• Published 8th Jun 2023
  • 1,566 Views, 12 Comments

Letting Go - Flamewarrior02

After her suffering, Zipp finds herself deciding the fate of the pony responsible

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Run From It or Learn From It

Pipp Petals hummed to herself as she prepared her breakfast, as well as Zipp’s to surprise her with breakfast in bed. After everything they went through recently, especially the battle with Opaline, she felt her sister would appreciate the gesture. The pegasus smiled as she thought about the improvements to Zipp’s mental health. No longer was her sister afraid of herself, afraid to be near her friends and family, afraid of hurting her own sister. Zipp still needed much support throughout her day, but compared to how she was when they found her in the cave Pipp couldn’t ask for anything more.

The pink pegasus was adding the finishing touches to her meal when she heard somepony coming down the stairs. Believing it to be one of her friends, though hoping it wasn’t Zipp so the surprise wasn’t ruined, she turned around with a smile and was about to greet them until she saw who it was and her smile disappeared. Standing across from her was the last pony she wanted to see right now; Misty. “Hi, Pipp.” The unicorn greeted her with a smile.

Not wanting to come off as rude, Pipp mustered up a smile of her own. “Hello, Misty. Are you here for breakfast?” She asked her.

Misty nodded. “Yeah, don’t mind me. I’m just grabbing a quick bite to eat.” She told Pipp.

Satisfied with the answer, Pipp nodded in understanding and went back to preparing food for her sister.

Misty went over to the fridge and looked at the variety of options, more than she was used to when living with Opaline. It was hard picking anything so she turned to Pipp to ask for her opinion on what tasted best. When she turned around, she saw Pipp about to fly up the stairs with two trays of food in hoof. “Whoa, you seem really hungry this morning.” Misty joked, assuming both trays were for Pipp.

Pipp didn’t find the joke funny and frowned. “One of these is for Zipp.” She told Misty.

“Oh, right.” Misty chuckled at her foolishness and allowed Pipp to fly upstairs with her trays. As she watched the pegasus head into the bedroom, Misty couldn’t help but wonder something. After everything calmed down following Opaline’s defeat, she noticed that Pipp seemed to gain some kind of resentment towards her that she never seemed to have before.

When she confessed to her new friends everything she had done, she expected some anger towards her. From Sunny for taking her lantern. From Izzy for taking advantage of her kindness. From Hitch for stealing Sparky more than once. From Zipp for constantly being suspicious. However, surprisingly, they all forgave her. Misty didn’t know why they did, but none of them seemed to hold a grudge against her for all the horrible things she did while serving Opaline.

But Pipp, despite saying she forgave Misty too, seemed to have gained an immense dislike for the unicorn. And despite her best efforts to cover it up, it was beginning to show. Pipp would rarely talk to Misty, and when she did it was with as few words as possible and she would try to end the conversation as quickly as possible. But she really seemed to get upset whenever the unicorn would approach Zipp for whatever reason, always getting in between them and leading Zipp away while sending looks to Misty she thought the unicorn didn’t notice, but she did. And it stung.

Misty didn’t know why Pipp was upset with her, but she wanted to fix it. Not for her own satisfaction of being forgiven, but for Pipp’s sake so she wouldn’t be causing the pegasus so much strife. And when Pipp finally came down after having breakfast with Zipp, that seemed like as best a time as any. “Hey, Pipp? Can I ask you something?” Misty requested..

Once again, hearing Misty’s voice made Pipp’s smile disappear and was replaced with a neutral look. “What is it?” She asked, unintentionally coming off as annoyed.

Misty winced slightly at the tone, but continued. “Why do you hate me?” She timidly asked.

Hearing that question made Pipp’s eyes widen and she dropped her trays to the floor. “W-what?! Misty, don’t be silly. I don’t hate you.” She said with a forced smile as she flew down to pick up the trays.

“You don’t have to lie to me, Pipp. I can see the signs.” Misty told her.

“I’m not lying to you, Misty. I said I forgave you and I meant it. Please, just forget about it.” Pipp tried to convince the unicorn. Misty’s pestering was starting to get on her nerves.

But Misty wasn’t done asking questions. “Is it because I trapped you in that cave? That I’ve been lying to you for months? Please, I need to know what I did to you.” She pleaded.

That did it. “What you did to me?” Pipp repeated what Misty said before she looked at her with pure anger in her eyes, frightening the unicorn. “It’s not what you did to me.” She told her before yelling. “IT’S WHAT YOU DID TO ZIPP!”

