• Published 18th Oct 2023
  • 1,170 Views, 227 Comments

Saiyan Of The Sun - IndigoStorm27

12 years before the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia encounters a being from beyond the stars. Despite the less than formal first impression, Celestia decides to take him in to her care. How will Equestria fare with its new resident?

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Chapter Twelve: An Invasion Force Arrives, by Order of Frieza! Bage Meets a Powerful Foe, Dryce! The Tragic Loss of a Friend Triggers The Wrath of The Super Saiyan!

Chapter Twelve: An Invasion Force Arrives, by Order of Frieza! Bage Meets a Powerful Foe, Dryce! The Tragic Loss of a Friend Triggers The Wrath of The Super Saiyan!

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library

The dawn painted Ponyville in hues of gold, and the once-looming menace of Nightmare Moon a week prior had faded into the background. Yet, for Bage, a new adversary emerged from the shadows—boredom. In a town that whispered tranquility near the enigmatic Everfree forest, he found himself yearning for excitement. Even the camaraderie of newfound friends failed to dispel the monotony.

"Oh, for the love of Frieza, Twilight! Can't we do something? Anything would beat watching you read," Bage groaned, his head colliding with a bookshelf in frustration.

Twilight sighed, closing her tome of 'Starswirl's Guide to Advanced Thaumaturgy' and casting a glance at him. "If you're so bored, why not lend a hoof to Applejack? She could use some help on the farm. It might even toughen you up a bit," she suggested, capturing his attention.

"Hey, you're onto something. I'll get Dash involved, and turn it into a competition! Thanks, Nerd Pone!" Bage exclaimed, zooming out the door as Twilight chuckled to herself and resumed reading.

Through Ponyville's streets, Bage maneuvered with agility, weaving through residents on a mission. He ascended to a cloud and plucked Rainbow Dash from her nap.

"What the—Hey! Bage, what's gotten into you?" she snapped, struggling to grasp their breakneck speed.

"I've got a training idea, a competition. Are you in?" Bage asked, and Rainbow scoffed.

"Always up for a challenge, but seriously, could you let me go?" she pleaded, and he released his grip, dropping her.

"Sorry, I'm just restless. Ever since Nightmare Moon, I've been stuck in a boredom spiral. The library was driving me nuts, and Twilight wasn't helping," Bage grumbled, and Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"I get it. That whole Nightmare Moon thing was a rollercoaster, and now it's like, 'What's next?'" Rainbow mused, twirling around Bage. Despite his quirks, she enjoyed his company. He matched her speed, faced down changelings, and even turned Queen Chrysalis into a punching bag. Sure, there were attitude issues, but she could handle that.

"Yeah, exactly! It's maddening to have nothing to do. Wouldn't be so bad if I had a way to train," Bage muttered, arms crossed. "If only Celestia could drop everything and spar with me. Luna's still recovering from her banishment, too."

Rainbow Dash stayed silent, unable to relate to the latter part. "Where are we going, anyway?" she asked, and Bage pointed towards Sweet Apple Acres. "Applejack's farm? How's that considered training?"

Bage smirked, nudging her dangerously close to the ground. "It's simple. Whoever does the most work gets lunch paid for by the loser. And if that's not enticing enough, I've got a stipend from the crown for technically beating the mare in the moon. Some ancient challenge from one of Blueblood's ancestors. Celestia never nullified it. The winner takes it, along with a free lunch. Are you in?" he challenged, and Rainbow narrowed her eyes.

"YOU'RE ON! You're paying for the whole menu at The Haystack!" she shouted, speeding off towards the farm.

"Oh no you don't!" Bage called out, a mischievous grin on his face as he raced after her.


Sweet apple Acres, Front Gate, Mid Evening

Bage (suppressed; weighted gear) Power level: 39,000

"I can't believe you managed to beat me by a single bushel. You better not pig out for lunch tomorrow," Rainbow Dash warned, causing Bage to laugh.

