• Published 22nd Jun 2023
  • 320 Views, 6 Comments

Paper Mario 64: Chaotic Wishes - snivygamer97

Mario and Equestria's heroes work together to stop Bowser and Discord.

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Prologue to Our Story

“Today… I'm going to tell the story of "Star Spirits and Good Wishes". Far, far away, beyond the sky, way above the clouds in a completely different world from ours, it's been said that there's a haven where the Stars live. In the sanctuary of Star Haven there rests a fable treasure called the Star Rod, which has the power to grant all wishes. Using this wondrous Star Rod, the seven revered Star Spirits watched over this peaceful world carefully...very carefully. And then…,” Princess Luna read to a bunch of younger ponies, having managed to wake up early in order to take on one of Celestia’s duties while she prepared to help Twilight and her friends face off against the biggest threat that she and Celestia had ever faced.


Discord was a being that ran on pure chaos. He would turn the world and its inhabitants upside down for fun. He did so without care or concern for those that he hurt. He was even willing to force other creatures to behave differently than they normally would.

To be honest, Luna herself wanted to help fight Discord and return the twisted psycho to stone. However, Celestia didn’t want her to interfere. To be honest, it made sense. Without the Elements of Harmony, there was no way to fight off the draconequus. All that trying to fight him would accomplish would be to be corrupted and be unable to protect the capital from harm.

As to why she was reading to a bunch of younger ponies, Celestia was busy trying to help Twilight from afar and her sister wanted her to make sure the children of Canterlot remained calm. What better way to do that than with a calming children’s story.

“Quick question, princess,” One little filly with yellow fur and a brown mane asked Luna.

“Sure. What do you need to know, young filly?” Luna asked the young filly.

“I was wondering if this world and the Star Spirits are real,” The young filly asked.

“What makes you ask that?” Princess Luna asked.

“It’s just that… there aren’t any worlds out there that are different from ours. The world we live in must be the only one,” A young colt with a tan coat and green mane answered back.

“Listen. My sister and I have once found ourselves in a few different worlds than the one we were from. So trust me when I say that this story is real,” Luna reassured the fillies.

“Um, okay then?” The filly answered looking uncertain as the colt still looked unconvinced. As Princess Luna looked back at the book only to see that a Koopa was now present, taped onto the book’s page. “Oh dear...What the...?”

“Who stuck that weird thing into this story?” The colt asked, looking surprised.

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the book. It was a cruel and powerful, yet also goofy, voice that spoke from the book, much to everypony’s shock, including Luna.

“Ha ha ha! Yeah! I did! Gwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! So I can, at long last, beat my archenemy, Mario,” The King of the Koopas, Bowser, cheered as his minion, Kammy Koopa, created a portal that transported Bowser in his floating Clown Car into the Star Haven.

“At long last, your rottenness! We’ll have the means with which we can finally achieve our ideal world!” Kammy cheered.

“You’re darn right we will!” Bowser said as he flew his Car towards the Star Rod. “I'll take this Star Rod!” Bowser yelled out as he grabbed said Star Rod, much to the shock and horror of both the Star Spirits in the Star Haven and the ponies reading. “Do it, Kammy Koopa!!” At this, Kammy created a punch of playing cards, one for each Star Spirit.

“No, you mustn't do that!!” Eldstar tried to stop Bowser, only for Bowser to knock back him and the other Star Spirits with a wave of the Rod by creating a barrier around himself.

“Yeah! This thing really works! Now let's try using it on these Star losers!” Bowser cried out gleefully as he waved the Star Rod again.

“Stop it! Cut it out, Bowser!!” Mamar, a female Star Spirit wearing a pink bow cried out as Bowser used the Star Rod’s power to seal all seven Star Spirits into the playing cards Kammy created.

“Bwa ha ha ha ha... We did it! That was a piece o' cake!! Gwaa ha ha!” Bowser cheered on his victory.

“Very good, your nastiness. Now, there will be no one that can stop us or your army!” Kammy said. “So, what do you plan on doing now?”

“Do you even need to ask? I’m going to capture Princess Peach and get her to love me! Nor only that, but I will finally defeat that pest Mario once and for all!” Bowser answered with an evil laugh as he and Kammy flew out of the Star Haven, ready to ensure that this time they would not fail.

At this point, the fillies and colts had gotten over their shock and were starting to cry, not liking the dark turn that the story had taken.