The outburst made Misty fall on her haunches. “Wh-what do you mean?” She stammered out.

“You mean you don’t know?” Pipp rhetorically asked before giving a cruel laugh. “Ha! That’s to be expected. You never once thought about the consequences your actions might have on other ponies, did you?”

“P-Pipp, I-“

“You know what happened after you trapped us in that cave?” Pipp asked another rhetorical question before shouting the answer with her wings flared. “You gave my sister nightmares about how she was responsible for my death in there!”

“But you didn’t die.” Misty tried to remind Pipp, but it did little good.

“That wasn’t good enough for Zipp. She kept getting thoughts about how she failed me as a sister. And then you decided to go and steal the lantern and Sparky, making her doubt if she even has the skills of a true detective!” She stomped her hoof at the last part before she seemed to calm down. “But, I could forgive you for that. I had a late night talk with Zipp and she seemed to feel better the next day. She even got to prove herself as a detective when she figured out why it was snowing so much everywhere.”

Thinking Pipp was done yelling, Misty slowly got back onto her hooves. But Pipp wasn’t finished yet. In fact, she had barely begun. “BUT THAT WASN’T THE END OF IT, WAS IT?!”

The outburst once again sent Misty to the floor. The unicorn looked up in fear at the furious pegasus flying above her, looking down on her like she was an annoying insect about to be crushed. “Your little necklace corrupted Zipp, and started driving her mad! She kept getting unwelcome thoughts in her head that she couldn’t tell if they were real or your influence. Like if she could take all the magic for herself, or forcing ponies to do things for her. OR KILLING ME!”

Misty could not believe what she just heard come out of Pipp’s mouth. “Zipp really tried to-“

“Oh, yeah.” Pipp interrupted with a nod. “That’s how bad you messed her up. She eventually realized what she was doing, but all that did was lead her to trapping herself in that same cave you trapped us in before. No food. No light. No air. If we never found her, she would’ve died. Do you hear what I’m saying, Brightdawn?! YOU NEARLY DROVE ZIPP TO SUICIDE!!”

Pipp paused to land, her outbursts taking away a lot of the energy she needed to stay airborne. She once again looked Misty dead in the eyes, tears now coming out of them. “Do you know what it feels like to have your own sister afraid to be near you? To not be able to see her at all due to her own fears of killing you? To have her be so afraid of flying, the thing she’s been dreaming of nearly her whole life, that she’d clip her own wings? To have her think about doing it again when the feathers grew back? To see her lose so much weight? To have to take her to therapy everyday? To have her need medicine to keep her stress levels down? To walk in on her in tears? To have her afraid to be alone for even a minute? To have to hold her while she cried herself to sleep every night? To never get sleep yourself since you worry that she might freak out again and disappear? To worry that if that did happen you might lose your sister for good? To have her say that Equestria might be safer without her?! TO JUST WANT TO SEE HER HAPPY AGAIN?!” Pipp finished as she began to break down. “NO, YOU WOULDN’T! BECAUSE YOU NEVER HAD A FAMILY BEFORE!”

Despite wanting to cry right now, to go back upstairs and hug her sister, Pipp kept herself as composed as she could. Misty needed to know exactly what she did. “I have no idea what everypony else saw in you to forgive you, but I don’t see it.” She told Misty as she walked up to her until their snouts were basically touching. “You want me to forgive you? Here’s what you do. Stay away from my sister. You’ve hurt her well beyond enough, and I’ll be dammed before I let you damage her again after how much she’s recovered since that fateful day.” She finished before leaving Misty alone with a look of absolute devastation on her face.

Misty never realized just how much Zipp was hurting. She knew the pegasus was going through a lot of stress from what brief things her friends told her. She even noticed something seemed off about her when at the Manesquerade Ball. But she had assumed that it was from the stress of trying to find information on Opaline, to which the unicorn was happy to help her, not from depression and fear brought on by her necklace. When all was said and done, only one thought was going through her head at the time. ”What have I done?”

“I knew that if I stayed with you in the Brighthouse that I’d just keep reminding you of the darkness I caused. So I went to Zephyr Heights and confessed everything to the Queen, and here we are now.” Misty finished her story.

