• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 406 Views, 5 Comments

Interdimentional Pony Tournament - raven618

When Princess Twilight learned that someone was gathering representatives from different dimensions for a once in an epoch gathering, a fighting tournament wasn't what she was expecting.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Meet the Fighters

As the dimension hopping craft exited into a new universe, its occupants were quick to collect themselves, with only a couple having experienced dimensional travel before. As the door opened, the impatient Pegasus flew out and began to empty her stomach.

As the rest of the ponies exited, they were met with the sight of a massive stone bowl that would have dwarfed the Crystal Empire's Palace. Surrounding what must be the tournament stadium were numerous vessels; both round saucers like the one that brought them, but also air-ships and other vehicles. Twilight even saw what looked like one of the Storm King's ships docked closer to the stadium.

In the sky above them, they saw a dim white sun, many stars, and even a few other planets. "What universe is this?" Luna asked, not recognizing any of the constellations.

"It doesn't have a name, and it's completely uninhabited." Cherry "So our presence won't cause anyone any harm."

With Fluttershy nursing Rainbow Dash back to health, the ponies entered the stadium. After passing through a network of hallways, they emerged into the main arena.

Rows upon rows of stands were filled with all number of different creatures. From ponies to griffons, from antelopes to zebra, and all number of species that the ponies didn't recognize.

"To make things simpler, we'll be calling your group; Universe P." Princess Cornucopia explained, pointing to the plaque above the waiting area which did have the letter P engraved on it. "You'll have to wait until Universe Z has arrived before the tournament can begin."

Twilight quickly ran through the alphabet in her mind. "Do you think you'll be able to find 10 other universes who are willing to enter?"

"Actually, many have already accepted the invitation." Cornucopia explained, as she and her aid turned to leave, "They just needed some more time before they were ready to fight."

As if on que, the gate of the waiting area to the ponies right opened, letting another group of ponies into the arena. Leading this group was an alicorn as tall as Celestia, but with a pale-yellow coat of fur and mane of cherry red tipped in sea blue.

"Queen Novo?" Celestia questioned.

The alicorn looked over. "Hello, my name is Nova, Princess of the Moon."

"My apologies." Celestia back tracked, "But you bear a striking resemblance to a friend of mine."

The stranger laughed, "Considering the circumstances of our meeting, that may not be a coincidence."

Twilight looked around the stadium, seeing if she recognized anyone. Then, her blood ran cold, as she did indeed recognize many of the fighters. In the waiting area to their left, was Chrysalis, the former Queen of the Changelings, who had kidnapped Princess Cadence before her wedding, and then later, tried to replace every member of the Council of Harmony with her drones.

"Well, isn't that cute." the black insectoid cooed, "Looks like the Pretty Princess got her happy ending."

Cadence immediately moved her daughter away from her oldest enemy. Luna approached the Changeling, "What are you doing here?"

Chrysalis laughed, "I'm getting my three wishes. Same as you."

Rarity inquired, "How could the organizers let someone like her into this tournament?"

Shining Armor pointed out, "It looks like a lot of her kind are here."

Indeed, in various waiting pits around the arena, the ponies could see many of their old villains. Nightmare Moon, King Sombra, The Storm King and Tempest Shadow, Tirek; Twilight and Spike also recognized The Dazzlings, and even Sunset Shimmer in her corrupted form.

Just as Twilight was about to lose hope, she heard a voice call out her name. Looking over, she was surprised to find her and her friends' doppelgangers from Canterlot High. The normal Sunset Shimmer being the one to call out to her.

"Girls!" Twilight jumped over the barrier to hug her friends, Spike and Starlight quickly joining her. "Wow, I can't believe you're here!"

"I can't believe how cute and tiny you are!" The human Pinkie Pie squealed as she scooped the little pony up in her arms, somehow not being crushed under the weight of the 138-pound Alicorn.

"Wow, Spike!" Human Fluttershy cheered, "So this is what you look like as a dragon?"

Spike grinned, "Yup, this is the real deal."

"You got roped into this by your Rainbow Dash?" Starlight asked.

"A little." Sunset awkwardly admitted. "But I'm mostly here to keep our connection open once these 'ancients ones' close off interdimensional travel."

"Oh wow!" Twilight gasped, "I didn't even think about that. Do you think you'll be able to convince them?"

Sunset sighed, "I'll need to meet them first."

Princess Celestia approached the group. "It is good to see you again, my dear Sunset. I trust you are doing well."

"Heh, healthy as a horse, as the saying goes."

Any further discussion was cut off as a harsh light blanketed the stadium. Looking up, the ponies and humans saw a second sun had appeared in the sky above; this one large and red.

Pony Rainbow moaned on the ground. "Hey, who turned on the light?"

Luna looked to the far end of the arena. "Her." The venom and fear in her voice spoke volumes. Standing alone in one of the waiting zones was a tall, white alicorn with a flaming mane and wearing armor of angry gold and red.

"Is that, an evil Celestia?" Pony Applejack asked.

"Yes, her name is Daybreaker. I've only encountered her once, in my sister's nightmares. But if they are any indication, she is even more dangerous and powerful than Nightmare Moon."
= = =
High above the fighter's pits, several quadrupedal birds were manning the equipment for controlling the stadium. A red one with three horns questioned, "Lord Hae, should we do something about the sun this new fighter has summoned?"

Standing in the back of the room was a massive gold and white phoenix dressed in yellow robes. He looked up at the new celestial body. "It is merely a bit of showboating. If she tries use it to influence any of the fights besides her own, I will deal with it."

The ceratopsian nodded, "In that case, all the universes are accounted for, we're ready to begin."

Another of the dinosaurs, green with only two horns above his eyes, picked up a microphone. "Welcome, one and all to the first and only, Tournament of the Universes!"
= = =
Back down in the arena, Sunset's group had returned to their waiting area. "Before you today, the greatest warriors of the Multiverse will face off head-to-head in one-on-one matches until only one is left standing!" The audience cheered.

"Oh yeah! Here we go!" Rainbow cheered, having recovered from her bought of sickness.

"I hope the audience doesn't shake the stadium apart!" Rarity yelled as indeed, the ground was shaking, but not because of the audience.

A huge round rock was descending into the stadium, until it hovered just a few meters above the ground. "The matches will take place on this miniature planet! The winner will be decided by knock out, forfeit, or if they are able to pin their opponent for 30 seconds."

"Good luck, girls." Twilight encouraged as she, Spike, Fluttershy, and Cadence all took their seats on the benches.

"Our first fight today," the announcer continued, "will be between Princess Luna of Universe P against Flash Sentry of Universe G! The match will begin as soon as both contestants set down in the ring!"

"I'm first?" Luna said in surprise. "Well, let's get started." she flew up to the top of the 'ring'.

Universe G turned out to be the one with evil Sunset Shimmer. The Flash of that universe was dressed in blue armor plates and carried a sword and shield. The cyan glow from his eyes betraying the influence of that Sunset's stolen Element of Magic. A pair of spectral orange wings emerged from the back of his chest piece, carrying him onto the ring.