• Member Since 4th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen Sunday


"Rich parents are your best financial assets." -Sun Tsu, the Art of War.


This thing is mainly all about different versions of evil Celestia shit-talking with another evil Celestia, there’s no actual dragging a human to convert in this story, just implied.

TCB Celestia wants to make her empire with the help of her many alternate selves. As such, she stretched her hoof out into the multiverse, asked for help, and in return, they will receive mutual aid, cooperation, or something else..... but that is not what this story is about.

Fast forward a few years later, they had successfully carved out a multiverse empire, may it be TCB Celestia's eugenic queendom, Celest-AI's digital afterlife, or Daybreaker's land of eternal sun.

Now they have free time.

Lots of free time.

Too much free time

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Coming soon to theaters

The Celestia Dynasty

It could be worse... Princess Molestia was not invited

Principal Celestia was originally Molestia, but I thinks it's funnier this way.

I guessed you divided Molestia into her and Trollestia

I bet regular Celestia is always "sick" when meetings are held...

I wonder where they sealed Molestia.

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