• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 475 Views, 8 Comments

My Little Pony: Cozy's Revenge - CatrosCreativeCorner

Breaking away from custody of Princess Celestia's guards Cozy goes after those who defeated her.

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Part 3

A day that was supposed to be nothing but fun and relaxation had been everything but that. Instead of going on weird shaping and questionably safe rides, eating junk food, and playing cheap carnival games for cheaper prices Twilight and her friends were hunkered down in the School of Friendship. Trying to pinpoint where Cozy Glow was since she had an ancient magical artifact that made her the most powerful pony in all of Equestria.

“How could this happen?!” Twilight asked, the purple alicorn pacing back and forth in a line in the back of her office as two adult ponies stood in front of Twilight's desk. One was a unicorn with a snow-white flank and long purple hair and the other was Flash, who had managed to find and inform Twilight of Cozy. However, when the Headmares students rushed to her with their teachers turned into foals they all knew it was too late. “She is just a filly! How did she escape your custody, how did she get the amulet from Zecora, how did she know what the alicorn amulet was and where to get it, what can we do?!” The pony shot out questions, her dark blue and purple hair frizzing up as she started to freak out.

“Princess Twilight, I can shed some light on your questions.” Flash said, standing up as straight as he could, his chest puffed out, “My apologies for my team's failure to secure the fugitive properly. But she had acted like she got deathly ill and when we tried to get her some medical attention she rushed out of the cell and hid. And it seems as if she stole it from the zebra lady, my men have found Zacora in her house. She is in the same state as your friends, a much younger age than she was supposed to be. But past that she is okay and no harm has come to her.

“We’ll that's good!” Twilight said, slamming her hooves on her desk as she stared at the two of them, her purple eyes pulsing with anxiety. “I’m glad she's ok and now my friends are able to keep her company!” She said, gasping for breath as she buried her head in her desk. “What are we going to do? We barely managed to take down Trixie when she had the alicorn amulet! I don’t think we’re going to be able to use the same tactic with Cozy.”

“Probable not, as I miiiiight have recanted that tale to my class a few different times.” Rarity said sheepishly, “So she knows how you tricked that dastardly street performer.” She said, making Twilight look up at her friend with a frown as she glared at the fashionable pony.

“Well, that explains how she knows about the amulet and where to get it.” She grumbled as she frowned at her friend.

“How was I supposed to know that she would turn out to be a crazy little filly!” Rarity tried defending herself.

“Princess!” Flash said, trying to get the conversation back to what they needed to do. “Perhaps I should patrol the grounds and let you know if anything is happening.”

“No, thank you, Flash.” She said, taking a deep breath in trying to think, “You should return to Canterlot and inform Princess Celestia and Luna about what’s happening. Cozy may be after me and my friends right now. But with the amulet affecting Cozy’s mind, she’ll probably go after them since they were the ones who held her in captivity.” She said, going to her office window, but this time not nervously like before, but this time with a confident look on her face as she looked out the window at the front of the school. Which was normally filled with ponies of all sizes and colors and a few other children of different races. But for everyone’s protection, the Headmare had ordered them to head to their rooms and stay there until this issue was resolved. “If Rarity and I fall here the other princesses are the only ones who stand a chance against Cozy and the amulet.” She said before looking over at the pegasus knight, briefly thinking about the Flash she meant in the other realm. She figured the worst thing that Flash was worrying about was whatever test was coming up and what his band would be playing that week. Not having to worry about ending up in a nursery.

“Right, will do.” He said, breaking the girl's rabbit hole thoughts, and saluted the princess before running to the window and jumping out the window before flying off.

“Ok, as for us, we need to think about what we’re going to do,” Twilight said, turning to her friend, who had a clothesline that stretched across the office and was currently throwing on everything that was slightly sparkly and fashionable. “Rairity!” Twilight huffed.

“I’m stressed, okay?!” The unicorn snapped as she turned to Twilight, now dressed in a large white dress with rubies shining on it, a large pink flower hat, and about a ton of jewelry on her hooves. But she started to pace, now that the handsome pegasus was gone she felt more comfortable letting her emotions show. “I can’t believe I told my class about that stupid amulet! Oh, but we were making necklaces and the students looked sooo bored and I figured the tale would stir some inspiration in them.” She muttered to herself as she looked at Twilight. “Darling, I’m sorry, this is all my fault.” She admitted, bowing her head down.

