• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 1,277 Views, 20 Comments

Lunar Shattering - Broken-Quill

After a millennium of imprisonment, Princess Luna has returned, yet not in her entirety. A significant shard of her essence remains lost, shrouded in darkness. Darkness that gains power to corrupt, to twist the very fabric of reality.

  • ...

Chapter 4

As the train neared its destination, the rhythmic clatter against the tracks seemed to echo the tumult within Princess Luna. The royal compartment, bathed in the golden light of the late afternoon sun, was aflutter with activity as Rarity put the finishing touches on Luna's attire for the significant event in Manehattan.

Luna stood by the window, her posture rigid, trying to steady herself as the landscape blurred past. Rarity, ever attentive, draped an exquisite gown around Luna’s form. The gown, a cascade of midnight blue silk embedded with twinkling stars, was designed to mirror the night sky. Despite its beauty, Luna seemed barely present, her gaze distant and her mind elsewhere.

"Almost there, Princess," Rarity said, her voice laced with encouragement. "Just a few more adjustments to ensure everything is perfect."

Luna nodded absently, her focus drifting. The fabric felt heavy on her shoulders, each sparkle and shimmer reflecting light she barely felt. "Thank thee, Rarity," she murmured, her voice distant, as if she were speaking from across a great expanse.

At that moment, Twilight Sparkle entered, her enthusiasm momentarily filling the room with a different energy. She carried with her the draft of Luna's speech, hoping to anchor the princess back to the moment. "Princess, I’ve put together some thoughts for your speech today, using the one Princess Celestia was originally planning to give. They should help highlight the importance of in advances in Magical technology and affordable access to electricity."

Placing the papers on the table, Twilight tried to catch Luna’s eye, to bring her into the conversation. "See here," she pointed at a section, "I emphasized sustainable magic use—how it blends our traditions with modern needs and importance of the field for all creatures in and outside Equestria "

Luna leaned over the documents, her eyes scanning the lines, but her attention wavered. The words seemed to swim before her, merging into unrecognisable lines. She attempted to focus, to anchor herself to Twilight’s words, but found her mind wandering to the shadows that still clung to her consciousness.

"I... appreciate your efforts, Twilight," Luna finally said, her voice a soft, yet noticeable attempt to add a bit of strength has been present. "This event symbolizes a union of past and present, much like my own path."

Twilight nodded, picking up on Luna's struggle. "Exactly, Princess! Your presence will symbolize a new era in the eyes of Manehattan."

As the train made its final approach, cutting through the outskirts of Manehattan with the city skyline rising in the distance, Luna returned to the window. Her reflection in the glass seemed a ghostly counterpart to the vibrant figure Rarity had dressed. The city awaited her, bustling and alive with expectations she wasn’t sure she could meet.

"Let us proceed," Luna said, turning back to Rarity and Twilight with a forced smile. "Not merely as bearers of progress but as harbingers of hope something I was meant to do."

As the train hissed to a stop at the grand station in Manehattan, the anticipation in the air was palpable. An announcer's voice boomed using a magical loudspeaker, cutting through the buzz of the crowd. "Ladies and gentlecolts, please welcome…”

‘Okay you do can this, smile and wave. Look happy… you have to be strong’

“...Their Royal Highnesses, Princess Luna and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!"

The announcement was met with a roar of hooves stomping on the ground and the incessant clicking of camera shutters. As the doors to the royal cabin opened, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence stepped into the daylight, their figures silhouetted against the bright light streaming into the station. A red carpet unfurled before them, leading the way through the sea of ponies that had gathered to witness this moment. The only thing that stopped that wave of ponies was a thin line of security ponies adorned in black blazers and ties wearing pitch-black sunglasses and small crystals on their coat.

Luna walked out with a large smile on her face, uncertain smile, but a smile non the less. Standing side by side with Cadence. “I swear I will push aunty Celle to legally change my name to only Cadence, I asked to be called that by everyone in Canterlot and guess I have to do the same here” Cadence gowned while still maintaining her happy mask. Luna found that slightly funny, Cadence is far from perfecting Tia’s smile , but she was closer then most. Including her.

Every step Luna took was met with mixed reactions. While cheers filled the air, not all the faces in the crowd reflected joy. As Luna's gaze swept over the gathered ponies, she could see worry and fear etched on some of their faces. With each face of fear she seen her steps became less certain and more weak.

Amidst the complex tapestry of emotions, a small yellow Pegasus foal broke free from his mother's grasp, his laughter slicing through the ambient noise as he dashed toward the princesses with unrestrained glee. "Weeeeeee!" he jumped around flapping his small wings, his voice filled with excitement. He managed to run past security directly onto the red carpet with the speed some might consider impossible for such a small pony. Running at that speed he didn't manage to stop in time as he bumped into Luna. Momentarily shocked by her height he looked at her with wide-open eyes.