Zipp’s face was now reflecting the one Misty made when she heard all of this coming from the unicorn. “Misty, I-“ Zipp struggled to find the right words. “It wasn’t your fault. I-“

“No, Zipp. It was my fault.” Misty stopped the pegasus from blaming herself again. “Had I never shown up, none of this would’ve happened to you. You never would’ve doubted, hated, or feared yourself. You only ever got thoughts like those in your head because of things I did to you. Directly or not.”

”That doesn’t mean anything when thoughts like this have always been going through my head.”

“That’s why I had to come here. You’ll never feel safe if I’m somewhere free in Equestria, lurking around to fill you with more dread. So, please, Zipp. Just make it easy for yourself and hate me. Forget about me and live your life without thinking of me again. It’s better this way.”

”Just make it easy for yourselves and hate me. Leave me here to rot and never think of me as your friend or sister again. It’s better this way.”

After saying that, Misty retreated back into the darkness of her cell, leaving Zipp alone with her thoughts. She stayed like that for a few minutes before she was finally able to muster up the strength to get back onto her feet and walked back up to the palace.

Upstairs, Pipp and the others waited by the door anxiously. It had been hours since Zipp had gone down there, and she still hasn’t returned. And with it starting to get dark outside, they were beginning to worry. “What do you suppose they’re talking about down there?” Izzy asked.

“Your guess is as good as mine, Izzy.” Sunny answered. “I just hope she’ll be back up soon.”

“Don’t worry. Zipp will be coming through that door any second now.” Hitch said as he paced around the hall with Sparky on his back.

“Hitch, that’s the hundredth time you said that.” Sunny pointed out.

“And every time I do say it, I keep worrying more!” Hitch shouted, nearly throwing Sparky from his back.

Pipp hadn’t moved from her spot at the front of the door since Zipp went down there. No matter what she tried to do to distract herself with her phone, she just couldn’t get the worries out of her mind. And with Hitch panicking, that only made her concerns even worse. She made a promise, and she was going to keep it. “I’m going down there to see what’s going on.” She told her friends.

But just as she was about to open the door, it opened itself and Zipp stepped into the light. “Uh, hey, everypony.” She said awkwardly.

Before she could even blink, Zipp found herself being hugged from all sides by her friends. “Zipp!” They exclaimed with relief. “I was so worried.” Pipp whispered into her sister’s coat.

“I’m fine, Pipp. I’m right here.” Zipp assured her little sister, rubbing her mane.

“I wasn’t. I knew you’d be OK. I kept telling them.” Hitch said.

Zipp rolled her eyes and nuzzled his cheek. “I’m sure you did.” She teased.

Once the group broke off the hug, Izzy asked the question they were all thinking. “How’d it go with Misty?”

Hearing that question made Zipp frown and that immediately got Pipp worried. “She didn’t do anything to you, did she?” She asked in a panicked tone.

“No.” Zipp assured her. “It’s just…….Nevermind. I think I’ll just go to bed.” She looked at Hitch, blushing at what she was about to ask. “Hitch, will you-“

“Of course.” Hitch already knew the answer before she even asked the question.

Zipp smiled and nuzzled into him as the stallion led her to her bedroom. As they left, Pipp frowned. “Zipp.” She said with concern in her voice.

When the couple arrived in Zipp’s bedroom, the mare in question immediately collapsed onto her bed. Like always, Hitch and Sparky were immediately at her side. “Are you feeling okay?” Hitch asked her.

“I……..can’t say for sure.” Zipp answered truthfully.

Hitch and Sparky shared a serious look. The stallion could gather that there was more going on behind Misty’s charges than what the unicorn, at least to his knowledge, actually committed in terms of offense. Pipp’s disdain towards Misty was proof enough, but seeing Zipp like this after talking with her increased his suspicions tenfold. “What did she say?” He asked Zipp as he started to massage her wings, a technique they discovered that helped calm the pegasus down, while she talked.

“She thinks she’s responsible for everything, Hitch.” Zipp told him. “All my pain, my nightmares, my depression, my panicking, my suffering. She thinks she’s the cause behind all of it.”

Hitch slowly nodded. He was afraid of that. “And what do you think?”

“I don’t know. I mean, she’s right in that if she never showed up that I never would’ve had these feelings of worthlessness and fear. But on the other hoof, she came to us and confessed everything she did, including taking Sparky, and helped us stop Opaline from harming him or anypony else for good. Talking with her, it was like……….it was like I was looking in a mirror. I just don’t know what to think about all of this, Hitch. Is it her fault that I’m like this, or is it my own?” She lifted her head and looked up at her coltfriend.

