• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 1,382 Views, 31 Comments

My Mother - Dragonfan101

during Spikes journey to the dragon lands he encounters someone he never thought he'd meet...

  • ...

3: The Dragon Village And the Rest of the lands

It had been a bit of a walk to the village as it was a bit of a ways down the mountain, eventually they made they're way to the village and Spike was shocked in what he saw. Spike thought there wouldn't be that much interesting in a dragon village, he often thought they wouldn't require stuff ponies needed, but what he saw was surprising.

The village was really large and peaceful with dozens of dragons going about they're day, he saw shops for foods like meats, fish, and even some stuff he saw in Ponyville, some vegetation crops and even some sweets he'd see at pinkie's shop! he looked around some more and he lava pools, and a large area full of rocks with dragons on top of them (presumably) for napping . There were also surprisingly a few rivers where dragons where dragons were scooping up some water.

"Wow this is the dragon village?" Spike had asked surprised in what he was seeing.
"Yes, despite some of us being claimed as "beasts", or " savages", we tend to be peaceful as well and tend to avoid such things, this is one of many villages in the dragon lands even though it may look unpleasant when one enters it, there are places that look like something from the neighboring kingdoms." she explained

"This is amazing, everything ponies know about dragons barely scratches what I've just seen" Spike had thought excitedly.

"how are there rivers in the dragon lands?" Spike had asked curiously

"dragons had carved out long paths through the lands and forests, the river splits up in multiple directions to other villages, they eventually come into a cliff that leads into the ocean, it took years to make it, originally dragons had to go to the forest and fetch water before taking a long flight back to their homes which was really painful for them" she explained.
"amazing so that's why there were multiple rivers that diverted into the dragon lands." Spike thought amazed

There were some dragons who looked at them curiously, one came up to them suddenly and asked Skystar who this child was.
" This is my long lost hatchling" I finally found him during the migration yesterday, the others then looked shocked but soon became happy faces as they now knew this was her own son. they said they were really happy that she found her son and welcomed him to the village.

"They all seem to know you well" spike had told her
"Yes, after I lost you the village did what they could to try to cheer me up, they gave me free food supplies and gemstones, some home decorations to help me, but despite all they did I just couldn't bear my guilt over losing you and Emerald." she said sadly.
" I know but I'm here now and so is the village we'll help you out in what we can" the other villagers nodded happily agreeing with the child.

They had walked around more and spike had seen a lot more things, caves that dragons were living in, gemstone shops, and a lot more shops some which sold rugs and sleeping supplies , shelves and tables for homes, and shops that sold pots and pans and other supplies intended for cooking, it was a really interesting sight.

" We should take a break in the lava pools we have a long day ahead for you my Flame" she said.
They then came in to the lava pools both staying close each other sighing in relief as the hot lava relaxed them.
"What are we doing today? Spike had asked curiously
"Well be seeing more of the Dragon lands today

"Okay then that sounds nice" Spike said

It had been around an hour later and the sun was high in the sky and they both decided that they had waited long enough and decided to get going.

"We should get leave you have a lot to learn about your own home" she had told.
"Alright then lets go!" He said excitedly, she then chuckled as she picked him up and put him between her spikes
"hold on tight my child" Spike then nodded and held on tightly as she took off to the skies.

It had been a bit of a flight but the dragon lands had some interesting things to them, he saw dozens of other villages, lava pools, fighting grounds, and also some dragons flying around too, he even saw the ocean with some rivers led to.

"wow this is really something" Spike said a little surprised at what he saw.
"Yes even though there isn't much this is our home and we tend to make the most of what we have.
eventually they flew by a large throne,
Spike got curious" what is that? " he asked pointing at the throne.
" That is the Dragon lord throne, it is where multiple dragon lords from history have sat and ruled the lands" she explained
" Dragon lord?" spike asked.
"Yes they are our rulers and they tend to keep they're lands in check and in order, previous dragon lords who tried using the power for war and chaos, the power itself turned against them and killed them, because it is considered treason for a ruler to start a war for no reason other then pain, especially if other nations have done nothing wrong at all" She explained with a bit of a serious tone.
That's interesting" Spike thought fascinated in what he learned.

Skystar and Spike had then came down to the ground
" what are we doing?" Spike asked curious, "were going to the hatchling grounds for you to play with a few other kids, I have to go and get a few supplies for dinner" she explained" okay then" Spike replied understanding
eventually they came upon the hatchling grounds, spike had seen a bunch of other kids playing with one another, a few dragons were watching over them to keep them safe.
"Be careful here son, I'll be back in a bit" she said with both worry and a bit stern tone," don't worry I'll be safe, love you mom."" I love you too my hatchling she said before taking off for some supplies.

the hatchling grounds didn't have much on them, they had a few lava pools, rocks that some could climb on, and even a few tables where some hatchlings were talking with one another.
"there is a lot more in these lands then I thought, I wonder if Celestia knows about these things, if not they'll be having a history teacher to explain a few things" he thought.