“It’s ok Rarity,” Twilight said, hearing the pony starting to sniffle and Rarity's mascara starting to run, going over and covering her with one of her wings. “There's a lot of things that we all could have changed. Like me, I gave Cozy way too much responsibility too early. Maybe if I hadn’t done that she would’ve understood what friendship was truly about.” She said, “But us sitting here dwelling on the past won’t fix anything. We have to find a way to stop her before we end up like our friends.” She said. She wondered how the CMC was handling the regressed ponies, she had tasked the fillies with watching them. And Gallus as well since Fluttershy would bust out into a new wave of tears whenever the boy let go of her. She had no idea what Cozy’s plans were now that the teachers were just foals, but she didn’t want to find out.

“Uh… guys, like I don’t mean to point out the obvious,” Sandbar said as he watched his friends rush around. “But this isn’t going to work, we should just do what Headmare Twilight said and wait.” He said, his head pointed up as a couple of his flying friends who could fly were busy setting up a net.

“Come on Sandbar,” Smolder said rolling her eyes, “We were able to beat Cozy once before, we can do it again.”

“I appreciate the enthusiasm as much as the next pony. But I don’t think a net is going to stop her. You know since she’s got a magical amulet that makes her stronger than the princesses.”

“Yona agrees with Sandbar.” The young yak said, “Yak is best at making traps. But Yona no knows how well Yak at catching crazy pink powerful pony.”

“Well, obviously it won’t work you goofs.” Silverstream the Hippogriff said, giggling as she finished tying the net to a pillar. “It's just a distraction, like we will be. We don’t need to beat her, we just need to get the amulet off Cozy.”

“Yeah I know, I remember the story Professor Rarity told us.” The green pony said. “But how is a net supposed to distract her enough for one of us to get the amulet off of her?”

“It doesn’t we’re an extra distraction!” The pink girl said, dropping down with hands out to the side excitedly. “So Cozy comes it all ‘aaaaah fear me I’m evil’ and we drop the net on her. Then she will knock it away or destroy it, shame since we worked so hard on it. But then we’ll try to take the amulet off her. Which won’t work, but while we are distracting her-!”

“Ach-hem!” A stern voice said, making all of the kids jump, Smolder and Silversteam landed on the ground as a purple pony walked out to the front room, glaring at them.

“H-Headmare Twilight!” Sandbar epped as he watched the alicorn walk up to them, frowning at them as she paced in front of them.

“I thought you four were told to stay in your rooms?” The Princess of Friendship sighed, “Don’t you guys understand how important it is that you listen? This is a dangerous time to just be running running around.” She scolded, “You four don’t stand a chance against Cozy, not unless you have Ocellus. She the secret to defeating that out-of-control filly!”

“I know Headmare-.” Sandbar started to say before he realized everything their Headmare had to say and looked at the alicorn. Who, after a moment more of sternness, a smile spread across her face as she started to laugh. Her voice started to rise in pitch as the pony started to shrink with her flank changing from purple to light blue, and her wings turning to that an insect would have.

“Ta-duh!” Ocelleus said, the changeling taking a quick bow. “I guess those drama classes with Professor Rarity and Fluttershy have really been paying off.” She said.

“Oh, I get it!” Sandbar said smiling, “While we’re distracting Cozy Glow Ocellus will be disguised as something else.”

“Yep!” Silverstream cheered, clapping her hands together. “Oooooh, I love it when a plan comes together.” She said.

“Yeah, whatever it’s great.” Smolder said, “But let's get into position so we can get the jump on the pony!” She cheered, shoving a fist into her hand with a smirk on her head and she breathed a puff of steam out of her nose.

“Finally we got them to sleep.” Scootaloo sighed, slowly backing out of the dark dorm room, the sound of snoring could be heard coming from out of the room.

“You’re telling me.” Gallus sighed, rubbing his eyes as the door was shut. How did he end up having to help babysit his teachers with the young ponies? “What do we do now?” He asked.

