• Published 8th Jul 2023
  • 481 Views, 6 Comments

Twilight Abuses the Cutie Map - Cxcd

Twilight messes with the Cutiemap, and creates a way to look into alternate timelines. What’s going on over there?

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Twilight's Type - (01) Dreams and Fantasies

It was one of the most beautiful nights in the history of Equestria. At least, as far as Twilight could tell.

The moon glowed fully, lighting the hills as far as the eye-could-see. The night sky was an explosion of colors, specks of white dotted across the heavens.

The duo sat in front of a luxurious restaurant. Above them, thin wooden beams ran across, dangling warm orange fairy lights, giving the entire area a homely vibe. Around them were ponies, all dining on the glorious night, sounds filling the out-door seating of plates clicking and fun chatting. There were ponies eating food, feeding each other seductively, and generally having a good time on this full night.

Twilight levitated her fork, twirling a tendril of spaghetti. She was nervous. Real nervous. Not the night sky, the ponies around them, or the fancy fairy lights could ever compare to the stallion sitting in front of her. Simply put, he was beautiful. His red coat seemed to light up the area, partially obscured by a black suit that fit him just so well. His luscious blonde mane dangled in front of his violet eyes, almost making Twilight swoon.

Twilight cleared her throat, no longer having the ability to maintain eye contact. Celestia forbid it became awkward with her… staring.

She was wearing a dress herself. A light blue dress with a clip pulling her hair back and a small starburst pinned in her mane, just like her Cutiemark. She used a hoof, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She smiled bashfully, looking back up at the stallion, putting her hooves in her lap as she kept twirling the spaghetti in her magic.

“So…” She started awkwardly. “Do you- um- come here often?” She asked, batting her eyelashes in what she could only hope was a seductive way.


It was the local farmer, and her best friend's brother, Big Macintosh. She still had no idea how she managed to score a stallion this good. Twilight let out a lady-like giggle, finally shutting herself up by biting into her spaghetti. This date was going swimmingly. Twilight readjusted on her seat, eyes darting back and forth between her spaghetti and Big-Mac.

She fumbled with her hooves for a moment, landing her knee on the table, letting her chin rest on the top of her hoof, once again staring at the stallion.

“Tell me about the farm…” She said dreamily. Big-Mac looked down at his own spaghetti, which had been eaten over ten minutes ago. Truth was, Twilight had been fumbling this date for the past half-hour. But he didn’t mind. She was a pretty mare.

“Lot’sa pushin.” He said.

“O-Oh. Interesting.” Twilight said, shoving another fork into her mouth. She could feel herself becoming frustrated, even if she knew she shouldn’t be getting frustrated. While chewing, she took her chin off her hoof, letting her eyes wander for a moment. To her left, it looked like Lyra and Bon-bon were on their own dinner-date, the two wearing similar but cute dresses. To her right, Lyra and Bon-bon were on their own dinner-date, the two wearing similar but cute dresses. Behind her, Lyra and Bon-bon… wait a minute.

Twilight snapped ahead, staring directly at Big-Mac. He flinched for a moment at her sudden change in demeanor. Like a feral dog, Twilight started climbing on top of the table, getting as close to Big-Mac as possible. He shrunk in his chair, trying to avoid the fury of whatever he did to anger Twilight Sparkle, quite possibly the strongest Unicorn of his generation.

Twilight’s dress was getting ruined, spilling wine, extinguishing candles, and being dragged across unfinished spaghetti. She stopped when Big-Mac was practically on the floor, Twilight leaning entirely over him.

“Mister Macintosh…” She said, looking him up and down. “I need you to answer me truthfully… what color are your eyes?”

“U-Uhh- green?”

“So why are they violet right now?” She interrogated. Big-Mac’s only response was a swallowing of his spit. Twilight sighed, and finally popped the question. “Big-Mac, am I dreaming?”

Big-Mac swallowed again.


“Fuck me!” She shouted. Her horn lit, and in under a second, Big-Mac was crushed into something smaller than a sugar-cube.

“Aagh!” She screamed, rolling around in her own bed. She sat up in a cold sweat, looking around her room, panting like she had run a mile.

It was just a dream. Nothing more, nothing less. She laid back down, staring straight up at the ceiling of overgrown wood and bark. She let her heart rate slow down. If it was just a dream, why was her heart beating so fast?

