• Member Since 17th Aug, 2021
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She/her, writing for fun and for practice. Criticism welcome


Applejack is living happily with her siblings, parents, and grandmother in Ponyville. She has good friends, Rarity and Pinkie. But tragedy eventually comes for everypony. A previously unknown monster destroys the delicate peace in Applejack's life, leaving her broken and scarred. But, surely, there isn't anything else to be done.

Written for The Whodunnit? Youdunnit! Contest, hosted by the wonderful RB_, which ends the night of October 24th (EST). Write a story yourself! Speedwrite if you have to! (Or don't; goodness knows I couldn't.) Check out the other submissions as they are posted! Also, be sure to check out RB_'s Detective Rarity series if you haven't, which is a wonderful series of fun whodunnits. I had a lot of fun reading them as they came out. (Well, the latest one, I wasn't here for the first few.)

Content warning: Death, depictions of grief, brief depictions of characters worried about early-onset Schizophrenia in Chapter 1.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 19 )

Hello there! Lovely work so far. My guess going into the final chapter is Spear Point. I figure it has to be someone in the government for them to have arranged it so there were no rain clouds on the day of the fire, and the fact that the Apples would have gotten a rebate for the apples eaten by the bats if not for those specific trees being burned seems like a motive, and for that to work the perp would need to know about the rebate, and since none of the farmers knew it would have to be someone in the government. Spear Point is the only pony we've met so far that comes close to fitting that bill, so assuming you have set this up in such a way that we've met the culprit already, I think he's our man. I don't think the killing of AJ's parents is intentional; he has no motive for that. I don't know what the motive would be for wanting the Apples to not have their rebate, though, so I may be wrong.

That's my current thinking. Looking forward to seeing what the final chapter brings!


Well, this was the first entry I've reviewed, and I've gotta say: I'm impressed! You did a really good job here. It's a darned shame it didn't get more attention. You did a good job including the prompt, and I liked that you managed to fit an exploration of Applejack's grief into a whodunnit! I was also a big fan of how you wrote Pinkie in this fic, though I wish she could have done a bit more.

My main points of criticism are these:

I feel this is very unpolished. This is probably a result of you being somewhat inexperienced of a writer, so this is to be expected! Try to work more on your prose and on setting scenes. Read published books and pay close attention to how they are written. You can also improve this by asking for prereaders!

The argument between AJ and Big Mac at the end of chapter three felt a bit forced and a bit rushed. Also, the middle of the fic dragged a bit. I found the chapter with Strawberry Sunrise to be a bit painful to get through.

Finally, I found the final chapter a bit lacking. The reveal of who done it lacked a bit of the drama that is normally expected of this genre, and I felt there should have been more definitive evidence linking the culprit to the pyrewolf. But good on you for slipping the squeaks right under my nose! You really got me with that one.

All in all, this was a good fic! Keep at it and I think you have a bright future ahead of you as a fanfic writer.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I appreciate the feedback regarding the prose, as well as the more specific feedback regarding chapter 3 and the middle chapters. I think I'll go back and re-read those. Maybe I'll try and rewrite them as an exercise.

With regards to the end, I always feel like the end of a Who-dunnit is too definitive, and wanted to be a bit more ambiguous, because that's how this can feel in real life. In hindsight, though, maybe that was misguided. Or at the very least needed more polish.

In any case, I'm glad you stopped by and had a good time :pinkiehappy:

Pinkie stood up straight. “T-they’re treating me great,” she said with a tight smile.

well that doesn’t sound suspicious at all!

Applejack groaned. She put her face in her hooves, but it failed to cover her growing smile. “Not this again.”

“Dear, I’m simply saying that a hat would be great for her, nothing else.”

Applejack gave a deadpan stare, but her unyielding smile betrayed her. “Sure y’are.”

Rarity fluttered her eyelashes.

“You’re not gonna get me to wear a hat, Rarity.”

ahaha i love this exchange! Applejack must have very strong willpower to resist Rarity fluttering her eyelashes

The harvest looks big this year, but I keep overhearing my parents talking about Filthy offering to buy the farm.

ooh i was wondering about Applejack not wearing a hat! since it belonged to her dad she would not be wearing it in this timeline, great detail!

“I don’t feel bad for Strawberry, though. She definitely had it coming.”

hehe love their enmity

“Did you have another tussle with the Flavescent Menace?”


