• Member Since 16th Jan, 2023
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Only by studying the past can we win the present.


Comments ( 98 )

Interesting. I can understand her, as all my friends moved away

Same. In my case, I'm the one who moved away lol

Okay. Me, was just sad, as i grew up without friends my age

I was fifty fifty. I didn't have any friends till I went to highschool and I had a group I ate lunch with under a staircase then I moved to Indiana and I met my two best friends and then I moved away from them. We still talk tho

Good for you. I got some online friends now. In school, while I had friends, their parents broke contact after gratulation

A very bitter sweet beginning, nice that her friends support her and sad that she has to go. Sometimes a new start is the best thing though, especially after a divorce that was messy. I do have to wonder just what Bon Bon's dad did. Another great story to look forward to updates.

Short but good and the more you know

Another great chapter, but I do feel for Bon Bon as I was dragged from one place to another every couple years growing up so know a little of what she is going through. I loved Beauty and the Beast, but the animated was the best version while, believe it or nor, I never even seen Titanic. Hopefully Bon Bon will have an easier time than she thinks with the move.

The Titanic is amazing lol

Might have to give it a watch, and I'm so sorry, but I just realized I never gave a thumbsup yet, so have one for a great story! 👍

Well colour me intrigued. Incidentally, I completely agree with Storm's critique of Titanic. Like most of Cameron's work, it is a technical masterpiece, but suffers from dawdling pace and overwrought emotional affect.

Other than some minor formatting issues, your story structure is well thought-out, your prose is straight-forward and relatable, and the premise is fetching. I'll mark it as Tracking, and I look forward to seeing the story unfold.


Are you going to do an origin story for the pony version of Bon Bon?

it always does. But a friend not bothering to say goodbye, no friend at all

Uhh maybe? I haven't actually thought about that but maybe in the future I would be down to tackle one.

Saying goodbye really does suck, and not seeing your friend off in favor of your boyfriend who isn't movinf sucks even more, a really duck move. Loved the bittersweet chapter and can't wait to see the meetings between future friends.

on the bright side, a good start for her

At least Canterlot seems to have made a good first impression on her. Hopefully, the same can be said for her first couple of days at school.

Couple of things: "women" is plural, so should be "woman". And there's a stray zero in the DVD player. Might wanna get that out if Bonnie's gonna watch her movies.

Derpy's a cinnamon roll that has to be protected at all costs :derpytongue2:

I can wholeheartedly agree, physical media is way better than digital most times. No buffering, lengthy downloads or interruptions when the cable goes out and add the ability to display what you have and you have a much better experience.

I have to say I am jealous, that sounds like an awesome apartment and we all know she is going to have some great friends, just hope it isn't too hard to make them.

Aww, Derpy is so sweet. Love that Bon Bon already met one of her future friends as well as seen Lyra for the first time and seems like she already has an attraction to her. Can't wait for more.

ah, i know this only too well, being rather shy. Looking forward to her meeting a certain girl.

And as I saw Derpy, I now wonder about Dinky...

If i may ask, any plans for Boon bon to meet other students too?

Maybe there is. I try to not spoil stories

okay, i just wondered if you need help figuring other students out to meet

I'm always open for suggestions 🙂!

just canon characters i assume?

Right now yes. I might include ocs of people later

okay, though i got 2 OCs that would fit as students i f you like

okay then, still good work

Loving the story and I think you handled bully Sunset pretty well, I do find it really funny Bon Bon is calling Lyra Minty. I do hope that Lyra and Bon Bon can get started as friends without any hiccups, but sometimes those snags can make people closer in the end. Either way, thanks for another great story and looking forward to the sequel.

nice mention of Dinky. you know, makes me kinda under how silver, diamond and eitherweight, together with sniips and snails, are rge only counterparts of background foals in Equestria girls

And Lyra wearing a beret, interesting idea

so Bon bon's from trottingham? interesting. Suppose she could have met pip., little joke

I love Lyra's nickname, and love it even more she knows Bon Bon has been calling her that. Happy to see it official that Derpy and Bon Bon are friends and with friendship date in the works, it won't be too long before Lyra and Octavia are included in the official mix.

Another great, and sweet chapter. Looks like Lyra really likes flirting with Bon Bon and with them having sleepover they all have a lot more time to get to know each other. Happy Bon Bon seemed to enjoy Star Wars, I really need to check out Titanic myself.

Another good movie is Ghost Ship. It's a bit of a horror movie in certain areas but great

Really enjoying this, though I must point out you seem to have two Chapter VIIs listed! Keep up the great work.

Oh shit. Thanks for pointing that out lol

karaoke, very nice!

You are certainly welcome. By the by, I love the subtle flirting going on between Bonny and Lyra, here. Somebody's going to get very twitterpated, soon! :trixieshiftright:

Also, I quite enjoy your portrayal of Vinyl. Is she going to be canon mute (as shown in the show), or just an non-communicative aphasiac? The reason I ask is because, I myself, deal with with social anxiety, manifesting as aphasia, unless I'm writing. But talking is very hard. :fluttershysad:

All said, this has become one of my Starred stories. Well written and relatable. Nice to see the background characters get a good write up. And yeah, I'd be crushing hard on a raven-haired uber-cellist with a slaying British accent. Yorks, especially. I'm really curious to see how Scratch pursues her, and if it helps her aphasia (if that's how you intend to write her – having her being a mute is certainly interesting, as well). Ah, all of the brill character development opportunities, here! :heart:

Thank you kindly for the kind words. She's not going to be mute, she's just going to be very quiet around strangers and in general

BZ, then! Quite looking forward to more! :twilightsmile:

lovely and interesting fact you got there

I know. I just got done randomly reading about it lol

Never heard of that one before but I'll check it out, thanks.

I really love that song! Great choice Lyra, great job getting Bon Bon to open up more. I wonder who was in the bush though I have my guesses and I see a brush with Adagio which was pretty cool.

Another great chapter, was going to mention this last chapter but got distracted. Loved Bon Bon's mom catching Lyra kissing her, thought the little bit of teasing from her was cute. Really happy they are officially together now to and can't wait to see what happens next.

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