"Don't worry, I won't make you foot the bill. I only said that to lure you into my little training gambit. And I gotta say, it paid off. Your strength feels a lot higher now," Bage declared, causing Rainbow Dash to arch an intrigued eyebrow.

"Really? Well, I suppose you'd be the expert. What's it like, sensing energy anyway?" she inquired, as Bage furrowed his brow in contemplation.

"It's akin to standing by a blazing campfire, feeling its warmth. Only, you can sense that warmth from a great distance. For instance, I can feel Celestia and Luna up in Canterlot. Celestia's power is waning with the setting sun, while Luna is growing stronger simultaneously," Bage elucidated, gesturing towards the castle. "I can even sense Fluttershy in her cottage, and—" Bage abruptly halted, his complexion paling, eyes widening. "Oh, this is not good," he muttered before abruptly turning on his heels and streaking towards Canterlot.

"Hey, wait up!" Rainbow Dash called, taking flight in pursuit.

'That power, it's immense. No doubt about it, that's Frieza,' Bage thought, his senses detecting the overwhelming power descending upon the planet's atmosphere.

"Bage, what's happening? I've never seen anypony go pale that fast, except for Shy. Is something wrong?" Dash questioned, struggling to keep pace.

"There's a crisis. I need to alert Celestia. Head back to Ponyville and gather Twilight and the others. We might need the Elements again," he instructed, his tone resolute and grave.

'Then again, I'm not sure the Elements will even make a dent against Frieza.' Bage glanced skyward, spotting the ship as it descended. It appeared smaller than he remembered. Maybe this wasn't Frieza's ship at all; it could be one of his underlings. 'I hope Sunset can safeguard Canterlot. She's nearly as strong as I am with my weighted gear.' He accelerated towards Canterlot, eyes fixed on the ship as it loomed ominously in his field of vision.


Sunset (extensive training) Power Level: 37,000

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Sunset danced with lethal grace, swiftly evading a guard's punch and toppling him with a forceful kick. Bage's absence left her with only guards to spar against, their feeble attempts at resistance providing little challenge. Mid-strike, she sensed an ominous power approaching Canterlot, causing her to pause. "Who in the hell is that? Certainly not Bage, unless he's undergone a power surge from battling Nightmare Moon," she mused.

Her attention shifted toward the source of the immense energy, blocking a punch from a pegasus guard without missing a beat. Tossing him into an unsuspecting unicorn, Sunset focused on the approaching force. "This can't be good. I've never felt anything like this. It's like Bage, but not quite," she muttered, glancing toward Ponyville where Bage's presence manifested. As if on cue, he streaked overhead toward the throne room, leaving Sunset in puzzled determination. "Speak of the devil."

Bage sprinted through the castle's halls, effortlessly sidestepping servants and redirecting Blueblood into a suit of armor. "No time for laughter," he quipped, colliding with Sunset as he turned a corner. "Forgot how hard your armor is," she groaned, rubbing her horn.

"I forgot how sharp your horn is," Bage retorted, helping her up. "Did you sense that power heading this way?"

Sunset nodded. "Yeah, and I'm guessing you did too?"

Bage confirmed, "I need you to ensure Canterlot survives. If it's who I think it is, he's not alone. Frieza might not handle things personally, but he brings his lackeys."

"But their energy seems pitiful, aside from the big one," Sunset scoffed. Bage's grim expression told a different story.

"The citizens aren't that powerful, so protect the city. I'll face Frieza and buy time for Twilight and the others to gather the elements," Bage instructed, eyes fixed on the throne room. "Can you warn Celestia?"

"Of course, but if you're in trouble, I'm coming to help," Sunset declared, playfully punching Bage's arm.

Bage chuckled, "Sure, be my 'mare in shining armor,' Bacon Head." With that, he darted down the hall.

"Jerk. Just wait till this is over," Sunset muttered, galloping toward the throne room.