Truth was, it was a reoccurring dream. She had the same dream, over and over, only being with every possible stallion in Ponyville. It was driving her mad. Like Princess Luna was trying to sabotage her friendship studies. She had even applied a warding charm before she fell asleep, but that only made her nightmares protected from the jurisdiction of Princess Luna. She felt silly for even thinking Princess Luna would try and sabotage her studies.

But what could a mare do? She couldn’t ask one of the princesses to help her with a dumb dream! Princess Luna only helped with nightmares, anyways.

Twilight realized half her pillow was covered in slobber, and was currently positioned half-way down her body. She reasonably concluded she had been hugging the pillow, and subsequently slobbering over it like a horse. She let out what Rarity would call an ‘unladylike’ groan and forced herself to her hooves. She threw the wet pillow onto the ground, away from the clean sheets, so it could be properly cleaned later.

Actually… the majority of her room looked like an ‘ill get around to it later’ materialized.

Maybe… it wasn’t healthy to live like this. But she just wasn’t in the mood to clean it up. Actually- she never was in the mood to clean her room.

Downstairs, a small dragon with purple scales was working a stove, clicking up the notches on the front panel and flipping a pancake. The pan clanged loudly to the stove, making Twilight’s ears involuntarily fold in on themselves. She sighed, walking towards the kitchen island and taking a seat on the stove.

His name was Spike, and he was humming merrily, completely oblivious to the Unicorn behind him. He stood on a step-stool and wore an adorable apron that read ‘#1 chef!’ He threw the pancake again, the pan landing on the stove again loudly. Twilight’s ears flopped again, and she put her hooves over them.

Spike seemed to grab for more batter in a bowl. His head slightly turned to the side and saw the Unicorn.

“Oh, good morning, Twilight!” He said. “Sorry for the noise. I didn’t know you were awake.”

“It’s fine.” She said, letting her hooves fall. “Good morning to you, Spike.” He poured more batter into the pan, this time flipping the pancake and gently letting the pan clank against the stove. He shimmied it for a moment longer, letting it sit and turning around. His eyes went wide as he finally absorbed the Unicorn.

“Wow.” He said. “You look like garbage.”

“Gee, thanks.” She said, resting her chin on the island. She used some of her magic to grab a nearby comb from the resident junk drawer in a futile attempt to contain the rat’s nest residing in her hair.

“No, I mean- you really don’t look good.” Spike said worryingly. “Are you getting sick or something?”

“No, Spike.” Twilight sighed. “Just- something going on, I guess.” She raised her head back up, using one hoof to scratch her fetlock. Spike watched for a moment as Twilight gazed off into the abyss.

“Alright, sister.” Spike leaned against the stove, unknowingly clicking the knob a few notches higher. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She said, scratching a little harder.

“Twilight, you’re doing it.” He said. Twilight looked down at her hoof, suddenly retracting it. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I- Um- Fine.” She sighed. “It’s embarrassing.” She admitted. Spike chuckled.

“I don’t care! Something’s bothering you, and you need to spill it!” Spike leaned back farther. “So spill it!”

“Promise not to tell any pony.” She said, slightly embarrassed.

“Twilight. Do you have such little faith in me that I’d tell any pony?” He asked, almost slightly offended. He let out a short sigh. “I promise I won’t tell any pony.”

“Okay.” Twilight nodded. She turned around, looking around the empty loft. Almost like she was looking for any eaves-droppers in her own home. She turned back to Spike, sucking in a large amount of air until she turned red. Then, like a cannon, she told Spike.

“I’ve been having dreams.” She said quietly, much to Spike’s confusion.

“Is that it?” He asked, shrugging. “I mean, I have dreams all the time. Like last night, I dreamed that I found this massivegem. Size of the house-tree.” Spike stopped talking upon seeing Twilight’s expression. “Umm- please, continue.”

“Right.” She sighed. “So- in these dreams, with stallions, I-”

“Gonna stop you there, sis’.” Spike waved his arms frantically, cutting Twilight off. “I really, really don’t want to hear your fantasies.”

“What?” Twilight asked, looking around the kitchen again. “What fantasies?”

“I know developing ponies can have… certain dreams, and um- I know it’s totally normal and healthy-”

“Spike!” Twilight shouted. “Not those kinds of dreams! Geesh! How do you you even know about that stuff? You’re twelve! Not even old enough for school yet!”