Hitch pondered what she said, making sure to choose his answer carefully. After a few minutes, he gave her his advice. “You know, Grandma Figgy once told me that hatred can be like a two-headed viper. While your enemy suffers, you end up getting poisoned yourself. At first I didn’t know what she meant. But after seeing everything that’s happened here, I think I do now.”

Zipp didn’t say anything. She just took in what Hitch said and nodded. “I know you still worry about how you’ll mess up terribly and become this horrible pony. But like I said back then, I trust you, Zipp. Whatever you decide to do going forward, you know you’ll always have my support.”

Zipp sniffled as she rubbed her eyes before giving Hitch a big hug. “Thank you, Hitch.” She said softly before yawning.

Hitch chuckled at her adorable yawn. “I think somepony’s ready for bed.”

Zipp smirked at him. “Whatever gave you that idea?” She teased.

“Call it a hunch.” Hitch joked back before he turned off the lights and joined Zipp in bed, Sparky hopping off to give them room.

“What? No goodnight kiss?” Zipp feigned disappointment, or rather feigned more than she was actually feeling. “How will I have good dreams if I don’t get one?”

Hitch chuckled again. “All right, Princess.” He said before giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Good night.” He said once they broke off.

“Good night.” Zipp said back as she already began to doze off.

Zipp found herself in a black void with nothing and nopony else there besides her queen self standing across from her. “Well, things seemed to have gotten interesting. Haven’t they?” Queen Zipp asked her counterpart.

Zipp said nothing so Queen Zipp continued.

“I mean, who would’ve thought that all of this pain could be so simply traced back to Misty?”

Zipp still said nothing, just kept looking at her counterpart with a neutral expression.

“And now you sit on the crossroads of decisions. I told you this would happen.” Queen Zipp smiled at being right in her guess.

Zipp continued to say nothing.

Now Queen Zipp was starting to get a little annoyed, but kept it hidden while she played around with her victim. “So, Zipp Storm.” She said as she approached her pegasus self. “Who is the guilty one here? Misty or yourself?”


The silence was now starting to get infuriating for Queen Zipp as she scolded the pegasus while keeping her cool as best as she could. “Did you not hear me, abomination!? I said who do you choose?!”


“Hmph!” Queen Zipp seemed to have enough of waiting around and decided not to waste her time. “Figures. Even after everything I’ve told you, you’re still a-“

“Coward.” Zipp finally spoke.

This sudden response surprised Queen Zipp. “What?”

“You called me a coward because I kept hiding behind my friends. Because I kept acting like the victim. And, you are right. I have been acting pathetic these past few months.”

“That’s very good.” Queen Zipp said with a nod. “It seems you finally started to accept which of us is the real-“

“But looking at you, I’d say you’re more of a coward than I ever was.”

“……………………….WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?” The queen yelled furiously, but Zipp remained unfazed.

“You know what I said. You’re literally nothing more than a manifestation of my own insecurities. You scold me for blaming myself for my troubles.” As Zipp spoke, light started to shine into the void.

Light that began to burn Queen Zipp when making contact. “Aah!” She hissed in pain.

“However your solution is to do nothing more than simply change the name of the one who is blamed.” The more Zipp spoke, the more light shone in. The more light shone in, the more damage the queen her took. “Honestly, I’d say that’s more cowardly than anything I’ve ever done. At least I had the consideration of others in mind. All you’ve talked about is yourself. And it’s frankly getting annoying. I’m done listening to you.”

“Errr!” Queen Zipp growled as now all the light shining down on her was making her body melt away. “You need to listen to me! I am the real you! I am-“

“Friends don’t look for the real sides of ourselves. We become friends because of the best sides of ourselves. And starting tomorrow, that’s what I’m going to start doing.” Zipp declared as the light shined brighter than before.

“AAAH!” Queen Zipp yelled in pain as her body had melted away and now all that was left as her head, along with the necklace and crown, in a white puddle. “You can’t get rid of me! I will always be a part of you!”

“I know that.” Zipp said with a smile that scared the queen before she walked over until she was standing above her. “And as long as you do exist in my head, I will always do this when you rear your ugly face.” She said as she raised her hooves and brought them down upon her queen self.

Back in the real world, a sleeping Zipp had the biggest smile on her face she had while sleeping in a long time.

Next morning was the day of the trial. The courtroom was filled well beyond capacity with witnesses, and still there were ponies gathering outside the doors or watching on whatever screen they had available. This was no doubt going to be the biggest event of the year.