Luna paused, her heart warmed by the child's innocent enthusiasm, and she bent down to greet him with a gentle smile. "Hello there… little one," she said, her voice a soft whisper amidst the clamour. The foal looked at her with a smile of his own, attempting to say something.

However, the moment of warmth was short-lived. The foal's mother, her face pale with fear, rushed forward and scooped him up with her wings and placed him on her back. Her eyes wide as she looked at Luna. "I'm sorry, Your Highness," she stammered, clutching her child close with her wing. "Im really sorry..."

She quickly retreated into the crowd, her fearful gaze locked on Luna until she disappeared among the sea of bodies. The foal, still on his mother's back turned to wave at Luna, his smile fading into a confused frown as he looked at his mother's distress. Luna could only return the small wave.

The interaction left a chill in Luna’s heart. She stood up, her smile faltering slightly as she turned to Cadence, who offered a supportive nod. "It's going to take time, Luna," Cadence whispered. "But remember, for every look of fear, there is a smile of hope. Today is just the beginning."

With a deep breath, Luna raised her head, her posture regal yet open. She resumed her walk down the red carpet.
As they continued toward their destination, Luna’s thoughts lingered on the young foal's smile, she managed to smile without forcing herself to do so. It was a small victory , but a victory non the less.

From the distance the Electric-Magic Power Plant Station wasn’t different to any ither large building around them. Sure it was significantly smaller then any high-rise around them but it was large in area that’s for sure. The power plant looked larger than the one in Canterlot that Luna seen on images from newspapers. It probably looked the size of her old castle that now lay abandoned, at least she thought it was as large from the outside. Just like the one in Canterlot it had large metallic structures surrounding it , carrying large wires across. The difference though was noticeable, on top of this power station were several enormous large crystals that were connected by some cables. Looking closely she could see large swarms of Pegasi making last minute preparations for the opening of the power plant.

As the two princesses accompanied by Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Spike, approached the gleaming entrance of Manehattan’s new Electric-Magic Power Plant Station they were joined by the remaining members of the Elements of Harmony in a flurry of greetings and excitement.

Applejack, with a friendly grin and a slight shake of her head, greeted the group. "Well, we sure are glad y'all made it! Though I gotta say, keepin' Pinkie here from bumpin' into every pony along the way was a full-time job!" She chuckled as she glanced towards Pinkie Pie, who was practically vibrating with excitement ready to explode an second. One might see it as a miracle that she is even allowed to be near the princesses.

"Oh my gosh, there are just so many ponies!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, her voice tinged with irrepressible excitement. "And I've been meeting all of them! Each one could be a new friend, or a party guest, or a party planner, or even a party hat designer! Or even…" Her eyes sparkled as she bounced on the spot, seemingly oblivious to the mild chaos she’d been causing.

"There are just... just so many ponies," a whisper came from behind Apple Jack, her voice barely audible over the din. Fluttershy, typically reserved and easily overwhelmed, peeking out with wide, anxious eyes behind the earth pony. The bustling crowd, the noise, and the excitement that thrilled Pinkie Pie seemed to have the opposite effect on her.

Her gaze flitted nervously from face to face, her ears pinned back against her mane. Every so often, she would retreat further behind Applejack, as if the earthy-toned mare was a protective barrier against the sea of strangers.

Applejack noticed her friend’s discomfort and gave her a gentle, reassuring pat on the back. "Don’t you worry none, Fluttershy. If it gets to be too much, you just let me know. We’ll find a nice quiet corner away from all this ruckus, hay we can go and visit the Manehattan zoon after this is done ," she said, her voice a soothing drawl.

Pinkie Pie, overhearing the conversation, bounced closer, her energy undimmed. "Or, or, or, we could throw a 'Not-So-Many Ponies Party' sometime! Just a few ponies, super quiet, lots of comfy pillows, and maybe...oh, maybe even silent confetti!!!". At that the pink pony managed to produce a small party canon out of thin air, simultaneously receiving funny looks from ponies around her.

Fluttershy managed a small smile at Pinkie’s suggestion, her tension easing a little. "Thank you, Pinkie. That sounds... nice," she said, her voice still a whisper compared to Pinkie’s exuberance.

"Super-duper quiet party it is!" Pinkie declared, momentarily adopting a conspiratorial whisper that was more like a stage whisper, at the same time producing a sticker with ‘Silent written on it’ and sticking it on the party canon. "It'll be the quietest party in all of Equestria!". At this words , the doors suddenly swung open, revealing two older ponies whose presence seemed as unique as the station itself.

The first, a bright and sparky unicorn with a vibrant mane of wiry silver, stepped forward with a wide grin. His coat was electric blue speckled with tiny, shimmering points of white dots. His name tag gleamed under his shiny silver aura: "Edison Sparkwire."

