• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 722 Views, 26 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

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13: Recovering the First Wisp.. but at what cost?

After Spike and Ori saw Kwolok move through the cavern that was opened up below, they did some more exploring of the area around them, while being careful after feeling a strange presence nearby. They decided to head upwards to see what they could find first, it was a large place they had to explore, there was just so many different paths forward that it was hard to say what else there was.

The two started off again by climbing up another wall to make it to a higher area, they bashed off another lantern to latch themselves onto another wall, and with the right timing, they carefully jumped off it to jump to another bubble that was rising in the air, and they bounced all the way to another area in the cave. Seeing this kind of sight while they kept moving forward just made things really amazing, it let Spike appreciate what they had right now, and he hoped they could admire this places sights for a bit longer

"You know Ori.. seeing sights like this, remind me so much of what we saw before." Spike said amazed as they stopped to take a quick break.
"Yeah, it reminds me of the Misty forest we went through back in Nibel, only it wasn't nearly as nauseating." Ori said chuckling a little while shaking her head.
"Heh heh.. yeah.. i still feel dizzy from traveling through that place.." Spike said as that place really tested them when they went through it.
"Tell me about it, to think we had only been traveling for just a day through Nibel when that happened.. how time goes by when we go on these adventures.." Ori said as they looked at the walls of the caves around them, as they could see the crystal blue water reflecting off of them.
"Yeah, it just makes me wish we weren't always in such a hurry for our journeys, otherwise, i'd take in sights like these for far longer.." Spike said amazed at the beautiful sight.

"I wish Naru and Gumo were here for this, i think they'd really love a sight like this.." Ori said as they looked at they're reflections through the water.
"Hopefully they'll be with Twilight and the other's by the time we get the Wisps.." Spike said hopefully looking at his white body again, he felt so different compared to when he was a full dragon, seeing him as a hybrid will always affect him in ways he'd never think.
"Hopefully we see Smolder at that village again soon, i hope she's holding up okay, i can't imagine what she must be going through right now.." Ori said as her ears went down from the sad thought of her, this made Spike's ears go down too as this was something they relate too.

"She lost a loved one like we did.. and yet she's not able to go through places like this.. it just makes me wish we could've helped save Garble and Ku.." Spike said with regret holding back his tears from just thinking about them.
"Not to mention she knew him for far longer then we think, i can only imagine what they were like before he..." Ori said not even finishing it, it was a very sad thing to think about, as they both know how losing someone is.
"If we can bring him back, hopefully we can find a way to talk with him.. even if i can't speak to them fully anymore.." Spike said sadly remembering the fact he can't speak Equestrian anymore..
"Don't worry Spike, i'm sure we'll find a way, i'm here for you, you know that." Ori said putting her hand on his shoulder, Spike sighed a bit trying to let that sink in, she was the only one he had at his moment, and just didn't wanna lose her.
"Thanks, and i'll be here for you too, let's get going, i'm sure Kwolok found something ahead of us." Spike said as they went to the water ledge ahead of them.
"Let's go Spike." Ori said before they jumped into the water once again to swim after him.

The two swam through the reef once again making they're way through the place again, they had another door fragment problem they needed to find, so they started moving through the area to find them. They got one of them through redirecting another enemy blast through the water, and bashing off of it to reach a ceiling that contained one of them, then they redirected a bubble to move through the air again to reach another one. They got the third one by simply grappling off another hook to reach one that was on the side of the wall, and they got the last one through simply gliding down another part of the area where it was on the side again.
"That's all of them, let's try and find that door now." Spike said putting the last one in the bag.
"Great work, let's go." Ori said simply before they went off once again.

After getting through that little puzzle, they continued holding onto the door fragments while moving through once more. They grappled all the way to the top with they're whips, and used the bubbles with their feathers to direct themselves higher. Afterwards, they went into an area where there were dozens of bubbles flying through the air, making it look like a fun time to go through this one.
"Well, this should be fun." Spike said with a smile getting ready for this.
"Whoever gets to the top first wins! Let's go!" Ori shouted before they both jumped off the ledge and onto the rising bubbles. They both laughed in pure joy as the bubbles sprung them even higher into the area, it was one of the most fun parts of this adventure so far.
"This is so cool!" Spike shouted flipping through the air with Ori.
"I know! It feels like we're endlessly jumping!" Ori shouted in joy as well as they went even higher into the place. They could see the end of the ride. After they had that fun moment, they were able to find another Energy Cell to help power them up even more, these Energy and Life Cells they kept finding through this place was a big help, this was a tougher adventure then the last one they were on together, and it's best they collect as much as they need.