As he headed back to Ponyville, Bage observed a ship landing between Canterlot and the town. Soldiers spilled out, prompting him to accelerate. A soldier greeted him, waving him over. "Hey, a Saiyan! I'm not sure how you beat us here, but I'm glad you did. You wanna help us take out some of the populace?"

Bage clenched his fists, advancing. "Yeah, sure, I'll help," he replied, only to abruptly strike the soldier down. "I'll help kick your ass."

Another soldier protested, "Aren't saiyans supposed to serve Lord Frieza?" Bage's glare silenced him, a lethal blast following suit. Facing the ship, he demanded, "Frieza! Get out here!"

A menacing silhouette materialized from the darkness, disdain etched across its features. "As if I would degrade myself to compare to that bastard," he scoffed. With the advent of sunlight, the figure's distinct features became apparent—cyan skin adorned with black armor, a red scouter and piercing red irises beneath a pronounced scar that traversed his left eye. Lacking horns but possessing a robust muscular build, he introduced himself with a chilling declaration, "I am Dryce, and I am here to lay waste to this world, starting with you." accompanied by a sinister grin that revealed bloodstained teeth. "It's only polite to inform you of the one who will seal your fate, considering you won't live long enough to regret your mistaking me with Frieza."

Dryce Power Level:126000

"Then get ready, cause I'm about to kick your ass all the way back to Frieza's feet!" Bage declared with a steely resolve. He lunged at Dryce, fists cutting through the air in a whirlwind of impending violence. Yet, the adversary proved elusive, slipping through the attack like a phantom.

Before Bage could fathom the evasion, a thunderous blow crashed into his side, sending him hurtling toward the unforgiving ground. The earth trembled as he created a massive furrow upon impact. Springing to his feet, he barely managed to lift a defense before another punishing punch sent him careening into the side of Mount Canterhorn. Dryce, relentless, delivered a follow-up kick that embedded Bage even deeper into the unyielding rock.

Gasping for breath, Bage wrestled himself from the grasp of the mountain, determination etched on his bruised face. Power surged within him as he clashed with Dryce once more, fists meeting in a clash of titans.

"You wield some tricks, Saiyan, but my patience wears thin," Dryce proclaimed with a sinister resolve. "I'm here for a purpose — to conquer this planet, and no one will prevent me from doing so."

The air crackled with tension as Dryce sealed his declaration with a brutal knee to Bage's gut, followed by a savage elbow that brought the warrior crashing to the ground.

Spitting out bile, Bage rose, his spirit unbroken. "I'm far from finished; I haven't even begun to exert myself," he growled defiantly.

Dryce laughed scornfully, crossing his arms in arrogant mockery. "Is that so, Saiyan? Then show me the extent of your power when you truly put forth an effort."

In response, Bage swiftly discarded his weighted armor, the impact creating a small crater upon its dismissal. With a primal roar, his energy surged, causing Dryce's scouter to go haywire in the face of the escalating maelstrom. The battlefield quivered with the impending clash of two forces on the brink of cataclysm.

Power Level: 45,000

Dryce's eyebrow arched with incredulity. "Well, 45,000, the Saiyan wasn't lying. Too bad it's not enough." He deftly evaded a punch, sidestepped a kick. Bage unleashed a flurry of blows, each one met by Dryce's agile evasion. "I have to say, I'm rather disappointed so far. I expected something a little more exciting. Oh well." Dryce's foot crashed into Bage's chest, halting him abruptly.

"AHHUGH!" Bage felt the sickening crack of a rib, the blow threatening to plunge him into unconsciousness.

"Come now, Saiyan. Give me something good, something amusing. I'm getting bored here." Impatience etched Dryce's face as he tapped a finger on his arm.

Bage growled, his thoughts racing. 'What the hell do I do?! I've got nothing left to throw at him! Wait, maybe I can buy some time by blowing up his scouter. That way I can think of a plan.' A beam streaked toward Dryce's head, shattering the scouter. 'Bingo.' Smoke veiled Bage's movements as he vanished within.