“You made me read those anatomy books.” He shrugged. “Dragons age faster, live longer than ponies, but…” He shivered. “I don’t think any dragon is meant to age that fast.”

“Right.” Twilight stomped her hoof on the island. “No more anatomy books for you, young man.” Twilight scowled while Spike resisted the urge to let out a cheer of joy. “Also, um- Spike, the pancakes?”

“Huh?” Spike turned to his left, suddenly noticing the flame taller than him that was licking the vent above. He turned fully around, putting his hands on his hips as the fire burned no less than a centimeter away from his face. “Whoops.” He said, clicking the burner back down. The flame dissipated, leaving nothing but a scorch mark on the wood. For a normal pony, flesh would’ve been melted ages ago. For dragons, however, flames weren’t even noticeable most days. It wasn’t even an inconvenience, it was less than a bother. Once the flames died down, Spike turned back around to face Twilight. “Continue?” He offered.

“Right. Dreams.” She cleared her throat, suddenly looking a little more tired. She slumped her head back onto the table. “I’ve been having dreams of going on dates with every stallion in Ponyville. There, is that better?”

“Wow.” Spike blinked. “Hormones, am I right?”

“Spike!” Twilight made an ‘ugggh’ sound.

“What?” He asked. “Dude, all of my friends are mares. You, the girls, the Cutiemark Crusaders. How could I avoid that?” He defended. “Besides, it’s just natural! I know more about hormones than any pony in Ponyville. Remember, I was the one who grew fifty-feet tall because I got too many birthday presents?” Twilight debated for a moment, then nodding.

“You’re right Spike. I shouldn’t get after you for something like that.”

“No, it’s okay.” Spike shrugged, flipping what was left of the pancake. “Besides, why don’t you just go on a date?” Spike suggested. Twilight stared dumbly for a moment, left speechless. Well- Spike had a great point. Why didn’t she go on a date? She was more than old enough to do so, after all. She almost felt dumb for not thinking about it sooner.

Dating, while growing up, was always behind some kind of invisible wall. Her parents dated each other before marrying. That wall was being old. Her brother, Shining Armor, was always an adult figure in her life. He dated because he was an adult figure. Twilight never noticed herself becoming an adult. Hay, maybe even now she didn’t really consider herself an adult.

Why not, though? She had a job as the student to Princess Celestia herself, owned a rather nice home, even if it was integrated into the local library, had a group of friends her age… hay, even some of her friends were older siblings. Right now, she was the adult she always saw her brother as.

So why didn’t she feel like it? Twilight’s brow furrowed with determination as she made up her mind. Yes. She would go date a stallion! Probably Big-Mac due to her recent dream.

Was… was that it? Did she just make up her mind? Was there not a process? Perhaps some paper-work to fill out first? Was it just as simple as… asking Big-Mac?

“Kinda quiet over there.” Spike observed from his step-stool. “What’re you thinking about?”

“I think I just might, Spike.” Twilight said quietly. “I think I just might go on a date!” She began to raise her voice, standing up from her slumped spot on her stool. “I think I might just walk over to Sweet Apple Acres right now and ask Big-Mac out right now!” She declared proudly. Spike looked on as his sister suddenly regained lost confidence with a smile. Then, suddenly and unexpectedly, she slumped back down to the kitchen island.

“But Big-Mac is Applejack’s brother!” She almost yelled, covering her ears with her hooves. “I can’t just ask him! I’ll be- I’ll be that weird friend that hits on my friend’s brothers! Oh, what would she think of me?!”

“Twilight. You need to calm down.” Spike said. “Family is tight-knit. I’m sure Applejack would be over the moon that you wanted to date her brother. That is your advantage. Your angle!” Spike deposited two burnt pancakes on a plate in front of her, pushing it forwards as he talked. “So. You’re gonna ask out Big-Mac. Right?”

“I- I think I will!” She boasted. “I’m going to ask out Big-Mac! What’s the worst that could happen? Him saying ‘no?’ I’ve been rejected before! Maybe not in a romantic setting like this, but it’s not the worst thing in the world! It’s worth a try, anyways!” Twilight levitated a pancake close to her mouth. “After breakfast, of course.” She bit into the pancake.


“Ow…” She said sheepishly, rubbing her cheek with a hoof. “Maybe just a little bit burnt…” Spike smiled sheepishly, already pouring another batch onto the pan.