After that moment, they made they're way back to find the door, and they soon found it far behind the way they came in. They finally used the fragments to open up the door and it showed them another way through the place, and to their surprise, they found yet another Sprit Tree here, in the middle of this cave.
"Wow.. who knew so many Spirit Guardians were around this land too.." Spike said really surprised on how many they've seen so far.
"I know.. at least this one managed to find itself in a beautiful place.." Ori said as she felt sad seeing another one had passed here, but at least it had a beautiful sight before it left..

The two went over to the Sprit Tree once more, and they absorbed the beautiful and powerful light once again, they floated around in the air once more as the energy flowed into them, until they finally landed back down feeling a new power within them.
"I can feel it, this one will help us dash through water, kinda like what we can do now." Ori said as they took a few stretches to let the power settle in.
"Man, it amazes me on just how much we get from these.." Spike said looking at his bright body again, it felt stronger now, and it could give them a chance against whatever threat lies here.
"This may help us push through the strong currents that were coming through the path Kwolok went through, let's go back there." Ori suggested getting ready to leave.
"Let's hope he's okay." Spike prayed as they jumped back into the water once again.

With the Water Dash ability, Spike and Ori were able to traverse through these water areas far faster now, like Ori suggested, this power let them push through any strong current that blocked them previously, it felt so similar to the dash in areas, but also so different in other ways, this will prove to help them a lot in the future with whatever water areas they go through next, it was so strong to use, it helped them so much when making they're way through here now, it was kinda unfair though.

This ability allowed them to spring out of the water high into the air whenever they used to exit the water, it was a great way for traversal and movement now, it will help them for sure. After getting used to their new power, they quickly used it to solve another music puzzle, and that made the water they were swimming in drain below them so it could open another door forwards that led back to where they started. Using what they had learned through going around this place, they memorized the layout of the place to help them move back to the area they saw Kwolok.

After some more swimming, they finally swam they're way back to the room they found Kwolok, the area was getting a bit darker underwater now, but that must mean they were close to getting that Wisp now. Using they're new power, they were able to push past the strong currents and crushing traps that were blocking the way before, letting them finally move through the place. They managed to find another Spirit Well here which gave them a moment to relax, every time they rested in one of them, it felt so refreshing, like the light was restoring every damaged cell and part where they're body was hurt, it was so relaxing.

And finally, after that last rest, they made they're way through what they hoped were the last parts of the cavern, but something strange they noticed is that the area was starting to get more red around them, there was less of the beautiful blue and greens that surrounded the area before, and now they felt like something bad was just up ahead of them. And with the Water Bash, they finally burst out of the water again to see what's ahead.

"Man, that move really feels good to use." Spike said flexing a bit which made Ori chuckle a little.
"Yeah, it really will help with our swimming, but.. do you notice something strange about this place Spike? Or is it just me?" Ori asked as they looked around the place, and saw it looked more.. poisoned..
"If.. Kwolok made it through here.. then that may mean.." Spike said as his expression turned to fear as they realized he may be in trouble. And as they were about to move further, multiple Moki suddenly ran up to them and looked really worried.
"Guys, what's wrong?" Ori asked worried as they were all getting a bad feeling now.
"Something's wrong with Kwolok! Please hurry to him!" The Moki begged which made them scarred.
"Ori, come on!" Spike shouted quickly running ahead of them, Ori didn't waste another second and quickly followed behind hoping they're friend was okay.

They quickly made they're way to the path ahead, and up ahead, they saw Kwolok was there. But something was wrong, his eyes were pure white, and in front of him.. was a familiar Wisp..
"Ori.. is that?" Spike asked shocked as they may have finally found it.
"It must be.." Ori said as they actually found it, it was the first Wisp they needed!
"Ori, Spike, it's the Strength of the Forest! Kwolok found it!" Voice said amazed at it came out to see it, but Kwolok wasn't moving right, something was wrong..
"Kwolok.. are you okay?" Spike asked worried as he could barely speak. Voice tried to reach for the Wisp they needed, but Kwolok suddenly ate it.
"What?! Kwolok! What's wrong with you?!" Ori asked scarred as he was suddenly growling at them.