"Hmmm? Oh, you were aiming for my scouter. I don't see how that-" Dryce's words cut off as Bage unleashed an explosion, shrouding the battlefield. "Oh, you clever dick!"

Rising from the ground, Bage concealed himself in a cloud. 'Alright, think. What can I do to stall this guy until Twilight gets the Elements?' An idea sparked. 'The Wrath Bomber, that's it!' Interlocking his fingers, Bage began charging his Ki. 'Let's hope this works.'

Dryce scanned for the elusive Saiyan. "Come out, Saiyan, my patience grows thin. I'd rather not have to start blowing up rocks and buildings to find you!" His fists clenched. "Fine, then I guess I can just start killing off the populace. At least that will be entertaining."


"What?" Dryce looked up to witness a colossal ball of energy hurtling towards him. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU-" The explosion engulfed him. "Take that, you stupid, scar-faced jerk!" Bage gloated as the smoke dispersed, revealing Dryce, injured but far from defeated.

The air crackled with tension as Dryce lunged at Bage with a ferocious energy blade slash. 'Oh, crap!'

"I'LL KILL YOU, YOU SAIYAN BASTARD!" Dryce screamed, aiming for Bage's neck. Bage strained to catch the energy blade, their struggle echoing across the devastated area.


A sudden hoof to Dryce's face sent him hurtling, as Sunset intervened. "Not if I have anything to say about it. The only one kicking his ass is me," she declared, drawing Bage's attention.

Bage, catching his breath, teased, "What happened to making sure Canterlot was safe? Don't tell me you got bored."

Sunset grinned, "Please, those soldiers didn't last 5 minutes, but you almost got a little too much off the top there." She frowned at Dryce. "Is that him? Frieza?"

"No, some guy called Dryce. Apparently, Frieza had him as a lackey this whole time and sent him to take care of conquering this planet," Bage clarified.

"Second-rate minion, then. Got it," Sunset quipped, powering up for battle.

Bage stopped her. "Hold on, he's way too strong for you alone. Let's take him on together." Their hands met in agreement.

Dryce, recovering from Sunset's blow, protested, "What is this, some sort of joke?! I'm not amused!"

Sunset smirked, shedding her weighted armor. "Trust me, if this were a joke, you'd be at the center."

"Oh, you think you're CUTE?!" Dryce shrieked, his eye twitching.

Sunset powered up, confidently retorting, "Bitch, I'm adorable." The battlefield crackled with energy as the trio prepared for a showdown.

"That's a matter of opinion, Fire Flank." Bage dodged Dryce's attack, swiftly countering with a punch to the side of Dryce's head.

"Oh, fuck off, Bage! You're just jealous because you look like a shaved gorilla!" Sunset taunted, gracefully evading a punch from Dryce.

"Then what does that make you, Celestia's failed pet project?" Bage retorted, countering Dryce's attempted kick with a powerful knee to the gut.

"Failed pet project? You were more of a pet than I was!" Sunset shot back, retaliating with a series of energy blasts that created a smoke cloud for cover.

"Whatever, you're still mad that Twilight got chosen as the Bearer of Magic over you." Bage turned towards Sunset, grinning amidst the chaos.

"You shut your mouth, I easily could have done what she did if you hadn't distracted me!" Sunset yelled over the commotion.

"Distracted you?! You asked me to train you, how the hell was that distracting you?!" Bage yelled back.

"I could've been twice the magic user she was, if you hadn't shown off that you coul-" Suddenly, a piercing beam cut through Sunset's chest, silencing her. "Wha, agh..." Her aura vanished, and she crumpled to the ground.

"SUNSET!" Bage screamed, rushing to catch her. As she landed in his arms, her lifeless eyes stared up at him. Shock paralyzed him. It had happened so quickly; he hadn't even noticed Dryce firing the beam.

