• Published 7th Feb 2024
  • 378 Views, 35 Comments

Starlight’s Dimensional Drama: A World Tour To Remember - Starlight Fan

After being banished into another dimension thanks to Cozy Glow, Starlight Glimmer is now swept in an unforgettable World Tour.

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Tour Of The Jumbo Jet

Starlight was nervous.

To be fair, she’s been a nervous wreck before but she was literally on the bus about to be competing on Live TV in this brand new universe to compete for a million dollars. That’s kinda nerve wracking.

However, she did take the time to analyze her fellow contestants as she sat next to Noah.

Firstly, there was Noah’s friends who were sitting nearby, Owen and Izzy.

From what she saw, Owen had won the first season of this show and was mostly friendly and sociable with all of the cast despite all of his eating and farting habits. Currently the big guy was in a panic about being on this new season, which Noah reminded Starlight of Owen’s fear of flying. His girlfriend Izzy, was trying to comfort her boyfriend but did not seem successful. Interestingly enough, Izzy still reminded Starlight of Pinkie Pie with all of her wacky antics she put on in the show. Those two would definitely be wild cards for sure but Starlight doubted they’d mean any harm.

At the front of the bus were five of Total Drama’s biggest heavyweights, the bad boy-good girl showmance of Duncan and Courtney, goth girl Gwen who was runner-up of season one, Queen of Mean Heather who made the final three, and Leshawna who was a pretty tough competitor overall. Starlight knew she’d have to watch out for Duncan, Courtney, and Heather given how ruthless they were but she could see herself befriending Gwen and Leshawna.

Sitting nearby were DJ and Harold, from what Starlight saw, DJ was a good friend who loved animals while Harold was a bit of a nerd with some “mad skills” he liked to fall back on. In a way, those two reminded Starlight of Fluttershy and Twilight respectively but there were definitely some differences, DJ was a bit more bold than Fluttershy while Harold had a bit more of an ego than Twilight. Safe to say, she found them decent.

Sitting to the right of them were Lindsay and Bridgette, both kind-hearted blondes though the differences were big. While Lindsay was more… airheaded so to speak with a knack for fashion, Bridgette was more level headed with a passion of surfing and animal life. Both seemed very nice in Starlight’s opinion.

Starlight then looked to see Cody, Tyler, and Ezekiel sitting behind her. She couldn’t really get a good read on those three mostly due to their early exits in season one and not coming back until this season.

She found Cody a bit creepy, she wouldn’t lie about that, but she understood that he was a good person deep down, she didn’t know much about Tyler other than the fact he had a crush on Lindsay, and all she knew from Ezekiel was that he made some sexist remarks that got him booted first.

She also saw the newbies known as Alejandro and Sierra sitting at the back. She knew nothing about those two but she wasn’t going to judge them right off the bat.

Suddenly the bus came to a screeching stop.

Looks like the season was about to begin.

Chris was excited for this season. He had just finished introducing all fifteen of his past contestants and now was the time for his favorite part, introducing the newbies.

Sure their entrances won’t be grand due to the human pile of Tyler, Ezekiel, Bridgette, and Izzy being klutzes and falling on the road but it could still work out.

“And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we’re adding three new competitors. He’s an honor-roll student with a diplomate for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species: Alejandro.” Chris said happily.

Alejandro then got off the bus with sunglasses on, and smirked before promptly taking them off and reaching to help Bridgette and Izzy up, “Perhaps I can assist.”

Bridgette and Izzy look at the Spaniard mesmerized before Bridgette stammers, “I-I have a boyfriend.”

“And amigos, allow me.” Alejandro went to help Tyler and Ezekiel up in which Tyler announces his sexuality about how he “likes girls”.

“And she’s a sugar-addicted super-fan with sixteen ‘Total Drama’ blogs: Sierra.” Chris introduces.

“OMG, I love you guys, and this is the greatest day of my life and-“ Sierra looked around giddily before breathing heavily, “Anybody got a paper bag I can breathe into?”

Sierra smiled in Cody’s direction before running up to him, “Oh my gosh, Cody. I dreamt of this moment, only you weren’t wearing a shirt.”