Rarity detected a too much enthusiasm for her taut smile and nervous chuckle. “Yes, you said that earlier. Tell me, what makes living with them so great?”

love the Detective Rarity coming out

between whatever’s eating at Pinkie and the offhoof mention of Cousin Crispin there are a lot of elements being set up here! really love the dynamic you have with these three, especially between Rarity and Applejack. you’ve captured it so well!

“I told you it was real!” Apple Bloom’s voice pulled Applejack back to the fire and the farm.

haha, definitely can hear Apple Bloom yelling this right at this point

“Where’s ma’ and pa’?”

“Haven’t seen them.”

oof, now i am worried!

“So it wasn’t ma?”

“No.” Applejack replied. “Why did you think it was ma?”

“I thought it sounded like her.”

well now i am definitely worried!

“You love Pinkie’s cupcakes, Apple Bloom.” Applejack said, a little harder than she intended.

“I know something’s wrong and nopony’s telling me!” Apple Bloom shouted.

In the silence that followed, nopony seemed to be able to respond.

“We’ll tell you all about it when we know, Apple Bloom.” Rarity finally said. “We just don’t know yet.”

augh, this part is so real, trying to shield a child from something like this but the child definitely knowing something is up and being able to guess just how serious it must be. and i def see Rarity as the one to break the silence here

“Applejack’s going to need time. Our job is to make sure she has people to talk to about everything and to give her a little bit of time every day to remember why she’ll be okay, even though she misses them.”

“Oh, alright,” she replied, pursing her quivering lips in determination.

great direction to take Pinkie. this either hints that she has past experience with supporting someone through grief and mourning or she has a hidden maturity masked by her silliness that comes out when the situation calls for it, or both. 

Pinkie took a deep breath. Rarity would probably tease it out of her later, anyway. “Granny Pie died when I was pretty young. Maybe six or seven? She basically raised me until then. My sisters tried to cheer me up, but it didn’t make the process any easier.”

oh i guess i saw that!

Pinkie chuckled. “You’re right Rarity, you could make dead wood work in fashion.” She walked towards the dead wood.

Rarity pouted. “Don’t joke about my art. Fashion is serious business.”

so true

Pinkie looked around. “What did you think of the Pyrewolf?”

“I was surprised the orange worked well with the brown undertones.”

“No, but… it was… weird.”

Rarity walked over to a new tree. “It was an animated, flaming pile of wood; of course it was weird.” She inspected a knot. “I wonder if any creatures nested here. I hope they got out in time.”

“I more mean that it… didn’t look right.”

“It was a terrifying creature from the nightmares of the Everfree, of course it didn’t look right.”

“No, I don’t mean it was terrifying, I mean it… didn’t look like a creature.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean at all this time.”

Pinkie sighed. “I’m not sure I do either.”

i just adore this exchange! Rarity is so perfectly Rarity with her comments, and it really gives a beginning-of-a-cosmic-horror-story vibe

Rarity started brushing through the ash and sticks. “I’m glad you’re around to keep me from anything brash.”

Pinkie sighed and started sifting, too.

loving this detective duo dynamic being set up here as well

“I’m not sure I’m quite familiar with the operation of puppets, dear.”

“I tried out ventriloquism while I was in Manehattan,” Pinkie said quickly. “I helped out with a Summer Sun festival once; we made a giant puppet float of Celestia. The designer told me we had to use thick rubber cords like this one to prevent them from snapping when we moved the mouth or hooves.

love the anecdote! of course Manehattan would have a parade with a giant puppet float of Celestia. though i would be more surprised if Pinkie wasn’t quite familiar with the operation of puppets than the reverse lol 

“How-dy, Applejack” Rarity said, her faux-Canterlot accent butchering the word.

i can just imagine this and i love it

“He-hey there… darlin’,” Applejack replied.

Rarity giggled.

Applejack didn’t. There were bags under her bloodshot eyes. She smelt faintly like salt and rotting eggs.

aww poor Applejack! trying to keep up a brave face by still flirting back with Rarity

Her face softened and she searched the ground. “I…” She looked at the farmhouse. “I gotta keep bucking. We… we don’t… have as many hooves. I… We need to do a lot of bucking if we’re gonna finish the harvest before the apples start to rot.”

and yeah, considering Applejack already throws herself into overwork in order to cope with things that aren’t her parents dying…

Applejack yelled loud enough for “Do you want to see my family’s Tinderbox or something? Are you comparing Tinderboxes for some dumb fashion reason? Do you need to compare the—I don’t know—hoof couture—er, no—contrast or glint or whatever to my pa’s rotting wood box?”

oof! painful to see Applejack going at Rarity like that but that is what she would say in her anger and grief

“Crime to be reported.”