“Please, everyone calm down!” Princess Luna yelled out in the Royal Canterlot voice, which fortunately got the kids to stop crying over the book, but also got them looking at the princess in fear. Princess Luna noticed this, however. “I’m sorry, my subjects. I was just trying to calm you all down.”

“B-But what happened to the Star Spirits? Are they dead?” The green maned colt asked Luna.

“I don’t think so. But… let’s see what the book says,” Princess Luna answered as she read over the next page. “Bowser had sealed away the seven Star Spirits so that their power would not be used to stop him or the Star Rod. Now Star Kids may rise to the Star Haven to deliver people's wishes......but those wishes will not come true. Whatever can they do?”

The last thing that Rainbow Dash remembered before losing consciousness was that they were using the Elements of Harmony on the wretched Discord. After a long journey on Twilight’s part to both find the missing Elements and to return her brainwashed friends to normal, the six ponies and Spike had arrived to confront Discord. Of course, Twilight had to save them yet again, but an overconfident Discord gave them an opportunity to blast him with the Elements. As to whether or not they were successful, Rainbow couldn’t remember.

“Ah! My head!” Rainbow said as she forced herself up. When she awoke, she noticed that she and her friends were in an unfamiliar castle hall, with stained glass windows of a human princess on them and the marble floors lined with red carpet, and were all wearing their Elements. Almost immediately, Rainbow’s friends proceeded to wake up as well.

“Well girls, I think we managed to show Discord that friendship is ma-... wait. Where is Discord? And where the hay are we?” Twilight asked, starting to look around as she and the others noticed their unfamiliar surroundings.

“I don’t know, Twilight. I haven’t seen anyplace like this castle before,” Applejack answered.

“Do you think that the Elements sent us here? Or D-D-Discord?” Fluttershy nervously asked.

“I don’t know, darling. Though, I must say whoever built this castle definitely has good taste,” Rarity noted.

“Seriously, Rarity? The last thing we need right now is to worry about some dumb aesthetic junk!” Rainbow groaned.

“Rainbow Dash! Looks matter more than you may think! Don’t be rude!” Rarity yelled back.

“I have ta agree with Rainbow Dash. It’d be better ta find out where the hay we are. Twilight?” Applejack questioned the leader of their group.

“I don’t know. This doesn’t look like any castle I’ve been in before. But…it does still look familiar somehow…,” Twilight answered uncertainly.

“Ooh! This looks just like that one fairy tale about the Star Spirits that I’ve heard all the time!” Pinkie Pie yelled.

“Pinkie Pie…I know that we should listen to you instead of ignore you like we did with the Parasprites, but still…,” Rainbow said.

“Agreed. Now isn’t the time for random observations. It’s just a book. A very cute story to tell younger generations, but still! The story isn’t real,” Twilight denied.

“Says the pony who correctly believed Nightmare Moon was real when she was ‘just a fairytale’,” Spike snarked, causing Twilight to blush.

“Maybe…But right now we should focus on making sure Discord has been stopped and that Equestria is safe! We need to find out what happened and-,” Twilight explained only for Spike to interrupt.

“Actually…I think Pinkie is right about this. I recognize this castle hall from that storybook. Remember, Twilight? I mean, you did read it to me when we were younger,” Spike pointed out.

“Now that you mention it…Pinkie Pie, Spike, you’re geniuses! I don’t know how, but it looks like we’re in a place based off of that story book!” Twilight admitted.

“So what? We found ourselves stuck in the middle of a filly’s book?” Rainbow asked.

“In a book? Please! This is most likely just what the story’s castle was based on!” Twilight denied.

“To be fair, Twilight, Discord could have just trapped us in the book, seeing as how he was able to warp reality itself. Still, it looks like this may be a good place to vacation to, provided we can travel to and from here,” Rarity noted.

“A-Agreed. I just hope Discord didn’t mess up this place too. Imagine what the poor people will be thinking when Discord tries to turn this place upside down!” Fluttershy agreed.

“Well, it may not be all bad! Remember the chocolate rain? Oohh! He even made us all papery here!” Pinkie Pie said to her pals.

“True…but remember that he also made us all into jerks that went against our very natures just to break us apart!” Applejack reminded.

“Yeah! I’d rather not have us or anypony else live through that anymore. …Wait….papery?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

“Yeah! If you take a look at us and the castle, it’s like we’re in a diorama thingy like from when we were fillies!” Pinkie Pie explained.

