• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
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Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?



Pearl Rose is new in town. Having just moved to Equestria's capital of Ponyville, she is finding it hard to fit in.

But when she rescues a unicorn filly by the name of Twilight Sparkle from bullies, she finds not only her first friend in her new home but something more.

And when the empress herself takes an interest in the two, the multiverse itself will never be the same.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 20 )

Twilight is already in ponyville? Interesting and Strange

Oh dude. So much about this Equestria is different from canon 😜.

Notice the lack of certain character tags, the fact that Equestria is ruled by an empress, or Ponyville is the capitol. More will b revealed in time of course 😊.

I actually did notice that. The lack of a celestia and luna tag didn’t go unnoticed.

Comment posted by Grand-Galvatron deleted Aug 27th, 2023

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Apparently not. And in Ponyville of all places. Her brother is cute though. So maybe it's just that." She gave Cosmos a pointed look. "I still don't understand why you're so interested in her."

Is there gonna be a love triangle?

Cosmos nodded. "Yes. Quite well in fact, though not in this universe. A bond I will never share with them ever again, and everything we did together."

She’s from another universe?

Cosmos nodded. "This just came up, and it will not wait." She frowned, as the room darkened. "As for what it shall say? Anyone who threatens or harms Twilight Andromeda Sparkle and Pearl Alabaster Rose will answer to me. Any attack on them or their families will be considered an attack on the crown."

Is twilight related to them or something?

No love triangle here. Diamond's just saying what a lot of mares are thinking, even though Shining is with Cadance. And they're not family, nor is Cosmos from another universe.

It's complicated πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«. But also not important to the story.

Then why is she talking about this universe?

Does there need to be a reason for every piece of dialog? Cosmos has a habit of saying things that don't make sense to those around her, even if they mean something to me. This is one of them.

Just found. Added to read list. :twilightsmile:

Only commenting to ask, why does a lot of your stuff have so many dislikes? Based on the fact that you have 400+ followers, I would think those followers actually liked what you wrote (and you've written some really good stuff). Did you somehow manage to lure all the trolls, bots, and haters to your stories and keep them there? I just find it strange and even kind of funny how everything on everything you do automatically gets so many dislikes probably without the people who are doing that even reading it πŸ˜‚ So I know that when I look at anything on your page I can probably ignore the haters.

I think I did lure all the trolls, botts, and haters. And I laugh at every single one of them too. If I cared about downvotes, my first story would never have been finished. Let alone the rest of them.

People who leave a nice comment also seem to get the most downvotes. So you know that this targeted harassment now. I can name a couple of users who I'm sure are responsible for most of them.

That's just crazy 🀣

But yeah, I also noticed your older stories are more accurately rated, so maybe having so much attention now is secretly a troll magnet for people who think you have too many followers? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ πŸ˜‚

Who knows? Doesn't matter to me either way.

Well, that was unexpected. Although, this makes me have a lot of questions.

Just got caught up. Looking forward to more! :twilightsmile:

and yes, the stars in his mane DO move. a gift from his mortally absent mother.

Enjoying the story. Got caught up. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

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