“Did you ask if it was ongoing?”

“Uh, yes, sir.”

“Let ‘em in.”

haha, love the bureaucratic awkwardness of this and the lieutenant interrupting earlier

“Rarity, we—we’re not detectives.”

“We are now!”

ehehe and of course both of them had episodes of them being detectives

“If you’re going to do something right,” Rarity replied, “don’t leave it to the guards.”

“Celestia knows they don’t help when a monster comes by.”

so true and gottem

Filthy’s signature tone rang out as they entered the store. The enchanted puppet of Filthy had always seemed gaudy to Applejack. It rang out a repetitive tone in a mimicry of a pony’s voice.

so Filthy had enchanted puppets this whole time? really makes you think

Applejack sat down on Rarity’s fainting couch. It was surprisingly comfortable when Rarity wasn’t acting melodramatic.

aww but it’s so great when Rarity is acting melodramatic!

“Caramel, Texas Style, and I sometimes get coffee and gossip about who’s dating who at which restaurant. Caramel’s money has always been that Big Mac would go on a date at Hay Burger.”

hehehe, and i bet that info goes straight into Pinkie’s dossiers as well

“Not that I’m aware of. Ma went to go visit her about a month ago, but I don’t know why.”

“Did she seem unhappy when she came back?”

“Not really… maybe a little… pensive? I guess? But she wouldn’t tell me why.”

ooh now that is a connection i would like to know more about!

“I don’t want to lie to them, Rarity.”

“You won’t. I will.”

love this about them

The cloudy sky hung over them as they made their way to the Strawberry fields. Rarity was wearing a wide-brimmed black hat with a pastel red ribbon tied along it. She had tried to convince Applejack to wear a similar one, but Applejack still didn’t want anything on her head. Pinkie would’ve agreed, but didn’t want Applejack to feel like the odd one out.

love Rarity’s continuing insistence on getting her friends to wear hats

“What’re y’all talkin’ about back there?”

“Oh, nothing important darling, just trying to convince Pinkie to discreetly measure your head.”

Applejack rolled her eyes and turned back to the road. “Still not wearin’ a hat, Rarity.”

Rarity is so good at lying i love her

Pinkie noticed a dusty horse dummy on the mantle. “I didn’t know you practiced ventriloquism.”

there sure are a lot of puppets around this Ponyville! 

“I kinda regret not bringing you more strawberries and jams and such. I had plenty of time, I guess.” She chuckled to herself, “maybe then you would at least like strawberries more.”

ooh, interpreting Strawberry Sunrise as closer to Applejack’s parents in age and not an age-peer of Applejack is really interesting! i love it, and the depth she has here beyond just being a correct mare who doesn’t like apples

“The little jam I ended with has been hard to sell.” She sighed and sat back down. “Bosc has been crowding my market. Pears and Strawberries are both luxury fruits, I suppose.” She laughs hollowly. “I might finally have to sell to Filthy. I know my parents wouldn’t judge me for it, but I don’t want to leave Ponyville. I really liked the life I built here.

aww now i feel bad laughing at her alongside Applejack earlier

Will anypony ever take Pinkie's questions seriously?

oh Strawberry never did answer the question about the other puppeteers, did she?

Applejack remembered Filthy holding Apple Bloom, feeding her, as her parents took a brief nap. Applejack was still running around screaming, but her parents could take a break, if only for a moment.

Applejack acquiesced and they embraced. For a moment, Applejack felt like she was in her home as her parents talked business with Filthy.

augh, Filthy is such a good beloved family friend in this chapter. almost… too good???

“Sorry…” Pinkie responded, looking at the bush alongside the road.

“I’m sorry dear,” Rarity sighed, “I shouldn’t be so short with you. I just… I really feel that this’ll work. I need… Applejack needs our help and… and this is the best way for us to do it.”

Pinkie didn’t respond for a moment. “Applejack’s going to need time to be okay. But she will be.”

feel like this bush will feature again at some point!

“Well… alright,” Bosc replied. “I suppose you probably know the story from back in the day?”

Applejack nodded.

does make sense that Applejack would learn the story of the Pears a lot earlier if her parents had still been around

“But don’t you see? It’s just like Shadow Spade always says.”

Applejack snorted.

Rarity ignored her. “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!” she exclaimed. “We’ll have to go to Tree Hugger’s!”

love this moment for Rarity, def see her getting onto two hooves to dramatically pose for this

The inside of the small hut had a musty smell. The room was messy and dark, lit only by the cloudy day outside.

dang Treehugger you live like this?