In the courtroom stands, Pipp, Hitch, Sunny, and Izzy all sat, waiting anxiously for both the trial to start and for Zipp to show up. “Where is she?” Sunny asked as she looked around but couldn’t make out the white pegasus in the huge crowd.

“I don’t know.” Hitch answered. “All she said when we woke up was that she needed to do something before the trial started.”

“Whatever it is, it must be something awfully long, because the trial’s about to start.” Izzy said worryingly.

“Probably for the best.” Pipp commented before giving Izzy a stink eye. “With how she was when coming up last night, I think she realized she made a mistake coming here.” She then looked over at Misty, standing in the center of the room with Zoom and Thunder keeping her from running. ”I told you never to hurt my sister again.” She thought hatefully at the accused unicorn.

“All rise!” The bailiff said as everypony in the room that was sitting down rose to their feet. “The honorable Queen Haven is now presiding.”

Queen Haven took her place at the podium as everypony sat back down. Haven cleared her throat and began to speak. “Ponies of Equestria, we have gathered here today regarding the case of Misty Brightdawn against Princess Zephyrina Storm.”

Hearing that sent ponies in the room into an uproar. “Give her what she deserves!”

“She doesn’t belong here!”

“Exile her!”

“Judgement day is here!”

“That’s right!”

As ponies verbally attacked Misty, all the unicorn did was lower her head and accept the attacks. Her friends in the stands looked on with very concerned looks. Pipp looked away. Wether she felt any sympathy or not for Misty, she just couldn’t look at her right now.

“Order! Order!” Queen Haven shouted as she slammed her gavel, bringing silence back to the courtroom. “Now then, Misty.” She glared down at the unicorn. “Do you have anything to say for yourself.”

Misty slowly shook her head. “No, Your Honor. I have no defense.”

“Well I do!”

Everypony gasped as the doors to the courtroom flung open, revealing Zipp on the other side. “Zipp!” Her friends exclaimed at her sudden appearance.

“Zipp?” Misty looked up in confusion, not understanding why Zipp would show up at all.

“Zipp Storm, where have you been?” Queen Haven asked her daughter. “We barely started the trial without you.”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I mean, Your Honor.” Zipp apologized as she walked down the steps to the center of the room. “My research took me longer than I had anticipated.”

“Research? For what?”

Zipp reached the center of the room and stood proudly. “For defending Misty Brightdawn.”

Everypony watching, not just those in the courtroom, gasped at Zipp’s declaration. Immediately whispers and shouts began to fill the air. “She’s joking, right?”

“There’s no way she’s actually going to defend her?”

“Has she forgotten what that unicorn put her through?”

“Open up your eyes, lady!”

“She’s obviously guilty!”

From their spot in the stands, Zipp’s friends shared the same surprise. “She’s going to WHAT?!” Pipp exclaimed.

“She said she’s going to defend, Misty.” Izzy said with a relieved smile on her face.

“That’s good to hear.” Sunny said before her smile turned into a serious look. “But with everything Misty is accused of, will it be enough?”

“Have faith in her, Sunny. Zipp is a lot tougher than we think.” Hitch assured her.

“And we already think she’s very tough.” Izzy added.

“That is true.” Sunny admitted as a smile returned to her face, albeit a cautious one.

Seeing his friend’s worries put to rest, Hitch looked back up at Zipp. ”Good luck, Zipp. You’re going to need every little bit of it to change this crowd’s minds.”

After a few minutes of more talking, Queen Haven finally banged her gavel for silence. “Order! Order!” She yelled as ponies hushed up and allowed the trial to resume. “Zephyrina Storm." Haven said to her daughter, looking down at her with a very serious look. "Do you not understand what you just declared?"

"I do." Zipp nodded calmly. "And as a Princess of Zephyr Heights, I also understand I am well within authority to be Misty's defense attorney."

"Even after everything you've been through?" Haven asked. "All she put you through."

"She's right, Zipp." Misty spoke up. "I told you to just forget about me. Why are you doing this? Tell them you changed your mind." She pleaded.

Zipp looked back at Misty, giving her a gentle smile. "Misty, you should know by now that I'm not so easy to deter." She said before looking up at her mother. "And to answer your question, Mother, it is because of what I have been through which is why I have to do this."

