• Published 9th Sep 2023
  • 990 Views, 10 Comments

Over Your Dead Body - Mockingbirb

When your name is Midnight Sparkle, love means never having to admit your girlfriend is dead.

  • ...


When Twilight walked into the living room, she found Sunset staring admiringly at photographs on her tablet.

"What's this?" Twilight asked.

Sunset laughed nervously. "It's just a website Fluttershy showed me. The human world has a special, extra-cute breed of ponies called 'miniature horses.'"


"They don't look the same, really. But I guess they're the closest thing this world has."

"The closest to what?"

"The closest thing to Equestrian ponies. Closest in how they look, anyway. I know they don't have pony minds...Equestrian pony minds, I mean...and they don't have proper pony magic either."

Twilight laughed. "You look funny as...heck."

"Funny how?"

"You look like a twelve year old blushing over a picture of a cute pop star."

"Gosh, thanks."

Twilight put her arms around Sunset. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you feel like I'm laughing at you. You're just so adorable. I love you."

"I...love you too, Twilight." Twilight didn't even seem to notice the catch in Sunset's voice.

~~ *** ~~

In the middle of the night, laying chastely in bed beside Sunset, Twilight awoke. She was sure of it.

Above her, a shadowy form hovered, its nakedly membranous wings beating to keep it aloft. "Hello, Twilight."


The form grinned, exposing sharp fangs. "You and Sunset and your friends did a pretty good job of defeating me, at the Friendship Games. I think I even feel a little proud of you."


Midnight scowled. "But THIS!" She waved her arms in the air. "I can tolerate not getting to have an army of brainwashed, demonic teenagers, and not gaining all the magical power of two worlds for myself. But...how can you just lay there and let THIS happen?"

Twilight blinked. "Let WHAT happen?"

Midnight lowered a claw-tipped hand, and she almost, but NOT quite, touched Sunset's fire colored hair. "How can you let this one girl, a girl who I KNOW you love, slip away from you? You SAW how she was looking at those pictures today. You know what she wants...and you are NOT it." The demonic looking form slowly licked her lips. "But we could give it to her. By letting her have what she wants...we could truly possess her. We could make her ours forever!"

"What are you trying to say? Are you talking about demonic possession? Because THAT is EVIL! How DARE you?" Twilight pointed an accusing finger.

"No!" Midnight said. "Think about what we did in the past, when I used Equestrian magic to get us what we wanted. Do you regret it?"

"Ruining the Friendship Games? Yes, I DO regret that."

"I don't mean the Friendship Games. I mean when we brought your little Sunset back to life. She's been SO grateful ever since."

Twilight felt a chill. "I suppose she has been."

"But gratitude isn't enough to make her your girlfriend forever. She needs MORE than that."

"What are you getting at, you jumped up leftover from a Halloween party? Get to the point!"

Midnight leered. "We could arouse Sunset's lust like no other creature. No other creature in THIS world at least. She wouldn't be able to keep her HANDS off us." Midnight cackled.

"You're...creepy. Lust isn't love."

The shadowy form nodded. "But lust can help A LOT. Just give me...one hour. You don't have anyplace urgent to go tomorrow. The first hour after you wake up, that's all I ask." She giggled softly. "You'll thank me for showing you what we can do when we...work together."

~~ *** ~~

That morning when Sunset woke, her face was pressed into her girlfriend's mane. She sniffed. "You smell so good, Twi. I haven't smelled anything like this since..."

"AAAAAAA!" Twilight shouted, staring at her own forelimbs. "All my things are HORSE things! How did this happen? How can I be a horse? I'm not supposed to be a horse!"

Sunset sat up. "You're a pony."

"I am? I'm a pony?"

"Yes!" Sunset stroked Twilight's coat. "You're the cutest pony I ever saw. I...I have feelings I haven't had in YEARS. I want to touch you all over, and then..." Sunset whispered.

"Oh." Twilight blinked. "That does sound...nice. VERY nice."

Both of Sunset's hands massaged Twilight's fuzzy flanks. "Let me show you just HOW nice it can be." Her lips tickled Twilight's ear. "You won't regret it."

"Oh, Sunset. Ohhh...WOW! I know I should try to fix my sudden new 'being a horse' problem...but I don't want you to stop. I like this so much. Oh, PLEASE keep doing what you're doing. It feels SO good. I don't think my human form can even DO some of these things."

Twilight added, "To quote Ox Gusty of Hippo: 'O Harmony...please help me to control my own body, to be seemly and proper...but not yet. PLEASE not yet!'"

Exactly an hour later, Twilight's torso grew longer and skinnier, her human arms and legs sprawling out across the bed.

"Hey!" Sunset complained. "Just when I was showing you another way we can..." She sighed. "Oh well. Guess you're back to normal."

Twilight examined her own body. "Am I one hundred percent back to a regular human again? No pony ears or tail, not even a little one?"