“Wait, why doesn’t anypony know?” Rarity asked.

“Know what?”

Applejack slumped back into the arm chair.

“Why doesn’t anypony know about the rebate from the bats?” Pinkie asked.

“I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. I don’t know if it will get approved.”

“Alright, this was helpful,” Applejack said. “Let’s go.”

Applejack is very relatable here

“No, we did what I thought was best.” Rarity sobbed. “I should’ve let you stop me.”

“I could’ve pushed harder.”

Pinkie let Rarity cry into her shoulder, hugging her tight. She tried not to cry herself.

augh i just want to hug them both

Pinkie and Rarity eventually made their way to the gazebo outside of town. Rarity had cried herself out, her makeup had run down her cheeks, it still smeared her face. They sat on the benches as Rarity stared into the Everfree.

so true

Applejack had found the cart in the barn. She thought Big Mac might’ve been bucking already, but he had probably done all he could already today. The bucking felt good. Each buck sent shockwaves through her. She was probably bucking too hard, and her rear hooves chipped as she bucked. The pain in her hooves grew with each buck, but it felt right.

oof that could lead to some bad coping mechanisms

“Yoo-hoo!” Rarity called from behind a few trees. She was still wearing her wide-brimmed hat, and her immaculate makeup. How she managed to keep herself so put-together Applejack would never understand.

this is so true she is perfectly put-together beyond understanding 

Applejack noticed Rarity seemed to be a little out of breath, rather than pausing exclusively for dramatic effect.

a thing can be two things!

“What did you think they were, then?”

“I just thought Filthy had some secret he didn’t want to share.”

love how Pinkie of a response this is

“Well, I’m glad we can… make something of this.”

“Yes… I think they’d be happy with a conclusion like this.”

They shook hooves, both a little hesitant.

Rarity put a hoof around Applejack in front of the awkward, heartwarming scene.

augh, definitely both awkward and heartwarming. it is also always fun to see the same scene play out in a different context in an AU, like two diverging roads crossing each other once more for a moment

“Do you think I made the right decisions? Talking to everyone? Accusing him like I did?”

“Well, it was very dramatic, so it was certainly you.”

“Oh, you.”

They chuckled together.

augh i love them

Applejack’s stomach lurched a little.

“But, I think the grass will always be greener. Besides, I still feel like I have a life I’d like to keep here in Ponyville.”

Applejack and Pinkie both smiled.

and somehow i just realized that there was no mention of the other three Mane Six characters in the tale, and this is an AU where it really is just the three of them in Ponyville! and these three in particular really ground the world that they are in, without connections to the Everfree, the Wonderbolts, or Princess Celestia that the other half of the six bring. gives a different sheen to Rarity’s position here and i love it

“Do you miss your parents?” Rarity asked.

“Of course she misses her parents.”

“Y… no… not really,” Pinkie said. “I miss Maud.”

Applejack wasn’t sure what to say to that, so instead she kept silent.

Rarity kept silent, too.

“I’m… sure it’ll be alright.” Pinkie said flatly. “Are you ready for the funeral, AJ?”

oof, def feel like there’s another story here going into Pinkie’s background. but even if there is not, it’s a really great throughline in this piece, really rounds out the character and world

“You know, you two, we really did a good job on this mystery. Maybe we should make a detective agency.”

Applejack guffawed. As she wiped tears from her eyes, she noticed Rarity frowning at her. “Aw shucks, sugarcube, we barely did anything. You were great, but I’m not a detective, at least.”

“I meant it when I said I couldn’t have done it without either of you.”

“I’d do it again,” Pinkie said. “I’d prefer something less sad, though. Maybe a jewel theif?”

hehe, just love these three small-town friends and their little adventure!

“I can’t believe I’ve finally done it, Pinkie. Three years and she’s finally got a hat on.”

“Yep,” Applejack said, “All it took was a massive unspeakable tragedy and I’ll have it on for three hours.”

“Don’t remind me that you’ll take it off.”

The three chuckled as they made their way into town.

augh and what a great ending! converging this Applejack with the Applejack we know (the hat) and capping off the most important subplot of Rarity trying to get Applejack to try the hat. i really enjoyed this story and loved the feel of these three’s friendship having a history. as for the clues to the mystery, i definitely latched on to the wrong things throughout the story, haha. the squeaks were even pointed out to be suspicious, after all! and it was nice seeing that and the detail of the missing fruit coming together.

thank you for writing!