“Is she pulling our legs or…,” Spike asked Twilight.

“Of course she is! You know I love your jokes, Pinkie. But right now we should really try and get back…,” Twilight said before she noticed her hooves were somewhat flat and upon feeling them noticed that Pinkie was right. They were paper. “Pinkie is right…,” Twilight nervously laughed before fainting.

“Twilight!” The five mares and one dragon cried out as Spike and Applejack ran over to her and checked up on her.

“Is she okay?” Rarity asked.

After looking over her for a moment, Applejack answered, “She’s fine. She just fainted is all.”

“Oh, thank goodness! I thought she may have gotten hurt when she fell,” Fluttershy sighed in relief.

“I checked her over and no bumps or bruises,” Spike noted as he gently shook his older sister. In a few moments, the unicorn mare woke up.

“Oh, Spike! I just had the craziest dream that we somehow ended up in a storybook and were pap-,” Twilight said…only for Spike to show that his claw was paper and things quickly clicked. “I-It wasn’t a dream, was it?”

“Nopey dopey! So…where do you think that the princess of this castle is at?” Pinkie Pie wondered.

“No clue. It would be great to meet the royal princess…what was her name again?” Rarity asked only for the others to say they didn’t know what her name was. “Well, you know. But maybe we should find a way home and make sure we stop that brutish Discord if he’s still out there,” Rarity finished.

“I agree! Let’s kick goat boy’s butt and return him to stone! So, Twilight, you think you can teleport us home?” Rainbow asked.

“I’ll try! I’m not fully used to teleporting multiple creatures yet, but it looks like now would be a good time to test mass teleporting out. Everyone, step towards me!” Twilight said as she began to focus magic into her horn. When everyone was close to her, she began to cast the spell. A magical barrier began to form around the seven. In an instant, the group teleported…only a few feet away from their current location. “Wh-Wha? It didn’t work! We’re still in this book’s castle?!” Twilight yelled in annoyance and disbelief.

“Well…on the bright side you moved us a teensy bit! You’re getting stronger!” Pinkie Pie pointed out as Twilight didn’t look any happier.

“Uh, Pinkie? Now may not be the time fer that, as well intentioned as that was,” Applejack said.

“D-Do you think Discord may have kept Twilight’s magic from letting us leaving this book?” Spike wondered.

“I-I h-have n-no id-d-dea. I just hope that we don’t run into any danger while we’re here,” Fluttershy nervously noted.

“Aw, come on, Fluttershy! Danger can be cool! I bet I could beat up any bad guys that would threaten to hurt us or any innocents! Easy peasy!” Rainbow Dash said challengingly.

“-Or we could make friends with them and get them on our side!” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“Love the optimism, darling, but there’s no guarantee that’ll happen so easily,” Rarity noted.

“So…Twilight? Why do you think the spell didn’t work out?” Applejack asked.

“I have no clue. There didn’t seem to be any outside interference. I guess a basic teleportation won’t be getting us back home. Maybe…if I found a book of spells I could try and look for a teleportation spell that could get the job done,” Twilight suggested.

“Hmmm. Not a bad idea, Twilight. Maybe we should check this castle’s library for any helpful ideas or spells,” Spike suggested.

At this, Twilight looked elated. “O-Of course! It would be great to visit the local library! Imagine all the stories and history and culture we’d be able to learn while we read the books there!”

“Slow down there, Twilight!” Applejack tried to remind Twilight.

“What is it, Applejack?” Rarity questioned. “It has to do with looking for the spell, right?”

“Of course! We should really get ta lookin’ for a way home and read for fun later,'' Applejack reminded the eggheaded hero.

“Oh…right,” Twilight blushed in embarrassment.

“Before we go, though, maybe we should let the princess know we’re here?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Seriously, Fluttershy? We need to get out of this place and back to Ponyville in order to save Equestria from Discord!” Rainbow impatiently reminded.

“Yeah…but it is kinda rude that we’ve been here without the princesses’ permission. I just hope she’s not mad when she finds out we’re here,” Fluttershy explained.

“If she is mad, we can just explain our situation. I’m sure she’ll understand,” Rarity said.

“And if she isn’t we can just offer some delicious cupcakes as an ‘We’re sorry for breaking and entering without the breaking’ gift!” Pinkie said as she somehow got out a plate of tasty cupcakes from hammerspace, much to everyone else’s confusion.

