• Published 30th Jul 2023
  • 2,151 Views, 70 Comments

Stoking the Flames - RunicTreetops

Following the defeat of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Opaline was forced into hiding for many years. To survive, she would need help. Eventually, a young mare named Misty showed up. But hundreds of years before her, a human arrived at her doorstep.

  • ...

Year 5

You leap into a large shrub and stick as close to the ground as possible. Your breathing is heavy following the sprinting you were just doing, but you hold a hand over your mouth to keep as quiet as possible. A few seconds later, the sound of dozens of hooves running by fills your ears.

"Where is it?!"

"It had to have gone this way!"

"Don't lose it! That thing stole some of our mirror crystals!"

The voices grow quieter as the shouting stallions run past you, disappearing further into the forest. You stay as still as possible until you are certain that you're alone once more, at which point you remove your hand from your mouth and finish wheezing. That... didn't go as planned.

Bringing yourself to your feet, you choose to make your way out of the forest away from the beaten path. Today, you infiltrated Bridlewood. It isn't the first time you've been here, but it is the first time you've been spotted. Unlike in Maretime Bay, you are not welcome here in any capacity. The unicorns think you're a monster or something, and frankly, you have no problem with that.

Today, you were stealing a few "mirror crystals" from one of Bridlewood's crystal gardens. You've been studying that book you stole from Maretime Bay's lighthouse for a few years now, and you think you finally have a way to help Opaline reaffirm her grip on Equestria. To do so, you're going to need a lot of those crystals. Thankfully, even after getting caught, you managed to get the last few crystals you need to finish your project. You peer into your bag to double check that the crystals are still there. Some of them did get crushed in the chase, but that's not really a problem as far as your goal is concerned. With a satisfied nod, you hastily make your way out of the forest, being sure to remain in hiding this time around.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA! OH, OHOHO, AHAHAHAHA!" Opaline nearly rolls off of her throne as she cackles at your disheveled, scratched-up appearance. "HAHA! Ha... ha... okay, I'm done now." You open your mouth to speak, but are interrupted. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHA! OH, it's just too fun-haha! Too funny!" You give her a bored, half-lidded expression. "I mean really, a bunch of UNICORNS gave you that much trouble?! Unicorns that don't even have any magic?! HAHA!"

Through gritted teeth, you respond, doing your best to hide your embarrassment.

"Regardless, I got away without them learning my identity."

"Haaaaa, haha... okay, I'm actually done now. Ahem." Opaline takes a moment to clear her throat, the smirk still obvious on her face. "What were you doing in Bridlewood, anyway? You've earned enough of my trust to go out on your own, but what's over there that could possibly warrant the trip?"

You know better than to lie to your queen.

"Would saying that it's a secret be a sufficient answer?"


"Even if it involves a surprise for you?"

"I do not like surprises, Anon. You know this."

You wince. It took quite some time, but Opaline eventually did learn your name. However, she typically only uses it when she's upset with you, instead choosing to refer to you as "her little human" when she's feeling more... affectionate.

"...I was gathering materials for something I wish to make for you. B-but I hesitate to give you the details until it's done, as I can't guarantee that it'll turn out the way I want it to."

Opaline gives you a good long look with a raised eyebrow before she lets out the tiniest of sighs.

"And you can give me your word that this 'surprise' is something I will enjoy?"

"Assuming it works, yes. Absolutely."

"...Very well then. I will not press further."

You let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, my lady."

"Though I do have a condition."

"O-of course! Anything for you, Lady Opaline."

Opaline rises from her throne and begins heading towards her personal lounge, stopping and turning to look at you halfway there.

"You will sit with me while watching The Altos this evening. The wedding is tonight and I need a shoulder to cry o-I MEAN someone to vent my frustrations to!"

You chuckle to yourself.

"Would you like me to make popcorn, my lady?"

"Good idea, my little human." She takes a few more steps forward before stopping again. "You know what? Make TWO bags."

