• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 2,225 Views, 39 Comments

We Were Trapped in Stone, And Now We're Free - King of Madness

After a thousand years trapped in stone, three villains from the past are freed.

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I rest upon the grassy terrain about the lighthouse. It's not unusual to find me here, spreading myself about the field; taking in the sea drift breeze. Such basic sensations that I would never have spared a thought of long ago. So very long ago. But after our imprisonment, I've gained a very unique appreciation for the simple things. To spread my wings, to gallop around, to breathe in the fresh air. I've come to appreciate the warmth of the sun, the chill of the air, the touch of the rain.

And I also feel an incalculable amount of fear of it being taken away. My ambitions from before my imprisonment have been long forgotten; I honestly cannot remember what they amounted to. My only ambition is to enjoy the newfound freedom I now have that was denied for so long.

I have no idea where Tirek and Chrysalis are. Tirek spends most days in an almost meditative stance, seeming to take in everything that surrounds him. I think he has been dreaming during our time in stone, though he won't speak of it. He seemed to question for a long time if what he was experiencing was real or not. He often sits here, looking out towards the sea. I've sometimes tried talking to him, but he doesn't answer. Chrysalis though, I try to stay away from. She seems less of a pony or even changeling and more of an animal; a rabid, fearsome animal. Our imprisonment was clearly very harsh on her.

I try my best to conform to the norms of this new age we've found ourselves in. Our savior, Sunny Starscout, has been very kind and patient with us, but I've experienced for myself what such good will amounts to when you don’t conform to it. I feel as if I walk on eggshells every day; always in danger of ending up back in that hell we were subjected to.

My luxuriating is cut by the appearance of five other ponies. I hear them come up the path that leads to the lighthouse. Out of curiosity, I rise from my spot of content and hide myself against the side of the building. I listen in on the conversations among the five ponies. They are unsettled; scared even. There is talk of Chrysalis. I am able to piece together the gist of what happened. Chrysalis' hatred and rage; she took it out on them. It's easy to guess.

A great amount of fear goes through my chest. The last time I had seen Chrysalis and Tirek was around an hour ago. I had been inside while Tirek sat in his regular spot overlooking the sea. Coming out, I stopped when I saw Chrysalis at his side. She had been whispering to him. She shot a glance at me and I went back in, afraid. Next I looked, they both were gone. I knew deep down that something bad was about to happen. I tried to ignore it; I told myself I was worried over nothing. But now I see my fears were founded.

Chrysalis had done something awful and if these ponies attach this act of vengeance to me... I shudder. I feel an indescribable sensation of dread; a fear of going back to that hell which I had so recently escaped from.

I return to my spot in luxuriating from before, hoping that my houseguests will not suspect me of any ill doing. My heart pounds in my chest. It is not very long however that I'm approached by Sunny Starscout; the very pony that had freed us.

"Hey, Cozy." She greets. She tries to sound casual, but I can hear the uneasiness in her voice.

I look up to her, trying to look innocent. "Hi." I greet, unsure of how to respond. My heart continues to pound.

Rather than respond, she takes a seat next to me. For a long time, we both look out to the sea, not speaking a word to each other. Finally, I'm unable to let the weight bare on me any longer. "Did something happen?" I ask.

Sunny looks to me with a sad expression. "Yeah, something happened."

"Was it Chrysalis?" I guessed.

She only nodded.

"I swear, I had nothing to do with it!" I declare with desperation, hoping desperately that she believes me.

"I know, Cozy." She says soothingly.

I'm not convinced. "Really, I haven't even said a word to her!"

"Cozy, I believe you." She reassures. "You don't have to be afraid.”

She takes one of my hooves in her own and I look into her eyes. I see compassion in them; an understanding that I've never seen before.

"I know what you went through." She says. "And I promise, you will never go through that again. Even if we represent the ponies of the past, we will not make their mistakes. You're safe here; I promise."

I look at her; her glimmering eyes and understanding smile. I have always had a way of reading people, it’s part of my special talent, and I finally know beyond any doubt that she speaks the truth. Whatever Chrysalis has done, she does not blame me in any way. She does not hold any past transgressions against me. I realize now that I actually feel... safe around her.

Perhaps it's out of some long forgotten instinct, but I nuzzle against her in the way that a filly nuzzles against her mother. She pulls me closer and I feel deep within me that I finally have chance. A chance to live the life I was denied so long ago. A chance to find perhaps the true meaning of friendship.

A chance to finally be.