• Member Since 20th Jul, 2022
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Cozy got her cutie mark today.

They told me to be proud, but I didn’t listen. That stain was due to sully her mind, and I won’t let that happened. Once I remove the root of the problem, I’ll have my daughter back.

Written for the 4th Annual Cozy Glow Short Story Contest

Prompts used: It wasn't a problem until... Life was great until mom started barking like a dog.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 16 )

This is a bad cliffhanger and a bad ending. :unsuresweetie:

Well, that was depressing. Poor Cozy, doomed to not get the help she needs just like in the show because Starlight was a horrible pony who was just as evil as any other unreformed villain. The ending was pretty abrupt though. I'm not sure if that part with Luna and the astral link was just a dream or that they were actually telepathically communicating.


Starlight was a horrible pony who was just as evil as any other unreformed villain.

Seriously? Starlight actually wanted to help ponies. True, she didn't go about it in the right way, but her goal of "equality" was intended to help Equestria.

How does that make her as evil as the likes of Sombra, who wanted to brainwash ponies into his mindless slaves, or Tirek, who wanted to take all magic from Equestria?

I don't see how it's a cliffhanger. It's an origin story and she's in Tartarus so season 9 happens next.

I have a draft of a story where Cozy and Flurry argue over whether to see Barbie or Oppenheimer. Luster is there too on her Switch. You think I should finish it? After a new chapter of DA, of course.

Starlight was a crazy selfish mare who wanted others to change to satiate HER perfect worldview. In this story, she deliberately ignored what her daughter wanted and was willing to put up with the clear health risks of removing her cutie mark because she wanted her to be exactly like she wanted. That is evil on its own.

Of course! It would make for a fun story. You're a great writer.

She may have been selfish, but she wasn't even close to being as bad as the likes of Sombra or Tirek, or even the Storm King. None of them even pretended to have good intentions. They openly attacked and tried to conquer Equestria. The same cannot be said of Starlight.

Okay yeah, this upbringing makes way too much sense. Especially with Firelight no doubt cooing and awing over his grand baby at every turn. It also seems like Cozy Glow's talents have always been used for evil. A real shame.

Incidentally which sitcom is Cozy a fan of? I thought maybe it was "Love That Baby" based on the description of the actress not aging, but Mary Lousie Dahl or perhaps in this continuity "Merry Doll" doesn't talk like that. Is it the one with Shirley Temple?

As far as fate fetters go, one for calligraphy wouldn’t have been so bad.

This should be letters.

Cozy said, “You don’t trust your best friend’s ability to catch a monster mid-air with magic? I’m sure if she’s this brave to go to the woods, she’s real rescuer material!” She laid a hoof on Poppy’s mane, which the unicorn swiped off.

She's totally trying to get them killed isn't she?:rainbowderp:

Cozy could only giggle her muscles against her bones, before I sent her to our bedroom closet and locked the door, as well as freeze every object inside.


I hesitate to point this out, because I'm not convinced it's representative of the cannon show, but in the story at least it's pretty clear that Cozy Glow is pretty twisted.

Now whether that was always her nature or not I can't say, but Starlight had some emotionally driven reasons for assuming it was the fault of her Cutie Mark.

Cozy nearly gets those fillies killed and I'm not at all convinced that wasn't the intent. You can argue that it's revenge or something like that for causing her to get in trouble, but it's still definitely overkill.

It still doesn't excuse reforming Discord over her, but it does explain why Starlight tries to remove her mark, even if she clearly gave up on Cozy in the end.

Changed 'giggle' to 'jiggle', thanks for the correction! I don't think fetters is wrong though. I meant those chains that prisoners wear, cutie mark = imprisonment to fate, at least to Markist Starlight. Also good job on getting the Baby Doll reference.

Baby Doll is one of my favorite characters from BTAS. I've always thought she and Cozy Glow would make for an interesting team up.

Actually, fetters would be correct, if she's referring to cutie marks like I interpreted.
A fetter is "a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles."

Nice Origin Story

OH MY GODDESS!!! I love the use of "Lulluby For A Princess" In this chapter. You're gonna win! I know it! And that's coming from a fellow adversary. Good luck to you ;)

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