“Moving on.” Chris smirked at the geek’s discomfort before announcing, “And finally, she’s an inter-dimensional traveling unicorn: Starlight.”

Starlight sheepishly walked out of the bus with a sheepish grin and wave but said nothing. However, she did catch the friendly waves of people like DJ, Lindsay, Izzy, and Sierra so maybe she didn’t need to be too scared.

Suddenly squeaking was heard as Chef drove the barely kept together plane to the runway much to Courtney’s discomfort.

“Excuse me, but I’d like to express some concern about the safety of our plane.” Courtney complained.

“Relax, it’s perfectly safe.” Chris assured but a piece of the plane falling off seemed to say otherwise, “All aboooooooooard!”

Owen begins freaking out about the plane much to Starlight’s sympathy before Chris yells at the big guy to shut up and soon they all begin getting on-board.

This was going to be a long season.

Singing? Really?” Gwen asked as Starlight and the rest of the contestants all entered what was the mess hall on the plane, “I thought Chris was joking about that.”

“Well I don’t have a problem with it.” Courtney smiled.

“At this point, I’m kinda used to it.” Starlight admitted with a shrug to Noah.

“What? Does your world have musical numbers happen sporadically or something?” Noah rolled his eyes in amusement.

“Actually yes.” Starlight smiled back at Noah whose eyes widened when he heard that.

“Learn something new everyday I suppose.” Noah acknowledged.

Starlight and Noah’s conversation was interrupted by Heather yelling out to Chris, “Why are you doing this to us?!”

“Singing reality shows are huge. And the worse the singing, the higher the ratings, which is why on this show, there will be no vocal coaches or rehearsals or warning.” Chris smiled enthusiastically. The teens complained while Starlight just shrugged. She honestly wasn’t bothered by this.

“Anywho, this is the dining area, where you’ll enjoy in-flight meals.” Chris introduced the area.

“Not for long, eh. Prepare to lose to the Zeke.” Ezekiel bragged which made Starlight cringe a bit.

“Okay, so not trying to be mean here but you do know you got booted out first last time right?” Gwen reminded the homeschooler.

“Word. And I spent every minute since making sure that don’t happen again. I’m stronger, faster, smarter-“ Ezekiel began bragging before Chris interrupted.

“Chattier, blabbier, can’t-shut-uppier. Now zip it and let me finish the tour so we can get this bird in flight!” Chris shouts at him much to Starlight’s annoyance. Yeah, the kid was a bit obnoxious but that was a little harsh.

After Leshawna ends up going to the bathroom(only to find a confessional), the tour continues with everyone now at Economy Class.

“Losing teams will enjoy luxurious economy-class accommodations between destinations.” Chris said happily, which Starlight would disagree with given there were leaks everywhere and the area was just benches on the sides.

“Okay. But, where are our beds?” Lindsay asked.

“No comfort for losers. Safety harnesses and an emergency exit, but no comfort here, here, or here.” Chris points around the room as Sierra goes up to him.

“OMG Chris, I am just LOL.” Sierra laughed hysterically.

“We should hit the winners compartment, eh. ‘Cause I ain’t never gonna sit back here. Ha! Never!” Ezekiel bragged once again.

“Is never your policy on mouthwash, too, homeschool?” Noah held his nose in annoyance.

Starlight took a whiff and yeah, she kinda agreed with Noah there.

Starlight and the rest of the contestants moved onto the first class compartment of the plane which had yellow walls and actually looked quite luxurious.

“This is the first-class cabin, the domain of each week’s winners.” Chris commented.

“Now this is the kind of luxury ladies deserve.” Alejandro told Lindsay.

“They get ladies in first class too?” Lindsay asked in awe before smiling at the Spaniard, “Oh! Me! You meant me!”

“That guy’s as smooth as Momma’s gravy.” DJ remarks from besides Tyler much to Starlight’s intrigue.

“What do you mean?” Starlight asked curiously as she stood next to them.

“Well he’s pretty gentlemanly all things considered.” DJ explained.

“But Lindsay’s supposed to like me.” Tyler said miserably.

“Wait, how long have you two even been together for?” Starlight asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Not that long, but we kinda had a fling. I tried talking to her but she doesn’t even remember me.” Tyler said sadly.