Kwolok began to sink below the water strangely which made them worried.
"Ori, what's going.." Spike asked scarred before something bad happened, large dark tentacles burst out of the water which knocked them both back from the huge burst which shocked both of them.
"Ori! What's happening?!" Spike asked scarred as they got up, they both watched the tentacles rise through the water, and their horror, they saw the same monster they had barely escaped from the Watermill, and what's worse, it was latched onto Kwolok, seemingly controlling him against his will.
"No.. this can't be.." Ori said horrified as they're possessed friend roared at them both.
"Ori! RUN!!" Spike screamed grabbing his hand as the monster chased after them using Kwolok as a puppet.

Spike couldn't believe what was happening, the one that gave them hope to saving Garble and Ku was being controlled by the same monster they thought died from the collapsing area they escaped from, but now it was controlling a guardian and friend. Spike hated himself for letting this happen to another person, first it was Ku, then Garble, and now him, if this happens to more of their friends.. Spike just doesn't know how to what to feel during this moment, but one thing he did feel right now, was fear.

Spike and Ori both screamed with fear as they tried to out run the monster chasing them, the place was shaking all around them which made it a bit hard to run across, they had to bash through another wall to try and get to higher ground. The monster wasn't giving up on this chase, and was tearing through any piece of rubble that came it's way.
"Ori look out!" Spike screamed as he pushed her away from a falling rock and smashed it with his hammer.
"This way! Hurry!!" Ori screamed while they kept running as fast as they could. They were barely dodging any hands that were bursting through the ground below them that tried to grab them, it was a fear they hadn't felt in a long time since the last time they were chased down back in Nibel, it was a true feeling of dread they didn't know they would feel.

"Ori! Jump!" Spike screamed as they were coming upon another underwater path, they both ran as fast as they could to the water and jumped into it. They both repeatedly used they're Water Bash to try and out run the monster, but it was an extremely fast swimmer and was gaining on them fast, Spike and Ori dashed through any fallen rubble that was coming down on them, but there were dozens of hands that were bursting below them that were trying to bring the cavern below to crush them. Spike muffled through the water as they could barely keep they're breaths held from all this pressure, they kept dashing through the water as fast as they could, just hoping they could find the way out. More monsters kept coming at them, but they didn't even have time to fight them off as the monster was right behind them and roared at them through the water.

Spike and Ori could see the way out just up ahead, and they used they're Water Bash to spring themselves out just as the monster lunged at them, the two screamed with fear as they went flying out of the water with the monster right behind them, Spike grabbed Ori's hand and used the grapple to latch them to another part of the wall which made the creature miss them, Spike and Ori quickly ran up another wall as the creature roared with rage again and resumed chasing them instantly. Spike and Ori flipped over more falling rocks to give them some air, Spike summed his sword to slash through them to try and clear a path, and Ori kept using the Bash move to fling forward ahead, the monster was barely being faced by the objects that could've crushed it, and it only used Kwolok to shield itself which just enraged Spike seeing him be tortured like this.

"Spike! Over there!" Ori shouted as they could see an open area just up ahead.
"Come on!" Spike shouted as they were avoiding more hands that were bursting out of the ground, with one final leap, they landed in an open area that was large enough for the both of them and the monster, the monster burst through the walls and landed in front of them, and it roared at them with the possessed Kwolok.
"Ori, please don't tell me we have to do this.." Spike said horrified they had to fight him.
"As much as i hate to do this, we have no choice, i'm sorry Kwolok!" Ori said with tears as they summoned they're swords of light as the monster roared at them both again.

Spike used his powers to summon his bow that can shoot multiple arrows at once, while Ori used her hammer to give in some heavy damage, Spike flipped off of the falling rocks that were falling down around the place to get a good shot on the monster, the body was extremely dense, but they're powers were strong enough to make a dent in it. The monster used Kwolok to try and latch it's tongue at them both, but Ori dodged the attack and used the hammer to smash onto it making it roar with rage.
"Sorry!" Ori shouted with regret as this was hard for all of them.

The ground shook beneath them again and they barely were avoiding more hands bursting through the ground.
"Ori! Take out the hands first!" Spike shouted as he used the bow to shoot them directly in the center.
"Got it!" Ori shouted before she flipped in the air and turned her hammer into a sword again to slash at a few of the hands, one of them did a sweep of the ground and Spike had to backflip off it to avoid taking damage.
"Let go of our friend!!" Spike screamed with rage before he took a deep breath and shot a stream of white fire at the monster making it roar with pain which made the hands retract. Spike used his wings to land back on the ground, they were still crumpled up a bit, but could be used for gliding and mild air jumps by now, but this wasn't an area to use them to their fullest.

