• Published 28th Dec 2023
  • 375 Views, 1 Comments

All Tied Up - taurusbabe1996

Starlight and Trixie have a small wardrobe malfunction causes their relationship to be revealed

  • ...

The Only Chapter

"Ugh, what time is it?” Starlight groans unattractively, rolling over to bury her face in her pillow as sunlight shined on the green curtains surrounding her bed. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and buried her head into the crook of Trixie's neck. Suddenly her eyes popped open as the realization dawns on her. She usually had blue curtains around her bed, and she usually didn’t have Trixie in her bed first thing in the morning. She peeked between the curtains and looked out into the dorm room, only to have her fears confirmed. "Oh shit!" She muttered, glancing at the clock. “Trixie wake up!” She yelled, shaking her partner furiously. “We fell asleep!”

“Be quiet, Trixie is sleeping.” Trixie mumbled, pulling on Starlight’s arm to try and pull her back into bed.

"Trixie you idiot, let go of me!" She yanked her arm from Trixies grasp and swung the bedside curtains open. Trixie groaned at the sudden light shining in her face and yawned tiredly at Starlight started collecting their clothes and throwing them at her.

"Starlight what are you doing?" She groaned.

"We fell asleep by accident! Breakfast is almost over!"

"Shit! Why didn't you say something?" Trixie rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath as the two of them scrambled to get dressed. “Do you think they’re out of pumpkin pastys?” Trixie asked as she buttoned up her shirt.

“Really? That’s what you’re concerned about?” Starlight glared.

"Trixie always starts the day with a pumpkin pasty," Trixie explained. Starlight grabbed her schoolbag and searched through it for a moment before pulling out a pumpkin pasty wrapped in a napkin.

“Here,” She tossed Trixie the pasty. “You can eat it on the way, I picked it up yesterday but never ate it.” Starlight huffed, pulling on her robe and throwing her bag over her shoulder.

"Hey, Starlight?" Trixie voice was muffled, and Starlight turns to find her girlfriend sitting on her bed, a half-eaten pumpkin pasty stuffed in her mouth. "I love you!"

Starlight rolled her eyes and walked back over to her girlfriend, placing a small peck on her lips. "I love you too, you idiot. Now come on," She grabs Trixies hand and pulls her to the door,

“Geez, you nearly bruised Trixies hand.” Trixie complained as they ran into the Great Hall. She yanked her hand out of Starlight’s firm grip and shook it to relieve some of the pain. The two girls then walked over to their respective tables, Trixie to Slytherin and Starlight to Ravenclaw, where they met their friends. Luckily there was still bit of food left on the tables for them to eat.

Trixie took a seat beside Sunset, with Aria and Adagio sitting across from them. Trixie muttered a hello and quickly started serving herself some eggs and toast. It was only when she started putting ketchup on her eggs that she noticed everyone was staring at her.

“What?” She asked. “The great and powerful Trixie always puts ketchup on eggs.” Aria and Sunset began chuckling under their breath while Adagio looked at her with a mischievous gleam in her eyes .

“Have a fun night Great and Powerful Trixie?” The orange haired Slytherin asked coyly.

“Um, what?” Trixie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and looked around at the other two girls. Sunset was chuckling under her breath while Aria was now sharing a similar mischievous look as Adagio.

"What the merlin is going on with you three?” Trixie asked putting her fork down and crossing her arms over her chest.

Sunset ignored her and smiled at the two other girls. “I win the bet, pay up.” Sunset smirked, holding her hand out toward the others. Adagio and Aria scowled as they each placed a galleon in Sunsets open palm. “Thank you, I can use this to take Twilight out on a nice date this weekend.” She smiled triumphantly.

“I’m sorry, what bet?” Trixie was getting frustrated at this point. She slammed her hands on the table and stood up angrily. She had been woken up from a wonderful dream only to come to breakfast late and have everyone acting weird. “Somebody better tell Trixie what’s going on.” She huffed.

“Look at your tie dummy.” Aria spoke, biting into a piece of toast.

“What about my tie?” She asked. She knew she put it on this morning and tied it up, plus it couldn’t be dirty since she just washed it.

“It’s the wrong one.” Aria clarified.

Adagio and Sunset laughed openly now as Trixie looked down and her face paled when she saw a blue and bronze tie hanging around her neck.


Starlight sat down at her house table beside Twilight with Rarity sitting across from her. She noticed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie sitting beside Rarity, clearly ignoring the rule about houses having to sit at their own tables. As Starlight began looked around at the food left on the table, she noticed that her four friends were staring at her.

“Can I help you with something?” She asked slowly. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie instantly began laughing hysterically, holding onto each other to keep from falling over.

“Oh my” Twilight muttered repeatedly, looking at Starlight with a light blush on her cheeks.

"Darling, I appreciate the bold fashion statement, but I don't think the professors would approve." Rarity said.

“Hey Starlight” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Since when are you in Slytherin?” The two Gryffindors laughed playfully, and Starlight stared at them, clearly missing the joke.

“Um, I’m not in Slytherin.” Starlight corrected.

“Your tie says otherwise .” Pinkie teased, causing the Gryffindors to giggle. Starlight looked down at her chest and saw a green and silver tie resting against her white shirt. Her face turned red, and she stood up quickly, turning around to look at the Slytherin table. She spotted Trixie glaring at Sunset, her Ravenclaw tie hanging around her girlfriend's neck.

The fifth year quickly sat back down in her seat; her face red. She started serving herself breakfast, ignoring the laughter from her Gryffindor friends and the muttering that Twilight continued to do under her breath, silently wishing for this all to be a dream.


“It’s your fault this happened.” Starlight huffed as they walked out of the Great Hall with their friends. The two girls took off their ties and handed them back to each other awkwardly as their friends stood around them, still giggling.

“So much for a secret” Trixie sighed, tugging her tie over her head.

“I knew we should’ve turned on the light!” Starlight scolded.

“Come on you two or we’ll be late to Charms” Sunset smiled, grabbing Twilight's hand. The Slytherins and Ravenclaws waved goodbye to their Hufflepuff and Gryffindor friends as they made their way down to their joint Charms lesson.

“You know, you looked pretty good in that tie.” Trixie whispered as they walked behind their friends.

“Oh, shut up.” Starlight blushed, intertwining their hands.

Author's Note:

Please do not leave a comment correcting minor grammar mistakes. I'm not perfect. There will always be grammar mistakes. So don't point them out to me!

Comments ( 1 )
Comment posted by ScisetShimmerEvan deleted March 18th
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