• Published 29th Oct 2023
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Cinderella: A Spike x Starlight Story - Big Imagination E

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The Fairy Godmother

Starlight kept running with tears in her eyes and when she headed to the garden outside she cried big time. She still couldn't believe that her own stepmother would do something cruel like that. Then again she was wicked all along. The animals all watched as poor Starlight cried on the bench. They felt sorry for her because she wanted to go to the ball but her cruel daughters had to ruin her dress so she couldn't. But she didn't realize that a glowing light was shining and even though she couldn't see it the animals can. Then the light died down and out came a woman in a white dress with pink, blue and green striped hair (Celestia). She saw Starlight and rubbed her hair.

Celestia is her fairy godmother.

"Are you all right child?" Celestia said.

"No. I lost all hope to go to the ball. I lost my all faith." Starlight cried.

"Now you don't mean that. If you lost all your faith then I couldn't be here right now. And yet here I am." Celestia said.

Starlight looked at her and gasped softly.

"Come on child dry those tears. You can't go to the ball looking that." Celestia said.

"The ball? Oh but I can't." Starlight said sadly.

"Of course you are. But we have to hurry cause even miracles take a little time." Celestia said.

"Miracles? Wait. Then you must be..." Starlight said.

"Your fairy godmother? Indeed I am." Celestia said as she got out her magic wand. "Now the first thing you need is a pumpkin."

"A pumpkin? What good will that do?" Starlight said.

"You'll see. Now if only I can remember the magic words. Oh I know!" Celestia said as she began to sing.


Using her magic wand she casted many spells on things to help Starlight get to the ball. First spell was on the pumpkin transforming into a carriage. Next was on the mice turning them into horses, the third was on the animals turning them into people to accompany Starlight and lead her to the ball. Then the final spell was on Starlight turning the rag into a brand new dress she wears. The dress is a turquoise color with diamonds representing the stars, she had a tiara on her head and the finishing touch was on her feet a pair of glass slippers with her cutie mark. Starlight absolutely looked beautiful in this and she adored the look.

"Oh fairy godmother. It's beautiful. Like it's A dream come true. Thank you." Starlight said.

"You are very welcome child. Now your ready for Spike's Royal Ball." Celestia said opening the door allowing Starlight in the carriage.

"Thanks for this." Starlight said.

"Anytime. But there's something I have to remind you about." Celestia said.

"What is it?" Starlight said.

"The magic I placed on you won't last forever. By the time it reaches midnight the spell will be broken and everything will return to normal. So just remember to be back by midnight." Celestia said.

"Ok. Thanks for reminding me." Starlight said.

"Anytime. Now go have fun at the ball." Celestia said as she disappeared into the light.

Starlight smiled and thanked her for helping. Then she ordered the man to take her to the ball and told the horses to giddyup. They obeyed and off they rode to the ball. Starlight smiled happy knowing her dream is finally becoming a reality. And will be even more magical it she gets to share a dance with the handsome prince.

Author's Note:

Well her dream is finally happening. Get ready for her to meet her Prince Charming.