Sunset carefully inspected her girlfriend from head to toes. "Yes. You're just a regular human again. And that's...ok, I guess." She sighed again.

Twilight snorted, and caressed Sunset's hand. "I think my dream last night must have been a true one."

"What did you dream of?"

"I dreamed of Midnight Sparkle again."

"Like the way you dreamed about her...or you THOUGHT you were dreaming...the night after I made that terrible mistake with a noose?"

"EXACTLY like that night. But different too. This time...Midnight was upset because, she said, you wanted a pony girlfriend, not just a human."

Sunset nestled her lips against Twilight's cheek. "You DO make a very adorable pony."

"Am I a sexy pony?"

"You are the MOST sexy pony. Just looking at your pony form drives me wild."

Twilight turned her head to kiss Sunset's lips. "That's what Midnight said would happen. She said the way things were going, I would lose you, and she refused to let that happen. So she said, for the first hour after I woke up today, she would...take measures. To show what our magic can really do, if we want it to."

"Hmmm." Sunset squeezed Twilight. "You know, I never used to like Midnight. I thought she was evil, power-mad and irresponsible. But now...?"

"Now what?"

"I think I could learn to like her."

"Mmmm." Twilight kissed Sunset's face again. "Me too, maybe."

Somewhere, deep inside Twilight's inner essence, a shadowy form cackled with glee. "Yes! There's NOTHING better than making the horses kiss!"

Comments ( 8 )

Ah. Midnight's greatest evil isn't the callous disregard for collateral damage as she indulges her insatiable curiosity. It's shipping. Cadence would be proud.

Fascinating tale of the many uses of an active dark side. Thank you for it.

Quoting one of the contest runners I see... ...:derpyderp1:

So firearms are allowed!...

I don’t want to be harsh, but as a contest judge I do need to be frank. I didn’t like this story very much. It feels like a lot of wasted potential, in that you have an intriguing setup — Midnight Sparkle’s talents including the power of resurrection — that is entirely neglected by the narrative as soon as it fulfills its immediate function. The overall plot feels like a bunch of characters shrugging their shoulders and saying “well, this happened,” and I honestly forgot about Midnight entirely for a good chunk of the storyline. Overall, it reads like a mishmash of odd ideas that just never gel.


I don’t want to be harsh, but as a contest judge I do need to be frank. I didn’t like this story very much. It feels like a lot of wasted potential, in that you have an intriguing setup — Midnight Sparkle’s talents including the power of resurrection — that is entirely neglected by the narrative as soon as it fulfills its immediate function. The overall plot feels like a bunch of characters shrugging their shoulders and saying “well, this happened,” and I honestly forgot about Midnight entirely for a good chunk of the storyline. Overall, it reads like a mishmash of odd ideas that just never gel.

I suppose one take is:
'Midnight Sparkle only uses her powers to make her favorite ship's ponies kiss.'

"You're...creepy. Lust isn't love."

having the character in the story point out that it’s going in an unsavory direction but then doing it anyway is certainly a choice

Twilight added, "To quote Ox Gusty of Hippo: 'O Harmony...please help me to control my own body, to be seemly and proper...but not yet. PLEASE not yet!'"

it does work a bit too well for the ponification that Augustine was from Hippo

"You are the MOST sexy pony. Just looking at your pony form drives me wild."

you see, this is normally something i would love to read in a story but it’s like a weird twisted version of it that vacates it of the good things i like

birb i don’t want to discourage you from doing the thing where you take contest theme and fulfill them to letter but not the spirit in a way that makes a mockery of the theme itself, because weird birb ideas are fun and what writing is for. but i feel like the treatment of suicide here is in a weird spot where i assume it’s going for absurdist humor but it doesn't go absurdist enough so it just feels disrespectful. besides that, thanks for writing


As students murmured and wondered, Princess Celestia walked out onto the stage. "Welcome, everyone!" She smiled and waved. "I have very good news. The rumors of a fellow CHS student's death have been greatly exaggerated."


I just want to say I think it's interesting that this story can go through not one but TWO contests, have hundreds of views on both chapters, receive several comments, some in considerable detail...
and somehow, YOU, MONTHS LATER, are the first person to catch this and point it out.

Anyway, thank you for this help improving my story! (I fixed it now.)

Midnight lowered a claw-tipped hand, and she almost, but NOT quite, touched Sunset's fire colored hair. "How can you let this one girl, a girl who I KNOW you love, slip away from you? You SAW how she was looking at those pictures today. You know what she wants...and you are NOT it." The demonic looking form slowly licked her lips. "But we could give it to her. By letting her have what she wants...we could truly possess her. We could make her ours forever!"


Somewhere, deep inside Twilight's inner essence, a shadowy form cackled with glee. "Yes! There's NOTHING better than making the horses kiss!"


(This actually makes me feel kinda sad. Sunzet doesn't love Twilight for her, she just loves her as a pony :{)

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