Before giving Queen Haven or Misty the chance to object, Zipp turned around again and addressed those watching. "Everypony, for the past few months, I have not been well. I have suffered from nightmares and depression almost every day. The fear and hatred I had for one pony drove me to the point of near insanity that I even clipped my wings. That pony was myself."

Hearing this made ponies, especially Zipp's friends and family who never expected her to reveal this to the world, so shocked that they couldn't even gasp. "I began to get unwelcome thoughts into my head.” Zipp continued. "Thoughts I have always had somewhere, but now were starting to make me think of things that would be considered full out treason. Including harming my own family. When I started to realize the pony I was becoming, I felt disgusted with myself. I ran and would've probably never been heard from again had my friends not found me when they did. They stood by me. Helped me with every step. Stayed with me through the highs and lows of my recovery."

"And now, as I feel that my recovery has started to steady out and reach its end, I am told that there is a different pony I should direct my negative emotions towards. At first I thought about it. All of my self doubt stemmed from events that this pony was a major part of. Had they never gotten involved in my life, perhaps none of my suffering would have happened.”

“I had a choice to make today. A choice on who I declare the guilty pony.” Zipp stopped her speech and walked over to Misty. The unicorn in question closed her eyes and cowered away, unable to look Zipp in the eyes. “Misty.” Zipp said softly as she put her hoof under the unicorn’s chin. “I do not blame you.”

Misty’s breathing stopped when she heard those words come out of the pegasus’ mouth. Opening her eyes, she saw Zipp smiling down at her. “Y-you what?” She softly repeated.

“I said I do not blame you for all that has happened to me. I said I forgave you when you originally confessed, and that is something I am sticking with.”

“Zipp, no!” Pipp said as she flew out of her seat and landed by her sister. “Don’t do this to yourself!” She desperately pleaded with her. “It’s not your fault you’ve been hurting! It’s-“

“I am not blaming myself either, Pipp.” Zipp stopped her, leaving the pink pegasus speechless at her statement. “I have been spending all of this time hating myself, and it has brought me nothing but misery. While it might seem easy to just shift the grudge to Misty; the truth is all that will do is bring me misery in a new way.” She paused to look up at Hitch, and the stallion smiled at seeing his advice from the night before being put into full effect. “It is time that I accept the past for what has happened, without holding anypony accountable.”

“But there is somepony that should be held accountable.” Pipp tried to convince Zipp. “Don’t you understand that if Misty had never-“ Pipp was cut off again. But this time it was by Zipp pulling her into a hug. “Z-Zipp?” She said quietly.

“It’s okay, Pipp.” Her big sister calmly said. “I understand.”

“Understand what?” Pipp softly asked back.

“I understand why you’ve been feeling like this. You’re angry, Pipp. Not at Misty, but at yourself. You feel that you’ve failed me as a sister. That you are the cause of everything that has happened. You didn’t believe my initial suspicions of Misty. And because of that, not only did that lead to me doubting myself, it also was what allowed me to get corrupted in the first place. The others also may not have shared my suspicions, but you’re my sister. You’re supposed to always have my back, and you didn’t.” Zipp wasn’t accusing Pipp when she spoke, but instead gently said what she believed to be going through her younger sister’s head.

“Zipp.” Pipp whimpered as tears started to form in her eyes from all the shame she was feeling right now, knowing everything Zipp was saying was true.

“You didn’t want to hate yourself like I did, and you ended up directing your frustrations at the first pony you could. But I know you don’t blame Misty for everything. You don’t really hate her. You just didn’t know what else to do with your anger.”

“Zipp.” Pipp whispered again before she lost control of herself and buried her head into her sister’s coat while she began to cry. “You’re right, Zipp! I’ve been such a horrible pony! I should have defended you, but I didn’t! I feel like all of this was my fault, and I don’t know what to do!”

“But I do.” Zipp said as she gently pulled back and looked Pipp in the eyes. “It’s time to move on, Pipp. We’ve both seen what holding grudges can do. If we really want to be happy, we need to forgive. I forgive you. Actually, I don’t even blame you. Now the question is, can you do the same?”

Pipp sniffed and wiped her eyes before nodding. “Yes, I can.” Said before she broke off the hug and walked straight over to Misty. “Misty, words can not even begin to express how sorry I am for everything I said that day. You are an amazing pony, and you didn’t deserve to be berated by me like that. You’ve already felt guilty enough for all you did for Opaline, and all I did was make things worse.” The Pegasus shakily offered her hoof to the unicorn. “I know it’s probably a lot to ask for, but………do you forgive me?”