The monster roared at them once again and began shooting out multiple hands found the ground again while using Kwolok to shoot blasts at them. Spike and Ori both dodge rolled out of the way to avoid taking damage again, but a hand burst through the ground and hit Ori just as she stopped for a moment.
"Ori!" Spike shouted with fear as he flipped over more of the bursting hands and slashed at them to take them down. Spike rolled under a few more that went right above him and slid down to Ori.
"You okay?" Spike asked concerned helping her up, they both yelped in shock as the monster kept shooting it's tongue at them to take them down, but they were using they're Dash move to try and avoid it.
"Spike! Get ready!" Ori shouted summoning her sword again as multiple hands were lunging at them all.
"Let's go!" Spike screamed as they both charged at the hands.

Spike backflipped out of the way as one lunged at him, he then jumped in the air and made a battle cry before stabbing the thing in the center making it sink into the ground. Ori slid right under the hands and flipped right between the fingers of one of them before using her bow to fire multiple shots at it, Spike then used his whip to swing off of multiple hands and spin around like a spiral, he used the whip he had to tie up multiple of the hands at once before using his strength to slam them into the ground. Ori and Spike finished those hands off by using they're hammers and crushing them so hard it made a large crater from it's impact, and all of them vanished once again while they took heavy breaths.

But they barely had time to rest, he place began to shake even more and they watch with shock as the place was beginning to fill with water.
"Ori! Get ready!" Spike shouted as the water was flooding most of the room.
"I hate that we have to do this!" Ori shouted with regret as they took deep breaths as the water filled most of the area. The monster used Kwolok to shoot multiple strings of poisonous attacks at them through the water and Spike and Ori had to use their Water Dash to try and avoid them. The water filled up about half of the room, and it was getting hard to land an attack on it. Spike and Ori both dashed out of the way and used they're powers to burst through the water and fling high into the air.
"Let him go!!" Ori screamed with rage as they both summoned they're bows.
"Stay dead you monster!!" Spike shouted before they took close aim at the monster and powered up a final shot, they both made a battle cry again before unleashing one final shot and combined they're powers together. The monster barely had time to react right before it saw the powerful attack charge right at him, and it impaled both him and the controlled Kwolok at once and the monster screamed with pain.

The monster lunged around the entire room slamming against dozens of walls at once, Spike and Ori both quickly dodged whatever desperate attack it had before they saw it rise into the room trying to escape.
"After it!" Spike shouted as they quickly dashed out of the water and onto a wall to run on.
"Please be okay Kwolok!" Ori prayed as they hurried as fast as they could. They both climbed up a nearby vine that could help them get higher, they both prayed they're friend was okay, they both put quite the hurt on it, but the collateral damage is what they were most worried about.

The two jumped out of the pit they were in and heard the monster roaring again, Spike and Ori quickly ran just up ahead and they saw Kwolok had pinned the monster to the ground.
"Kwolok!" They both shouted at once as they watched him crush the monster for good, finally getting rid of it, but he looked weak, and it began to worry them both.
"Are you okay?" Ori asked worried as they made it up to him.
"Kwolok, we're so sorry, we tried the best we could to help you.." Spike said with regret as they could see he was hurt, but he seemed to have a calm look on him like they always saw from him.

"It is okay little ones... what matters is that you, and the Strength of the Forest are safe.." Kwolok said weakly as he was barely moving.
"It isn't just us we have to keep safe, we need to keep you and everyone else here safe too, if we couldn't save Garble or Ku, and now you.. what more will we lose?" Spike asked with tears in his eyes, this was something his fears were warning him about.
"There are some things that can't be reversed young one, but that doesn't mean we can learn from those mistakes, and become something.. so much more.." Kwolok said while Ori rubbed his head.
"He's right Spike, we still have a chance to save this forest.." Ori said trying to encourage him, but Spike still didn't know what to say about this.