Applejack must have very strong willpower to resist Rarity fluttering her eyelashes

She's an Apple! They have the strongest wills.

love the Detective Rarity coming out

She's not Detective Rarity yet!

really love the dynamic you have with these three, especially between Rarity and Applejack. you’ve captured it so well!

Thank you so much :pinkiehappy: I spent a bit of time trying to really nail it for this one.


augh, this part is so real, trying to shield a child from something like this but the child definitely knowing something is up and being able to guess just how serious it must be. and i def see Rarity as the one to break the silence here

It's one of my favorite dynamics in fiction: the tension between wanting to protect someone young and their natural curiosity for something so important to them. I'm glad it came across as well as I wanted it to.


great direction to take Pinkie. this either hints that she has past experience with supporting someone through grief and mourning or she has a hidden maturity masked by her silliness that comes out when the situation calls for it, or both.


i just adore this exchange! Rarity is so perfectly Rarity with her comments, and it really gives a beginning-of-a-cosmic-horror-story vibe

Not at all the vibe I was going for, but I can see it now that you mention it. Hmmmm.... good feedback to use later :D

oof! painful to see Applejack going at Rarity like that but that is what she would say in her anger and grief[\quote]
Yeah, imo, cannon Applejack is prone to outbursts (at her friends, no less) in emotionally charged situations, and this is probably one of the most painful things cannon Applejack ever went through. I wanted to make sure that that aspect of her personality shone through.


love this about them

I really wanted to emphasize this dichotomy between the two lovebirds here. I feel like cannon Rarity is perfectly willing to lie to do what she thinks is right, and Applejack is completely unwilling to. Here, it's a strength of their relationship. :pinkiehappy:


love Rarity’s continuing insistence on getting her friends to wear hats

I came up with this joke somewhere around here in the first draft and immediately knew I had to make it recurring.

ooh, interpreting Strawberry Sunrise as closer to Applejack’s parents in age and not an age-peer of Applejack is really interesting! i love it, and the depth she has here beyond just being a correct mare who doesn’t like apples

What? You don't like apples?! Simply the best fruit in all Equestria????? (I also don't like apples; I used to, then I ate too many bad ones.)

oh Strawberry never did answer the question about the other puppeteers, did she?

:pinkiesad2: Never taken seriously


Applejack is very relatable here

This is based on multiple conversations I've had with friends of mine while they were incapable of fully realized speech.


oof that could lead to some bad coping mechanisms

That's a good idea; wish I had thought of it.

this is so true she is perfectly put-together beyond understanding

No one could ever be so put-together.

augh, definitely both awkward and heartwarming. it is also always fun to see the same scene play out in a different context in an AU, like two diverging roads crossing each other once more for a moment

I'm always a big fan of people trying to come together but not feeling quite comfortable about it. It gives them somewhere for the relationship to go and feels realistic to how big long-term fights have been solved in my experience.

and somehow i just realized that there was no mention of the other three Mane Six characters in the tale, and this is an AU where it really is just the three of them in Ponyville! and these three in particular really ground the world that they are in, without connections to the Everfree, the Wonderbolts, or Princess Celestia that the other half of the six bring. gives a different sheen to Rarity’s position here and i love it

hehe, just love these three small-town friends and their little adventure!

And I'm also a big fan of stories that feel down-to-earth and with characters that feel like they have a real vested interest in their immediate communities. As for the rest of the Main 6, though... maybe there's a hint or two in here or something :raritywink:

oof, def feel like there’s another story here going into Pinkie’s background. but even if there is not, it’s a really great throughline in this piece, really rounds out the character and world

I've always felt like earlier seasons of MLP suggest Pinkie didn't have a good home life. She's afraid of disappointing her surrogate parents (the Cakes), is incredibly anxious when her friends won't come to one of her parties, and is upset when Cranky doesn't want anything to do with her. It could be just normal anxiety, but my favorite interpretation (of early seasons, of course) is that Pinkie's parents, at least somewhat, neglected her. The main contradictory piece of evidence is the story of how Pinkie got her Cutie Mark; we can see her parents excited about the party. I like to think this is her trying to "polish up" the story for the foals in the cart, but it's entirely possible I'm reading too much into this kids show :twilightblush:

In any case, I'm glad it does a good job of fleshing out the world.

i really enjoyed this story and loved the feel of these three’s friendship having a history.

I wouldn't have said it myself, but I think if I had a goal with this story, it was probably this. So, I'm glad it shone through without me knowing :pinkiehappy:

thank you for writing!

And thank you for reading! I always love reading your comments, so it was a pleasant surprise to see you here :pinkiehappy:

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