Misty didn’t even hesitate and took the hoof. “Like Zipp said, I never blamed you.” She said before the two shared a hug.

For all the ponies watching, there wasn’t a dry eye after watching that scene. Seeing that her point was made, Zipp then turned to her mother. “Your Honor. Mom. I don’t hold Misty accountable for anything she’s accused of doing to me. Please, can we let her go?” She pleaded.

“Zipp.” Queen Haven said with tears of her own. “I wish I could, sweetheart. I really do. But sadly Misty is still guilty of crimes against the Royal Family by trapping you in that cave. And no matter how much I want to, I can’t just let her go with an offense as serious as that.”

Zipp frowned. She expected that might still have come up. “In that case, give her to me.” She requested.

“Pardon? Give her to you?”

Zipp nodded. “If Misty is guilty of trying to harm me, then let her make up for that by now protecting me. She can be my lady-in-waiting. In an age of forgiveness and redemption, I feel this sentence is only the most appropriate.”

Queen Haven pondered Zipp’s request. It was most unusual of her oldest daughter to request having a servant. But she knew that Zipp was only doing this to give Misty as much freedom as she could. She knew her daughter would not take advantage of Misty. “Very well, dear.” She said before looking directly at Misty. “Misty Brightdawn, for your crimes against the Royal Family, I hear you sentence you to serve my daughter Zipp as her lady-in-waiting. You are to cater to her every need when she asks of it. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Your Honor.” Misty nodded in acceptance.

“Very well. Then I hearby consider this case closed.” Queen Haven declared as she slammed her gavel once last time.

Immediately the room went into another uproar as ponies now cheered and celebrated. Hitch, Sunny, and Izzy immediately ran over to their friends and hugged them, Izzy maybe being a little too relieved that Misty would be coming home with them if her hug was anything to go by.

Hitch and Zipp wasted no time and immediately kissed when their lips could touch. “I’m so proud of you.” Hitch whispered.

“I have you and everypony else to thank for it.” Zipp whispered back before Sparky flopped onto her mane. “Yes, everydragon too, Sparky.” She chuckled.

Feeling the need to commemorate the occasion, Pipp pulled out her phone and held it above the group. “Everypony say besties!” She beamed.

“Besties!” Everypony said together as the photo was taken.

A few days later, on a bright and sunny day, Zipp was making her way to another therapy session. If she was honest, she didn’t really need to go this time. She hadn’t had any nightmares, and dark thoughts were at an all time low. However, she was bringing somepony else with her today. Somepony who she knew would benefit from the support.

“Are we almost there, Princess Zipp?” Misty asked.

“Misty.” Zipp chuckled. “What have I told you? You can just call me Zipp. You’re not here on any royal orders.”

“Yeah, but we’re in public. Have to keep up appearances, right?” Misty asked sheepishly.

“Oh, Misty.” Zipp playfully rolled her eyes. As expected, she never asked for anything much from Misty. But that didn’t stop the unicorn from still doing favors for Zipp whenever she could. Especially out in public where she felt she had to be shown doing her new job, despite how many times Zipp told her she didn’t have to. Eventually, the two of them found themselves outside of the therapy center. “Well, looks like we are here.”

“Allow me to get the door, Princess.” Misty said as she quickly ran to open it, only to realize they were automatic. “Oh.” She said and chuckled in embarrassment. “Hehe. After you.”

Zipp couldn’t help but laugh and walked into the waiting room before stopping at the door of her therapist and knocked. The door opened, and The Therapist greeted Zipp with a smile. “Ah, Zipp. I take it you have something to want to talk about.”

“Hey, Doc. I do, but I’m more here for a friend of mine.” Zipp said as she gestured Misty to come over with a wing.

“H-hello.” Misty greeted The Therapist. “I am-“

“Misty Brightdawn.” The Therapist recognized the unicorn from the trial. “I have heard many things about you from Zipp.”

“You have?”

“I have. And I believe that she was right to invite your to our sessions. Now come in, both of you. I really want to hear how things between you have been going.” The Therapist moved aside and allowed the two mares in before closing the door behind them.

Once inside, Misty began to talk about what her life was like under Opaline, and how much it pained her. Whenever the unicorn seemed to get emotional, Zipp unfurled a wing and wrapped it around Misty. A gesture she greatly appreciated.

Zipp had gone through much ever since that fateful day she ran off, or the night she broke down in front of Pipp. But now here she was, offering support for those who needed it, just as it had been for her.