"Oh, was she important to you? Please tell me she was. I just love it when I kill important people!" Dryce reveled in the sorrow on Bage's face. Tearfully, Bage dropped Sunset's body to the ground, standing up. "You killed my best friend. You're going to pay for that!" Bage's aura flared outward, pulsing and flashing a golden glow.

Infused with grief and rage, Bage unleashed a torrent of energy, his power level skyrocketing. The battleground trembled with the intensity of the impending clash between the grief-stricken warrior and the sadistic invader

Twilight, having received the Elements, handed them to her friends as the ground rumbled. Dark clouds formed, yellow lightning striking outside Ponyville. "What is that? Is that Bage?" she wondered, gazing toward the golden glow, as a veritable wind storm sent anything that wasn't tied down, scattering all over.

"If that's Bage, I reckon he's mighty upset," Applejack remarked, holding her hat to her head.

"I'll go check it out!" Rainbow Dash took off.

"Rainbow Dash, wait! We need to... and she's gone." Twilight shook her head, watching the rainbow contrail.

Rainbow flew over the ship parked outside Ponyville, witnessing Bage standing over somepony while a strange alien laughed nearby. Landing, she saw Bage trembling, fury etched on his face. 'Woah, I'm glad I've never made him mad.' Glancing at the pony on the ground, she was shocked to see a pool of blood. 'Is that pony, dead? Oh dear Celestia, no!' She looked back at Bage, whose aura flashed between white and yellow.

Dryce cackled madly, reveling in the chaos. "Oh, how touching! The hero in a fit of rage! Let's see how long you can keep up the act!" He said in a mocking tone, his energy blade gleaming ominously.

"You're going to PAAAAAAAAAY!" Bage's scream reverberated as his aura exploded, cracking the ground beneath him, hair turning golden, eyes glowing teal. The force pushed Rainbow Dash back. Getting to her hooves, she saw Bage staring right at her. "Rainbow, grab Sunset, get to Ponyville, and tell Twilight to have the Elements ready." Bage's voice was steely and dangerous.

"Wait, you want me to grab a dead pony? Gross, I'm not-" Bage shot a blast at her hooves, making her jump.

"THIS ISN'T UP FOR DISCUSSION! GRAB SUNSET AND GET TO PONYVILLE, NOW!" He screamed, and Rainbow rushed over, grabbed Sunset, and flew off. Bage glared at Dryce, his teeth clenched, and his fist raised. "I won't let you kill anyone else! This ends now!"

Dryce stared at the golden haired saiyan in front of him, his laughter from earlier having quickly died off. "You, what happened to you?! You're different, what the hell are you?!" Dryce demanded, but Bage stayed silent, staring him down. "WELL? ANSWER ME! YOU DID SOMETHING, YOU CHANGED! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Bage still did not answer, continuing to glare, fists clenched and teeth bared. Bage took a step toward him, then another, his aura flickering wildly.

In the distance, Rainbow Dash sped towards Ponyville, cradling Sunset's lifeless body. The weight of the unicorns limp form spurred her to push her limits, breaking the sound barrier in her haste. She burst through the clouds above Ponyville, catching the attention of the gathered ponies.

Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy turned their attention to Rainbow Dash as she landed dramatically. Twilight saw the body Rainbow was carrying, her eyes going wide. "Is that... Sunset? What's happening? Where's Bage? Who did this?!" Twilight asked, concern etched on her face.

Rainbow gently laid Sunset's body on the ground. "Bage is... he changed. Like, he's all glowey, and he's peeved! We need the Elements, now!"

Twilight nodded, a determined look on her face. "Alright, lets go help our friend!"

Back at the battlefield, Bage and Dryce were locked in a fierce struggle. Bage's golden aura clashed with Dryce's dark energy. Every punch, kick, and blast sent shockwaves rippling through the air. The ground beneath them cracked and heaved as their powers clashed.

"You're just a pawn, a tool for destruction," Bage spat, pushing against Dryce's blade.

Dryce chuckled sinisterly. "And yet, here I am, bringing chaos to your pitiful world. Who's the real tool now, Saiyan?"