“Well Twilight to us ta make sure that we keep them safe, so I reckon we wait and make sure everything ok.” Applebloom sighed, sitting down on the floor, her large boy dropping down as she relaxed. Sadly for her Apple Jack was apparently still getting at buck apples off of trees, even though the only tree in the makeshift nursery was painted on the wall. She hoped Twilight wouldn’t notice the new holes in the wall.

“Well, I don’t think that it’ll take four of us to watch a door,” Scootaloo said, “If Cozy wanted to take our sisters and their friends then she probably would’ve done so already, right?”

Gallus was about to ask who Scootaloo's sister was before remembering that the filly and Professor Dash had some weird adopted sister thing going on. Even though they weren’t actually adopted siblings. But he figured he should just leave that situation alone, there were other more important things to deal with.

“Oh, I know, how about I go to the library and see if there's a fix to this?” Sweetie Bell asked, already turning and running off to the library. She may not have been fantastic at magic, but Sweetie Bell figured if she could at least find a cure then she could try and cure everyone or at least show Twilight so she could try and fix everyone.

But as she made her way down the hall, passing the front room, she saw the group of students out in the front room of the school, making her skid to a halt as she looked around the room. She knew that they were supposed to be in their rooms, and the front room was probably the last place they should be. Since it was going to be the first place that Cozy would be at.

“Whatcha all doing?” Sweetie asked, walking down the stairs and approaching the group of students, freezing as she saw a giant rope net hanging from the ceiling. “No no no no no.” She said immediately, “This is not a good idea you guys.” She said to them.

“Would it help to tell you that we have a plan?” Smolder asked the girl. “Like a really good one.”

“What? How good is really good?” She asked before shaking her head, she was a substitute at the school and she had to protect the students like she was an actual teacher. “No wait. You guys have to-.” She said but was interrupted as the room started to get darker.

A high-pitched giggle pierced through the sky, sending a chill down everyone spins, freezing them in place. Sweetie Bell's eyes went wide as she tried to find out where the laughter was coming from. But the laugh, which was echoing off the walls, sounded as if it was coming from everywhere.
Well well well if it isn’t my ‘friends’? It’s so good to see you all again

The voice continued to speak to them all, Sandbar's hair starting to stand up on end like a cat as he watched his shadow suddenly have red glowing ever and a white smile.

“W-whoa, not c-c-c-c-ool!” He yelped as the shadow extended towards the door, his friend's shadows all doing the same, merging together and forming into the form of a pegasus, its color changing from blank to pink. A filly pegasus with blue curly hair stood there smiling at all of them.

Poor Sandbar.” The filly said with a wide smile, “I’d apologize for scaring you, but then again I don’t exactly care.” She said before laughing, her voice still coming from everywhere in the room. “Though I do have to say, it's funny seeing you all so terrified. I wonder if that's what you felt when the Storm King was around, Silverstream.” The filly said, suddenly the room was covered in darkness with only two lines made of dark blue lights, the sound of thunder and lighting banging in everyone's ears.

“Ah, stop!” Silverstream cried, her fur sticking straight up as she fell to the ground and covering her eyes as she shook like a leaf, the high-pitched haha hahaha filling the air as the thunder and lightning stopped.

Aw, what's the matter, Smolder?” The girl asked the little dragon, tilting her head, “Is that big bad dragon act of yours at an end? Ready to admit that you’re just a scared whittle dragon?” Cozy asked.

“Why you little-!” Smolder huffed, the teasing instantly pulling the dragon out of her state of shocked fear and making her mad. She took a deep breath and pointed her head at the ceiling and let out a breath of fire. Immediately the knot that was holding the rope up burnt and the net dropped.

“Aw, how cute,” Cozy giggled, her voice coming from her body now, as she watched the rope start to drop. But suddenly the rope started to glow red and the ropes transformed into dozens of snakes that flopped around the girl before quickly slithering off. “Any more tricks?” The girl asked, waving her hoof in front of her mouth and faking a yawn.

“Er… why you little punk!” Smolder growled as she unfolded her wings and dashed at Cozy, lunging for the black necklace around the filly neck. Her friends also trying to tackle the little pegasus. But as they all flew through the air the girl rolled her eyes and they all started to shine with a red aura and froze mid-air.