Author's Note:

OK, so now chapter 4 has been released, and with it came certain…..events that would probably not fully fit into the timeline of this story.

Well, it’s labeled Alternate Universe for a reason. And I have considered doing an anthology story about Zipp’s recovery containing scenes mentioned here that I think would look good written down, so maybe I can answer the questions there if I feel they need to be.

In actuality, this story was conceived before In the Dark of the Night to some extent. By that I mean ever since the infamous Spanish audio leak, (actually long before then) I had an idea for a sequel to Not Good Enough following what would happen when Misty was revealed. One idea was having Pipp, and probably the rest of Zipp’s friends, feeling guilty about not believing her. The other one was Misty in trial for trapping Pipp and Zipp in a cave and Zipp would be the defendant.

But then after writing in the Dark of the Night, I came to the realization that I need to give Zipp some time to not play the victim, but the hero. And this story seemed to be the perfect way to cap off the WumpZipp trilogy (at least until the anthologies are written where we see more angst) with Zipp confronting her past choices and making peace with herself. (There is another story I have been meaning to post sooner that would also show this, but I haven’t gotten much out of that)

Speaking of Pipp, if there’s one aspect of this story I’m worried about, well worried about the most, it’s how I handled her character. I fear I may have made her too unlikeable, which wasn’t my intention. I was trying to go for protective sister, and also guilty sister, so I’m hoping I got that right and didn’t make her too much of a B.

Anyway. I hope you all enjoyed my story again and I hope to see you all again soon. Though probably not this soon again as I’ve got Dinosaur King to write.

Comments ( 9 )

This was just BEAUTIFUL!!! Oh my goodness, I loved this chapter. It just felt so cathartic on a multitude of levels that I can’t even begin to describe. Seeing Zipp work through her insecurities by defeating her evil alter ego and then defend Misty in court, just…WOW!! I’m really impressed. This ending was just perfect. This story as a whole too was amazing, it really was. And no, you didn’t make Pipp unlikeable. You nailed exactly the protective sister vibe you were going for. I don’t have siblings myself, but I know people that do and this feels very akin to how they would feel if their brother or sister was in a bad situation. Her lashing out at Misty actually felt earned and not out of the blue, so no, you didn’t make her a B. I also really felt for Misty here. From the moment she turned herself in to Queen Haven, I could tell that she blamed herself for everything and I hope we can see more sequels down the road focusing on Zipp and Misty’s new relationship, where Misty has to work through her own insecurities after being forgiven.

Whether or not that happens, this was an impressive story. Top marks, really. Great job!

You have no idea I am happy to hear all of that.

No problem! This story touched me in so many ways.

If there's any issues I have with this story, it's that the Mane 5 (besides Izzy probably) didn't seem as concerned about Misty as I think they should have been. Especially considering she was inevitably facing a life imprisonment. I know they probably couldn't have done anything to change it, but still, I thought it would've bothered them a little more.

And regarding Pipp, I kinda have mixed feelings about her here. On the one hand, I understand why she would hold a grudge against Misty (especially after what's happened in Path to Peace so far). But on the other, the fact that she was ultimately angry at herself and was taking it out on Misty makes me a little less sympathetic to her. It's only because of her that Misty turned herself in in the first place, so I would've liked for her to give more than a simple apology to make up for her mistake.

Other than that, I really enjoyed this! With Zipp finally overcoming her inner struggles and letting go of the past, this was a very satisfying ending to this saga.

And like Admiral Producer said, if you plan on following up on this, then maybe the focus could now shift to Misty and her own journey to recovery.

Comment posted by LordFlareon deleted Jul 11th, 2023

This was a good story exploring Zipp's inner struggles and realizing that she was the one that is the key to overcoming them. However, the pacing for me is what killed a lot of these moments, because it felt like you were excited to get to the next emotional punch without letting me breath. It was just blow after blow and I felt like Pipp, Misty, and Zipp could of used more time to process what is going on so I can get into their heads. I wanted to feel Pipp's frustration, Misty's fear, and Zipp's anxiety and self-hate, but we need to get to the climax of the court hearing so I understand. I still enjoyed the story and that is why I'm leaving this comment to just let you know what I want more of from these characters to really pull me in into this AU.

Did you only read this one story, or more of the saga?

I binged all of it last night and my fault for not leaving comments on the other stories. (I will go back and address that :twilightsmile:) I was just purely speaking to this story.

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