You walk down the dark castle hallway at Opaline's side. You stand about a head and a half taller than her, but that doesn't make her presence any less imposing. Her usual cold, calculating eyes are a bit wider than usual. There's a slight sparkle to them, clearly indicating her excitement and curiosity.

"Really, human, what could you have possibly been making that would have prevented me from entering my own throne room for an entire day?"

"With all due respect, Lady Opaline, you shall see when we get there."

"...You had better hope that this is the greatest surprise I've ever received."

You open the door for your queen as she enters the throne room. After taking a couple of steps she stops, curiously examining the scene before her. You let go of the door and walk up to her side.


"...Is this what I think it is?"

In the center of the throne room, where once there was a mere floor decoration that complimented the dark walls well, there is now a perfectly circular pool of liquid. The liquid looks similar to water and is perfectly still, but it's so reflective you cannot see through it whatsoever.

"It's a scrying pool, my lady. Made with liquefied mirror crystals taken right from Bridlewood."

"...Incredible." Opaline's jaw is agape as she approaches the pool, gazing into her own reflection within. You stay back, giving your queen a chance to admire her new toy. "How did you even know this existed?"

"I stole a book about enchantments from Maretime Bay a few years ago. I've, er, been planning this for a really long time."

"But it won't work. Magic no longer exists in Equestria, thanks to that accursed Twilight Sparkle."

"I wouldn't be so sure, my lady."


"If my hunch is correct, certain enchantments may be potent enough to work regardless of the missing magic. This is just a hunch on my part, but if that wasn't the case, then how do the sun and the moon continue to move without Celestia or Luna there to move them?"

"Hm. I just assumed that happened naturally now due to me defeating them all of those years ago."

"That's possible, too. Again, it's just a theory. But according to that book, a scrying pool is technically an enchanted object, and on top of that, it's one of the most potent enchantments out there. If there's one place you'll find magic still working in Equestria, it's in that pool."

"Well, we shall see about that." Without hesitation, Opaline enters the space between her throne and the pool. Meanwhile, you approach the pool as well, but you keep a safe distance as you do so. Opaline, apparently having seen one of these before, closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Show me... Maretime Bay."

There is a tense moment where the two of you wait to see if anything happens. After a few seconds of silence and stillness...


Opaline lets out a sigh.

"Well that's just terrific, Anon. Now there's a pool of liquid crystal in my throne room that serves absolutely no purpose."

You quickly run up to the pool and look into it in disbelief. Sure enough, all you can see is your own reflection.

"B-but... but I...!"

"I expect this to be cleaned up by dinner."

Opaline walks out of the room, leaving you in your bewildered, somewhat panicked state. Why didn't it work?! Why did you bother studying that book and gathering materials for years if THIS was to be the end result?!

Unable to contain your frustration, you kick at the liquid crystal. The pool vibrates at your touch, the liquid inside so thick it's more akin to mercury than water. With an angry groan, you turn around to go find a bucket or something. However, as you do, you feel something cool and slimy wrap around your leg.


You try to turn your head, only to find yourself yanked to the ground in the process. From the pool, a tentacle-like appendage has grown and wrapped itself around your left ankle. You feel yourself getting pulled towards the pool as your eyes go wide and adrenaline begins to kick in.

Violently, you start kicking the tentacle with your free leg. At the very least, your leg makes contact with it instead of passing through it, but it doesn't seem to do anything. You try kicking your tied-up leg, successfully loosening the liquid's grip on you but not shaking it off completely. With what little wiggle-room you have, you squirm a bit farther away from the pool.

You claw for nearest object you can find. Just as your fingers find something to wrap around, you feel a second appendage wrap itself around your other leg. Once again, you are yanked violently back towards the pool. You feel your feet grow cold as you are dragged along your stomach into the pool of liquid crystal.

However, before you can be pulled completely into the pool, you catch the liquid off guard. Just before you were yanked backwards, you had managed to grab one of Opaline's torches from the wall. You slam the torch into the tendrils, which violently react and let go of you. Taking the opportunity to scramble away from the pool, you bring yourself to your feet and enter a defensive position, now staring wearily at your strange assailant.