Bage's eyes blazed with intensity as he mustered all his strength. "I won't let you destroy everything I care about!"

As the battle raged on, Twilight and her friends, now adorned with the Elements of Harmony, teleported to the battlefield. The air crackled with magic as they confronted the chaos unfolding before them.

"Bage, we're here for you!" Twilight called out, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and concern.

Bage glanced back at his friends, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes. "I can't let him harm anyone else. Get ready, because this ends now!" With a renewed surge of power, Bage charged back into the fray, the Elements of Harmony glowing brightly in the background.

The battlefield became a maelstrom of energy, as the forces of good and evil clashed in a desperate struggle. The fate of Ponyville, and perhaps the entire planet, hung in the balance.


Lord Frieza Command Ship, Deep Space on route to Planet Rudan

"Lord Frieza, Dryce's signal is gone. Should we change course and investigate?" Appule asked, looking toward the hover chair.

"Hardly. If he blundered into his demise, it's his own imbecilic fault. And if he's gone rogue, we'll deal with him in due time. Right now, our focus remains on the crucial matter. Stay on course for Planet Rudan; the sooner we conclude this, the better," Frieza dismissed Appule's concerns with a wave, tapping the armrest of his chair. "After all, what's the worst that could unfold on such a primitive world?"

"Well, Lord Frieza, from the snippets we gathered over the connection, it appears he encountered a Saiyan," Appule revealed, causing the shattering sound of glass to resonate through the ship's bridge. Frieza had clenched his wine glass so fiercely that it shattered.

"A... Saiyan, Appule? Are you absolutely certain? No mistakes?" Frieza's voice quivered with anger. Appule gulped, desperately searching for a way to navigate this perilous situation.

"Y-yes, Lord Frieza. We didn't catch a name, but his power reading was around 45,000, and YIPE!" Appule's heart skipped a beat as a beam narrowly missed his head, the sound of destruction ringing in his ears.


"Yes, Lord Frieza," Appule whimpered, hastily retreating from the room. Frieza turned back to the window, fixing his gaze on a small green dot in the distance—the imminent destination, Planet Rudan.

"Perhaps I should have dispatched his handler; she could have kept him in check with that remote of hers. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20." Frieza snapped his fingers, summoning a soldier to bring him another glass, which was promptly filled with wine.


Canterlot Statue Gardens

CRACK. "MHMHahaha." A statue in the Canterlot gardens began to glow with a menacing, chaotic energy. "A death, in Equestria? How bizarre, you're starting to slip up Celestia. Looks like I'm SLATED for an early release. Get ready, readers, because we're all due for some chaos, MHMHAHAHAH."

Ponyville Outskirts, Battleground

I'd recommend listening to this for this next part (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34z81AOjLjo)

"You killed her, you came here to kill everyone. I don't care if Frieza ordered it, you're still going to pay!" Bage spat, his nails digging into his palms so hard that they bled. Dryce raised his hands to fire a Kaizer Beam, but Bage sped forward and grabbed his hands.

"GAH, let go of me you bastard!" Dryce struggled to pull away, but Bages' grip was too strong. He squeezed, and Dryce felt his wrists crack. "AAHH, please, I'm sorry, just don't kill me!" Bage grabbed the collar around his neck, lifting him into the air, the collar straining under the weight.

"What makes you think you can just talk your way out of this? What makes you think I'll just forgive you?!" Bage yelled, the collar beginning to buckle. "You killed Sunset right in front of me, while her guard was down! Do you have no pride, no honor?!" One of the collars connectors snapped, and the rest failed soon after. Dryce fell back to the ground, the collar that had held him captive for so long landing in front him. But he could only stare in fear at the figure in front of him. Bage lifted a hand, charging a Fury Lancer. "I'm going to kill you, just like you killed her. Like you were planning to do to the rest of the planet!" Just before he could fire, a voice cried out.