“Really? That’s it? This was the big plan to try and stop me?” She asked them, as she walked by all of the students and headed to Sweetie Bell. “Aw, where is your sister at? Did she get scared and send you out here to try and deal with me? Well, I guess if I turn you into a foal that could be a punishment for her. I bet you were a big crybaby as a filly.” She said, her eyes glowing with red energy as she moved Sweetie Bell up in the air, “Let this be a lesson to you all, don’t mess with the little guy.” Cozy warned as she started to glow as a wave of magical energy headed to the little white filly.

“Sweetie, no!” A high-pitched cry was heard as Rarity rushed out of the hall, jumping off the stairwell and jumping in front of Sweetie, being hit with magical energy. And like her friends before her, the white pony shrunk down further and further until she was nothing more than a little foal.

The little foal looked around in stunned silence before tears started to fill her eyes. The young Rarity stood up on her back with two hooves one of her front hooves covered her face as she fell to the ground. Suddenly her horn started to glow as a dark purple blanket with diamond patterns on it appeared behind her and the tyke crashed into it. Immediately covering her head with the blanket.

“Aw look she's got a fainting blankie.” Cozy mused as she dropped Sweetie Bell. “Don’t worry Cutie Mark Crusader I knew your sister was there. She and Princess Twilight were waiting for the right moment to try and get the drop on me. Isn’t that right Headmare Twilight?” She asked, looking at the shadows of the hallway. Twilight walked out glaring at Cozy Glow, her wings were spread out and her horn was glowing with purple energy. “Up up up, let's not try and be a hero here. You know there's nothing you can do to stop me as long as I have this pretty pendant. So… Let's make a deal. You just surrender quietly and just give in I’ll only turn you into a foal. But if you don’t the School of Friendship is going to turn into the Nursery of Playtime.”

Twilight didn’t answer at first as she stared Cozy down before looking back at her students and sighed. She lowered her head as she closed her wings and her horn light died down.

“Fine.” Twilight mumbled before glaring at Cozy, “I might have lost here but know that the other princesses will defeat you.”

“Oh don’t worry I’ll handle them just fine.” She laughed as she shot the alicorn with the same beam of red energy she had hit Rarity with. And as it hit Twilight the princess groaned in discomfort as she started to shrink into a little foal. But despite the fact that she was a unicorn before she was an alicorn, the girl kept her wings being a baby alicorn.

“We that was easy.” She said, trotting over and flicking the toddler pony on the nose, smirking as she started to cry. As the baby alicorn let out a high-pitched waaaaa the red energy that surrounded the students seemed to ripple “Huh that’s interesting, oh well." She said, clearly not worried about it. Probably thinking it was a reaction from all the magic she was using. "It was nice catching up with you all, but I have other matters to attend to.” She said, flapping her wings as she started to fly to the front door. But before the girl could leave, a plant that sat in a pot started to shift, and the vines from the long stringy plant shot out and grabbed the filly, wrapping around the alicorn necklace and yanking it off Cozy’s neck. The plant dropped the pegasus as the vines contracted back and it transformed into Ocellus, the changeling holding the amulet in her hoof.

“I-I did it!” She cheered, bouncing in place, “I can’t believe it!” The girl cheered happily as she looked at her friends who were still floating in the air. “Wait what?” She asked, hearing Cozy start to giggle.

“That was a cute attempt, Ocellus, but you can only stop me if I give up the amulet, remember?” Cozy asked, waving her hoof in front of her chest, making the amulet reappear, the amulet in the young changeling's hoof turned into black dust. “Anyways, off to Canterlot. I got a couple more princesses to take care of. It was nice catching up everyone.” She said as the doors to the school opened and she started to walk out as the students dropped to the ground and the door slammed shut.

“Well, this was a total bummer.” Sandbar said, going over a swooping Twilight up in his arm, trying to bounce her to help calm her down, looking over at Sweetie Bell who had Rarity wrapped in her ‘fainting blankie’, already fast asleep sucking on her hoof.

“What do we do now?” Yona asked, looking at her friends, her head hung low, what could they do? Their plan had failed and now all their teachers were just foals, they seemed to be out of options.

“I guess we leave it to the princesses.” Silverstream sighed, lying on the ground curled up in a ball, “There is nothing we can do.” She sighed, and looking at the frowns on all her friend’s faces they knew that was true. Only Princess Celestia and Luna had a chance to stop Cozy. They could only hope that they would.