There is a pathetic squeaking noise as the two tendrils seem to deflate back into the pool. You stare at the liquid with confusion and apprehension, but it appears to be nothing more than a calm liquid once more. After taking a moment to catch your breath, you sigh. Whatever that was, at least it's over.

You turn around once more to go find a bucket only to nearly walk directly into Opaline, who looks at you with amusement.

"L-Lady Opaline!"

"Color me impressed, my little human. You actually did it."

"I... what?"

"Scrying pools are technically the corpses of crystal elementals. Ordinarily, they're not only tiny, but they are also contained in their crystals. By liquefying them, we combine them into one larger being and give them the opportunity to strike back. Then, we kill them. Scrying pools really aren't enchantments at all, they're just dead bodies being used to serve our ends."

"B-but... my book..."

"That book was written by authors that don't know any better, I imagine. Scrying is an ancient, forgotten art. Mostly because the vast majority of ponies have neither the strength nor the stomach to summon a crystal elemental just to kill it. And yet, you did exactly that."

"All I did was whack it with a torch."

"For crystal elementals, the battle is mostly mental. Do you have the mental fortitude or drive to kill it? If so, even the slightest strike will be fatal. If not, you're doomed to live life in an empty space of countless reflections within the elemental's body for the rest of eternity. So, either you're more headstrong than I gave you credit for, or you had a real reason to want that thing dead."


"Which do you think it is?"

"I... well..." You sheepishly rub the back of your head as your face goes pink. "I imagined what might happen to you if I didn't do something about it, and that made me really mad. And scared."

Opaline looks at you silently for a moment before glancing away in an attempt to hide the blush making its way to her cheeks.

"O-of course that's the case! I am your queen, after all! It's only natural that you wish to protect me! N-not that I even need it! Not to mention that I totally knew the scrying pool wouldn't work the first time around, as I was merely testing you!"

After a moment of contemplation, you smile.

"Of course, Lady Opaline."

Opaline clears her throat.

"Well, shall we do this for real this time?" Once again she approaches the pool, and you can't help but tense up as she reaches the liquid's edge. "Show me Maretime Bay."

Once more, there is a tense moment of silence. However, this time, the liquid begins to swirl around without any sort of outside stimulation. You run up alongside Opaline to gaze into the pool. Sure enough, after a few moments, the liquid becomes less and less reflective. You almost don't notice the change due to how gradual it is, but there can be no mistake: Within the liquid, you can see Maretime Bay.

"This is incredible," you mumble.

"So. It does work." Opaline smiles and stomps her hoof, causing the pool to return to a normal reflective surface. After a contented sigh, she turns to look at you. She gives you a big, warm, uncharacteristic smile. Despite how strange it is to see that from her, you can't help but smile back. You don't know how else to describe what you're feeling apart from your heart feeling like it's full of butterflies. "Thank you, my little human."

"...Yeah. I-I mean, yes! Of course, Lady Opaline!"

"Hmhm!" Once again acting out of character, she giggles like a young mare. "This will be instrumental in my return to power. You've made me very happy today, my little human."

"I-I am pleased to help however I can, my lady." You give her a curt bow. "I am glad you're satisfied with it."

Opaline looks over you again, her expression... alien to you. You've gotten pretty good at reading her, but this is definitely new. Her smile looks strange, almost wicked.

Suddenly, without warning, she heads up the nearby ramp, never taking her eyes off of you.

"Come. The Altos is almost on."

"Y-yes, my lady! Would you like me to-"

"No need."

With a nod, you follow her up the ramp, but notice that she slows to a stop while looking away from you just before reaching the top.

"My human?"

"Yes, Lady Opaline?"

"After the show ends... you will be joining me for the evening."

With that, she ascends the ramp once more, and you can't help but notice her tail swishing back and forth as she does so.

Oh goodness gracious.

Author's Note:

She is going to get so many cuddles.