He wasn't exactly looking where he was going an he accidently bumped into another kid.
"HEY! watch it!" the kid yelled annoyed," sorry about that!" he said really spooked. he then saw the kid drop something,... it looked like a teacup?

" Is that" he asked curiously while picking it up. the kid quickly took it out of his hand while trying to hide it. "D.. don't tell anyone please! I don't want to be a laughing stock here!" the kid said embarrassed. "don't worry I completely understand! Don't tell anyone but I have my own little obsession with these too" Spike said reassuring." really?!" the kid asked shocked.

"yeah I have my interests as well" he explained," really? well okay then, sorry about yelling earlier." the kid apologized" no problem, my names Spike" he said holding out his claw," nice to meet you too" the kid said.
Spike got a good look at her she had orange scales, a brighter orange underbelly, white horns, blue eyes, and a purple spine going down her head, she didn't have any wings either.
"what's your name" spike asked curiously," my names Smolder, nice to meet ya spike, she replied while smiling.

They stood like that for a bit before Spike broke the silence," so... what are you doing out here" he had asked, " my father had taken me here while he went out on his weekly hunt, I'm waiting for my brother to arrive," she explained," what about you?" she asked.
"Mother dropped me of here for a few while she went to get stuff for dinner, said I should try to bond with a few others" he explained," my own mother tells me I should do that to, I didn't think id meet anyone with my own interests, but here we are." she said with her arms a little open.
"yeah tell me about it." they both laughed for a sec, she then asked" so other then ... this" she said pointing at the cup," what else do you do?" she asked. " I have a few others, I like to cook, read, help my mom with chores, but recently I just started to get into poetry" he explained before he was interrupted," You like poetry too?!" she asked shocked.
"yeah, is there something wrong with that?" he asked," No! in fact, me and my brother like it too!" she told.
"Really?!" he asked surprised, " Yeah! My brother introduced me to it, he's really good at what he does!" she explained
" Well maybe we should all have a little club sometime and tell each others poetry" he suggested," yeah that'd be great!" They then laughed a little.
"Man I'm so glad to know there's others out there that likes the stuff I do" Smolder said happy." Yeah me too!" he said happy as well.
"Spike where are you? its time to get going!" they heard Skystar yell." well I guess I should get going" he said while turning around" Hey, it was great meeting you spike, would you like to hang out again sometime?" Smolder asked while holding out her claw," Of course! Id really like to!" he said grabbing her claw, they then both shook before letting go.

" See you later Smolder" he said making his way back to his mother who had supplies tied to her legs presumably dinner and other foods ," see you later Spike" Smolder said before going to her brother who had just arrived.
"Who was that?" the brother had asked suspicious," just a new buddy, he likes poetry just like we do!" she explained happily. "Really?!" he asked shocked." Yeah! he does!" She replied," Well maybe we can chat with him sometime." he suggested with a little smile. "Yeah he said he'd like to hang out sometime!" She said exited." Come on Garble, lets get back home before dad flips out." she told." Yeah we should" he replied before smolder climbed on his back and he took off.

"Who was that sweetie?" she asked curiously as she put Spike got on her back," Just a new friend, said we could hang out sometime." he explained.
"Really?! That's great to know!." she said happily before taking off. " Its nice to know others are starting to like you!" she said.
"yeah its really great too." he said happily.

The day flew by fast and they started to notice the sun was almost ready to set.
"Wow sunset already? time sure flies" spike said a little tired.
"it sure does, we should head back and cook dinner and go to sleep" she stated as she began to turn around and head back to the village.
"You think we could see Nathen tomorrow? he said he lived near the hot springs, it'd be nice to see him a little more" he suggested.
"I thought about that as well and since were on the same gape, we'll see him tomorrow then." she told.
"sounds great to me!" he said happy they'll see him again.

Eventually they made they're way back to their home and the sun had set, Skystar had cooked some fried fish to eat, which they both had enjoyed, they then went to her room and fell asleep once again with spike wrapped in her tail.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry if you all might be a little lost on this chapter, we never really knew that much about the dragon lands in the show, and about they're history. So I had to improvise and tell something that hopefully you all can understand for this story. if you have suggestions for me to tweak the story a little better, feel free to tell me! I'll see you all next time!