"BAGE, STOP! YOU BEAT HIM, PLEASE STOP!" Twilight and her friends galloped toward him, wearing the Elements of Harmony. "Bage, please, don't do this!"

"WHY NOT? WHY SHOULD I LET HIM LIVE?!? HE KILLED HER, HE WAS GOING TO KILL EVERYONE, WHY SHOULD HE GET ANY MERCY?!" Bage roared, making Twilight flinch and Fluttershy duck behind Applejack.

"Because you're not a killer, Bage. I've known you for 12 years, and I've seen you change. This isn't you." Twilight reached a hoof toward him, but he just growled.

"I've killed plenty, Twilight. This is no different. Those soldiers, every planet I helped conquer under Frieza, I would've killed Celestia if she hadn't tricked me when we first met. SO TELL ME HOW YOU KNOW I'M NOT A KILLER?!"

"Because you didn't kill Celestia. You didn't kill me. Those soldiers were threatening Ponyville, and Equestria as a whole. That's how I know." Twilight stepped closer to Bage, trying to grab his hand. Bage glared at her, his hand twitching. Suddenly, he rushed forward grabbing Dryce's hand right as he fired a death beam, sending it off course and missing Twilight by a hairsbreadths'.

Bage picked Dryce up and hurled him at the side of Mount Canterhorn, his body crashing into the hole Bage had made before. "STOP TRYING TO PLAY MEDIATOR, TWILIGHT! HAVE THE ELEMNTS READY, AND MAYBE THERE'LL BE ENOUGH LEFT OF HIM TO PETRIFY!" Bage screamed, and flew at Dryce kicking him into the air.

Twilight stood stock still, panting. She had been a mere moment away from death, and Bage had saved her. "Twilight, darling, are you alright?" Rarity placed a hoof on her shoulder in concern, but Twilight shook her head.

"He, th-that alien, he, almost k-killed me. I a-almost, d-died." Twilight stuttered, her eyes wide and unfocused. A series of sonic booms shook the ground beneath them, sending shockwaves that shattered windows across Ponyville and Canterlot.

Bage was going all out, sending punch after kick against Dryce's body, ping-ponging him back and forth across the sky. Everytime he'd get a moment to compose himself, another punch struck him in the jaw, or a kick sent him spiraling through the air. 'This is what he meant when he said he wasn't trying! Is this the legend Frieza was so afraid of? The Super Saiyan?' Dryce thought as he was knocked this way and that, hardly able to even defend himself.

A flurry of punches rattled his body, breaking ribs and forcing him to cough up blood. 'I need to think of something. I need to stop this, or he'll kill me!' Dryce remembered something he heard a long time ago, before he was enslaved by Frieza, a rumor about wish orbs. His one eye that wasn't swollen shut widened. "WAIT, I know how you can get your friend back!" Dryce yelled, and a punch stopped just short of his face. Bage glared at him, silently demanding he continue. "I heard something, before I was sent here, about a set of wish orbs. They can grant any wish! If you let me live I can tell you where they are, a-and I can even take you there!"

Bages' eyes narrowed, and he lowered his fist. "Do you honestly think I'm going to believe that?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"N-No its true! They were created by a race called Namekians! If we leave now, we could probably get to their planet in 8 months time, I swear!" Dryce was desperate at this point, waving his hands wildly. Bage stared him down, debating over whether or not to trust him.

"Fine, but if you're telling the truth, which I doubt, you have to do one thing." Bage watched as Dryce's eye lit up.

"Of course, anything!" Dryce said eagerly. Bage pointed down towards Twilight and the others.

"You're going to get blasted by the Elements, and if there's even a shred of decency in you, you'll be purified. If there isn't, you'll be left as a statue, and I'll turn you into rubble, got it?!" Bage spat, his eyes flashing dangerously. Dryce weighed his options, and figured if he was petrified at least he wouldn't feel himself get shattered.

"Sure, you've got it, whatever I need to do." He agreed, and Bage grabbed him and flew down toward the group on the ground.

