• Published 18th Jul 2023
  • 106 Views, 4 Comments

The War for Balance - Robert Emerald Fountain

Equus goes to war against two entities and trains new soldiers to fight alongside them.

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The Final Battle

As everyone was gearing up for takeoff, Flurry Heart had made up her mind. She called a meeting with the squad leaders and discussed her plan.

“Instead of destroying Galeem and Dharkon, we will restrain them so that I can talk sense into them.”, she said.

“How do you plan to achieve that?”, asked Mickey.

“Yeah, just as Mickey said, how are going to do that?”, asked Yona.

“Here’s my plan for doing this. We will build two sets of shackles. One will be charged with darkness from our battle with Dharkon and launched at Galeem. The other set will be charged with light from battling Galeem and launched at Dharkon. The shackles will be inside large missiles that I will fire from my ship. However, I must do so when both of them are at their most vulnerable. We must take down their defenses gradually until their protection has dropped to 10%. Once it has reached that point, it will be the ideal moment for me to restrain them. If it gets lower than 10%, then the shackles may destroy them, which is not what I want to do.”, Flurry explained.

The leaders agreed with Flurry Heart’s idea and the two fleets began to build the two sets of shackles. After constructing the shackles and charging them, they began packing them into the missiles. Once the missiles had been loaded onto Flurry’s ship, everyone started prepping their own ships for the final battle in the war for balance between light and darkness.

It took one week for everyone to prepare their equipment and set it to the absolute maximum level of power. After everything was stabilized and all systems were go, everybody started boarding their ships and Flurry spoke to Celestia, Twilight, and Luna through telepathy, asking for protection and guidance. After hearing in her head that the guidance and protection would come, Flurry got on board her ship and called to the soldiers.

“All pilots, close helmets and confirm radio contact.”

Once the pilots had confirmed contact, Flurry gave the final countdown to launch.

“Takeoff in five, four, three, two, ONE!”, she cried.

Engines fired off and the soldiers took off for space. Arriving in orbit, they spotted Galeem and Dharkon waiting for them.

Once all of the ships were in position, it was time for the final showdown.

“Lock S-foils in attack position.”, instructed the squad leaders to their members.

“Here goes nothing. It’s now or never.”, said Minnie as her nieces split off and everyone’s wings opened up.

“OPEN FIRE!”, yelled Smolder.

Weapons began firing at both of the entities and slowly breaking down their shields. Galeem and Dharkon both tried to send out bits of their power to counter the attacks, but it would not work.


Twenty minutes later…


“Protection integrity at 25%. Get ready with those missiles, Flurry Heart.”, said Mickey.

Flurry opened the muzzle doors and locked the reticles on both Galeem and Dharkon as she continued shooting in unison with all of the other soldiers. Galeem and Dharkon intensified their defenses by sending out both Master Hands and Crazy Hands, but the soldiers had strengthened their weapons to take these out like a hot knife through butter. Thirty minutes after this, both Galeem’s and Dharkon’s protection had dropped to the sweet spot. At this point, it was Flurry’s time to shine.

“TEN PERCENT!”, yelled Millie and Melody over headset.

“FIRE NOW!”, yelled Toodles.

Flurry took a deep breath and then pulled the trigger. The missiles left her ship with a huge recoil, pushing her ship backwards. Galeem and Dharkon saw the weapons coming and tried to put up shields to deflect the missiles, but they were too late. The missiles burst open and the shackles penetrated deep into the orbs, wrapping themselves around the human forms of both entities. They felt their powers fading away and they began to lose sense of what was happening. Sound became silence, and sight began to darken. As everything before their eyes faded to black, Galeem and Dharkon both felt themselves falling as gravity pulled them towards Equus. They felt cold wetness as they splashed into the Celestial Sea, and then they passed out completely.