genuinely made Twilight grin.

“Good! Then let’s have an enjoyable meal, and you can tell me more about yourself!” Twilight said as she took a bite of her mushroom curry.

“Yes, let’s!” Rarity agreed happily before eating her hayburger.

This led Rarity to contemplate many thoughts. Whether she had ended up in this universe by accident or by destiny, she wasn't quite certain. However, one thing was clear in her mind: there was a purpose for her presence in this realm.

She was going to teach this Twilight Sparkle the magic of friendship!