"Spike.. Ori.. it has been so long since i've had hope for this land, you both have shown great strength and courage when moving through here, you mustn't give up on your journey now. There will be tough moments in every journey, that includes this one.. but if you push through it, you will be stronger then you ever think you could be.." Kwolok encouraged which did help Spike a bit.
"It's just.. what are we supposed to do? Even if we retrieve the other Wisps.. what will happen to the rest of the forest? What if.. we fail.." Spike asked with fear trying not to think about it.
"You shouldn't let your fears control you young Spike, you must push through them. I know you have the strength to do it, it will be what the forests needs, it needs your courage to push through it, i know you can do it.." Kwolok advised looking even weaker now.
"He's right Spike, you pushed through your visions when you were becoming a hybrid, and we're able to save Kuro back in Nibel, if you can do it once, i know you can do it again. And i'll be by your side, i promise you that Spike." Ori assured giving Spike another hug again.
"T.. thanks Kwolok.. Ori.." Spike said gratefully holding her close for a moment.

Kwolok was taking heavy breaths as he knew his time has come.
"Ori.. Spike.. i only have one request for when i go.. " Kwolok asked which worried them.
"And.. what would that be?" Ori asked sadly looking up at him.
"Please.. find the other wisps.. bring them together, and the Moki.. take care of them for me.. please watch over this land.. you both.. may be the only ones who can.. " Kwolok begged as his breath was leaving him, Spike and Ori slowly walked to him and placed they're hands on him as they felt his life going.
"We.. promise.. we won't let you down.." Spike swore as they could see his body fading away.
"Thank.. you..." Kwolok said as he finally faded away, they both watched him die together and saw his body fade into a bright light before vanishing completely..

Spike and Ori began to cry as they saw they're friend go, and the Wisp they had been trying to get was free, and slowly went down to them.
"Kwolok.." Spike said with regret as they watched Voice fly up to it and absorb the light into itself, it was a way to help contain it, and it only helped them with they're quest just a bit.
"We're sorry Kwolok.." Ori said with sadness as Spike began to break down, this was becoming too much for him, they had already lost they're sister and Garble, and now they lost this forests guardian, and without him.. who will protect the forest?
"Spike.. i promise it's gonna be okay.." Ori assured as they both hugged eachother while crying again as the sun shone down on them both.

"Ori.. how are we gonna get through this if all the ones we know keep dying? If we couldn't save Kwolok.. can we even save Garble and Ku?" Spike asked with fear while crying heavily.
"We were able to get the first wisp, which means we're closer to saving them, we'll be going through tough moments like this sure, it was like how we went through in our last adventure. But we pushed through it didn't we? I'm sure we can do it here too." Ori assured as they both looked at eachother.
"Yeah.. but what if we won't see our friends again? Twilight.. Smolder.. Naru and Gumo and Kuro.. how will they be able to move on if.. they couldn't see us?" Spike asked scarred looking at himself.
"I don't know Spike, but we still have the chance to see them, i know we can." Ori assured once more as they both turned to look at the sunset.

"Ori.. if even my own kind can't understand me.. how will i be able to handle things with Twilight.. if i'm losing what made me.. a dragon.. then what am i?" Spike asked shaking from the fear of those thoughts.
"Your still Spike, no matter what happens, i'll be with you always, you were the first person i met after Naru passed, you were the only person that helped give me courage to journey through Nibel to save it, i don't want to be alone on this. You mean so much to me Spike, and i know we can get through this together. " Ori said with some confidence holding out her hand, Spike took a moment to process it, it was a lot for them right now, but if Ori is able to keep her confidence up, then why shouldn't he too?
"Your right.. as long as i'm with you, we'll get through this right?" Spike asked regaining his courage finally which made Ori smile.
"Of course Spike, come on, let's start heading to the next Wisp, i think the one in the South's our best bet for now." Ori said ready to go.
"good idea, we'll stop by the village for a bit to see if Smolder's okay, let's just hope we can get the Wisps before darkness comes.." Spike prayed as they began to move again.
"We will Spike.. we have too.." Ori said with hope as they finally began to leave again, even with Kwolok gone, they had the first Wisp now, and they could only hope they could get the others before something worse happens..

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this! Seeing Kwolok die was really sad in this, even if we didn't know him much as a person in the short time we knew him, it was still sad he died like this, but it's just one piece of the emotions that we feel when going through this, i'll be sure to make this story handle the emotions the best i can, there's some ideas i have for it and i hope you look forward to them, thanks for reading this and hope you have a great day guys!

Comments ( 2 )

Another rollercoaster of emotions on these recent chapters, hope we get to see how Smolder's holding up soon!:fluttercry:

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