“Okay…well we can’t waste any more time! Let’s go and look for a spellbook with a spell that can get us out of here!” Twilight said as she and her friends were ready to leave and begin searching. However, before they could leave the room to look for the library, the door to the hallway suddenly opened. The papery being that entered into this room was, much to the surprise of the ponies and dragon but not too much, the princess of this storybook’s kingdom. She was a fairly beautiful lady with blonde hair and a pink dress.

“And…we’re in trouble,” Spike grumbled.

“Tell me about it,” Rainbow grumbled back.

“Um…, excuse me, but can you please tell me what you’re all doing in my castle? Are you here for-?” The princess asked.

“S-Sorry! W-We weren’t t-trying to t-trespass. We’ll leave now,” Fluttershy apologized meekly, ready to leave the castle.

“Before we leave, can you please allow us to look in the library real quick?” Twilight asked.

“And can you tell us where we can find the spells section of the library? Oh! And the cookbooks for baked goods?” Pinkie asked as Rainbow and Spike facepalmed.

“Look, I know y’all may not believe us, but we come from another non-papery world. We got sent here tryin’ ta fight an evil chaos creature and we need help gettin’ back home,” Applejack explained.

“So…you see, we don’t mean any harm to you or your subjects. We just need some help. However, if you want us to leave, we’d be more than okay to get out of your beautiful hair and dazzling dress,” Rarity said.

“Look, we might as well just get ourselves out of this place. The princess is likely already about to call for some guards,” Rainbow bluntly said.

During this whole conversation, the princess was quiet. It was hard to tell what on earth she was thinking in response to these claims of theirs. Finally, after a good minute of silence, the princess finally spoke again, “Is that all? I’m terribly sorry to hear that you got sent away from home.”

“It’s…fine?” Twilight was somewhat confused.

“Um, shouldn’t you be more mad?” Rainbow asked suspiciously.

“Why would I be mad?” The princess asked.

“Because we ended up in your gorgeous castle without permission, of course!” Rarity answered.

“I know…but you all seem to be telling the truth and are in need of help. The last thing I want is for you and your home from outside the Mushroom Kingdom to be in any further danger because you were sent here while fighting evil,” The princess said.

“So we’re not going to be kicked out then?” Pinkie Pie asked before the princess nodded, leading to Pinkie cheering, “Woohoo! We have a new princess friend in this strange papery world!”

“Pardon Pinkie Pie here princess…uh…,” Twilight said as she and the other ponies bowed…before realizing she didn’t know the princesses’ name.

“Princess Peach. And it’s a pleasure to meet you all. Also, sorry if I seem rude, but what exactly are you six? I can tell that this one here is a dragon…,” Peach said.

“Aw, thanks Princess Peach,” Spike said with a blush.

“...But what are the rest of you?” Peach asked.

“Well, simply put, the six of us are ponies. Rarity and I are unicorns, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash here are pegasi, and Pinkie Pie and Applejack here are earth ponies. We come from the land of Equestria…,” Twilight answered only to be interrupted.

“Which just so happens to be from somewhere outside of this book your kingdom lives in!” Pinkie Pie continued.

“Pinkie? Can you please not be so rude in front of royalty?” Twilight whispered nervously.

“But I was just answering her question!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Princess Peach, we’re sorry for our friend being rude,” Twilight apologized with a bow.

“Oh, you don’t need to apologize. So….you really aren’t from anywhere we know. I’ve known of many lands across this world, but I’ve never heard of Equestria. Must not be from this book’s world after all,” Peach reassured.

“Uh huh! Though I must admit, your majesty, that this world has gotten me very curious. I remember a few differences for this world compared to ours, but I’d really love to learn more if you don’t mind!” Twilight squeed.

“Um, Twilight?” Spike nudged his older sister.

“What?” Twilight looked towards him…only to remember that they had important business. “Oh, right! So…can you show us to the library so we can look for a spell to help us get home?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah! We can’t really waste much more time. If Discord is still out there, we need to stop him before he does anything else to Equestria,” Applejack agreed.

“I understand. Right now, I’m in the middle of hosting a party and was going to take a break from greeting my guests…Oh! I just realized that I don’t know any of your names. Who are you all?” Peach asked.

“My name is Pinkie Pie! And these are my friends Applejack, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike,” Pinkie said as she points over to each of the respective guests.

