• Published 25th Oct 2023
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My Little Wizard of Oz - BlueBioWolf

The Guardians of Harmony are sent to the Land of Oz with Dorothy Gale after an evening of reading goes wrong.

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Chapter 18: Comfort and Away to the South

Dorothy wept bitterly at the passing of her hope to get home to Kansas again, but, when she thought it all over, she was glad she had not gone up in a balloon. And she also felt sorry at losing Oz and so did her companions.

Nick came to her and said:

"Truly, I should be ungrateful if I failed to mourn for the man who gave me my lovely heart. I should like to cry a little because Oz is gone, if you will kindly wipe away my tears, so that I shall not rust."

Fluttershy wiped Nick’s tears. When he had finished crying, he thanked her kindly and oiled himself thoroughly with his jeweled oil-can to guard against mishap.

Bartleby was now the ruler of the Emerald City and, although he was not a wizard, the people were proud of him. "For," they said. "There is not another city in all the world that is ruled by a stuffed man." And, so far as they knew, they were quite right.

The morning after the balloon had gone up with Oz, the travelers met in the throne room and talked matters over. Bartleby sat in the big throne and the others stood respectfully before him.

"We are not so unlucky," said the new ruler. "For this palace and the Emerald City belong to us and we can do just as we please. When I remember that a short time ago, I was up on a pole in a farmer's cornfield and that now, I am the ruler of this beautiful city, I am quite satisfied with my lot."

"I also," said Nick. "Am well-pleased with my new heart and, really, that was the only thing I wished in all the world."

"For my part, I am content in knowing I am as brave as any beast that ever lived, if not braver," said Raw modestly.

“But, what about Dorothy?” Fluttershy said. “She didn’t get her wish.”

Dorothy sobbed, "I want to go to Kansas and live with Aunt Em and Uncle Henry."

"Well, then, what can be done?" inquired Nick.

Chapter 18: Away to the South, Sunset said internally.

Bartleby decided to think and he thought so hard that the pins and needles began to stick out of his brains. Finally, he said:

"Why not call the Winged Monkeys and ask them to carry you over the desert?"

“It is an idea,” Rarity said. “You do still have two opportunities to call upon their services thanks to the Golden Cap.”

"I never thought of that!" said Dorothy joyfully. "It's just the thing. I'll go at once for the Golden Cap."

When she brought it into the throne room, she spoke the magic words and soon, the band of Winged Monkeys flew in through the open window and stood beside her.

"This is the second time you have called us," said Louie, bowing before the little girl. "What do you wish?"

"I want you to fly with me to Kansas," said Dorothy.

But, the Monkey King shook his head.

"That cannot be done," he said. "We belong to this country alone and cannot leave it. There has never been a Winged Monkey in Kansas yet and I suppose there never will be, for they don't belong there. We shall be glad to serve you in any way in our power, but, we cannot cross the desert. Good-bye."

And with another bow, the monkey king spread his wings and flew away through the window, followed by all his band.

“Well, that was helpful,” Trixie said, sarcastically.

Dorothy was ready to cry with disappointment. "I have wasted the charm of the Golden Cap to no purpose," she said. "For the Winged Monkeys cannot help me."

"It is certainly too bad!" said the tender-hearted Nick.

Bartleby thought again. “We can ask Omby Amby for his advice.”

“There’s an idea,” Starlight said. “He might know something with him being Oz’s confidant.”

So, the soldier was summoned and entered the throne room timidly, for while Oz was alive, he never was allowed to come farther than the door.

"This little girl," said Bartleby to Omby Amby. "Wishes to cross the desert. How can she do so?"

"I cannot tell," answered the soldier. "For nobody has ever crossed the desert, unless it is Oz himself."

“Darn,” Spike said. “Another dead end.”

“There is hope,” Omby Amby said. “That Glinda may be able to help.”

“Glinda?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh, she’s the Good Witch of the South, right?”

“And the most powerful of them all,” Omby Amby said. “She rules over the Quadlings. Besides, her castle stands on the edge of the desert, so, she may know a way to cross it."

“So,” Starlight said. “How do we find her?”

"The road is straight to the South," Omby Amby answered. "But, it is said to be full of dangers to travelers. There are wild beasts in the woods and a race of queer men who do not like strangers to cross their country. For this reason, none of the Quadlings ever come to the Emerald City."

“Well,” Raw said. “With my newly-realized bravery, I shall be able to protect my friends from the wild beasts in the woods.”

“Dorothy and the others must go to Glinda,” Bartleby said. “If they stay here, they’ll never return home.”

“Then,” Nick said. “That is what we must do. My axe may be of service to them, so, I also will go with them to the Land of the South.”

“I suggest we go tomorrow morning,” Sunset said. “We have a long journey ahead.”

“Yes,” Dorothy said. “And we will need the rest.”

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter.

Not much to add.

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