"Alright, Twilight, do it," Bage ordered. Twilight snapped out of her trance and lit her horn, the rest of the Elements activating. A massive beam of prismatic harmonic energy shot up and then down toward the the two of them. The beam struck and Dryce felt as if every atom of his body were on fire, his mind being compressed, his skin crawling. But after a few moments, he felt his mind growing clearer, and the pain of his injuries faded. The light died down, and he opened his eyes, seeing that the destruction that had littered the landscape was gone. His wounds had been healed. "Tch, looks like you got lucky. Count your blessings, cause you aren't out of the woods yet." Bage told him, causing Dryce to flinch.

"Now settle down there, Bage, If the Elements ain't turned him to dust, I reckon he's good to go." Applejack said, trying to calm Bage down and prevent another fight from breaking out. Bage looked at her with a glare, Applejack giving one of her own. Eventually, Bage caved and turned away, grunting.

Dryce let out a sigh he hadn't realized he'd been holding. His mind felt so, clear, so free. Like he could truly think for the first time. He looked at Bage, and saw that his injuries were also healed, his armor repaired. But his glare remained, directed right at him, his golden aura flaring wildly. "If you were telling the truth, then lets go, and if you try to betray me, not even the Elements will be able to save you when I'm done." Bage threatened, causing Dryce to shrink back.

"Bage, what about... Sunset? Shouldn't we hold a funeral?" Fluttershy mumbled, stepping out from behind Applejack. Bage looked toward her, and his glare softened.

"If what he said is true, we won't need to. I'm going to bring her back." Bage told her, his voice lowering. "Lets go, Dryce." Bage spat his name like it were something foul, shoving him toward the ship. As they walked to the ship, however, a flash of light made the ship turn into a massive rubber duck, the landscape becoming a checkerboard, and the sun and moon moving erratically. "What the ♐︎◆︎♍︎🙵?! Why can't I say ♐︎◆︎♍︎🙵?" Bage clapped his hands over his mouth as a massive lock and chain latched it shut. He tried to tug on it, but it wouldn't budge.

"NOW, NOW. No profanity whilst I'm around. There are young fillies present after all." A deep, menacing voice rang out across the landscape, as the sun and moon came together to form two giant eyes, with yellow sclera and red pupils. The Elements of Harmony vanished off of Twilight and the others, as the voice laughed hysterically. With a flash, a creature that Bage recognized instantly from a stained glass window that he saw over a decade ago, appeared before them, cackling. "Oh, you should the looks on your faces. They're hilarious!" The creature doubled over, literally forming two of himself, as they laughed in unison. "OH, dear me, I haven't laughed that hard in ages. I think it's time we liven things up around here, what do you say?" Bage growled, launching himself at the creature. It simply zipped open its front, letting Bage fly through, and zipped it back again. A pocket watch popped out of it's ear, ticked for a few seconds, before a hole opened in midair, and Bage tumbled out.

"Seriously, what the ♒︎♏︎●︎●︎?" Bage barked, and the lock reappeared, clicking into place.

"Settle down now, Bage. If you keep up that potty mouth, that lock will take longer to come off." The creature patted Bage's head, his Super Saiyan form dissipating as he reverted to his base form. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm in charge now, so no foul language. This is my chance to bring about a whole new era, of chaos. MHMHAHAHAHAHA!"

Bage (Super Saiyan)POWER Level: 2,250,000

Dryce POWER Level: 126,000

Discord Power level: 🗐︎🗄︎⌛︎📄︎🖲︎⌛︎🗏︎🖰︎🗏︎⌛︎📄︎⌛︎🖰︎🖮︎

"Not yet, it's much too soon to let that cat out of the bag."

Author's Note:

Bage has finally gone Super Saiyan, at the cost of Sunset's life. And to make matters worse, Discord is free. The Discord Arc is here. And for anyone wondering when Shiso will make another appearance, soon.

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