“It’s nice to meet you all. And sure! We’d be more than happy to-,” Peach said only to be interrupted.

“Wait…there’s a party going on?!” Pinkie cried out excitedly.

“And…here we go,” Rainbow shook her head.

“Not really the best time to mention a party,” Spike noted.

“You must be having a great time right now seeing as how you’re having a party in your own home! Or…maybe not seeing as how you’re up here rather than with your friends and their friends and their friend’s friends! Well, maybe before we go to kick some draconequus butt we can liven up your party for you! Hopefully it’ll go better than it did during the Gala a few weeks ago! I mean, seriously! I know that-,” Pinkie was talking her mouth off very quickly, much to the confusion of the human princess and ponies.

“So…Is something wrong here?” Princess Peach asked in confusion.

“You see, from where we come from, Miss Pie is a baker and party planner. She loves making everyone around her happy, and throwing parties is an easy way for her to do that,” Rarity explained.

“Really? Sounds nice,” Peach said.

“But right now, we need to focus on stopping that mean old Discord before he can break any more friendships or cause more misery like he did with us,” Fluttershy said.

“Agreed. Pinkie?” Twilight asked…only to notice that Pinkie was still talking. “Pinkie?” Twilight asked, a bit more annoyed this time. “PINKIE?!!” Twilight yelled.

“Yes?” Pinkie asked innocently.

“We need to focus on returning home right now. I’m afraid we don’t have time for this party, as fun as it could be,” Twilight reminded.

“Twilight is right, Pinks. As awesome as it’d be to party, we can’t just rest while Discord is brainwashing ponies and making more chaos. So, princess? Do you know where…,” Rainbow held back a begrudging sigh before finishing, “Do you know where we can find the library?”

“Of course! You see…I know that this castle does indeed have a library filled with a variety of books. It’s a few floors down from where we currently are right now. I can call for Toadsworth to go and bring some of the spell books for you to look through,” Peach suggested.

“Sounds nice…but if you don’t mind I’d rather just read through the books on my own. We’re bound to find and test out something that can get us back home. Right, girls?” Twilight asked her friends, who responded with nods. “Great! Now…let’s get to reading!”

Meanwhile…There was a small house with only a couple of rooms in it located a little ways off from the castle. Sad house was surrounded by green pipes, some that lead to nowhere and others that lead to a few different locations across the Mushroom Kingdom. One of which led straight to Toad Town; a small town populated by living mushroom people called Toads.

As for who lived in this house…well the house only had two residents in fellow human brothers Mario and Luigi. The duo have helped to save the Mushroom Kingdom many times in the past, often from the most known baddie in the land, the King of the Koopas Bowser. Bowser has attempted to take over the Mushroom Kingdom many times in the past, kidnapping Princess Peach and trying to make her his wife. Thankfully, however, the two brothers were often able to stop Bowser’s plans in the end and there was nothing to suggest that things would be different anytime soon.

As the brothers were taking some time to relax in their house, a Paratroopa, a turtle-like being with wings, mailman dropped off a letter in the mailbox. Parakarry cried out before flying away, “Mail call!”

As the Paratroopa flew away, Luigi, the taller yet younger brother of the two Mario brothers, popped out of the house and got out the letter that Parakarry delivered. As Luigi looked over the envelope and noticed who wrote to them, Luigi happily walked into the house to inform his older brother of the letter.

Luigi found his brother just about to get out a mushroom to eat for lunch. “Hey, bro! We got a letter from Princess Peach!” Luigi cheerfully said, this getting the Italian plumber’s attention. “I'll read it to you, OK? All right, let's see…’I'm throwing a party at my castle today! Mario and Luigi, I would be honored if you both could attend. Many guests from distant towns are hoping to meet you. There will be tasty sweets and all kinds of entertainment! I hope to see you here soon!

Sincerely, Peach.’” As Luigi finished, the brothers looked at each other in understanding. The brothers knew for a fact that they should attend. After all, they knew the princess as a close friend and it would be rude to decline. Besides, the duo could get a tasty meal inside their bellies on top of that. So, the duo left their home, locking the door behind them. Entering the pipe to head towards Toad Town, the duo felt that today was going to be a great day…unaware of how things were about to go horribly wrong.

Author's Note:

Hello there. I hope that everyone will enjoy this story. Yes, I know that Codex92 has already done this story before. However, I want to do my own separate take on these characters being sent to the Paper Mario world...and maybe more beyond that.