Beside him, a taller, more reserved figure, a Pegasus with a sleek mane that alternated between dark and light shades of grey, giving off an aura of calm intensity. His deep charcoal coat and serious eyes contrasted with Edison's more flamboyant appearance, having a grey Mustache covering most of his muzzle. His name tag read "Tesla Coil"

"Did somepony say party?" Edison exclaimed with an enthusiastic flare, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he glanced at Pinkie Pie, who immediately nodded vigorously, her smile widening with every second.

Nikolai, though more subdued, offered a polite nod and a small smile, his gaze sweeping over the group before settling on the princesses. "Welcome to the first Electric-Magic Power Plant Station, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence. We are honored to host you today."

“Or E.M.P.P.S” for short Edison Sparkwire added.

Edison, not one to let a moment of excitement pass by unamplified, quickly chimed in, his voice eager. "And speaking of honor, will Princess Celestia be arriving too? We’ve prepared some special demonstrations that we think would truly dazzle her!"

Cadence shook her head gently. "Actually, Celestia won’t be able to make it today. She's currently engaged in crucial diplomatic talks at the border with the Holy Griffin Empire regarding the recently mineral rich in our territory among those minerals it is believed a huge quantity of magical crystals . It's a sensitive situation that requires her immediate and personal attention."

At the mention of the mineral-rich territory, Edison Sparkwire's eyes lit up with recognition, and he quickly interjected, enthusiasm bubbling in his voice. "Ah, the Serenite Fields! I actually discovered those lands during one of our exploratory missions. Isn’t that right, Tesla?"

Tesla Coil gave a nod, his expression composed yet slightly amused by Edison’s eagerness to take credit. "Indeed, we did chart the area. Though, if I recall correctly, it was a joint effort, Edison, I was the one that actually crea-"

Edison, not missing a beat, flashed a wide grin. "Of course, of course, a joint effort," he said, his tone playful yet carrying a hint of wanting to ensure he received due recognition. "But, let’s just say I was the one who had the keen eye to spot the initial signs of the magical crystals. Without that, who knows if we would have realized the full potential of the land?"

Tesla rolled his eyes subtly as he spoke under his breath “You found them using my machine”, used to Edison's antics but choosing not to contest the point further in the company of royalty. Instead, he added diplomatically, "It’s fortunate that such resources are being discussed carefully. The potential for those crystals is vast, and in the right hands, they could benefit all of Equestria significantly."

Cadence smiled at the banter between the two, appreciating their contributions. "It’s impressive what you both have accomplished. And now, Princess Celestia is working to ensure that these resources are secured and used responsibly, promoting peace rather than conflict."

After Cadence finished speaking, Tesla Coil stepped forward with an inviting gesture. "Since we have a bit of time before the opening ceremony, why not take a tour of the on-site museum? We've curated a collection that chronicles the evolution of magical energy use in Equestria, along with some of our latest technological advancements."

Edisons eyes twinkled with pride. "It's truly a sight to behold, showcasing not just history but the potential future of magi-tech. I think you'll find it quite enlightening."

Twilight Sparkle’s reaction was instantaneous and exuberant. "A museum? Here? That’s incredible! There’s a museum inside the station? We absolutely must see it right now!" Her voice pitched up in excitement as she started towards the museum entrance at a pace just short of a gallop.

Rarity quickly trotted up beside her, laying a gentle hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Darling, do remember to breathe! There’s plenty of time, and we wouldn’t want to rush through such an exquisite exhibit." Applejack grinned and nudged Twilight playfully. "Ease up there, sugarcube. It ain’t goin’ anywhere. Let’s take it nice and slow so we can all enjoy it together." Pinkie Pie bounced around the group. "Oooh, I wonder if they have interactive exhibits! Or maybe even a museum café with themed snacks!"

“Then Lets go” Edison offered signalling to the security pony. The security ponies swung the massive doors wide open. The Elements of Harmony, along with Princess Cadence, began to step inside, their expressions filled with anticipation. Princess Luna, however, paused at the threshold, her gaze lingering momentarily on the ornate details of the museum's facade. The weight of her past and the vastness of the crowd inside seemed to hold her back, a brief shadow of hesitation crossing her elegant features.

Noticing Luna's hesitation, Tesla Coil detached himself from a conversation with Edison Sparkwire and approached her with a gentle and understanding smile. "Princess Luna," he said softly, "we are honoured by your presence today. Please, allow me to accompany you inside. The exhibits we've prepared tell a story of progress and unity , I promise you will love it."

Luna looked at Tesla, a flicker of gratitude lighting up her eyes. With a small nod, she allowed herself to be guided by Tesla Coil, who gestured grandly towards the first exhibit as they crossed the threshold together.

Infront of them, the rest of the group gave a harmonious blend of excitement and chatter. Edison Sparkwire, ever the showman could be heard above all, "You're all in for a treat! The history of magi-tech isn't just about the past, it's a glimpse into the future we're all building together!!!"

Author's Note:

Hi thank you for the read! I hope you like the start so far!