“Oh wow, I’m sorry about that.” Starlight said sympathetically, being forgotten about had to have hurt, she would know.

“Thanks dudette.” Tyler smiled back before frowning remorsefully, “By the way, I heard about your situation. That has to suck.”

“Tyler.” DJ elbowed the jock angrily, “That’s probably a sore subject.”

“No, it’s fine. It sucks for me, but I’m trying to make the most of it. Noah’s sort of been helping me out.” Starlight said gratefully.

“Wait, you mean our Noah. The guy who doesn’t do much but make snarky remarks?” DJ raised an eyebrow, “I don’t mean to judge Starlight, but Noah’s not the most empathetic person.”

“Yeah, I know. I get that, but he does seem to care when it comes down to it.” Starlight explains.

“Well if you’re saying the truth, that does seem pretty cool of him.” Tyler smiled at the unicorn.

“Yeah, it’s nice to see him broadening his horizon.” DJ nodded.

Meanwhile Noah was looking over behind his shoulder to see Starlight talking with Tyler and DJ and smiled a bit before Izzy spoke up nearby.

“Awwwwwwwwww, is someone happy their little friend is getting along well with the others?” Izzy cooed teasingly.

“Pfft, relax. I’m just making sure she doesn’t kill anybody.” Noah rolled his eyes playfully.

“It’s okay to be happy for her Noah, from what you told us she’s going through a tough time so it’s good she’s making friends around here.” Owen said with a smile.

“Yeah, hopefully it’ll take her mind off of her friends back at home.” Noah admitted sheepishly.

“Oh yeah, I can’t believe she actually made friends with literal heroes and a princess.” Owen chuckled, “That sounds so cool. How did she pull that off?”

“Yeah, that’s the thing. Last time I asked her, she seemed almost nervous to tell me and before she could, Chris dragged her away.” Noah answered as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Oh she is DEFINITELY hiding something.” Izzy chuckled, “Probably some embarrassing secret she doesn’t wanna share in fear that we’ll abandon her.”

“Well if it’s personal, we probably shouldn’t bother her with it.” Owen advised, “I’m sure she’ll tell us when she’s ready.”

Noah couldn’t argue with Owen’s point, but deep down, he wasn’t sure if Starlight’s secret was worth knowing.

After their journey to first class, all the contestants sat back at the dining hall as Chris spoke, “And that’s pretty much it. I skipped the cargo hold and the galley, but I’m sure you’ll find those exciting destinations later, when I ‘accidentally’ lock you in them.”

That wasn’t disturbing at all.

“One more thing, I’m sure you remember a little something called the elimination ceremony. Takes place right in there, my friends.” Chris said happily as he led Starlight and the others to the elimination room which was a set-up of bleachers and where the plane exit door was.

“If you don’t receive a barf bag full of airline-issue peanuts…” Chris began speaking before Ezekiel interrupted much to Starlight’s fear.

“I got a peanut allergy, yo or more like a sensitivity.” Ezekiel raised his hand.

“Just don’t eat the peanuts and you’ll be good.” Starlight advised the guy who gave a thumbs up at the advice.

“You’ll be forced to go down the Drop Of Shame.” Chris glared angrily at the both of them before smiling again, “Now that we’re all acquainted with the rules, it’s time you head to the dining hall again.”

Starlight walked by Ezekiel as they headed to the dining hall again so the unicorn took the time to whisper to Ezekiel, “Just try and tone down the interruptions when Chris is speaking, he looked pretty annoyed.”

“That’s fair, eh.” Ezekiel nodded, “He did seem really mad at me.”

Meanwhile Noah watched this scene with a curious look, why was Starlight talking to homeschool? Did she take pity on him or something?

After a while, Noah shrugged, he supposed he was going to have to get used to Starlight surprising him in many ways.

Author's Note:

And so we get to see Starlight during the tour of the Jumbo Jet and her interact with more characters even Ezekiel. I felt Ezekiel was kinda misunderstood in the TD world so I felt if anyone were to give him some empathy it would be Starlight.

Meanwhile Noah is growing ever more curious of Starlight’s secret. I’m sure we all know what it is but we’ll see how things go with that.